CORRECTIONS to Murlis & Vanis

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CORRECTIONS to Murlis & Vanis

Post by admin »

The relevant Notification documents - which have been conveyed to the BKWSU Organization, through the local BK Centre, since 2017, for their appropriate action, as may be deemed necessary – are presented below, for the information and benefit of all concerned on this forum:

Notification-1 document, with references to relevant SM points below –
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a) point 1 of Revised SM dated 17.01.2017 in viewtopic.php?f=40&t=2725&start=15#p52398
The word ‘Spiritual’ must DEFINITELY be used.

b) point 1 of Revised SM dated 15.06.2018 in viewtopic.php?f=40&t=2726&start=135#p53675
You Children now know that this One (Shiva) is the Spiritual Surgeon.

c) points 3 & 4 of Revised SM dated 23.09.2017 in viewtopic.php?f=40&t=2725&start=240#p53327
The Father is the Spiritual SURGEON. You are called His Children, and so You TOO are Surgeons.

d) point 2 of Revised SM dated 16.08.2017 in viewtopic.php?f=40&t=2725&start=195#p53243
Your name would be written as, ‘Spiritual Surgeon’ – ‘Spiritual Surgeon & Professor’. There is no expense in opening a Spiritual Hospital & University.

e) point 5 of Revised SM dated 02.08.2017 in viewtopic.php?f=40&t=2725&start=180#p53208
You are imperishable, Spiritual Surgeons. You are passing the Course of Spiritual Surgery, so You need to put up a board.

f) points 1 & 2 of Revised SM dated 28.01.2017 in viewtopic.php?f=40&t=2725&start=15#p52446
The Father has explained that this is a Spiritual Hospital, and ALSO an University. The Supreme Father Supreme Soul comes and establishes a Spiritual Hospital and University.

g) point 7 of Revised SM dated 10.05.2018 in viewtopic.php?f=40&t=2726&start=105#p53639
You DEFINITELY have to write the word ‘PrajaPita’ in front of (the word) ‘Brahma’, otherwise people do not understand.

h) point 4 of Revised SM dated 26.09.2017 in viewtopic.php?f=40&t=2725&start=240#p53330
You are called PrajaPita Brahma Kumars & Kumaris. You have to continue with your own (‘lokik’) name for the livelihood of your body, and in business etc. ...
It is in your intellects that You are sitting here as Brahma Kumars & Kumaris (BKs).

i) point 2 of Revised SM dated 20.09.2017 in viewtopic.php?f=40&t=2725&start=240#p53324
You also HAVE TO CONTINUE TO MAKE CORRECTIONS. You DEFINITELY have to write, ‘PrajaPita Brahma’, in front of Brahma Kumars and Kumaris. By saying the word, ‘PrajaPita’, he is proved to be the Father.

Notification-2 document, with reference to relevant AV point below –
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point 1 of AV dated 16.01.1984 Revised on 16.09.2018 in viewtopic.php?f=40&t=2726&start=225#p53764

Notification-3 document, with reference to relevant SM point below –
(81.02 KiB) Downloaded 797 times
point 1 of Revised SM dated 27.10.2018 in viewtopic.php?f=40&t=2726&start=255#p53806

Notification-4 document, with reference to relevant SM point below –
(88.97 KiB) Downloaded 695 times
points 3 & 4 of Revised SM dated 23.11.2018 in viewtopic.php?f=40&t=2726&start=285#p53831

Notification-5 document, with reference to relevant SM below –
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Revised SM dated 21.05.2016 uploaded in post viewtopic.php?f=21&t=2711&start=15#p54161
also attached below –
SM 21.05.2016.docx
(39.25 KiB) Downloaded 753 times

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Zorba the Greek
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Re: CORRECTIONS to Murlis & Vanis

Post by Zorba the Greek »

admin wrote: 27 Jul 2019a) point 1 of Revised SM dated 17.01.2017 in viewtopic.php?f=40&t=2725&start=15#p52398
Revised SM dated 17.01.2017 wrote:बाप है रूहानी, और यह रूहानी स्टडी है, रूहानी सर्जरी है, इसलिए बोर्ड पर नाम भी ऐसा लिखना चाहिए,
ब्रह्मा-कुमारी रूहानी ईश्वरीय विश्व विद्यालय’। रूहानी’ अक्षर जरूर डालना है। रूहानी हॉस्पिटल भी कह सकते हैं, क्योंकि बाप को अविनाशी सर्जन भी कहते हैं, पतित-पावन, ज्ञान का सागर भी कहते हैं।

The Father is Spiritual, and THIS is a Spiritual Study, and Spiritual Surgery. This is why SUCH a name should be written on the board, as: ‘Brahma Kumaris Spiritual Godly World University’. The word ‘Spiritual’ must DEFINITELY be used. This can also be called a Spiritual Hospital, because the Father is ALSO known as the ETERNAL Surgeon, and also the Purifier, and the Ocean of Knowledge.
The CORRECT designation of this Organization, as per CLEAR DIRECTIVES of ShivBaba, should be -
In Hindiप्रजापिता ब्रह्मा-कुमारी रूहानी ईश्वरीय विश्व विद्यालय-सहित-अस्पताल (Prajapita Brahma Kumari Ruhani Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya-sahit-Aspatal), or प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा-कुमारी रूहानी ईश्वरीय विश्व विद्यालय-व-अस्पताल (Prajapita Brahma Kumari Ruhani Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya-va-Aspatal) – PBKRIVV-A
In EnglishPrajapita Brahma Kumaris Spiritual Godly World University-cum-HospitalPBKSGWU-H

However, even after SEVERAL decades, till today, the words, ‘रूहानी’ (Spiritual) & ‘अस्पताल’ (Hospital), in Hindi; and the words, ‘Prajapita’ (‘प्रजापिता’), ‘Godly’ (‘ईश्वरीय’) & ‘Hospital’ (‘अस्पताल’), in English - are NOT being used by the Organization, GLOBALLY - thus INADVERTENTLY REDUCING the Spiritual INFLUENCE, ATTRACTION & EFFICACY of same – CONTRARY to the CLEAR DIRECTIVES of Incorporeal God Father Shiva, in various Sakar Murlis!

View points below for further clarifications.

admin wrote: 27 Jul 2019b) point 1 of Revised SM dated 15.06.2018 in viewtopic.php?f=40&t=2726&start=135#p53675
Revised SM dated 15.06.2018 wrote:अब तुम बच्चों को पता पड़ा है कि यह है रूहानी सर्जन। रूह को ही बीमारी लगी है, इसलिए रूह को ज्ञान का इन्जेक्शन लगा रहे हैं। आत्मा को ही ज्ञान इन्जेक्शन लगता है, न कि शरीर को। कोई सुई वा दवाई आदि नहीं है। यह एक ही इन्जेक्शन काफी है। कौन सा इन्जेक्शन? मन्मनाभव, अशरीरी भव - यह इन्जेक्शन है। देही-अभिमानी हो रहने से, पवित्रता-सुख-शान्ति का वर्सा जमा होता है।
You Children now know that this One (Shiva) is the Spiritual Surgeon. It is the soul that has the illness. This is why He is giving You souls the injection of Knowledge. It is the soul, and NOT the body, that is injected with Knowledge. It is not with a needle or medicine, etc. ONLY this, ONE injection, is sufficient. Which injection? ‘Remember Me ALONE (‘Manmanabhav’) & become bodiless’ - this is the injection. By remaining soul-conscious, your inheritance of Purity, Peace and Happiness accumulates.”

admin wrote: 27 Jul 2019c) point 3 of Revised SM dated 23.09.2017 in viewtopic.php?f=40&t=2725&start=240#p53327
Revised SM dated 23.09.2017 wrote:बाप रूहानी सर्जन है, तुम उनके बच्चे कहलाते हो; तो तुम भी सर्जन ठहरे। जरूर आत्माओं को ज्ञान इन्जेक्शन लगाना पड़े। मनमनाभव। यह बड़े ते बड़ा इन्जेक्शन है। बाबा की याद से ही सब दु:ख दूर हो जाते हैं। योग से पुण्य आत्मा बन जाते हो। यह एक ही दवाई है, योग की। ...
अगर औरों को रोशनी नहीं देंगे, तो कौन कहेंगे कि इनकी बुद्धि में रोशनी है। सर्जन इन्जेक्शन लगा न सके, तो उनको सर्जन कौन कहेगा?
The Father is the Spiritual SURGEON. You are called His Children, and so You too are Surgeons. You definitely have to give the injection of Knowledge to souls. ‘Manmanabhav’! This is the biggest injection of all. All your sorrow is removed through Remembrance of Baba. You become virtuous souls through Yoga. THIS is the ONLY ONE medicine of Yoga. ...
If You do not enlighten others, who would say that your intellects are enlightened? If a surgeon is unable to give an injection, who would call him a surgeon?”

admin wrote: 27 Jul 2019d) point 2 of Revised SM dated 16.08.2017 in viewtopic.php?f=40&t=2725&start=195#p53243
Revised SM dated 16.08.2017 wrote:राय देते हैं, अगर तुम्हारे पास पैसे हैं, तो रूहानी हॉस्पिटल खोलो। ऐसे भी बहुत हैं जिनके पास पैसे नहीं हैं। वह भी हॉस्पिटल कम युनिवर्सिटी खोल सकते हैं। आगे चल तुम देखेंगे बहुत हॉस्पिटल खुल जायेंगे। तुम्हारा नाम रूहानी सर्जन लिखा होगा। रूहानी सर्जन और प्रोफेसर। रूहानी कालेज वा हॉस्पिटल खोलने में कुछ भी खर्च नहीं है। मेल अथवा फीमेल दोनों रूहानी सर्जन अथवा प्रोफेसर बन सकते हैं। ... घर पर बोर्ड लगा दो।
“He advises You, that if You have money, then open a Spiritual Hospital. There are also many who do not have money. They too can open a Hospital-cum-University. As you progress further, You will see that MANY Hospitals will be opened. Your name would be written as, ‘Spiritual Surgeon’ – ‘Spiritual Surgeon & Professor’. There is no expense in opening a Spiritual Hospital & University. Males and females can both become Spiritual Surgeons and Professors. ...
Put up a board outside your home.”

admin wrote: 27 Jul 2019e) point 5 of Revised SM dated 02.08.2017 in viewtopic.php?f=40&t=2725&start=180#p53208
Revised SM dated 02.08.2017 wrote:घर में भी छोटे-छोटे बोर्ड बनाकर लिख दो। बेहद के बाप को जानने से तुम 21 जन्मों के लिए स्वराज्य पद पा सकते हो। धीरे-धीरे बहुत मनुष्य बोर्ड देखकर तुम्हारे पास आयेंगे। तुम रूहानी अविनाशी सर्जन हो। रूहानी सर्जरी का कोर्स पास कर रहे हो, बोर्ड लगाना पड़ेगा। बोलो, इस बाप को याद करने से तुमको बेहद की बादशाही मिलेगी।
“EVEN at your home, make a small board and write: ‘By knowing the Unlimited Father you can claim the status of Self-Sovereignty for 21 births’. Gradually, many people will read the board and come to You. You are imperishable, Spiritual Surgeons. You are passing the Course of Spiritual Surgery, so You need to put up a board. Tell them: By remembering this Father you will receive Unlimited Sovereignty.”

admin wrote: 27 Jul 2019f) points 1 & 2 of Revised SM dated 28.01.2017 in viewtopic.php?f=40&t=2725&start=15#p52446
Revised SM dated 28.01.2017 wrote:जितना ज्ञान रत्न धारण करेंगे, उतना निरोगी बनेंगे। बाप ने समझाया है, यह रूहानी हॉस्पिटल भी है, तो युनिवर्सिटी भी है। परमपिता परमात्मा आकर रूहानी हॉस्पिटल और युनिवर्सिटी स्थापन करते हैं। हॉस्पिटल तो दुनिया में बहुत हैं, लेकिन ऐसी हॉस्पिटल और युनिवर्सिटी, दोनों इक्ठ्ठी, कहीं नहीं होती यहाँ यह वण्डर है, हॉस्पिटल और युनिवर्सिटी, हेल्थ और वेल्थ, इकठ्ठी मिलती हैं। ...
यह है फिर रूहानी हॉस्पिटल और युनिवर्सिटी, इससे मनुष्य 21 जन्मों के लिए एवरहेल्दी वेल्दी बन सकते हैं।
The more Jewels of Knowledge You imbibe, the freer you will become from disEASE. The Father has explained that this is a Spiritual Hospital, and ALSO an University. The Supreme Father Supreme Soul comes and establishes a Spiritual Hospital and University. There are many hospitals in the World, but nowhere is there a Hospital-cum-University, BOTH COMBINED, like THIS one. Here, it is a wonder that You have a Hospital and an University, that is, You receive Health and Wealth TOGETHER. ...
This is a Spiritual Hospital and University, through which human beings can become ever Healthy and Wealthy for 21 births.

यह है अविनाशी सर्जन, जो अविनाशी दवाई देते हैं। तब गाया जाता है, ‘ज्ञान अंजन सतगुरू दिया ..’; ज्ञान इन्जेक्शन रूहानी बाप ही लगाते हैं, आत्माओं को।
This One is the imperishable Surgeon, who gives You imperishable Medicine. This is why it is said, ‘When the Satguru gives the Ointment of Knowledge .. (the Darkness of Ignorance is dispelled)’; only the Spiritual Father gives souls the Injection of Knowledge.

admin wrote: 27 Jul 2019g) point 7 of Revised SM dated 10.05.2018 in viewtopic.php?f=40&t=2726&start=105#p53639
Revised SM dated 10.05.2018 wrote:‘ब्रह्मा’ के आगे ‘प्रजापिता’ अक्षर जरूर लिखना पड़े। नहीं तो मनुष्य समझते नहीं। कहते हैं - ब्रह्मा मुख वंशावली, तो औलाद हुए ना। ब्रह्मा की औलाद तो ब्राह्मण हुए ना। तुम बच्चे जानते हो - प्रैक्टिकल में हम ब्रह्मा की औलाद, शिव के पोत्रे हैं।
“You definitely have to write the word ‘PrajaPita’ in front of (the word) ‘Brahma’, otherwise people do not understand. It is said: ‘mouth-born’ creation of Brahma. Therefore, You become his Children. The Children of Brahma are Brahmins. You Children know that You are the Children of Brahma, and Grand-Children of Shiva, in a practical way.

admin wrote: 27 Jul 2019i) point 2 of Revised SM dated 20.09.2017 in viewtopic.php?f=40&t=2725&start=240#p53324
Revised SM dated 20.09.2017 wrote:बाबा समझाते रहते हैं। करेक्शन भी करते जाओ। ब्रह्माकुमार कुमारियों के आगे, ‘प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा’, जरूर लिखना चाहिए। ‘प्रजापिता’ कहने से, बाप सिद्ध हो जाता है। हम प्रश्न ही पूछते हैं कि प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा से क्या सम्बन्ध है? क्योंकि ‘ब्रह्मा’ नाम तो बहुतों के हैं। कोई फीमेल का नाम भी ‘ब्रह्मा’ है। ‘प्रजापिता’ नाम तो किसका होता नहीं, इसलिए ‘प्रजापिता’ अक्षर बहुत जरूरी है। प्रजापिता, आदि देव, कहते हैं। परन्तु ‘आदि देव’ का अर्थ नहीं समझते। प्रजापिता तो जरूर यहाँ ही होगा ना। आदि देव फिर वह ब्रह्मा (सूक्ष्म) हो जाता है। आदि अर्थात् शुरूआत का। प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा को फिर बेटी है, सरस्वती। सूक्ष्मवतन में तो बेटी हो न सके। रचयिता तो यहाँ है ना। इन गुह्य बातों को, विशालबुद्धि वाले ही धारण कर सकते हैं।
“Baba continues to explain. You also HAVE TO CONTINUE TO MAKE CORRECTIONS. You DEFINITELY have to write, ‘PrajaPita Brahma’, in front of Brahma Kumars and Kumaris. By saying the word, ‘PrajaPita’, he is proved to be the Father. We ask the question: ‘What is your relationship with PrajaPita Brahma’? This is because many people have the name ‘Brahma’; even some females have the name ‘Brahma’. No one has the name ‘PrajaPita’, and this is why it is very essential to have the name ‘PrajaPita’. They speak of PrajaPita and Adi Dev, but they do not understand the meaning of ‘Adi Dev’. PrajaPita has to DEFINITELY be HERE. Adi Dev is then THAT Brahma (the SUBTLE one). Adi means the one from the beginning. PrajaPita Brahma's Daughter is Saraswati. He cannot have a Daughter in the Subtle Region. The Creator is here. Only those who have broad and unlimited intellects are able to imbibe these aspects.
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Zorba the Greek
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Re: CORRECTIONS to Murlis & Vanis

Post by Zorba the Greek »

Original SM dated 09.05.1966, and the latest 10th Revision of same dated 21.05.16, are attached below, to enable concerned viewers to appreciate the changes made in the latest Revised SM, as compared to the Original SM.
A note, within a small yellow icon, can be accessed, by either pointing to the relevant line, to view the whole note, if it is brief - or clicking directly on the icon, to view the complete note, if it is longer - within the pdf-file of the Original SM dated 09.05.1966. There are total of 22 such notes, which are also referenced in relevant locations within the word-file, by numbering same accordingly, for ease of location within the Revised SM dated 21.05.16, in order to easily compare same with the Original SM dated 09.05.1966.

Please be aware of following:
1. The BK Organization has been vested with due authority, by BapDada, to present the Original Versions, in subsequent Revisions, with required omissions, corrections and alterations, as may be considered appropriate under the prevailing circumstances, with the passage of time.
2. The various omissions, corrections and alterations, have been made by the BK Organization, by discreetly taking into account various existing governing religio-political situations, so as to present the Knowledge amicably, without offending the sensibilities of any renowned individuals, or sections of the society, as best as feasible, with the passage of time.

Please note following, relating to the relevant points, indicated within the notes, as follows:

4. meaning completely altered in revised SM - to cater to changed circumstances, with passing years.
(Some alterations have been made to the ORIGINAL Versions, which completely CHANGE the original meaning, quite to the contrary, to cater to changed circumstances, with passing years. In such cases, it would have been better to omit same altogether, rather than alter the meaning completely, since the action of altering the original meaning could be deemed to be crossing the limits of authority, vested by BapDada, to the BK Organization - since it amounts to unduly altering the Original Versions of ShivBaba!
This could have been avoided, but one has to accept Drama for the past occurrences; and the BK Organization should consider how they may best deal with same, henceforth - PARTICULARLY when scanned copies of such ORIGINAL Versions have been made available to ANYONE on the public domain, on the internet, by ‘Adhyatmic Vidyalaya’, on their website who resolutely believe that they too are acting under the authority of whom they STAUNCHLY believe to be ‘ShivBaba’ - which is ALSO in accordance with Drama!)

6. three lines intentionally omitted for predicted year of destruction in 1976 - which is not of consequence thereafter.
(Such points used to occur frequently in SMs, from 1966 to 1969; and also in AVs up to 1976 – ALL of which have been subsequently omitted from the relevant SMs & AVs.)

Points 8, 10 & 19 have been intentionally omitted to avoid any offense to concerned individuals, or organizations.

13. could be due to lack of original audio clarity, or typo error.
(The choice of 30-35 over 20-25 could have been made by considering the minimum age for Presidents of India, or USA, which is 35 – but this is applicable in Iron Age. A proper clarification is still awaited from the BK Organization with regard to this issue.
In the case of Shri Krishna & Shri Radhe, they have already qualified themselves during Confluence Age, and Shri Radhe could ascend the throne on achieving adulthood, between 18-21; and since she is 2-3 years younger to Shri Krishna, he would be 21-24 on the date of coronation. Hence, the choice of 20-25 over 30-35 for coronation appears to be more logical, for Golden Age).

15. intentionally omitted; since this requires a subtle intellect to comprehend in the correct context - and could be otherwise misinterpreted.
(It is mentioned that Mama achieved her ‘karmateet’ stage, which clearly conflicts with the earlier statement, which says that Children cannot achieve their ‘karmateet’ stage BEFORE Brahma Baba. This means Mama had not achieved her COMPLETE ‘karmateet’ stage, when she left her previous corporeal body in 1965, but since she achieved ‘karmateet’ stage to a relatively higher degree as compared to the other Children, at that time, the same has been stated as such, to enhance the enthusiasm of the Children, and keep them in good spirits, after Mama left her corporeal body unexpectedly! This is a particular technique of speaking, which ShivBaba has employed several times in the SMs, all of which need to be appreciated in their respective appropriate contexts!)

SM 09-05-1966 Original.pdf
(5.26 MiB) Downloaded 762 times
SM 21.05.2016.docx
(41.31 KiB) Downloaded 766 times
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Zorba the Greek
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Re: CORRECTIONS to Murlis & Vanis

Post by Zorba the Greek »

From viewtopic.php?f=37&t=2722&p=54400#p54398 and

Original SM 30.01.68 See page 1, line 19 ... 0-1-68.pdf
वह है कर्मबन्धन में, वह है कर्मातीत।
That one is in the bondage of ‘karma’, that one is ‘karmateet’.

PBK ‘True Gita Vol. 1’ See page 39, point 5 ... Eng%5d.pdf
वह (साकार) है कर्मबंधन में। वह (अव्यक्त) है कर्मातीत।
That (corporeal one) is in karmic bondages, that (subtle one) is karmateet.

BK Revised SM 08.01.2019 See page 1, line 10
यह साकार है कर्मबन्धन में, वह सूक्ष्म है कर्मातीत।
This corporeal one is in the bondage of karma whereas that subtle being is karmateet.

Revised SM 08.01.2019 is also attached below: See Page 1, line 15
SM Revised 08.01.2019 - Original 30.01.1968.docx
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Original SMs (mostly from 1963 to 1969) were initially hand-written, by listening to the original audio recording, and were at first type-written & cyclo-styled, later type-written & photo-copied, and finally computer-written & printed, with the passage of time.
It is NEVER PRACTICAL to intelligibly hand-write EACH & EVERY spoken word from the original audio recording, hence ONLY the REQUIRED ESSENCE from the original audio recording was hand-written initially, which were then type-written & cyclo-styled, or type-written & photo-copied, and became the Original SMs - which will NOT TALLY, WORD for WORD, with the original audio recording - and it was NEVER intended to be so.

The SMs were revised ALL OVER AGAIN, PERIODICALLY, at intervals of about FIVE years, beginning from 1969.
Omissions, corrections and alterations have been made by the BKs in subsequent revisions of the Original SMs, to cater to changed situations, etc. - PARTICULARLY after the PBKs began to MISINTERPRET & MISAPPROPRIATE the various points in the SMs to propagate their OWN philosophy.

The BKs have made a correction to the Original line above - as a matter of DEFENSE from the MISAPPROPRIATIONS of the PBKs - to clarify that Brahma Baba is corporeal, and is in bondage, as Prajapita, PRIOR 1969; and the SYMBOLIC subtle Brahma seen in the Subtle Region, by trance messengers, at THAT time, PRIOR 1969, is a subtle being who is karmateet, and who represents the FUTURE PERFECT form of Brahma Baba; and that, Brahma Baba, himself, then becomes that subtle being, when he becomes Avyakt and karmateet, in 1969!

Whereas the PBKs have used this same point by giving the qualifying remarks within parentheses (which should have been the CORRECT action of the BKs also) - but as a matter of OFFENSE to the BKs - since the PBKs have used same to convey that Baba Dixit is Prajapita in corporeal (after 1969), while Brahma Baba is the subtle one (although they do not accept that Brahma Baba has achieved his complete karmateet stage, as yet)!
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Re: CORRECTIONS to Murlis & Vanis

Post by Zorba the Greek »

Refer to Original SM dated 25.11.1968, Revised on 22.10. 2019, and note that ONE FULL page (page 4, including last few lines of page 3) has been COMPLETELY omitted in the Revised Version, as compared to the Original Version. This page contains VALUABLE guidance for new aspirants of Knowledge, as to how they should conduct themselves, with respect to food and drink - when attending an office, or business, social gathering; when living with, or visiting, ‘lokik’ family members, or relatives; and even when visiting members of the Brahmin Family, who have recently come into the Knowledge. This could have been suitably presented, but should not have been omitted altogether – since many new aspirants of Knowledge are, generally, not very clear about these aspects; and how they should maintain a suitable balance, by not UNDULY offending others, while still following the Brahmin code of conduct, in ACCORDANCE with their own individual spiritual stage!

View salient points of Revised SM dated 22.10. 2019 viewtopic.php?f=40&t=2602&p=54521#p54515
View Original scanned SM dated 25.11.1968 ... -11-68.pdf
View clear script of Original scanned SM dated 25.11.1968

Script of Original SM dated 25.11.1968.pdf
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Re: CORRECTIONS to Murlis & Vanis

Post by Zorba the Greek »

From viewtopic.php?f=40&t=2727&p=54546#p54546

With regard to Original SM dated 27.12.1968, Revised on 06.11.2019 -

Certain key words have been replaced by other words - ‘Shrimat’ replaced with ‘manmat’ - thus altering the original intent of Incorporeal God Father Shiva.
For example – the word, ‘supreme’, has been replaced by the word, ‘great’, while referring to the pure soul who established the Sikh religion through Guru Nanak, who may ALSO be REGARDED as ‘supreme’, in the PARTICULAR context that he is pure, and that he establishes a new religion!
The altering of the original intent of Incorporeal God Father Shiva CANNOT be deemed to be appropriate conduct on the part of the current BK Organization!

Following concepts have been omitted altogether:
‘From being number ONE Deity, you become number ONE Devil’!
‘Even the father SPOILS his daughter’ (in this Devil world)!

View Original scanned SM dated 27.12.1968 ... -12-68.pdf
View SAME Revised SM dated 06.11.2019
View Original SM script dated 27.12.1968

In some Revised SMs about one full page has been omitted altogether, as compared with the SAME Original SMs.
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Re: CORRECTIONS to Murlis & Vanis

Post by Zorba the Greek »

From viewtopic.php?f=40&p=54562#p54562

With regard to Original SM dated 19.12.1968, Revised on 09.11.2019 -

Certain key words have been replaced by other words - ‘Shrimat’ replaced with ‘manmat’ - thus altering the original intent of Incorporeal God Father Shiva.

For example –
In the Revised SM, the sentence, ‘बहुत देह-अभिमानी बच्चे हैं जो समझते हैं हम तो सब कुछ जान गये हैं। मुरली भी नहीं पढ़ते हैं। कदर ही नहीं है।’ in Hindi, has been translated as, ‘SOME children who are very body conscious think that they know everything. They do not even read the Murli; they don’t value it at all.’, in English.
The word, ‘बहुत’, has been translated as ‘SOME’, instead of ‘MANY’; and the words, ‘Maharathis’ (‘महारथी’), which appears in the Original Murli, has been replaced with the word, ‘children’ (‘बच्चे’) in the Revised Murli. Therefore, ‘MANY body-conscious Maharathis’ (‘बहुत देह-अभिमानी महारथी’), has been ALTERED to ‘Some children who are very body conscious’ – to DILUTE the actual BITTER truth about MANY Maharathis (children who have been VERY LONG in the Knowledge)!

The altering of the original intent of Incorporeal God Father Shiva CANNOT be deemed to be appropriate conduct on the part of the current BK Organization!

The sentence, ‘bahut hain jo Murli padte hi nahin, apni hi shastron ki tik-tik karte rahenge, Murli par kyal bhi nahin karte’, in Hindi; ‘there are MANY (children) who DO NOT read the Murli at all, they continue to relate their OWN interpretations of the Scriptures, they DO NOT even pay attention to the Murli’, in English – has been omitted altogether!
This MAINLY pertains to PBKs, in PARTICULAR, who are the ‘seeds’ of Devotion (Bhakti); and ALSO to BKs, in GENERAL, who are the ‘roots’ of Devotion (Bhakti)!

View Original scanned SM dated 19.12.1968 ... -12-68.pdf
View SAME Revised SM dated 09.11.2019
View Original SM script dated 19.12.1968

In some Revised SMs about one full page has been omitted altogether, as compared with the SAME Original SMs.
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Re: CORRECTIONS to Murlis & Vanis

Post by Zorba the Greek »

From viewtopic.php?f=40&p=54569#p54569

With regard to Original SM dated 13.12.1968, Revised on 11.11.2019 -

Certain words have been replaced by other words, thus altering the original Versions of Incorporeal God Father Shiva.

The sentence, ‘मेरे बच्चे काम चिता पर बैठ भस्म हो गये हैं, मुर्दे बन गये हैं। फिर बाप आकर ज्ञान चिता पर बिठाते हैं।’ (‘Mere bachhe kam chitha par baith bhasm ho gaye hain, murde ban gaya hain. Fir Bap akar Gyan chitha par bitathe hain’), in Hindi; ‘My children have been destroyed by sitting on the pyre of lust, they have become (like) zombies. Then the Father comes and makes them sit on the pyre of knowledge’, in English – has been omitted altogether!
In a SUBTLE SENSE, this MAINLY pertains to PBKs, in PARTICULAR, who are the ‘seeds’ of Devotion (Bhakti); and ALSO to BKs, in GENERAL, who are the ‘roots’ of Devotion (Bhakti)!

ALSO, more than one FULL page has been omitted altogether, in the Revised SM, as compared with the SAME Original SM.

View Original scanned SM dated 13.12.1968 ... -12-68.pdf
View SAME Revised SM dated 11.11.2019
View Original SM script dated 13.12.1968
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Re: CORRECTIONS to Murlis & Vanis

Post by destroy old world »

Avyakt BapDada : 15.11.2016

बाबा ने लिया पूरी सभा का पेपर। मेजोरिटी बच्चे हुए फैल (FAIL)! बापदादा का पूरी सभा मे इंसल्ट (INSULT)!
वीडियो, शुरू से, सिर्फ ७ मिनट २५ सेकंड तक ही देख लीजिये, यहाँ तक काफी है। इसके बाद रिपीटिशन है!

तो इन मेजोरिटी बच्चों के समझ अनुसार - क्या शिव बाप व ब्रह्मा बाप अपने को भूले हुए थे?
परमपिता परमात्मा शिव बाप व ब्रह्मा बाप अपने को भूलते हैं - या बच्चे स्वयं को भूले हुए हैं?
तो मेजोरिटी बच्चों की आत्मिक स्थिति कहाँ लटकी हुई है - उनकी बुद्धि कहाँ भटक रही है?

क्या इसी कारण अनुसार ही बापदादा का तीसरा रथ को, उन्हें न पहचानकर, मधुबन से निकाला गया?
अर्थात बापदादा को भी, बच्चों ने अपने जड़ बुद्धि व देह-अभिमान के कारण, मधुबन से निकाल दिया?
और, बापदादा का अंतिम महाकाल व धर्मराज, ट्रिब्यूनल (TRIBUNAL) का पार्ट, जो तीसरे रथ द्वारा अब चल रहा है – वे इस पार्ट को आज तक नहीं पहचान पा रहे हैं?
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Re: CORRECTIONS to Murlis & Vanis

Post by Zorba the Greek »

Avyakt BapDada : 15.11.2016

Baba took a (test) paper of the ENTIRE gathering. Majority of the children FAILED! INSULT to BapDada in the whole gathering!
It would suffice to view the video, from the beginning, only up to 7 minutes and 25 seconds, after which there is repetition!

So, according to the understanding of these majority children – did Father Shiva and Father Brahma forget themselves?
Do Supreme Father Supreme Soul Father Shiva, and Father Brahma forget themselves – or have the children forgotten themselves?
So, where is the Spiritual stage of the majority children hanging – where is their intellect wandering?

Was it because of this reason that BapDada's THIRD Chariot was removed from Madhuban - having not recognized her?
In other words, did the children remove EVEN BapDada from Madhuban - owing to their gross intellects and body-consciousness?
And, till today, they are not able to recognize BapDada’s FINAL part of ‘Mahakal’ (the ‘Great Death’), Dharamraj, and TRIBUNAL (‘Trinity’ – ‘Trimurti’), which is taking place through the third Chariot?
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Re: CORRECTIONS to Murlis & Vanis

Post by destroy old world »

🕉️ 🕉️ 🕉️ 🕉️ 🕉️ 🕉️ 🕉️ शिवबाबा याद है?

प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा बाबा की वाणी

(देवकी माता द्वारा - श्री कृष्ण को जन्म देने वाली - भारत-माता, जगदम्बा - ओम राधे, मातेश्वरी, सरस्वती मम्मा की आत्मा)

Link: Avyakt BapDada - 15.11.2016

[ बाबा, जो एक अव्यक्त मुरली चली थी (AV 15.11.2016) जिसमें बाबा ने कहा कि बाप दिल्ली में आए .. दिल्ली में आए - कितनी बार बोला .. ?? ]

वह बड़े रहस्य की बात है .. और बच्चों को लगता है कि बाबा को समझ नहीं आ रहा है कि वो क्या बोल रहा है! वही .. मतलब, वो सर्वशक्तिवान सृष्टि को एक ऐसे .. ऐसे .. ऐसे .. ऐसे.. चलाने वाला .. *वो अगर बैठके कह रहा है कि मैं दिल्ली में आया हूँ .. और आप कह रहे हो – ‘नहीं, आप मधुबन में हो’ .. तो यह गलत है .. क्योंकि दिल्ली में आया!* (शिव) बाबा बार-बार कह रहे थे, दिल्ली में चलना है .. दिल्ली में चलना है .. *दिल्ली मतलब क्या? परिस्तान!* बार-बार क्यों याद दिला रहे थे? बच्चे, अभी समय आ गया है .. दिल्ली में चलना है। लेकिन बच्चों को क्या लगा? भूल गया .. बाबा भूल गया? यह बड़ी वंडरफुल बात लगी। भई, बाबा भूल गया .. कि बाबा कहाँ बैठा है? *बाबा पूरा दिल्ली में ही बैठा .. मतलब .. दिल्ली मतलब परिस्तान!* यह पूरा विश्व क्या बनने वाला है? दिल्ली बनने वाला है। पूरा परिस्तान में .. अब दिल्ली में बैठा हूँ। उसने कहा – ‘अब, क्या मैं दिल्ली में बैठा हूँ?’ दिल्ली मतलब क्या? है ना? लेकिन वही .. फिर जाकर के .. पूरा .. अब सतयुग में थोड़ेही कहेंगे यह माउंट आबू है .. या फिर यह बॉम्बे है .. या फिर यह कलकत्ता है। ऐसे थोड़ेही कहेंगे! एक होंगा। एक दिल्ली .. अब दिल्ली में चलना है! *बाबा बार-बार कह रहे हैं, अब दिल्ली में चलना है। बच्चे कहते हैं, ‘नहीं, आप मधुबन में आये हो’! अरे, मधुबन में तो शरीर बैठा है .. लेकिन अब दिल्ली में चलने की तैयारी आ गयी।* ठीक है, बच्चे? इसीलिए कहते हैं ना .. *‘अब बच्चे, बाप के भी बाप बन गए’!* ठीक है?

बाबा, एक लिमिट तक बच्चों को बाप बनाता है, फिर छोड़ के भाग जाता है! भई, उनका अपना तरीका है .. अपना। अच्छा बच्चे, और पूछो। ..

[ दिल्ली मतलब .. वो भी होता है ना .. बापका दिल लेने वाली है दिल्ली। तो वो जो साकार तन है वह भी दिल्ली हो गया ना? ]
हाँ, वो भी दिल्ली हो गया। देखो, बाप की दिल पर चढ़ने वाले, बाप की दिल लेने वाले, बाबा दिल्ली में आए हैं .. *लेकिन, बाबा बार-बार, बार-बार उस समय राजधानी का इशारा कर रहे थे।* बाप की दिल लेने वाले दिल्ली वाले, बाबा ऐसे कहते थे .. बाबा की दिल लेने वाले दिल्ली वाले। लेकिन, उस समय बाबा बार-बार, बार-बार राजधानी की तरफ इशारा कर रहे थे। *पर बाबा के रहस्य को, बाबा के राज़ को, हर कोई समझ नहीं पाएंगा। बेहद की बात है।* वही कह रहे हैं .. बच्चे, बाबा का एक शब्द, और उसके कई अर्थ निकलते हैं। और अब यह तो यही हो गया ना .. मानो भक्ति मार्ग में भी ऐसे-ऐसे कहानियाँ भी हैं .. ऐसे-ऐसे हैं। अगर कहें .. जैसे साकार में भी अपन (ब्रह्मा बाबा) ने कहा, (ओम राधे - सरस्वती) मम्मा को .. ‘मम्मा, मुँह खोलो, अंडा खिलाएंगे’ .. तो बच्ची ने तुरंत कर दिया .. आ..आ (मुँह खोला)। मतलब बच्ची पास .. *क्योंकि उसको बाप पे पूरा निश्चय था।* वो बाप पर पूरा निश्चय था। और आज के बच्चे (को) कहेंगे, ‘चलो .. चलो, यह खाओ’। “अरे! यह तो बिल्कुल भगवान नहीं हो सकता, भई; यह तो यह कहता है, ‘यह खाओ’; उसके पास बिल्कुल मत जाना।” *और बाप लेता है परीक्षा!* देखो बाप को भी पता था, बच्ची को भी पता था, कि ‘मेरा बाबा कुछ भी गलत नहीं होने देंगा’। *वो बच्ची .. उसने वो नहीं देखा कि बाबा कर क्या रहें है? उसने यह देखा कि मुझे बाप पे पूरा निश्चय है।* और आज के बच्चे क्या बोलते हैं, ‘नहीं बाबा, आप वहाँ नहीं .. यहाँ’! *समझो .. बाबा क्या कहना चाहते हैं। ये समझने की बातें हैं!* यह उसी में से बाबा कहते हैं, कोटों में कोई .. कोई में कोई।

[ पूरा ब्राह्मण संसार नहीं समझ पाया? ]
अच्छा, बच्चे और पूछो, और पूछो ..

[ किसी आत्मा ने कहा – बाबा, यह वाली बात ना .. दिल्ली वाली बात .. एक बार, एक बहन ने भी बोला था, यू ट्यूब पे .. कि क्या अब सर्वशक्तिमान को बताना पड़ेगा कि वह दिल्ली में हैं, कि मधुबन में आए हैं? ]
देखो, वंडरफुल! *पूरी सभा में बाप की इंसल्ट कर रहे हो!* दिल्ली में है .. मधुबन में है .. उसको पता नहीं है? वो कौन है? सबसे पहली बात, हम इसको भूल गए हैं कि वो है कौन! उसको बताना पड़ रहा है, कि ‘नहीं, आप मधुबन में बैठे हो, आप दिल्ली में नहीं बैठे हो’? *उसमें ही .. बाप, एक-एक सभा में बैठने वालों की परीक्षा ले लिया। उसी में ही पेपर ले लिया।* जैसे, आज-कल भी क्या करतें हैं? पेपर कैसे लेते हैं, बताओ? कोई कहते हैं, ‘हमें अलग से बुलाया जाएंगा, फिर पेपर लेंगे, फिर अपना इंटरव्यू लेंगे’। लेकिन कैसे लेते हैं? *बाबा ने तो पूरी सभा का ले लिया! एक ही बार में ले लिया - पूरी सभा का! और मेजोरिटी (majority) फैल .. मेजोरिटी फैल!* कोई-कोई बच्चा ऐसा होंगा .. अब वो पेपर ले रहा .. उन्होंने कहा, ‘मधुबन में पेपर लो’। *मधुबन में भी लेकर आए ना .. लेकर आए ना? बच्चे कहते हैं, ‘मधुबन में लो पेपर’। ले लिया! पूरी सभा का ले लिया .. पर उसमें किसी को सवाल ही समझ में नहीं आया!*

[ किसी ने कहा – बाबा, वो क्या बोलते हैं कि गुलज़ार दादी का जो ब्रेन है ना .. शांत हो गया था, उसको समझ में नहीं आ रहा था .. इसलिए ? ]
अच्छा, बाबा का ब्रेन तो कभी शांत नहीं होता है। उस समय क्या है अगर शोभा बच्ची (गुलज़ार दादी) का जो ब्रेन है .. वो तो बाबा के आने के बाद तो औटोमाटिकली शांत ही हो जाता है - वो क्यों चलेगा? चलाएगा कौन? बाबा का चलेगा ना .. भई, अपने प्यारे (शिव) बाबा का चलेगा। मतलब .. बच्ची भूल गई .. (लेकिन) बाबा नहीं भूला ना! उस समय बाबा ने सबका, उधर ही बैठे-बैठे, क्या ले लिया? *मेजॉरिटी का पेपर ले लिया। मेजोरिटी का पेपर, बाबा ने ले लिया! लेकिन किसी बच्चे ने सोचा, ‘बाबा की इस बात में बड़ा राज है’ .. हाँ, वो बच्चे पास हो गए।* ‘बाबा ऐसे नहीं बोल सकता; बाबा की इस बात में तो बडा कुछ रहस्य है, जो बाबा बार-बार कह रहे हैं, बाबा दिल्ली में आया है’ .. वो बच्चा पास हो गया है। (मेजोरिटी) कहते, ‘यह बाबा को क्या हो गया, भई .. यह बाबा भूल गया है’। बाबा भूल गया? .. कितनी बड़ी बात बोल दिया, भई!
बाबा वो .. वो क्या कहेंगे .. जो एक चींटी को भोजन देना नहीं भूलता .. *वो इतनी बड़ी बात भूल जाएगा - कि बाबा कहाँ पे आए हैं, कहाँ पे नहीं आए हैं? सोच कैसे सकते हैं?*

[ वो आवाज़ चेंज नहीं हुआ था ना, बाबा .. दादी का जो आवाज़ चेंज हो जाता है .. बाबा के आने के बाद वो नहीं हुआ था, उस समय .. तो उनको ऐसा लग रहा था कि बाबा आया कि नहीं आया .. यह कन्फूजन (CONFUSION)? ]
यह सबसे बड़ा वंडरफुल है। देखो, यह बाबा .. बड़ी कमाल की चीज है। मतलब, अब वो सिद्ध भी नहीं कर सकते .. कि बाबा थे या नहीं थे? क्योंकि खुद फसेंगे .. फिर। खुद किस लिये फसेंगे? भई, आप खुद कह रहे हो कि ‘बाबा, आप मधुबन में बैठे हो, दिल्ली में नहीं बैठे हो’। मतलब कि आप कह रहे हो कि, ‘बाबा, आप हो’! फिर आप यह नहीं कह सकते कि ‘बाबा हो, या नहीं हो - पता नहीं कौन था, भई - कौन आकरके बोल गया कि मैं दिल्ली में आया हूँ?’ यह भी तो बड़ी वंडरफुल बात है ना? *ये सब भूल गए थे कि बाबा ने उस समय पेपर लिया था!*
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Zorba the Greek
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Re: CORRECTIONS to Murlis & Vanis

Post by Zorba the Greek »

Versions of PrajaPita Brahma

(through Mother Devaki – ‘Bharat-Mata’, ‘JagadAmba’ - who gives birth to Shri Krishna - soul of Om Radhe, ‘Mateshwari’, Saraswati Mama)

Link: Avyakt BapDada - 15.11.2016

[ Baba, there was an Avyakt Vani (AV 15.11.2016) in which Baba kept saying that He has come in Delhi .. He has come in Delhi .. He said this so many times .. ?? ]
There is a great secret behind that aspect .. and children were thinking that Baba was not understanding as to what He was saying! He .. who is the Almighty .. meaning, One who runs this world in this way, or that way (metaphorically speaking) .. *if He is sitting and saying that He has come in ‘Delhi’ .. and you are saying – ‘no, you are in Madhuban’ .. then this is WRONG .. because He came in ‘Delhi’!* (Shiv) Baba was saying AGAIN and AGAIN, you have to go to ‘Delhi’ .. you have to go to ‘Delhi’ .. *what is the meaning of ‘Delhi’? ‘Land of Angels’ (‘Paristhan’)!* Why was He reminding you AGAIN and AGAIN? Children, the time has now come .. to go to ‘Delhi’. But, what did the children feel? ‘He has forgotten’ .. Baba has forgotten? This was considered to be very wonderful! Has Baba forgotten .. where Baba was sitting? *Baba was sitting ONLY in ‘Delhi’ .. meaning .. ‘Delhi’ means ‘Land of Angels’ (‘Paristhan’)!* What is this WHOLE world going to become? It is going to become ‘Delhi’ (‘Land of Angels’). He is sitting ONLY in the ‘Land of Angels’ .. He is now sitting in ‘Delhi’. They thought – ‘is He NOW sitting in Delhi?’ What is the meaning of ‘Delhi’? In Golden Age, you would not say ‘this is Mt. Abu’ .. or ‘this is Mumbai’ .. or ‘this is Kolkata’. You would not say that! There will only be ONE. ONE ‘Delhi’ .. now you have to go to ‘Delhi! *Baba is saying AGAIN and AGAIN, you have now to go to ‘Delhi’. But the children are saying, ‘no, you have come to Madhuban’! Oh, only the body is sitting in Madhuban .. but now preparations have been made to go to ‘Delhi’.* OK, children? That is why it has been said .. *‘NOW, the children have become the Father of EVEN the Father’!* OK?
Baba, allows the children to be (to play) ‘the father’ up to a limit, then He leaves and goes away! He has His OWN way .. His way. OK children, continue to ask. ..

[ Delhi means .. it can also be .. the ‘one who wins the Heart of Baba’ (‘Dil li’). So, that corporeal body would also be ‘Dil li’, is it not? ]
Yes, that too would be ‘Dil li’. Look, ones who climb the Heart of Baba, ones who win the Heart of Baba, Baba has come to ‘Dil li’ (to them) .. *BUT, Baba was AGAIN and AGAIN, AGAIN and AGAIN, signaling towards the Kingdom (of the New World).* Ones who win the Heart of Baba, those from Delhi .. Baba used to say like that .. ones who win the Heart of Baba, from Delhi. BUT, at THAT time Baba was AGAIN and AGAIN, AGAIN and AGAIN signaling towards the Kingdom. *But everyone will NOT be able to understand the secrets of Baba, the mysteries of Baba. This is an unlimited aspect. Children, EVERY word of Baba has SEVERAL meanings.* Now this is what happened, is it not .. understand that there are such stories on the path of devotion as well .. there are such stories. And I may say .. when I (Brahma Baba) was in ‘Sakar’ (corporeal body, BEFORE 1969) I said to Mama (Om Radhe – Saraswati) .. ‘Mama, open your mouth, I will feed you an egg’ .. then the child (Mama) opened IMMEDIATELY .. ah .. ah (opened her mouth). That means the child PASSED .. *because she had COMPLETE TRUST in Baba.* She had FULL FAITH in Baba.
But if you tell today’s children, ‘come on .. come on, eat this (just saying that it is an egg)’. “Oh! This can definitely NOT be God; this one is saying, ‘eat this’; do not ever go to him.” *And the Father is taking a TEST!*
Look, the Father also knew, and the child ALSO knew that, ‘my Father will not allow anything WRONG to take place’. *That child (Mama) .. she did not see what Baba was doing! She was CONFIDENT that she had FULL FAITH in Baba.* And what are the children of today saying, ‘no Baba, You are NOT there .. You are here’! *Understand .. what Baba is wanting to tell you. These aspects have to be understood!* This is why Baba has been saying, ‘FEW out of multi-millions .. and ONLY SOME from those FEW!’

[ The whole Brahmin world were not able to understand? ]
OK, children continue to ask ..

[ someone said – Baba, this matter .. this matter regarding Delhi .. once, one Sister had also mentioned on YouTube .. is it now necessary to tell the Almighty whether He is in Delhi, or whether He is in Madhuban? ]
Look, this is wonderful! *This is an INSULT to Baba in the WHOLE assembly (gathering)!* Whether He is in Delhi .. or whether He is in Madhuban .. does He not know? Who is He? FIRST of ALL, we have FORGOTTEN as to who He is! Is it necessary to tell him, ‘no, you are sitting in Madhuban, you are NOT sitting in Delhi’? *In this itself .. the Father has taken a TEST of EACH and EVERY one sitting in the gathering.* Just as .. what do they do nowadays? How do they take a TEST? Some say, ‘call us separately, then take the test, then take our interview’. But how did He take? *Baba took a TEST of the ENTIRE gathering! He took the TEST all at ONCE – of the WHOLE gathering! And the MAJORITY FAILED .. MAJORITY FAILED!* There would be some children (who would think) .. now He is taking a TEST .. so they would say, ‘take a TEST in Madhuban’. *He has come after taking the TEST in Madhuban, is it not .. He has taken the TEST and come, is it not? Children say, ‘take the TEST in Madhuban’. It has been taken! The TEST of the ENTIRE gathering has been TAKEN .. but in that too, some did not EVEN understand the QUESTION!*

[ Someone said – Baba, some say that the brain of Dadi Gulzar had become STILL .. she was not able to understand .. is that the reason? ]
OK .. Baba’s Brain NEVER becomes STILL! At that time, the brain of child Shobha (Dadi Gulzar – her ‘lokik’ name was Shobha) automatically becomes STILL after Baba comes (in her) – why would that function? Who is the one who is using (her brain)? Baba is using, is it not .. our Beloved (Shiv) Baba would be using (her brain). They mean (to say) .. the child has forgotten .. (BUT) Baba DID NOT forget, is it not! At that time, what did Baba take of EVERYONE, while sitting there itself? *He took the TEST paper of the MAJORITY. Baba took the TEST paper of the MAJORITY! But, there were some children who thought that there is some secret behind what Baba is saying (in this regard) .. yes, those children PASSED.* ‘Baba cannot just speak like that; there is a great secret behind what Baba is saying (with regard to this), that Baba is saying AGAIN and AGAIN that Baba has come in Delhi’ .. these children (who thought in this way) PASSED. (MAJORITY) thought, ‘what has happened to Baba .. Baba has forgotten’. Has Baba forgotten? .. they made such a big deal (out of this)!
Baba, who .. what may be said of Him .. He, who would not even forget to give food to an ant (metaphorically) .. *would He forget such a great occurrence – as to where Baba has come, and where He has not come? How could anyone EVEN think in SUCH a manner?*

[ Baba, the sound of the voice had not changed (at that time) .. (normally) the voice of Dadi changes .. after Baba came, that did not happen, at that time .. so they were thinking whether Baba came, or whether, maybe He did not come .. was this the CONFUSION? ]
This is most wonderful! Look, this Baba .. this is something wonderful. This means, that they are not even certain .. whether Baba was there, or whether He was not there? Because, in this case, they would get trapped, themselves. How would they get trapped, themselves? They, themselves, are saying that ‘Baba, you are sitting in Madhuban, You are not sitting in Delhi’. That means, they are saying that, ‘Baba, You are PRESENT, HERE’! Then, they CANNOT think (at the same time), “ was Baba here, or was He not here – we do not know who was here – who was it who said that ‘I have come in Delhi’? ” This is also something wonderful, is it not? *ALL of them had FORGOTTEN that Baba had taken their TEST paper at THAT time!*
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