pbkdivya wrote:I absolutely agree to your views. There is no such a place in the sky which is called Paramdham. What you have mentioned is accurate.
Dear brothers and sisters
“First of all (we) come in the Brahmin class, then the deity (class)... classes. The classes are only here. There is no question of classes in the Subtle Region at all…. ....You know that as is one’s feelings, so is the vision that is caused. Nonetheless, there is no matter of any snake etc. there. There can’t even be bulls there. In the Subtle Region, there are only deities. You visit the Subtle Region – you see garden, fruits, etc. Is there any garden there? Baba causes vision. But it does not exist. The intellect says – there cannot be trees etc. in the Subtle Region. It is certainly a vision. The vision would also be caused about here (i.e. this world). All this is a vision. This is called a game of magic. This is not knowledge.” [Mu 10.09.07]
I would like to check that my understanding of Paramdham, is in line with official AK teachings. I understand that Shivsena Bhai does not believe in the the Paramdham that is taught about, in basic knowledge; that is beyond the physical universe, and is home to all souls, including Father Shiv. Now although i have come to realise through my own initial churnings, and then having it confirmed through AK; that the Subtle Regions are not a region at all per se; but this is actually the spiritual "arena" for want of a better word, in which visions, and experiences occur. But this is actually taking place within us, the soul, whilst within our own bodies; we are not transported to the very end of the universe, in order to experience these visions; there is simply no need, as is explained in the above Murli point.
"Next to Father is Krishna. He (i.e. Father) is Master of the Soul World; this (Krishna) is the master of the corporeal world. There is nothing in the Subtle Region.". [Mu 6-1-76]
Now this point above, appears to be saying there is nothing in the Subtle Region, or no Subtle Region as such, that exists outside of visions and experiences. It also appears to be confirming, that there is a Soul World, or Paramdham. We already know for certain that there is a coporeal world, as we live or lives in it, in the here and now. However, when ShivBaba talks about Paramdham in AK, he is usually(if not always) talking about the nirakar(incorporeal/seed) stage; that He constantly remains in, even when He is playing the role of ShivBaba, within Shankar(Baba Dixit), His coporeal Chariot. The Paramdham(bodiless) stage, is also what we are aiming for as students of AK. This means becoming jeevanmukt, or aquiring the bodiless(Paramdham)stage, whilst remaining in the living body; or going from Nar to Narayan, in this very birth. ShivBaba tell us in AK, that we should bring down the stage of Paramdham to earth, or experience it here on earth. So this also, appears to imply, that there is a Paramdham(Soul World), beyond this physical world. Baba has made a clear contrast in the point above, between the Soul World and the corporeal world. I say this because, for Sangamyugi Krishna(as he is next to Shiva-bapsaman, this is not Brahma Baba), it is said that he is master of the corporeal world. But in order to be so, he has to reach the Paramdham, or nirakar(incorporeal/bodiless) stage, or in other words, become bapsaman(equal to Godfather Shiv). So ShivBaba is talking about a future point when Sangamyugi Krishna reaches the 100% nirakar stage in 2018. He is then the master of the corporeal world, and Ramraj begins. I am not aware of ShivBaba ever saying, that there is no actual Soul World or Paramdham, in the SM, or in AK. This is with good reason imo; because the 7 billion souls currently existing in corporeal bodies on this planet, have to have somewhere to go and "rest", after final world destruction in 2036, whilst they await their return to the Drama, at their alloted fixed point(shot within the Confluence Age Drama) in the Cycle of 5000 years. It would be a great punishment for these souls to be kept floating about in the physical world, for up to 5000 years; and also; most have no right to witness, the Golden and Silver Age, even from an observer point of view imo(but this would still be punishment, as they would have a strong wish to play a part in this wonderful world). So, these souls need to be taken out of this physical world completely, where they can rest in a completely dormant state, of absolutely no consciousness or awareness. Imo, this state of being, is automatically induced, when the karmateet souls, having been liberated from their suffering and karmas(i.e.achieved mukti), enter Paramdham(the Soul World). It is Paramdham that is infinite imo, not the physical universe, which although immense beyond our imagination, is infact, a completely closed, physical energy system; so that no energy is ever lost from it, as would be the case, in the vastness of physical infinity. I don't believe the 5000 year Cycle, could actually function, if this were not the case; as everything at the end of the Cycle, has to return to its original place, as it was in the beginning. Also; if there was an infinite universe; our spititual vibrations, would imo, not have the same impact as they do now, on the physical world or universe; as this affect would be "watered down" or diluted by physical infinity. As it is, these physical affects, are kept within the closed system, and cannot escape; therefore karma is inescapable, even on the physical level; as it literally "bounces back", to its point of origin, at some point in the Drama. All action(karma) be it spiritual(subtle) or physical(brought into the practical form), is entrapped, or contained, within this perfect enclosed system. Baba has also said in the Murli, something to the effect; that at the end(final desrtruction), He comes and takes us(souls) back home(Paramdham), like a swarm of mosquitoes.
Any comments are very much welcome... i think! :D