How are ex-PBKs who go back to the BKWSU treated or trained?

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fluffy bunny
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How are ex-PBKs who go back to the BKWSU treated or trained?

Post by fluffy bunny »

How are ex-PBKs who go back to the BKWSU treated or trained?

When I write "trained", I mean it fairly causally ... are they made to do the 7 Day Course again ... are there special session to "de-drief" PBKs ... do they get special meetings with BK Seniors to fill them full of propaganda and hate ... do they coordinate themselves into special PBK fighting teams ... do they leave in groups together etc etc etc?

There's obviously *something* going on at whatever level ... does anyone know what goes on?

(I don't expect any of them to be honest about it).

Their strategy appears to be mainly based on two principles, a) attacking Virendra Dev Dixit using really old shocking accusations (which may or may not have some truth) and, b) confusing the hell out of anyone who listens or reads them.

I suppose that is a strategy like police or brainwashers use; beat people over the head until they are confused/scared ... and then offer a simple way out, like a confession.
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Re: How are ex-PBKs who go back to the BKWSU treated or trai

Post by arjun »

Ex-PBKs who go back to the BKWSU are treated differently based on their economic background or any other kind of contributions that they can make.

I know of many ex-PBKs who have joined back BKWSU. There was one brother who used to live in a PBK center. Although he was not financially strong, but he has some skills which are very useful to the BKWSU especially in building constructions. So, they accepted him readily and treat him well and probably pay him as well.

Then there are financially strong ex-PBKs who have joined back BKWSU. They are not asked any questions or not monitored at all. They are treated like VIPs just like BK VIPs. Their examples are quoted all over the BK world to prevent existing BKs from becoming PBKs.

Then there are financially weak ex-PBKs who have joined back BKWSU. They are just used for the purpose of increasing numbers, to get ordinary physical tasks done. I know of one ex-PBK mother who left the AIVV more than 17 years ago and has been attending the BK classes very sincerely daily. But despite such a long re-association with BKWSU (she had spent many years as a BK as well), she is treated with disdain by her BK teacher. She is either ill-treated or seen with suspicion. Although she feels very bad about it, but still goes to the BK center out of love for Baba.
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fluffy bunny
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Re: How are ex-PBKs who go back to the BKWSU treated or trai

Post by fluffy bunny »

As I suspected ... that's really terrible.

Really, such unenlightened individuals have ZERO right to place themselves between any individual and their god ... and the BKs' deferential treatment of the rich or VIPs was the ultimate reason that I left them.

To me, such an attitude cannot be "of God" but, more and more it appears to be what the BKs are about; money and the power over others it brings, and social climbing.
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Re: How are ex-PBKs who go back to the BKWSU treated or trai

Post by arjun »

fluffy-bunny wrote:Really, such unenlightened individuals have ZERO right to place themselves between any individual and their god ... and the BKs' deferential treatment of the rich or VIPs was the ultimate reason that I left them.

To me, such an attitude cannot be "of God" but, more and more it appears to be what the BKs are about; money and the power over others it brings, and social climbing.
You are not alone. There are many people who have either left or are on the verge of leaving. And there are many more who are silently suffering in the BKWSU because they do not have the strength to realize the truth on the one hand and cannot think of going back to the path of Bhakti on the other. So, they are stuck up with the system.
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