... And on the other hand, they continue to cause conflicts by breaking apart families and stealing family members. I wonder what the net loss or gain to society is? The only gains for sure are in the BKs' bank balances and property holding portfolios.T.K wrote:Adult Indians, in general, are not very adept at managing conflicts within close relationships, due to a variety of reasons that we can go into at another time.
What is more interesting is how the BKs handle their own conflicts either with the PBKs (ban them, tear down posters, conspire against them and even beat them up), with duped ex-adherents wanting their property (court cases), or between themselves.
With the Western BKWSU, we have often heard about "cultural values" being the reason why individuals cannot question or confront the senior ... but not all cultural values are good. What culture is this?
Is it BK culture or Indian culture? Is Indian culture BK culture?
It make me wonder if, for Western BKs, part of becoming a BK is becoming Indian.