End of the World Predicted at Meditation Lecture

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End of the World Predicted at Meditation Lecture

Post by vivaespana »


Just found this interesting article in The Keinnyung Gazette, South Korea/April 26, 2007
By Peter Daley regarding the above. Looks like Lee James is in the limelight!

http://www.rickross.com/reference/gener ... al924.html

I felt so conditioned with this fact as it was drummed into my head from a very young age that it affected many of the decisions I took in my life regarding education, career, family, relationships etc. It still haunts me. Has anyone else experienced the negative effects of being told day in day out that the world is going to end, destruction is around the corner etc.

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Re: End of the World Predicted at Meditation Lecture

Post by fluffy bunny »

vivaespana wrote:Looks like Lee James is in the limelight! ... It still haunts me. Has anyone else experienced the negative effects of being told day in day out that the world is going to end, Destruction is around the corner etc.
Yes, without a doubt. I wasted a decade, the best part of my adult life, with the dark clouds of Destruction looming over my head undermining any sensible "life" decisions I ought to have been making.

At that point in the BKWSU historical revision, Destruction was meant to be in the mid-80s, 50 years after the start of the Yugya.

I have also heard other reports that say Lee James has left the BKWSU ... can anyone confirm either way? He was trotting out fairly standard Maya Calendar stuff in a mystic, prophetic manner. Its funny how the BKs will use any "woo-woo" prediction or philosophy that supports their predictions (ignoring all the rest) but wont come out and say its their own prediction ... and they failed many times before.

I particularly dislike the use of "millenarianism" by the BKWSU. Its always just around the corner, close enough to cook your brain but not close enough that you might forget when it goes whoosing past you. Far enough away that most BKs will have given up and left by the time it comes. The leadership must know this by now.
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Re: End of the World Predicted at Meditation Lecture

Post by freedom »

Yes, the idea of the world ending in a few years (this was 22 years ago), made me feel like a total loser. I lost faith in any dream, education, people, and my inner power TO CONSTRUCT, TO CREATE, but FORTUNATELY I left the organization and little by little (a few years actually), I believed in myself again , my hopes, my dreams ... I am 45 years old and feel like my life just started. It doesn't matter what BKs say, the Mayan Calendar, CNN or BBC ... my freedom, my peace, my choices will never be destroyed !!! 8)
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Re: End of the World Predicted at Meditation Lecture

Post by vivaespana »

freedom wrote:Yes, the idea of the world ending in a few years ( this was 22 years ago), made me feel like a total loser, I lost faith in any dream, education, people, and my inner power TO CONSTRUCT, TO CREATE, but FORTUNATELY I left the organization and little by little ( a few years actually), I believed in myself again , my hopes, my dreams ... I am 45 years old and feel like my life just started
Gracias ex-l and Freedom for your comments. Unfortunately, i was introduced to BK knowledge when i was under the age of 10. The BKs had only recently started selling themselves in the West in particular in Europe and, boy, were they strict as some of you may remember. As a child, I couldn't doing anything that was against the Seniors' wishes.

The end of the world dogma was so drummed into my sub-conscious that many decisions I took as I was growing up, were on the basis of all this rubbish. For example, I decided not to study further because the senior BKs would discourage you to go to University in case you got influenced by other young people. Also, they would discourage it because they would say that the education you receive in that University is nothing compared to the education you receive at the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. They would say that the Brahma Kumaris World Spritual university is the highest university with the highest knowledge. i was discouraged to have a partner, relationship, get married, have children etc. What a load of bullsh**!!

On the basis of the influence of the BK organisation, today I find myself suffering considerably in all aspects of my life, whether it is my education, career, relationships family, you name it! This is one of the worst kind of upbringing for any child. I feel that I have completely lost my real personality and have lived a life almost like a zombie for years and years. My personality has been totally crushed, my dreams, my ambitions etc. My life has been such that all i have done is to try to please others. The brahma kumaris discouraged me from doing many things that a normal child would do. Things like having friends, going out with friends, going to the cinema, reading books, eating out, having a haircut, having fun. socializing, not eating food made by anyone except a BK etc. No human being especially not a child should be discouraged or deprived of doing these things!

I feel that my life has been of nothing but suppression. I feel that I have been stripped of my childhood and of growing up normally. Some days I just feel that i cannot continue my life any longer. It's too painful and too much of a struggle. i feel very very lonely, confused, depressed, sad and angry at the same time.

I have never ever had a partner or relationship as this was prohibited as a BK, especially if you were a young BK (a virgin). Relationships of any sort were completely and utterly discouraged. i was told that the only relationship I should have is with God and no one else should pull my intellect. They would also say that the only way you can come close to God is if you detach yourself from everyone and everything including your own body. Be detached from the world and worldly relations.

How sad a life is that? For me to now think about having a partner or relationship seems quite challenging. I don't know where to start. I keep feeling that who the hell is going to understand me, understand where I am coming from, accept me the way I am. I have lost faith and trust in myself and others.

The only thing that is helping me to survive right now is my visit to a counselling therapist. I am fortunate that I have found a therapist with whom I am able to talk to, trust and share my feelings but, boy, is it painful and overwhelming at times. Some days, I just don't want to continue living. It all feels like to much to handle by oneself. All i can do is to pray and hope that one day, God will point me in the right direction. I just hope that God puts some people onto my path who will be able to give me the love and comfort that I missed out on as a child. I do not know how much longer I can cope with this pain alone!

Anyway, thank you in advance for reading this. This was the only place i could let it out other than with my therapist.

That's all for now from the confused :? , depressed, :doubt: , angry :evil: , sad :( Viva.

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Re: End of the World Predicted at Meditation Lecture

Post by fluffy bunny »

vivaespana wrote:On the basis of the influence of the BK organisation, today I find myself suffering considerably in all aspects of my life, whether it is my education, career, relationships family, you name it! This is one of the worst kind of upbringing for any child. I feel that I have completely lost my real personality and have lived a life almost like a zombie for years and years. My personality has been totally crushed, my dreams, my ambitions etc. My life has been such that all I have done is to try to please others. The Brahma Kumaris discouraged me from doing many things that a normal child would do. Things like having friends, going out with friends, going to the cinema, reading books, eating out, having a haircut, having fun, socializing, not eating food made by anyone except a BK etc. No human being especially not a child should be discouraged or deprived of doing these things!
I feel for your viva and it brings it all back for me too.

There is no way that I could have experienced it as deeply as you. I hate to think what it must have been like. But you are absolutely correct in your analysis.

Under any other conditions, what you have just written would certainly be considered child abuse and the parents censured.

All I can say, is please keep writing out of your system. This is what this forum is here for and the world has to know it.
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Re: End of the World Predicted at Meditation Lecture

Post by warrior »

HI all,

The eternal Nostradamus predictions and here a new discovery ... are the BKs inspired by this? Or is there a real connection with Gyan?

"When the prophecies-within-prophecies are deciphered, the hidden timeline of the 2012 Earth Shift is revealed." Please see here: NostradamusOnline.Com

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Re: End of the World Predicted at Meditation Lecture

Post by tete »

I just hope that God puts some people onto my path who will be able to give me the love and comfort that I missed out on as a child.
Un abrazo corazon.:-) Yes, healing the child within is a focus many of us take. I include myself in this category too! It helps us to find out how we are wired and helps us in finding the hidden locks and more importantly the keys to our lives. Take heart in knowing that things do get better and we often find more lovely things to inspire us, as time passes on our journey of life.

The fact that you are optimist and are open to love is most endearing. I am always humbled when hearing of the young children affected and how they have the will to survive and still remain open to love. You give me hope and inspiration in being so honest in relaying your hardships. Gracias.

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Re: End of the World Predicted at Meditation Lecture

Post by arjun »

vivaespana wrote: feel that my life has been of nothing but suppression. I feel that I have been stripped of my childhood and of growing up normally. Some days I just feel that i cannot continue my life any longer. It's too painful and too much of a struggle. i feel very very lonely, confused, depressed, sad and angry at the same time.
Dear sister,

Hello. I can understand your feelings since I too have been first a BK and then a PBK since my early childhood and do accept that BK/PBK way of life deprives a BK/PBK child of many of the experiences that a non-BK child would have and therefore I believe that BK/PBK parents should not force their views/beliefs upon their children. They should suggest/guide/advice them, but let them choose their own path once they are able to think/decide for themselves.

BK/PBK parents should also try to give their children as many moments of joy as possible instead of forcing them to follow the BK/PBK path.
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