Different religions

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Different religions

Post by andrey »

Baba gives main characteristics of different religions. From my own experience I will share about communism and with the conciousness that now all different religions are to finish and all the characteristics that have covered the soul will merge, and one true religious will be established once again.

Communism is the faith in faithlessness. It has now taken the whole world, hasn’t it. There is no faith in God, the soul, heaven, hell. There is faith in science and matter. There is research in the atom and powerfull weapons for mass destruction are made ready.

Communism does not belive in kings. It believes in the communes, or mass. Although there may be a powerfull leading personality, more powerful than him is considered to be The Party. An entity with no face, no real proportions, everything can enter there and disappear, everything can come out of it. It is very fearful. Decisions are taken collectively. The mass opinion is dominant. Everything against is chased.

Fear is the secret weapon. Killing is a way, prisoning, blackmailing, dismissing. The Law is strong but the non written law of degeneration is commonly known, accepted but never spoken about it and the effort is to officially reject it. Collectivism is encouraged. Hidden personalities as myths do the real rule, horrifying the mass. There is cult, and fear of institution, that becomes so strong. Pointless bureaucracy and activities are created to keep people under control. Ego of position. False power based on authority of position

Christianity is such a religion that shows anger as suddenly as a volcano. Its face may be OK, but one can guess the fire inside that cannot be stopped. That’s why in the Murlis it is said bombs are dropped in anger. Making many contacts with the opposite sex. Advertising. Pomp, show. Colorfulness outside, emptiness inside.

But who will say we are the Masters of the World. Who will accept that the earth and sky, everything belong to us. These will be the deity religion that comes first and can be considered as hosts. All others come later. They can accept everyone, others keep figthing amongst themselves.

This is the religion ShivBaba has come to establish once again. All other religions will have to merge their specialties and an universal family will have to be created.
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Re: Different religions

Post by fluffy bunny »

Andrey wrote:Communism is the faith in faithlessness. It has now taken the whole world, hasn’t it. There is no faith in God, the soul, heaven, hell. There is faith in science and matter.
Did you live under the Communist regime in Russian or Poland? Why did you leave the BKs? That was a pretty radical thing to do.

Andrey, I sense a great sadness and heaviness within you that may only be lifted by the hope or faith that you have found God. To me though, the way that you answer is by not entering into discussions but just dropping Murli points. People here all know the Murli points and do not need " served ". We are hear to discuss and inquire, to look into the subtle aspects and to question the contradictions.

In a sense, you seem to be a Stalinist BK laying down The Party's opinion and wanting to crush criticism and dissent. You are becoming that which you hate. To have left the BKs, you must have had strong doubts. Being a PBK, you must be pretty alone. Why did you leave?

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Post by proy »

Andrey wrote:Baba gives main characteristics of different religions. From my own experience I will share about communism
Yes, Brother, please do share about communism and your own personal story within it and in becoming a BK and then a PBK.

I agree that communism is a kind of religion or faith that puts its belief in materialism. Elsewhere you have said that your hneymoon is still continuing now since you became a BK and then a PBK. Did you have a honeymoon with the communists also?

Om Shanti, in Godly service and divine remembrance of Shiva,

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Post by andrey »

Dear brother,

Murli points are not to be just heard once and said upon "aha" - clear. even in school when we study literature we study deeper and try to find hidden meaning, metaphors etc. For instance golden bricks - Baba says means golden - meaning truthful souls. Palace of gold means gathering of truthful souls etc, etc. These are not written in the Murlis, because Baba keeps on explaining.

Faith in the soul and God will definetely remove one's sadness and heaviness, but one should speak of ones onself first. I have not left BK due to dissapointment, because dissapointment is not a good quality. One can surely see shortcomings but why not have benefit. I have just become a PBK. Why have I not called myself BK earlier? Why would I call myself PBK now? So that people can know whom do I belong to.

Baba says this knowlege is for those who are unhappy. Those who are happy being ex-BK, why should they take this knowledge? Criticism, etc. is no good. It is not me that will finish it. With time it will disappear, when politeness and positiveness emerge. Yes, I have been alone as a BK also. It can be seen as good or bad however one wishes. But brother I apprechiate your warm feelings. Think of onself first. I live in Bulgaria.

One becomes what one loves. Hatred and love all are form of Yoga of the intellect is not. But loving intellect to God will be victorious and hateful will be destroyed. How? It may mean - it will become loving, or something else Baba knows best. Communism has surely had good side also.

Dear brother proy,

How do you remember Shiva - the Divine? Do you remember just a point. But how do you know this point is Shiva. All souls are points. Shiva the Supreme Soul becomes corporeal in the permanent Chariot only.
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Murli points

Post by proy »

Dear Brother Andrey,
ex-l wrote:To me though, the way that you answer is by not entering into discussions but just dropping Murli points. People here all know the Murli points and do not need " served ".
I have found that in the two private messages you have sent me, as well as in the posts you have made in reply to me on this topic, that I am having exactly the same problem with you. That is - you are not entering into discussion with me but just quoting Murlis. I know all the Murlis, I am a BK, there is no need to repeat them here. I want to know about you and your feelings and your personal story. If you are unable to share, as you say you want to, then there is nothing for us to discuss.

I send you my best wishes but if you continue to just throw Murli points at me then I am going to have to give up on any attempt to communicate with you. This is not meant as disrespect, I just will not waste my time going around in pointless and fruitless circles. Either get to the real point of sharing or forget it altogether.

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Post by andrey »

It seems everyone belongs to someone. Should we belong to the one who himself belong to someone else, or should we belong to the One whom everyone belongs to directly?
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Post by bansy »

Thank you for sharing your personal story, you have a lot to offer in this forum.
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Post by andrey »

Everyone knows who created which religion and when, e.g. Abraham - Islam - 2500 yars ago, Buddha - Buddhism - 2250, Christ - Christianity - 2000 years ago and Mohammad - Muslim religion - 1500 years ago. There are other smaller religions, but there is always a soul that is the religous Father in a body. Who created Hindu religion and when? ShivBaba creates it now.

It is the deity religion as it has always been the religious Father is not understood by his contemporaries. Christ was cruxified. The same thing happens. Nothing new.
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Andrey's qualifications

Post by fluffy bunny »

Andrey wrote:Christ have been crossed. The same thing happens. Nothing new.

this is the PBK forum and I feel uncomfortable coming to post in it BUT this is a question regarding PBK matters and so I feel it is correct to ask it here.

What qualifications do you have to call yourself a PBK?
And what qualifications did you have to call yourself a BK?

I ask this because I think you are only a BK or PBK in name alone and that you are doing disservice to the PBK faith.

*How long have you followed principles?
*How often do you get up at 4 am in the morning for Amrit Vela?
*How may times a week do you make morning class?
*How much meditiation every day do you do?
*Do you keep a chart?
*How sattvic is your diet?
*Do you still masturbate?
*Do you wash and change your clothes every you ****, wash your bits after you pee?
*How many courses have you taught?
*How many students of your have become BKs, PBK or centres-in-charge?
*How many national or international programmes have been involved in running?

What gives you the right to tell anyone anything? Have you done a teachers' training course?

If you are interested in becoming a teacher, there are people here that will help you become a good one but I think you are just upsetting them.
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Post by atma »

ex-l there is no need to be rude.

If you are bitter then I can understand this.

But your bitterness will only hurt you more then others.

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Post by fluffy bunny »

atma wrote:ex-l there is no need to be rude. If you are bitter then I can understand this. But your bitterness will only hurt you more then others. atma
I cannot see any rudeness in my post whatsoever. All I see is a concern that Andrey may not actually be a BK or a PBK whilst he does disservice in their name. I would much rather prefer that someone honestly presented themselves as they are instead of using a self appointed title. Your assumption that I am being hurtful is wrong. I am merely being objective and analytical.

Perhaps if Andrey is willing to stop beating folk over the head with Murli points, and just be a human being, discussion might be more interesting.

My feeling is that he is still going through the stage of convincing the self by trying to convince others through repetition.

I want to know his level of darna, we might be able to help him.

Thank you.
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Post by fluffy bunny »

Andrey wrote:There are other smaller religions, but there is always a soul that is the religous Father in a body.
Is there? Always? How do you know?

What about Shintoism? What about Taoism? What about Animism? What about the myriad of American and African tribal religions? Wicca? Asatru? Voodoo? Druidism? Which all have older roots that the big 4 Copper Ages religions. Why did not Shiva mention them?

Or Confucianism, the Jains or Zoroastrianism in his cultural theory ? As they were older and influenced later religions including the big 4 profoundly. [ The latter of which probably did have a founder I accept ].
  • Are you sure that you know the big picture?
    What about Satanism? Did Satan take a Chariot too?
    Do you never feel that you might just be being sold a simplistic mental plug to stop you asking deeper questions?
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Post by andrey »

Oh brother,

But i do accept the challenge and will react in a split of a second. Firstly, mind the topic. I too liked to post under ex-BK but it was impossible. It is alway like this in this world, don't come here - go there, don't come to our land stay in your land. When will this "i and my" finish. It seems all have read the PBK site but did not understand very well. And in this brother do you also pay attention? I said i did not call myself a BK and explained why. I did not know why i should. As brother said better open a topic, "helping Andrey", Andrey with "n" is just a name. I sign myself as atma. Service or disservice, i will reap results of my own actions. But yes, i appreciate attention.

What qualifications do you have to call yourself a PBK? - a mother explained to me that Baba asks us to call ourself PBK so that all know whom do we belong to. PBK, you should know what does it mean. It is not that the knowledge given through someone else is of importance. We are encouraged to study directly. For me it has no particular weight.

And what qualifications did you have to call yourself a BK? - explained

I ask this because I think you are only a BK or PBK in name alone and that you are doing disservice to the PBK faith. - PBK faith, as BK faith or any other type of faith, is a normal type of faith. Baba says, if we don't faith in something our faith goes somewhere else. One can check for oneself.
  • *How long have you followed principles? - which principles? Which is the main principle? "I am a soul" not a soil, but a soul. - very, very little time.
    *How often do you get up at 4 am in the morning for Amrit Vela? - i have my own intoxication to conquers sleep and also if one likes to become no 1, one should wake up at one. If i wake up at four for me is too late. And it is a matter of unlimited Amrit Vela. Amrit Vela is the time when Amrit is given. Amrit is nectar of knowledge. Amrit giver is the Supreme Soul. Amrit Vela is the time before the Sun of Knowledge rises. We should wake up in the unlimited sense.
    *How may times a week do you make morning class? - Baba says two people meet and it becomes a class. I study alone. There is no BK center here.
    *How much meditation every day do you do? - this is an old talk meditation i don't understand. I know Yaad, it means rememberance. Baba says we should use this term and not Yoga because of the confusion. Yaad we have been doing it very easily for 63 births of our physical mother, Father, now the same way we remember. One does not sit to do it. Yes, in the morning, when there is no job to do to, sitting is OK. In the Murli it said, we are the ones that has the most time.
    *Do you keep a chart? Baba says our intellect will become the best diary. Have kept it physically also.
    *How sattvic is your diet? - the food of the intellect is more important.
    *Do you still masturbate? - wah, these thoughts should not even come to your mind. Whatever is the vision so is the world.
    *Do you wash and change your clothes every you ****, wash your bits after you pee? ---yes.
    *How many courses have you taught? - 7 days course
    *How many students of your have become BKs, PBK or centres-in-charge? - none
    *How many national or international programmes have been involved in running? - none
What gives you the right to tell anyone anything? Have you done a teachers' training course? - Right is not to be given but claimed. Aim is not to become a teacher but king. Yes, in school where there is a professor, one may like to become his assistant. But here one becomes king of kings. This is not Shiva the point of light. He does not become a king himself. But who does? In the Murlis, the term used is "you". Although we may listen to and like Murlis they are far from our comprehension. It is meant for one, who imbibes them and the Ganges of Knowledge flows down from the locks of Shankar to cause benefit to the World. Locks mean intellect.

If you are interested in becoming a teacher, there are people here that will help you become a good one but I think you are just upsetting them.

As i have already told you about what has been written in the Murlis, Baba is the one to take the most insults, but here it continues even more that we, as his children, also take our share. But brother, a good Father will not keep his child under an insult and will like to take it over to himself. Baba is the best Baba. If you would like to insult me, please go and insult him. I would not like to take my share. He is powerful and can resist, he may take it and not shake, he may accommodate. I may even be hurt.

Regarding - all small sects - tell me the deep question behind? Yes, everyone can have one people as a follower and feel intoxicated. Prajapita or Adam is the Father of the whole world.

Regarding Satan - Ram himself becomes Ravan -

You raise many questions that are not related to Godly study. It is Godly study that there is no higher study than this one. Please allow me to return to the topic .

Still ShivBaba is extraordinary, because unlike all religious leaders he also establishes a kingdom, and unlike all religious leaders who make their own religion and disunite the world, he establishs one religion and one kingdom and destroys all other religions and kingdoms. He also can create a new world. All others make the world more of an old.
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Post by john »

AS i have already told you about what has been written in the murlsi that Baba is the one to take the most insults, but there it continues even more that we as his children also take our share
It could be said you threw the first punches with your condescending manner, so please don't start the martyr thing. Actually I think you are insulting to the intelligence of others.
Please allow me to return to the topic.
Errrr, the topic is different religions, so why have you neatly side-stepped the question asked about smaller religions.
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Post by andrey »

Why would I be insulted? If I am insulted I would understand I have problems with my ego. You mean I am not intelligent. OK. But there should be someone who can be intelligent and answer your questions. I may not have enough knowledge. But my desire is to make you have faith not knowledge. My part is not as The Ocean of Knowledge. And I know sometimes it does not take much time to have faith, and not a lot of knowledge.

That's why I have asked will you have faith when you receive answers? Baba says there are 2 types of questions. One out of curiosity and other of opposition. For me it doesn't matter because I have faith in the One who gives this knowledge. All of these smaller religions have originated form somewhere, and it has been a personality, or two, or more - human beings - understand? So this knowledge is from Supreme Soul. Can you compare?

And I am definetely ready to face any opposition.
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