Corruption in Bk head is like corruption in UPA-2 (Congress)

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Re: Corruption in BK head is like corruption in UPA-2 (Congr

Post by rmn »

My dear soul brother sita, Actually I got better opinion on u so far but u have melted it. Being a Indian nationality we should not compare any govt. which is ruling the India, if any of the MP sees this site and comenting on upa govt. the site will land in trouble and we could not have forum to discuss the baba's Murli points. Pl think like baba's children and protect this forum or site.
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Re: Corruption in Bk head is like corruption in UPA-2 (Congr

Post by Roy »

rmn wrote:My dear soul brother sita, Actually I got better opinion on u so far but u have melted it.
You are so fickle brother, it doesn't take much to upset you does it! We are here to discuss knowledge, not to worry about if every little thing we say is being monitored by big brother... We should enjoy our freedom of speech while it lasts, because there is no guarantee it will in this world.
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Re: Corruption in BK head is like corruption in UPA-2 (Congr

Post by fluffy bunny »

rmn wrote:... we should not compare any govt. which is ruling the India, if any of the MP sees this site and comenting on upa govt. the site will land in trouble ...
According to a recent CSDS poll, two out of three Indians feel that the UPA-2 is corrupt and that corruption has increased over the last four years.

The 2G Spectrum Telecom scam (Time magazine listed it as only the second biggest corruption scandal In the world after Watergate), the Adarsh Housing Society Scam, the corrupt Defence deals, the coal scam which is just surfacing, the ISRO S-band deal and the Commonwealth Games scam ...

May I recommend the wonderful I Paid A Bribe website?

Relax rmn, no one cares about obscure metaphysical chit-chat. Relax and enjoy yourself. What other people think and do is their own responsibility.

Are you sure it is not the BK elite you are worried about? Have you have bad experience with them ... or are you a BK yourself?
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Re: corruption in BK head is like corruption in upa2(kangres

Post by jyothirling »

shivsena wrote:One can easily associate the behavior of upa government and BK administration. Both have an affinity to Islam.

You must read the Murli and you will find out i come in this person who has stone intelect( Virendra Dev Dixit) and souls who have monkey intellect and I transform them into diamond. No body is claiming BKs are more fallen than PBKs. The issue here is you need to put two and two togather. The source of vikar came from vidharmy souls who do not accept supreme diety. At this time every one is fallen and challenge is bigger for most fallen. We are all doing effort. And PBKs claim that we will be successful because god is with us. The difference in bk and PBKs are that BKs do not take Yagya serously and invest time in decorating where as PBKs are honest and cleaning up the Islamic way of thinking which is vikari. Definitely PBKs have no history of taking money from people and not being accountable for the money if it is taken for food or accommodation. You can support bk and prove god is with them. You are also welcome to look into the past of PBKs and expect them to be impure for eternity. that is your choice.
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Re: Corruption in BK head is like corruption in UPA-2 (Congr

Post by sita »

Maybe we can trace the crticism of the Congress in the Murli in the fact that some part of the Anti Om mandli movement was influenced by the Satyagraha movement at that time, that is the Congress, by identifying Dada Lekraj as supporting the landlords, due to the fact he was paying rents for their houses whilst at that time there was movement against the landlords by the Satyagraha movement.

Ín the Murli it is said that Congress are those who don't believe in Christ (also some play of words), they don't believe in any religion that is the Arya Samajh. Arya Samajh was also helping the satyagraha movement.
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Re: Corruption in BK head is like corruption in UPA-2 (Congr

Post by jyothirling »

The matter that is discussed should only be applied to brahmins. The congress in a brahmin family means the one who makes too much noise and create friction among Godly students. The corruption means corruption of five vices. The corruption of five vices is the main problem when the beginning of Yoga because nobody knew the soul consciousness at that time. Now we know the Father who teaches and we know the Father who is neutral and teach nobody nothing. If the Supreme Soul teaches us then he become the part of the drama. He cannot be part of the drama because he is impartial. The Father who teaches us is actually part and he wants to separate the brahmins from asur and sur. He teaches that by coming to color and company of good brahmins you become good. Some brahmins are in angelic stage and they do good service while other brahmins in angelic service and they do bad service. The role of Maya is mentioned every day in the knowledge. If Supreme Soul shiv gives us the knowledge then he will be in trouble for not giving knowledge to 5 billion souls. Knowledge is from the Father who lives and he gives it every single souls of every single religion on earth. Therefore he is also free from accusations. If shiv make only brahmins who takes 84 birth pure then he cannot be called purifier of souls. He is the energy source only and it is up to the kings of each religion to tap into that energy and it is up to the souls capacity too. the aim of the message is to keep the congress like brahmins out of our frienship circle and keep good brahmins in our family circle and friendship circle. Any brahmin who do not respect 84 birth drama and story is asur brahmin and they are not the part of Godly family. they can be part of other dynasty and families.
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Re: corruption in BK head is like corruption in upa2(kangres

Post by jyothirling »

If you think that BKs are doing the shooting of Islam, then what is the religion of PBKs (who have all emerged from bk-Islam).??
जिज्ञासुः ब्रह्मा का दिन-रात है, प्रजापिता का क्यों नहीं?

बाबाः ब्रह्मा का दिन-रात कहा जाता है, प्रजापिता का दिन-रात नहीं कहा जाता क्योंकि प्रजापिता तो मुकर्रर रथ है। मुकर्रर रथ में शिव हमेशा ही प्रवेश है कि कभी नहीं है – ऐसा भी है? वो तो मुकर्रर रथ है। जब मुकर्रर रथ है तो सदैव ज्ञानयुक्त ही होगा या ज्ञानहीन भी होगा? (सभी- ज्ञानयुक्त ही होगा।) और ब्रह्मा? ब्रह्मा कोई मुकर्रर रथ तो है नहीं। कभी है कभी नहीं है। होते हुए भी अर्थ का पता नहीं है। सन् ६८ तक ब्रह्मा में प्रवेश किया। प्रवेश हुआ भी, प्रवेश भी था, फिर भी जो बोला गया, उसके अर्थ का पता ही नहीं । तो हुआ, हुआ, न हुआ बराबर हो गया।

Student: When there is the day and night of Brahma, why isn’t there the day and night of Prajapita?

Baba: It is said Brahma’s day and night; it is not said Prajapita’s day and night because Prajapita is the permanent Chariot. Shiva is always present in the permanent Chariot or is it that He is not present in him sometimes? He is the permanent Chariot. When it is the permanent Chariot, will he always be knowledgeable or will he also lack in knowledge? (Everyone said: He will be knowledgeable.) And what about Brahma? Brahma is not the permanent Chariot. Sometimes he is (a Chariot) and sometimes he isn’t. Even if he is [the Chariot] he does not know the meaning. He entered in Brahma till the year 68. Although he had entered, although he was in him, he did not know the meaning at all. So, it is one and the same whether he is [a Chariot] or not. ....एक शिव बाबा दूसरा न कोई ....ॐ शांति... वार्तालाप 570.

You think about it and provide me your antagonistic counter arguement
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Re: corruption in BK head is like corruption in upa2(kangres

Post by shivsena »

jyothirling wrote:
You think about it and provide me your antagonistic counter arguement
Om Shanti

Imo, Brahma ki raat means that nobody(BKs-PBKs) know who is the real brahma(badi-Maa) during brahma ki raat(night of ignorance) and Brahma ka din means when brahma becomes Vishnu in one second.(Revelation period)
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Re: Corruption in BK head is like corruption in UPA-2 (Congr

Post by jyothirling »

Could you please back up with more mural points please.( why do you think the PBKs claim brahma baba went through nigh and day is wrong). The rath and day is about knowledge and I honestly do not think it is about the perfection. If it was about perfection then 2500 years day and 25000 years night. How can you find this logic in todays brahmin world. Could you take time and write at least 250 word essay. With supporting Murli points. Please take a month or even 3 months. It is up to you . No hurry or accusation. I respect you as long as you are honest effort maker.
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Re: corruption in BK head is like corruption in upa2(kangres

Post by mbbhat »

jyothirling wrote:जिज्ञासुः ब्रह्मा का दिन-रात है, प्रजापिता का क्यों नहीं?

बाबाः ब्रह्मा का दिन-रात कहा जाता है,प्रजापिता का दिन-रात नहीं कहा जाता क्योंकि प्रजापिता तो मुकर्रर रथ है। मुकर्रर रथ में शिव हमेशा ही प्रवेश है कि कभी नहीं है – ऐसा भी है? वो तो मुकर्रर रथ है। जब मुकर्रर रथ है तो सदैव ज्ञानयुक्त ही होगा या ज्ञानहीन भी होगा? (सभी- ज्ञानयुक्त ही होगा।) और ब्रह्मा? ब्रह्मा कोई मुकर्रर रथ तो है नहीं। कभी है कभी नहीं है। होते हुए भी अर्थ का पता नहीं है। सन् ६८ तक ब्रह्मा में प्रवेश किया। प्रवेश हुआ भी, प्रवेश भी था, फिर भी जो बोला गया, उसके अर्थ का पता ही नहीं । तो हुआ, हुआ, न हुआ बराबर हो गया।

Student: When there is the day and night of Brahma, why isn’t there the day and night of Prajapita?

Baba: It is said Brahma’s day and night; it is not said Prajapita’s day and night because Prajapita is the permanent Chariot. Shiva is always present in the permanent Chariot or is it that He is not present in him sometimes? He is the permanent Chariot. When it is the permanent Chariot, will he always be knowledgeable or will he also lack in knowledge? (Everyone said: He will be knowledgeable.) And what about Brahma? Brahma is not the permanent Chariot.

Sometimes he is (a Chariot) and sometimes he isn’t. Even if he is [the Chariot] he does not know the meaning. He entered in Brahma till the year 68. Although he had entered, although he was in him, he did not know the meaning at all. So, it is one and the same whether he is [a Chariot] or not. ....एक शिव बाबा दूसरा न कोई ....ॐ शांति... वार्तालाप 570.
SM 14-6-73(3):- Baap to sath hi batate hain. Unki hai srimat. Doosree hai Brahma ki math. Zaroor Baap se hi Brahma ko math mili. Brahma abhi raath may hain. Brahma ka din aur Brahma ki raath to BKKyon ki bhi din aur raath. PRAJAPITA BRAHMA KI RAATH TO BACHCHON KI BHI RAATH HONGI. – 86

= Father says only truth. His is srimath. The second is Brahma’s math. Definitely from Father only Brahma got math/directions. Brahma is now in night. When it is day and night of Brahma, it is also day and night of BKs. When it is night of Prajapita Brahma, it is also night of children.
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Re: Corruption in BK head is like corruption in UPA-2 (Congr

Post by arjun »

In most of the pictures and Murlis it is written Brahma's night and day and not Prajapita Brahma night and day. So, just one Murli cannot disprove what Baba has said in thousands of Murlis.
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Re: Corruption in BK head is like corruption in UPA-2 (Congr

Post by mbbhat »

arjun wrote:In most of the pictures and Murlis it is written Brahma's night and day and not Prajapita Brahma night and day. So, just one Murli cannot disprove what Baba has said in thousands of Murlis.
In most/thounsands of the Murlis, it is said- Brahma is Prajapita.

In no Murli, it is said- Brahma and Prajapita Brahma are different. [ It is by (their own) interpretation (which has no strong support and unable to understand the typing errors in Murlis) only PBKs have come up with that new theory. Still a pbk says as if thousands of Murlis say both are different. God knows! ]

But, the above Murli point directly says- Night of Prajapita Brahma- which needs no interpretation or fully independent of interpretation.

Thank you for the great reply. At least some of the PBKs now have started to say that what we argue should agree with most of the Murlis. A real positive approach. Good.
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Re: Corruption in BK head is like corruption in UPA-2 (Congr

Post by sita »

I think the Congress party, the Kauravas is related to the Arya samajis, not to Islam.
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Re: Corruption in BK head is like corruption in UPA2(kangres

Post by mbbhat »

from here -
Roy wrote:Krishna(Brahma Baba) has also taken (spiritual) birth through the womb(-like intellect, of Gita Mata Jagadamba, in whom the seed of knowledge was planted by Father Shiv, through Prajapita-Ram)." [Mu 21.08.03]
1)This is unnecessary PBK misinterpretation of the direct/simple meaning of the following.
Krishna (first prince of Golden Age) has also taken (physical) birth through womb -[Mu 21.08.03]

Similarly, other points/para of PBK Roy Soul, can be written correctively as below.
Roy wrote:This one(Brahma Baba Krishna) is Father Brahma(up until 1969), as well as a senior mother. Well whom should this (Brahma)Baba(Krishna) call as Mother? Now whom should this mother(Gita Mata Jagadamba) call as Mother? This mother (Gita Mata Jagadamba) cannot have any (corporeal spiritual) Mother (as she becomes World Mother Jagadamba, as a result of having the seed of knowledge implanted in her womb-like intellect, by the creator Father, Prajapita-Ram - she then goes on to give spiritual birth to child Krishna, by explaining the true meaning of his visions to him). Just as ShivBaba(Prajapita-Ram) does not have any (spiritual) Father (in corporeal form); this one (Gita Mata-Jagadamba) does not have any (spiritual) mother (in corporeal form)." [Mu 31.01.08]
This should be corected as-
2)This one(Brahma Baba= Dada Lekhraj after 1936) is Father Brahma(from 1936 till date), as well as a senior mother. Well whom should this (Brahma Baba) call as Mother? Now whom should this mother(Brahma baba) call as Mother? This mother (B Baba) cannot have any (corporeal spiritual) Mother (as his own body is used for the adoption, since it is the Chariot). Just as ShivBaba(Incorporeal Shiv) does not have any Father, this one (B Baba) does not have any (spiritual) mother (in corporeal form). [Mu 31.01.08]
Roy wrote:"Brahma(Baba Krishna) is not the mouthborn progeny of Shiv (he is the mouth born progeny of Prajapita-Ram and Jagadamaba Gita Mata). ShivBaba comes and enters in this one (Brahma Baba Krishna, in 1947/8 in Karachi - when he reaches the age of 60) and makes him His own. This one (Brahma Baba Krishna) is also a creation (who takes spiritual birth at the beginning of the Yagya, directly through Gita Mata) . First He (Shiv) creates Brahma(Adi Brahma Jagadamba Gita Mata) and not Vishnu(Brahma Baba Krishna). It is even sung – Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar. It is not said – Vishnu, Shankar and Brahma. First Brahma(Adi Brahma Jagadamba) is created. Brahma(Dada Lekhraj)’s occupation (or role) is different (to hers). All these matters are to be understood. He(Shiva) is called – You are my Mother and Father. So He is incorporeal isn’t He? So, mother (Brahma Baba Krishna) and Father (Shankar-Prajapita-Ram) are required in corporeal form; only then do they ask – Is there a mother of Mama(Om Radhe)? It will be said – Yes; Brahma(Adi Brahma Gita Mata Jagadamba) is Mama’s(Om Radhe's) mother as well. Brahma(Adi Brahma Jagadamba) does not have any (corporeal) mother (as her role is created when Father Shiv enters her to narrate the accurate account of Dada Lekhraj's visions, to Prajapita-Ram - then she receives the seed of knowledge through him, in the form of the clarification of their meaning). Since this mother (Brahma Baba Krishna) is not a female, Saraswati(Om Radhe) is called Mama." [Mu 26.10.07]
3)"Brahma(B baba) is not the mouthborn progeny of Shiv (since Shiv does not create B Baba through some other body, Shiv created B baba directly by ENTRANCE). ShivBaba comes and enters in this one (Brahma Baba) and makes him His own. This one (Brahma Baba) is also a creation (who takes spiritual birth at the beginning of the Yagya, directly through Shiv's entrance). First He (Shiv) creates Brahma(B Baba) and not Vishnu(Golden Aged deity). It is even sung – Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar. It is not said – Vishnu, Shankar and Brahma. First Brahma(B Baba) is created. Brahma(Dada Lekhraj)’s occupation (or role) is different (to others). All these matters are to be understood. He(Shiva) is called – You are my Mother and Father. So He is incorporeal isn’t He? So, mother(B baba) and Father(B baba) are required in corporeal form; only then do they ask – Is there a mother of Mama(Om Radhe)? It will be said – Yes; Brahma(B baba) is Mama’s(Om Radhe's) mother as well. Brahma(B Baba) does not have any (corporeal) mother (as his role is created when Father Shiv enters him directly). Since this mother (Brahma Baba) is not a female, Saraswati(Om Radhe) is called Mama." [Mu 26.10.07]
“In reality, this Brahma(Baba Krishna) is mother(the part of mother is played through him, by Father Shiv, from 1947/8 to 1968/9). But because of his male body, how can he be kept in charge of the mothers? For this reason, Jagadamba(Om Radhe) has been made instrumental.” [Mu 18.05.78]
4)“In reality, this Brahma(B Baba) is mother. (because God created through knowledge which comes/came from Brahma's mouth/face). But because of his male body, how can he be kept in charge of the mothers? For this reason, Jagadamba(Om Radhe) has been made instrumental.” [Mu 18.05.78]
"(Incorporeal)ShivBaba(i.e. Father Shiv) bestows inheritance to Brahmakumaris and Brahmakumars through Prajapita Brahma(Ram aka corporeal ShivBaba). (Incorporeal)ShivBaba creates the Brahmin race through Brahma(Baba Krishna, which is the part of mother)." [Mu 01.03.76]
5)"(Incorporeal)ShivBaba(i.e. Father Shiv) bestows inheritance to Brahmakumaris and Brahmakumars through Prajapita Brahma(B Baba). (because Incorporeal ShivBaba)creates the Brahmin race through Brahma (only)" [Mu 01.03.76][/color]
There are no true (complete) Brahmins in the (Confluenced Aged) world now (before 1976)." [Mu 02.12.03
6)There are no true (complete) Brahmins in the (Iron Aged) world now. [Mu 02.12.03]
"Ask those false Brahmins(of the Confluence Age, who haven't yet recognised the incognito part of Father, being played through Prajapita-Ram, since 1969) - If you are Brahmins, if you call yourselves mouth-born Brahmins, then who is your Father Brahma (who should be here with you in practical corporeal form until the end)?” [Mu 08.12.84]
7)Ask those false Brahmins(of Iron Aged)- If you are Brahmins, if you call yourselves mouth-born Brahmins, then who is your Father Brahma (you take birth only through womb, how did you get birth through mouth?” [Mu 08.12.84]
“First of all (you) come in the Brahmin class(via the mother, Brahma Baba Krishna), then the deity(class, via the Father, Prajapita-Ram).” [Mu 10.09.07]
8)First of all (you) come in the Brahmin class, then the deity (simple to understand).[Mu 10.09.07]
"I (Ram ShivBaba) only teach(i.e. clarify the meaning of the Murlis for) my (true) children. I only teach and make into deities (in this very birth - nar to Narayan) those (true Brahmin children - PBKs) who recognize Me (in my true form of Father Ram - the part or role played through Prajapita-Ram, from 1969/70)." [Mu 27.02.99]
9) "I (ShivBaba= incorporeal Ram ShivBaba = Shiv, etc) only teach my (true) children. I only teach and make into deities (in the next birth) - nar to Narayan) those (BKs = real PBKs , because B = PB) who recognize Me (properly)." [Mu 27.02.99]

The intellectual corruption of PBKs is easily seen here and at plenty of other places.

A tip of the iceberg of physical corruption can be seen here below.
viewtopic.php?f=2&t=632&p=47156&hilit=b ... 436#p47156

Baba: Should it be given to the ones who are number wise? Only if you give donation to the perfect one(Mr. Dixit) will you become perfect. The one who makes perfect is the Father(Mr. Dixit)...

We can see Mr. Dixit almost directly hinting PBKs to give all their money/donation to him, even when clearly knows he is unfit for that.
His followers, also who take support of Murlis corrupt(misinterpret) them and misguide Murli believers (ordinary BKs) to follow FULLY corrupt path.
Even when the PBKs are clearly shown about their thousands of mistakes, they still hesistate to accept them and continue to choose path of corruption- as per their part in drama. Let God bless them (= Let their intellect open such that they get tuned to God's blessings).
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Re: Corruption in Bk head is like corruption in UPA-2 (Congress)

Post by jaycdp »

jyothirling wrote: 23 Jul 2013 One can easily associate the behaviour of the UPA government and the bk administration. Both have an affinity with Islam. I don’t have to give a lot of examples to explain both. Both are self-explained. Please note that I have corrected the grammar, punctuation and comprehension of the English written language that is written by you so that I can be clear about what you mentioned here. If I am wrong in correcting please let me know.
Dear Brother,

In correspondence by JL, it was suggested that a parallel can be drawn between the conduct of the UPA government and the bk administration. I express gratitude for your independent effort in conducting a personal comparison, which is unrelated to the teachings of Brahma Kumari or Praja pitha brahma kumari. Nevertheless, individuals possess the freedom to disseminate their personal viewpoints. Therefore, I understand that you are claiming that the Brahma Kumaris community is currently faced with a difficult situation regarding leadership following the demise of the highly respected leader, Brahma Baba, who was revered as a divine figure.

It is important to acknowledge that the grammar, punctuation, and overall comprehension of the English written language in your text have been corrected. This process enables me to gain a clear understanding of the points you have expressed. It would be greatly appreciated if you could inform me if I have made any errors in my corrections.
Please provide the text that you would like me to rewrite in an academic way.

Thank you sir.
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