BKWSU "Schizophrenics have two souls" Theory

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Post by fluffy bunny »

zhuk wrote:Well of course! With the pure magic of Gyan anything is possible. But is must be through the approved official version BK Raja Yoga (tm) ONLY ;) Hmmm, not based on scriptures ... not a cult ... the 'psyche' is diseased ... hey, that's a good one. Yet more uneducated folk-belief ... like the good ole "schizophrenics have two souls" idea :lol:.

So the spin goes on. And they obviously haven't let go of that oh-so-handy little UN lie either ... Looks very good on PR :)
I think it is right to be cautious about making medical claims on anecdotal evidence. I do not think Hansa is a MD though, is she? I thought she was some kind of specialist researcher. Not sure.

Has Hansa actualy published a paper on her findings or is it just another case of the BKWSU preying on the vulnerable, in this case otherwise hopeless terminal cancer patients, and making big PR out of it? That said, it is probably better to die during the Honeymoon Period than without any spiritual life (and certain better than BK life after it ...).
zhuk wrote:And they obviously haven't let go of that oh-so-handy little UN lie either ... Looks very good on PR :)
Hmmn ... not quite a lie, more just an exaggeration. But I agree, and we all know how it is being misused to give credibility to beliefs and practises that the UN would not stand for at all. It is always best to quote someone else or state "in my opinion ..." when you make an accusation. That way you and the forum would be sued so quickly!

Personally, I do believe in possession. I have witness a weird but mild sort of exorcism and sure as heck it was not a load of chemicals or neurons firing off wrongly that did what happened. All the same, I do not believe that every mentally ill person is spooked. Far from it. It is rare but real. In my opinion.

I know that you have some interest in this area, Z, and so point out a recent German language 2006 movie 'Requiem' based on the same events as The Exorcism of Emily Rose . Its the true story of Anneliese Michel, a young Catholic woman from Germany who died in 1976 after unsuccessful attempts to cure her from the alleged state of demonic possession with the means of psychotropic drugs and a church-approved exorcism. Another good example of how religious repression can get it all so badly wrong. It is not frightening at all. In fact, very realistic. It is just very sad and mixed up.
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mr green
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Post by mr green »

Possession may well exist but I don't understand why spiritualists choose to correlate it with mental illness. It is laughable.

Anyone who has had first hand experience of schizophrenia will tell you that these people do not even behave like they are possesed, Most are just experiencing extreme paranoia based on their sense of self collapsing. It is extremely unpleasant to witness and hard work to be with someone in this condition.

I actually find it very dismissive, idiotic and in very poor taste to even suggest the two things are connected, they are not ... I want to make that clear.

Maybe if possesion exists it could just be the ignorance of those around to mistake it for mental illness ... I don't know, but I really don't like this type of rhetoric.

When you've seen first hand and over a long time the ravages schizophrenia has on a person you love, you will have not only a true understanding of the disease, but you will also realise how much it is in bad taste to talk about people who's suffering you cannot even imagine in such a way.
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Post by fluffy bunny »

This is probably headed off onto a topic of its own.
mr green wrote:When you've seen first hand and over a long time the ravages schizophrenia has on a person you love, you will have not only a true understanding of the disease, but you will also realise how much it is in bad taste to talk about people who's suffering you cannot even imagine in such a way.
Agreed. Without a doubt the BK "Two Souls in One Body Theory" is a hangover from the Dark Ages or the villages of India. As with most things the BKWSU churn out, it is an utterly simplistic mental plug, repeated ad nuseum until it become real in the minds of the followers.

'Requiem', the true story of Anneliese Michel, ties in the effects of the battles within the individual and family created religious fundimentalism/repression in Christianity and how it effects and re-interprets someone just having seizures. We have similar (she died in real life) and more extreme cases going on today where kids, particularly in Black Africa Pentacostal churches or under "witchdoctors" are being tortured for what? Probably just hormone inbalance.

In the cases Scott Peck investigates, the individuals were reasonably normal, functioning individuals. He was a property qualified clinical psychiatrist and so the book has some validity. Likewise he reckons that in 99.9% of case it is just mental illness but that we have to leave the door open to the 1 in a 1,000.

Personally, I see our spirit bodies (not soul) a bit like ships passing through the oceans. We pick up all sorts of little barnacles and sometimes stowaways but it is not so much of an issue. Whether these are individuals of their own (not all human) according or mental images floating about in the ether, I think both is the answer.

I am sort of reviewing Lekhraj Kirpalani from the point of view of someone who was caught between mental breakdown, religious ferver and possession, in an unedicated society which could especially not deal with the first nor discriminate the difference between all three.

Interestingly enough, I know a guy that was told by two entirely separate individuals, albeit psychics, that there were two souls in him and that he picked up, or invited the other one in, during a near fatal incident (DOA at a local hospital). He is not mentally ill but I could see that he would fuse the minds of psychiatrists. He is a kind of spiritualist/healer now. What to make of it all ...
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mr green
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Post by mr green »

Yes the closest I've ever come to violence was when a BK I had known for years said straight to my face, after i had returned having been with my brother who had been sectioned again, "do you think he has two souls?". It really is ignorance as ex-l says ... based on superstition ... man, I wanted to deck him :lol:.

The fact is, most schizophrenics don't even experience multi personality!!!!!!!!!!! This is a very rare state and usually happens in those who the illness is not so strong.

All I want to say is the suffering these people go through is literally torture, and when they have lucidity they experience extreme depression on realising how people see them and judge them ... even down to the way people will avoid engaging them in conversation because it is too taxing!!!! Imagine just how that feels!!!!!!!!

I know about about how mental health is tackled in India. Because of the strong family structures that exist there, these people get looked after but they are seen as an embarrasment to the family and hidden away ... this is obviously part and parcel of the prejudice that prevails for mentally ill people in the BKWSU.
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Post by zhuk »

mr green wrote:Yes the closest I've ever come to violence was when a BK I had known for years said straight to my face, after I had returned having been with my Brother who had been sectioned again, "do you think he has two souls?". It really is ignorance as ex-l says ... based on superstition ... man, I wanted to deck him Laughing.
Ha, i don't blame you mr g ... it was very restrained of you not to whack him :lol:.

This is a common misconception, even among those more educated 'Westerners' ... mutiple personality is a completely different disorder. It is not a psychosis and the people suffering from it are not insane - it is in fact a personality disorder & a neurotic reaction to extreme early trauma ...
All I want to say is the suffering these people go through is literally torture, and when they have lucidity they experience extreme depression on realising how people see them and judge them ... even down to the way people will avoid engaging them in conversation because it is too taxing!!!! Imagine just how that feels !!!
My s/o was diagnosed schizophrenic, so I know what exactly what you mean mr g. The pain for this person was too great in the end and he took his own life. 26 is too damn young for anyone to die.
I know about about how mental health is tackled in India. Because of the strong family structures that exist there, these people get looked after but they are seen as an embarrasment to the family and hidden away ... this is obviously part and parcel of the prejudice that prevails for mentally ill people in the BKWSU.
This explains a lot ... re the story di told of the guy who had a psychotic break at Leura and the subsequent Charlie Hogg nastiness ...
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mr green
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Post by mr green »

zhuk wrote:My s/o was diagnosed schizophrenic, so I know what exactly what you mean mr g. The pain for this person was too great in the end and he took his own life. 26 is too damn young for anyone to die.
I am sorry to hear that.
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Post by joel »

Sad both for the loss, and for the suffering that made life unbearable and could not be escaped.
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