BK concept of "Destruction"

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Post by arjun »

sister Bansy wrote:Let us know what your meaning of this 1976 destruction.
Just adding a line to what Brother Andrey has clarified. The destruction in 1976 was not meant to be physical destruction but the destruction of the wicked ones within the world of us Brahmins.

When the Sun of Knowledge (Gyaan Soorya) gets revealed in the world of Brahmins, the worms and insects which were getting sustenance under the cool light of the Moon of knowledge (Gyaan Chandrama) begin to struggle for life (like fishes without water or birds without feathers) in the fire-like sharp light of knowledge.

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Post by atma »


You put the following into very unique words.
When the Sun of Knowledge (Gyaan Soorya) gets revealed in the world of Brahmins, the worms and insects which were getting sustenance under the cool light of the Moon of knowledge (Gyaan Chandrama) begin to struggle for life (like fishes without water or birds without feathers) in the fire-like sharp light of knowledge.
I really enjoyed the connection with the knowledge and Ram using his arrows to destroy evil in Hindu stories and the meaning behind it.

Do you know the percentage of souls that left the BKs after 1976?

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Post by bansy »

Andrey wrote:It is written in the pictures: corruption, irreligiousnes, unrighteousness insolvency and siffering will come to an end in Bharat within 10 years and Golden Aged
Arjun wrote:When the Sun of Knowledge (Gyaan Soorya) gets revealed in the world of Brahmins,
So 1976, the destruction of BKs but the year of the revelation (PBKs), also the end of the Golden Age Shooting, is this correct ?

When does the Silver Age shooting end, in 1997 (21 years after 1976) or 1988 (12 years after 1976) ? Just a bit of churn.
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Post by mitra »

Om Shanti,
Subtle Region exists only at this Confluence Age. It does not exist in the remaining period of the World Drama

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Post by aquoso »

For me only one thing is more and more evident every year that pass by and is that we are responsible for our actions and if we actually take our existence to an end is because the simple fact that every one of us is not accepting that responsibility and waiting for the end of the world to come. History has shown us many times that we could inflict a lot of pain to others, therefore to our selfs, and exactly that fact is the living proof that we can create a Golden Age on earth without the need of a terrible end in order to start again another cycle. Why? just look back, you want more hell that the one we already have been through?

We must to mature as humans and learn from our mistakes. It is not a matter of giving to our ears what we want to hear or what we want to believe. We must see life with hope and get out of the nightmare of the end of the world, but at the same time we must act together to generate clear ideas of how to do it using all the knowledge that we "do" have in our hands. Brahma Baba has shown us a vision of how to live a pure life and many of us have experienced that happiness but we are not the entire world. We, in fact, may be wasting all our capacity to create a new reality waiting for an end instead of move ahead in to the creation of a better world. The world is thirsty of hope for a new beginning but all religions just point to the end. And if we all only see that end, the end for sure will come, and I don't see a Golden Age after that end. We will return to the stone age if we survive the end.

If the BKs change the vision of their future from THE END to THE BEGINNING RIGHT NOW of the Golden Age, creation will be the most transformative and powerful religion or movement on the earth that ever existed. With all my respects to what has been said by all the masters and gurus of the entire world, we don't want to see the truth.
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Post by abrahma kumar »

Nice one Aquoso.
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Post by bkti-pit »

ex-l wrote:• Simple question, is it still America versus Russia?

It would be an honest [Western or educated] BK that speaks openly about the truth we/they all have about how difficult they find living with the teachings of BK Destruction, the difficulties in telling others, the difficulties they had/have with the 5,000 years, the difficulties in dealing with the anomalies it throws up - and how it effects one's life.

But perhaps if folks started to be honest then Shiva or Brahma will answer them.
Dear ex-l,

I have been reading this question of yours quite a few times. I have not finish reading all the posts on this topic and don't know if you got an answer. I am new on this forum and this is my first post and I want to be honest with you.

I have been in Gyan for 23 years and I am sorry if I am a little loose with the Gyan. So far I believe that God spoke and still speaks the Murlis but I am very aware of the editing of the Murlis. So what did God really say and how much has been edited and how much is lost in the translation? I cannot say but I do trust my sense of truth (it has served me well up to now) and I think that despite all the alterations I can still get the essence of it and make something good out of it for my own life and that of those around me.

On the topic of the nuclear war between America and Russia, I cannot say what is the official position of the Brahma Kumaris institution these days, as I do not read all their stuff and rarely listen to a class by a senior or any other teacher anymore, but as far as what God says in the Murlis, considering the alterations and considering that my memory might not be totally accurate, it seems pretty clear to me that it is often stated in the Murlis that there will be a nuclear war between America and Russia.

When I teach the course, I am not usually so specific but I do mention destruction trough nuclear war, civil wars and natural calamities. I try to take the pulse of the students and try to give them only what I think will be helpful to them. I feel that at the end, after they are told about God coming and speaking the Murli, if they are interested, they will eventually get it all from the source and will be able to make up their own mind about it. I am honest with them about the editing of the Murlis, about what is my own understanding of it and what is or seems to be generally taught as being the official teaching of the institution.

If we want to go into the details, it seems to me that what has been generally taught by this institution is that there will be a nuclear war between America and Russia, that most of the world will be destroyed by nuclear bombs and that civil wars and natural calamities will also have a part in the destruction of the old world and that somehow Bharat will be spared the nuclear destruction, etc.

Now, how much of what is usually understood as being the teachings of the Brahma Kumaris has actually been spoken by God and how much has been created by human minds? I think that a lot is man made. So I don't mind taking my distances from it and using my sense of truth to discern what makes sense to me.

In terms of the difficulties that the concept of destruction created in my life: honestly, it did not. I have been shocked by the possibility of destruction ever since I became aware of the existence of nuclear bombs when I was a child in the early sixties and I became convinced that it was inevitable in the early seventies, a decade before I got the Gyan. I was pretty hopeless and saddened about it. Gyan gave me hope, taught me that something good would come out of it and that the better world I had been dreaming of, the world of peace and justice I had been fighting for, would become a reality. I have no doubt about that, I have no difficulty telling others that this is what I believe and I have no problem to say that there is no scientific evidence of the cycle being true.

How can a satopradhan world emerge from the ashes of Kaliyug, how can perfect satopradhan bodies be born from tamopradhan bodies, I don't really know. The explanations generally given by BKs do not satisfy my sense of truth. I made up my own explanations to try to make some sense of what I understand God as saying, but even that is questionable and, all that said, honestly, it does not matter much to me. Whether the Confluence Age is exactly 100 years and the cycle exactly 5000 years, whether there are 5, 6 or 7 billion souls, whether God may not be accurate with numbers, it does not matter much to me and it does not affect my faith in God or my understanding that he is the Truth.

It is not the theoretical knowledge that pulled me to the Brahmin life, it is the experience of God's pure love and its impact on my life. From the very beginning my aim has been to experience this love more and more and also to become loving in the same way. To me it is in this that God is Truth, in his benevolence and his purity. Yes I believe in Golden Age but it is not that which really motivates me. What motivates me is to imbibe God,s benevolence and purity, use it in my daily life and thus help in making this old world a little better.

I have my own issues with the BK institution, the dishonesty, the secrecy, the covering up, the falsifying, the arrogance, and all the harm it creates. I may discuss that at some other time but this is not the topic here.
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Post by arjun »

Dear BKTi-Pit,

Om Shanti and welcome to the forum. Your first post is a very honest one, and I appreciate it. By the way, are you from India or abroad? And whether you can read Hindi? From the way you have written about the edititing and alterations in Murlis, it appears as if you know Hindi. In that case, we would hope to benefit from your treasure of knowledge.

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Post by pilatus »

Dear BKTI-PIt and aquoso,

It's really refreshing to read a topic close to my heart and see two BK's talking openly, honestly and maturely about how you integrate your knowledge and experience with your own thoughts and ideas to make it work for you personally. I agree with both of you and would like to see more of us doing the same. I particularly liked these points.
BKTi-Pit wrote:It is not the theoretical knowledge that pulled me to the Brahmin life, it is the experience of God's pure love and its impact on my life. From the very beginning my aim has been to experience this love more and more and also to become loving in the same way. To me it is in this that God is Truth, in his benevolence and his purity. Yes I believe in Golden Age but it is not that which really motivates me. What motivates me is to imbibe God,s benevolence and purity, use it in my daily life and thus help in making this old world a little better.
I was on stage with Jayanti at GCH after my one and only visit to Madhuban and shared about how my recent experiences had aided my transition from being the child of a cold war warrior. This mean that the BK teaching on destruction has always resonated both negatively and positively with me.
aquoso wrote:For me only one thing is more and more evident every year that pass by and is that we are responsible for our actions and if we actually take our existence to an end is because the simple fact that every one of us is not accepting that responsibility and waiting for the end of the world to come ... If the BKs change the vision of their future from THE END to THE BEGINNING RIGHT NOW of the Golden Age, creation will be the most transformative and powerful religion or movement on the earth that ever existed.
This is so true, not just for the BK and all other faiths, but for each and every one of us. The key decision is to choose to live your own "Golden Age" right now. Seeking every minute of every day to change your own life and the world around you, not out of fear, but out of Love (of Self, God and all creation) and a desire to live your own path and Truth.

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Post by bkti-pit »

Dear Arjun,

I am a western BK and I do not read Hindi.

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Post by alladin »

Thanks to all for the interesting points. I will do more reading and posting on the topic. For now, let me just share two words that came to mind as a headline whilst I was washing up last nite: " Mesmerized by the concept of Destruction". See ya!
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Post by bansy »

The chances of the word being destroyed by an asteroid-comet is the focus of a lot of work and money. See;asteroid 99942_Apophis.

This asteroid is so far the "most dangerous" it seems as it has closely passed the earth in 2004 and will pass us again in 2029 and again in 2036. A sizeable comet hitting the earth will like wipe us out, and ameobas will rule the world again.

There may be other "near earth objects", as these comets are called, being found as we speak. Must be fun, watching rocks in space. Of course, the best part will be putting them all back for the next drama cycle :wink:.
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Period pre-Destruction

Post by warrior »

Today, at my local BK centre, a Senior Sister gave her experience from the period pre- Destruction ... When Sakar Brahma Baba declared Destruction in 10 years time he also gave order for all children to be in Tapasya, deep meditation, for at least 8 hours a day. So no matter what anyone was doing, apart from that work or service, the children had to have 8 hours to spare each day for this special and difficult time to come – Destruction!

When Destruction didn’t happen by 1976 so many children that were grown up, many brothers and sisters gone away and got married. After sometime they were coming back and she called them as half-caste Brahmins. Even though they were half-caste they were going to Mount Abu and still doing so till today.

That way this sister related her story and said that at same time there was the period called 'The Beggary' part in the Yagya, when food was scarce. So at that time they had to go out and do service.

The Brahmins that used to live at their lokik places, they too were saving whatever they could so they could help the Yagya. So whatever was earned was sent to Baba. In a way everyone made Baba their child and so it was natural to help the Yagya that way. Once her lokik mother went to see Baba in a white dress and Baba said to her – ‘Are you a widow? If you are staying in your home you should wear colour clothes and not all white.’ Baba didn’t want anyone to spend money to buy white clothes ...
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Post by bro neo »

The BKs can say what they want. From where I am sitting they look either evil, stupid, or both.
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Post by trinity »

" If i can make them believe this, they will believe anything". Was it not somewhere in de Murli??? :roll:

Well, there you go!!
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