quote from Murli:
i want to know about following:Avaykta Murli. 1-1-75 page-10, "jab vinash shuru hoga to tum bachoan ko past ki saari history malum hogi”.
English meaning which says, "When Destruction begins you children will know the entire history of the past"
- 1) Lekhraj kirpalani started dictating Murlis in 1947/48, and from 1950/51, when BKs shifted to Abu that Murlis began to be narrated by ShivBaba directly through Brahma Baba in morning and night classes.
i want to know i anybody has these dictation as well as ALL Murlis from 1950 to 1968, also avaykta Murlis from 1968 to 2007?
2) According to englightment Lekhraj Kirpalani had in 1936, he only knew his part and end of
the world. i want to know;
- a) when there was first mention of 5000 years Kalpa?
b) when BKWSU knew that we are actually soul?
c) soul of animals cannot take human body and vice-versa?
d) was the fact that Shiva is Supreme Soul was recognised only when
Trimurti picture was drawn in 1964?
e) when did BKWSU or Om Mandli started calling Lekhraj Kirpalani as brahma
f) when was there first mention of 9 lakh golden souls to remain in
all Murlis from 1950 to 1968?
g) if you consider congress as kaurav then why so much good is said
in the Ladder picture about Gandhiji?
h) when was there first mention of Paramdham (muktidham)?
i) can anybody give me year when each of these 4 pictures where drawn?
k) in 1950's Murli was there mention of war between America and Soviet
- a) when there was first mention of 5000 years Kalpa?