SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2019

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Golden Heart
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Sakar Murli & Avyakt Vani points for churning

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"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 12.10.2019 (Original 12.12.1968)"
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
रूहानी शिवबाबा बैठ अपने रूहानी बच्चों को समझाते हैं। यह तो जानते हो कि तीसरा नेत्र भी होता है। ... यहाँ तो बाप बैठे हैं, इनकी तो सारे दुनिया की जो भी आत्मायें हैं, सब तरफ नज़र जाती है। जानते हैं सबको मुझे वर्सा देना है। भल बैठे यहाँ हैं, परन्तु नज़र सारे विश्व पर, और सारे विश्व के मनुष्य मात्र पर है क्योंकि सारे विश्व को ही निहाल करना होता है। बाप समझाते हैं, यह है पुरूषोत्तम संगमयुग। तुम जानते हो बाबा आया हुआ है सबको शान्तिधाम, सुखधाम ले जाने। सब निहाल हो जाने वाले हैं। ड्रामा के प्लैन अनुसार कल्प-कल्प निहाल हो जायेंगे। बाप सब बच्चों को याद करते हैं। नज़र तो जाती है ना।
“Spiritual ShivBaba sits and explains to His spiritual Children. You know that there is the Third Eye as well. ... The Father is sitting here, and His vision is drawn to the souls of the whole World. He knows that He has to give the inheritance to EVERYONE. Although He is sitting here, His vision is on the whole World, and on ALL the human beings of the WHOLE World, because He has to take the (human beings of the) WHOLE World beyond. The Father explains that this is the most auspicious Confluence Age. You know that the Father has come to take everyone to the ‘Land of Peace’ and the ‘Land of Happiness’. Everyone will go beyond. Cycle after cycle, according to the plan of Drama, they will go beyond. The Father Remembers ALL the Children. His vision is drawn to everyone.”

Incorporeal God Father Shiva takes ALL the embodied souls of the WHOLE World beyond, with just a GLANCE of His Divine Vision of the Third Eye – to give them their inheritance of Liberation in the ‘Land of Peace’ & ‘Liberation-in-Life’ in the ‘Land of Happiness’ – number-wise, in accordance with their individual efforts!

बाप भी कल्प वृक्ष का बीजरूप है। यह है कारपोरियल झाड़। ऊपर में है इनकारपोरियल झाड़। ... वह भी बाप आपेही समझाते रहते हैं। मनुष्य तो लाखों वर्ष आयु कह देते हैं। बाप कहते हैं - नहीं, यह तो हर 5 हज़ार वर्ष बाद, तुम जो पहले-पहले बिछुड़े हो, वही आकर बाप से मिलते हो। तुमको ही पुरूषार्थ करना है। ... इस जन्म में तुम पढ़ते हो, रिज़ल्ट नई दुनिया में मिलती है। यह सिर्फ तुम बच्चों को पता है।
The Father is the Seed Form of the Kalpa Tree. This is the corporeal Tree, and up above is the incorporeal Tree. ... The Father, Himself, explains all this. Human beings say that the duration (of this World) is hundreds of thousands of years. The Father says: No, those of You who were the first to separate (from Him, from the Soul World), come here to meet the Father again (in Confluence Age), after EVERY 5000 years. You are the ones who have to make effort. ... You Study in this birth, and You receive the result in the New World. ONLY You Children know this.

The MOST ELEVATED Sovereigns of the VERY BEGINNING of Golden Age, who come down from the Soul World, FIRST of ALL, are the FIRST ONES to come and meet Incorporeal God Father Shiva, in Confluence Age, through the impure corporeal body of Brahma Baba.

याद के लिए बाप अनेक उपाय बताते हैं। बाप भी है, टीचर भी है, सतगुरू भी है। तीनों रूप में याद करो। कितनी युक्तियाँ दे रहे हैं, याद करने की। परन्तु माया भुला देती है। ... युक्तियां बतलाते हैं याद की। फिर साथ-साथ कहते भी हैं, माया बड़ी दुश्तर है। घड़ी-घड़ी तुमको भुलायेगी और देह-अभिमानी बना देगी, इसलिए जितना हो सके याद करते रहो। उठते-बैठते, चलते-फिरते देह के बदले अपने को देही समझो। यह है मेहनत। नॉलेज तो बहुत सहज है। सब बच्चे कहते हैं, याद ठहरती नहीं। तुम बाप को याद करते हो, माया फिर अपनी तरफ खींच लेती है। इस पर ही यह खेल बना हुआ है।
“The Father shows You many techniques to Remember Him. He is the Father also, the Teacher also, and the Satguru also. Remember Him in all three forms. He gives You many techniques for Remembrance, but Maya makes you forget. ... He shows You many techniques for Remembrance and, along with that, He says that Maya is very powerful. She repeatedly makes You forget, and makes You body-conscious. Therefore, continue to Remember Him, to whatever extent possible. As you walk, sit and move around, instead of considering yourselves to be bodies, consider yourselves to be souls. This requires effort; whereas, Knowledge is very easy. All the Children say that they are unable to stay in Remembrance. You try to Remember the Father, and Maya pulls You to herself. There is a play created about this.”

The wonderful ACT of Remembrance, and the bewildering FACT of forgetfulness, ALSO constitute a Play, which is predestined within this Eternal World Drama!

इस समय सब धर्मों के झाड़ वृद्धि को पा चुके हैं। यह बेहद का बड़ा झाड़ है। यह सब धर्म फिर नहीं रहेंगे। अभी सारा झाड़ खड़ा है, बाकी फाउन्डेशन है नहीं। बनेन ट्री का मिसाल बिल्कुल एक्यूरेट है। यह एक ही वन्डरफुल झाड़ है, बाप ने दृष्टान्त भी ड्रामा में यह रखा है समझाने के लिए। फाउन्डेशन है नहीं। तो यह समझ की बात है। बाप ने तुमको कितना समझदार बनाया है। अभी देवता धर्म का फाउन्डेशन है नहीं। बाकी कुछ निशानियाँ हैं - आटे में नमक।
“ At this time, the Tree of all the religions has reached (the limit of) expansion. This is an unlimited, huge Tree. Later, none of those religions will exist. The whole Tree is now standing, but the foundation no longer exists. The example of the banyan tree is absolutely accurate. This is the only wonderful tree, and the Father uses this example in Drama in order to explain. It is a matter of understanding how the foundation does not exist. The Father has made You so sensible. There is now no foundation of the Deity religion, but there are some signs of it - like a ‘pinch of salt’ in a ‘handful of flour’. ”

Incorporeal God Father Shiva uses the example of the banyan tree, which is VERY UNIQUE, in order to explain how the foundation of the Trunk of the Deity religion no longer exists, at the end of Iron Age, although there are some signs of same still visible – while all the other Branches of various other religions are still very much EVIDENT!

नाटक पूरा हो, तब तक सब एक्टर्स यहाँ होने हैं, जब तक बाप यहाँ है; जब वहाँ बिल्कुल खाली हो जायेंगे, तब तो शिवबाबा की बरात जायेगी। पहले से तो नहीं जाकर बैठेंगे।
“All the actors will continue (to come down from the Soul World and) to be here until the Play is over, as long as the Father is here. Then, when that place (Soul World) is completely empty, the procession of ShivBaba will return (back Home, to the Soul World). No one will go and sit there before that.”

तो यह है नॉलेज। नॉलेज को मोड़-तोड़कर भक्ति में क्या बना दिया है। ज्ञान का सारा सूत मूँझा हुआ है। उनको समझाने वाला तो एक ही बाप है।
“So this is Knowledge. By changing and moulding the Knowledge, just look what they have made on the ‘path of Devotion’! The whole thread of Knowledge is totally tangled. Only the one Father can explain to them.”

SIMILARLY - when the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita) - administered by Incorporeal God Father Shiva, to the Righteous Children, or TRUE Brahmins, ONLY THROUGH the Lotus Mouth/Intellectual Orifice of Brahma Baba, during Confluence Age - is CHANGED and MOULDED, by the Godly Form or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya, through the BOGUS mouth of the ‘mukrar-rath’ of Ravan, MASQUERADING as the ‘mukrar-rath’ of God - by MISINTERPRETING, MISREPRESENTING & MISAPPROPRIATING same to be in ACCURATE CONSONANCE with the DISTORTED & PERVERTED CONCEPTS of ‘Rajopradhan & Tamopradhan Bhakti’ of the ‘path of Ravan Rajya’ – then it represents the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge, being the EXACT ‘shooting’ of the FALSE Scriptures & FALSE Gita of the ‘path of Devotion’ of Ravan Rajya!

बेहद का बाप बेहद की बात सुनाते हैं। पुरानी दुनिया से तुम्हारा ममत्व निकलता जायेगा, तो खुशी भी होगी। तुम रिटर्न में फिर सुखधाम में जाते हो। सतोप्रधान बनते जायेंगे। कल्प-कल्प जो बने हैं, वही बनेंगे, और उनको ही खुशी होगी, फिर यह पुराना शरीर छोड़ देंगे। फिर नया शरीर लेकर सतोप्रधान दुनिया में आयेंगे। यह नॉलेज खलास हो जायेगी।
“The Unlimited Father tells You Unlimited aspects. When You continue to remove your attachment to the old World, THEN You will also experience Happiness; and then, in return (as a consequence), You will go to the ‘Land of Happiness’. You will continue to become ‘satopradhan’. ONLY those who have become this every Cycle, will do so again; and ONLY they will experience Happiness, and they will then leave their old bodies. They will then go to the ‘satopradhan’ World and adopt new bodies. This Knowledge will finish by then.”

When the Righteous Children become Pure, once again, in Confluence Age, they have to leave their old impure bodies, at the END of Confluence Age, and take new pure bodies, in the beginning of Golden Age, in the Pure New World of RamRajya!
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Golden Heart
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Sakar Murli & Avyakt Vani points for churning

Post by Golden Heart »

"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A AV 21.02.1985, Revised 13.10.2019"
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Intellectual Orifice of Brahma Baba, AFTER 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children - 1) who were PHYSICALLY present FACE to FACE with God, through the instrumental corporeal body of Dadi Gulzar; and 2) who were SPIRITUALLY present FACE to FACE with God, through their own Divine Intellects, in their own 'Akari' stage.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
आज ज्ञान सूर्य, ज्ञान चन्द्रमा अपने लकी और लवली सितारों को देख रहे हैं। ... कैसे हर एक सितारा ज्ञान सूर्य द्वारा सत्यता की लाइट माइट ले, बाप समान ‘सत्यता की शक्ति’ सम्पन्न सत्य स्वरूप बने हैं; और ज्ञान चन्द्रमा द्वारा ‘शीतलता की शक्ति’ धारण कर, चन्द्रमा समान शीतल स्वरूप बने हैं। यह दोनों शक्तियाँ सत्यता और शीतलता, सदा सहज सफलता को प्राप्त कराती हैं।
Today, the ‘Sun of Knowledge’ (Incorporeal ShivBaba), and the ‘Moon of Knowledge’ (Brahma Baba), are looking at their Lucky and Lovely Stars (Righteous Children). ... (BapDada are seeing) How each Star has taken the Light and Might of Truth from the ‘Sun of Knowledge’ (Shiva), and become filled with the ‘Power of Truth’, like the Father, and an embodiment of Truth; and how, having imbibed the ‘Power of Coolness’ from the ‘Moon of Knowledge’ (Brahma Baba), You have become ‘embodiment of Coolness’, like the ‘Moon’ (of Knowledge). These two Powers of Truth and Coolness enable You to constantly and easily attain success.

Truth CANNOT be disseminated EASILY, without imbibing the TWIN Powers of Truth and Coolness SIMULTANEOUSLY, to the same extent!

सत्यता को भी ‘शीतलता की शक्ति’ से सिद्ध करने से सिद्धि प्राप्त होती है। नहीं तो सिवाए ‘शीतलता की शक्ति’ के सत्यता को सिद्ध करने के लक्ष्य से करते सिद्ध हैं, लेकिन अज्ञानी सिद्ध को जिद्द समझ लेते हैं, इसलिए सत्यता और शीतलता दोनों शक्तियाँ समान और साथ चाहिए क्योंकि आज के विश्व का हर एक मानव किसी न किसी अग्नि में जल रहा है। ऐसी अग्नि में जलती हुई आत्मा को पहले ‘शीतलता की शक्ति’ से अग्नि को शीतल करो, तब शीतलता के आधार से सत्यता को जान सकेंगे। ‘शीतलता की शक्ति’ अर्थात् आत्मिक स्नेह की शक्ति।
ONLY with the ‘Power of Coolness’, can You be successful in proving the Truth. Otherwise, when You aim to try and prove the Truth without the ‘Power of Coolness’, people without Knowledge consider your trying to prove it to be a form of arrogance. This is why BOTH the Powers of Truth and Coolness are needed equally and simultaneously, because every human being, in today's World, is burning in one form of Fire or another. First of all, using the ‘Power of Coolness, You have to Cool down the Heat of such souls who are burning in the Fire, and only on the basis of Coolness will they then be able to know (be receptive to) the Truth. The ‘Power of Coolness’ means the Power of soul-conscious Love.

UNLESS and UNTIL, embodied souls - who are NOT YET in the Knowledge - FIRST experience the ‘Power of Coolness’, in the form of soul-conscious Love, they will NOT be in a position to be READILY receptive to the Powerful Truth of the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita)!

तो स्नेह, अर्थात् ‘शीतलता की शक्ति’, किसी भी अग्नि में जली हुई आत्मा को शीतल बनाए, सत्यता को धारण कराने के योग्य बना देती है। पहले चन्द्रमा की शीतलता से योग्य बनते, फिर ज्ञान सूर्य के ‘सत्यता की शक्ति’ से योगी बन जाते! तो ज्ञान चन्द्रमा के ‘शीतलता की शक्ति’ बाप के आगे जाने के योग्य बना देती है। योग्य नहीं, तो योगी भी नहीं बन सकते हैं। तो सत्यता जानने के पहले शीतल हो। सत्यता को धारण करने की शक्ति चाहिए।
So, Love, that is, the ‘Power of Coolness’, is able to cool down a soul, no matter which Fire he may be burning in, and make him capable of imbibing (being receptive to) the Truth. First of all, through the Coolness of the ‘Moon’ (of Knowledge) they become worthy (capable to receive); and then, through the ‘Power of Truth’ of the ‘Sun of Knowledge’, they become a Yogi (capable to have Remembrance). So the ‘Power of Coolness’ of the ‘Moon of Knowledge’ enables them to become worthy of coming in FRONT of the Father (in ‘Sakar’, in ‘Akar’, or in ‘Nirakar’). If they do not become worthy (capable), they cannot even become a Yogi. So, first of all, before knowing the Truth, they have to become Cool. They need the Power to imbibe the Truth (with the ‘Power of Coolness’).”

Therefore, embodied souls - who are NOT YET in the Knowledge - must FIRST be Cooled down with the ‘Power of Coolness’, by FIRST enabling them to have the experience of soul-conscious Love - ONLY AFTER which will they be in a position to receive and imbibe the Powerful Truth of the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita) - to then be ABLE to remain in ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Remembrance of ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva, ALONEas a POINT source of Spiritual Light Energy – by FIRST considering the Self ALSO as a soul – also as a Point source of Spiritual Light Energy!
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Golden Heart
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Sakar Murli & Avyakt Vani points for churning

Post by Golden Heart »

"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 14.10.2019 (Original 06.11.1968) "
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
तुम मीठे-मीठे बच्चे जो यहाँ बहुत दु:खी हो गये हो, वेश्यालय में पड़े हो, अब मैं आया हूँ तुमको शिवालय में ले जाने। वह शान्तिधाम है निराकारी शिवालय और सुखधाम है साकारी शिवालय। तो इस समय बाप तुम बच्चों को रिफ्रेश कर रहे हैं। तुम बाप के सम्मुख बैठे हो ना। बुद्धि में निश्चय तो है बाबा आया हुआ है। ‘बाबा’ अक्षर बहुत मीठा है।
“You sweetest Children have become very unhappy here in this ‘Brothel’ (‘Vaishalaya’ of Ravan Rajya), so I have now come to take You to the ‘Temple of Shiva’ (‘Shivalaya’ of RamRajya). That ‘Land of Peace’ is the incorporeal ‘Temple of Shiva’ (‘Nirakari Shivalaya’), and the ‘Land of Happiness’ is the corporeal ‘Temple of Shiva’ (‘Sakari Shivalaya’). So, the Father is refreshing You Children at this time (in Confluence Age). You are sitting FACE to FACE with the Father. Your intellects have faith that Baba has come. The word ‘Baba’ is very Sweet.”

At the end of Confluence Age, ALL embodied souls become Pure and receive Liberation, and go back to the incorporeal ‘Temple of Shiva’, Soul World, Supreme Abode, or the ‘Land of Peace’, and reside there; while ONLY certain souls come down to the corporeal ‘Temple of Shiva’, or the ‘Land of Happiness’, to start experiencing Fruition, from the very beginning of the ‘Land of Happiness’, or Golden Age, number-wise – while the other souls continue to descend progressively thereafter, number-wise, to enact their roles through their respective corporeal bodies, with the passage of time, in accordance with their respective roles on this corporeal sphere, at the appropriate Age, and period of time in the Cycle.

ड्रामा में तुम्हारा भी अच्छे ते अच्छा पार्ट है। तुम कितने लकी हो। बेहद के बाप के तुम बनते हो। वह आकर तुम बच्चों को पढ़ाते हैं। कितनी ऊंच, कितनी सहज पढ़ाई है। कितना तुम धनवान बनते हो, इसमें कोई मेहनत नहीं करनी पड़ती। डॉक्टर, इन्जीनियर आदि कितनी मेहनत करते हैं, तुमको तो वर्सा मिलता है, बाप की कमाई पर बच्चे का हक होता है ना। तुम यह पढ़कर 21 जन्मों की सच्ची कमाई करते हो।
You have the best parts of all in Drama. You are so Lucky that You belong to the Unlimited Father. He comes and TEACHES You Children. This is such an ELEVATED and EASY Study. You become so wealthy. You do not need to LABOUR in this. Doctors and engineers LABOUR so much (to study to become doctors or engineers). You receive the inheritance (by making EASY efforts). Children have a right to their father's income. You Study this and earn a TRUE income for 21 births.”

All professionals have to LABOUR very much to earn a perishable income for ONLY ONE birth, in EACH and EVERY birth during Ravan Rajya; while the Righteous Children, ONLY have to make EASY efforts, ONLY during Confluence Age, to earn an imperishable income for the next 21 births during RamRajya!

हम बाप की याद से पवित्र बनकर फिर घर जायेंगे, बाप के साथ। फिर इस पढ़ाई से हमको माइट मिलती है। देवी-देवता धर्म के लिए कहा जाता है ‘रिलीजन इज माइट’। बाप तो है सर्वशक्तिमान्। तो बाबा से हमको विश्व में शान्ति स्थापन करने की ताकत मिलती है। वह बादशाही हमसे कोई छीन न सके। इतनी ताकत मिलती है। ... यह फिर है 21 जन्मों की ताकत। अभी तुम जानते हो हमको सर्वशक्तिमान् बाप से ताकत मिलती है, विश्व पर राज्य करने की। ... याद की यात्रा से यह सब तुम ताकत ले रहे हो। यह बातें भूलो नहीं। याद करते-करते तुम बहुत ताकत वाले बन जाते हो।
“We will become Pure by having Remembrance of the Father, and we will then go back Home along with Him. We receive (Spiritual) Might through this Study. It is said of the Deity religion that, ‘Religion is Might’. The Father is the Almighty Authority. Therefore, we receive (Spiritual) Power from Baba to establish Peace in the World. We receive so much (Spiritual) Power, that NO ONE can snatch that Sovereignty away from us. ... This (Spiritual) Power is for 21 births. You know that we are now receiving (Spiritual) Power from the Almighty Authority Father to rule the World. ... You are receiving all of this (Spiritual) Power through the pilgrimage of Remembrance. DO NOT FORGET these aspects. By CONTINUING to Remember the Father, You become those with a lot of (Spiritual) Power.”

By CONTINUING to Study the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita), and by CONTINUING to remain in ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Remembrance of ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva, ALONE, during Confluence Age – the Righteous Children, or TRUE Brahmins, ACCUMULATE sufficient Spiritual Power, to be able to receive the Sovereignty of RamRajya, for 21 births, during Golden and Silver Ages, number-wise – which NO ONE can snatch away from them!

जब तक नया मकान बनकर तैयार हो जाए, तब तक पुराने में रहना पड़ता है। बाप संगम पर ही आते हैं वर्सा देने। बेहद के बाप का है बेहद का वर्सा। बच्चे जानते हैं, बाप का वर्सा हमारा है। उस खुशी में रहते हैं। अपनी कमाई भी करते हैं, और बाप का वर्सा भी मिलता है। तुमको तो वर्सा ही मिलता है। वहाँ तुमको पता नहीं पड़ेगा स्वर्ग का वर्सा हमको कैसे मिला। वहाँ तो तुम्हारी लाइफ बहुत सुखी रहती है क्योंकि तुम बाप को याद कर माइट लेते हो।
“While a new home is being built, and is being made ready, one still has to live in the old home. The Father comes ONLY at the Confluence Age to give You your inheritance. An Unlimited inheritance is received from the Unlimited Father. Children know that their father’s inheritance is theirs. They maintain the happiness of that. They earn their own income, and also receive their father’s (limited) inheritance; You just receive the (Unlimited) inheritance. There (in Golden Age), You will not know how You received your inheritance of Heaven. There (in Golden Age), your life remains very happy, because You receive Might by Remembering the Father (during Confluence Age).

The Spiritual Power which is ACCUMULATED, through the Study of the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita), and through ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Remembrance of ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva, ALONE, during Confluence Age – enables the Righteous Children to EXPERIENCE a life full of Happiness for the next 21 births, during RamRajya!

पाप काटने वाला पतित-पावन एक ही बाप है। बाप को याद करने और स्वदर्शन चक्र को फिराने से ही तुम्हारे पाप कटते हैं। यह अच्छी रीति नोट करो। यही समझाना बस है। आगे चल तुमको ‘तीक-तीक’ नहीं करनी पड़ेगी। एक इशारा ही बस है। बेहद के बाप को याद करो, तो तुम्हारे पाप कट जायेंगे। तुम नर से नारायण, नारी से लक्ष्मी बनने आते हो। यह तो याद है ना?
“ONLY ONE Father is the Purifier who incinerates your sins. ONLY by Remembering the Father and spinning the discus of Self-Realisation are your sins incinerated. You have to NOTE this down VERY WELL. It is enough to explain ONLY this. As you progress further, You will NOT have to speak a great deal. Just ONE signal will be enough (‘Manmanabhav’): Remember the Unlimited Father, and your sins will be incinerated. You come here to become Narayan from an ordinary man, and Lakshmi from an ordinary woman. You remember that, do You not?”

At the end there will be NO NEED to speak a great deal of Knowledge. They just have to be told ONLY ONE Word, ‘Manmanabhav’ - Remember the Unlimited Father, and your sins will be incinerated – THAT’s ALL! EVEN the Word, ‘Madhyajibhav’ (remembrance of the Unlimited inheritance) is MERGED within the ONE Word, ‘Manmanabhav’!

बाबा को भी पढ़ाना है; उनका नाम तो सदैव शिव ही है। शरीर के नाम बदलते हैं। यह शरीर तो हमारा नहीं है। यह इनकी मिल्कियत है। शरीर आत्मा की मिलकियत होती है, जिससे पार्ट बजाती है। यह तो बिल्कुल सहज समझ की बात है। आत्मा तो सबमें है, सबके शरीर का नाम अलग-अलग पड़ता है। यह फिर है परम आत्मा, सुप्रीम आत्मा, ऊंच ते ऊंच है। अभी तुम समझते हो भगवान तो एक है क्रियेटर। बाकी सब हैं रचना पार्ट बजाने वाले।
“Baba too has to TEACH You; His Name is ALWAYS Shiva. The names of the bodies change. This body (of DLR) is not Mine; it is this one's property. The body is the property of the soul through which the soul plays a part. This is something that can easily be understood. There is a soul in each one, and each one's body has a different name. This One (Shiva) is the Supreme Soul (‘Paramatma’), the Highest-on-High. You now understand that God is ONE, the Creator; and all the rest are the creation, who play their parts.

ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva can be called the Supreme Soul (‘Paramatma’) and the Incorporeal Creator, while all the other embodied souls are the creation!
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Golden Heart
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Post by Golden Heart »

"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 15.10.2019 (Original 11.11.1968)"
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
बाप मनुष्य सृष्टि का बीजरूप है; फिर वह सत है, चैतन्य है, नॉलेजफुल है, उनको इस सारे झाड़ की नॉलेज है। और कोई को भी इस झाड़ की नॉलेज है नहीं। इनका बीज है बाप, जिसको परमपिता परमात्मा कहा जाता है। जैसे आम का झाड़ है, तो उनका क्रियेटर बीज को कहेंगे ना। वह जैसे बाप हो गया; परन्तु वह जड़ है। अगर चैतन्य होता तो उनको मालूम रहता ना - मेरे से झाड़ सारा कैसे निकलता है। परन्तु वह जड़ है, उसका बीज नीचे बोया जाता है। यह तो है चैतन्य बीजरूप। यह ऊपर रहते हैं, तुम भी मास्टर बीजरूप बनते हो। बाप से तुमको नॉलेज मिलती है। वह है ऊंच ते ऊंच। पद भी तुम ऊंच पाते हो।
The Father is the Seed Form of the human World (Tree); and He is the Truth, the Living Being, and Knowledge-FULL, who has the Knowledge of this WHOLE Tree (Day & Night of the Cycle). NO ONE ELSE has the Knowledge of this Tree. Its Seed is the Father (Shiva), who is called the Supreme Father Supreme Soul. It is the same as with a mango tree, its seed would be called its ‘creator’. It is as though the seed is the ‘father’, but that is non-living. If it were living, it would know how the WHOLE tree emerges from it; but it is non-living; its seed is planted underground. This One (Shiva) is the Living Seed Form; He resides up above. You too become Master seed forms. You receive Knowledge from the Father. He is the Highest-on-High. You too claim a high status.”

Incorporeal God Father Shiva is the Seed Form of the ENTIRE human World Tree – RamRajya, AS WELL AS, Ravan Rajya; or Day of the Cycle, AS WELL AS, the Night of the Cycle; or Day of Brahma, AS WELL AS, the Night of Brahma – in the specific sense, that He has the COMPLETE Knowledge of the ENTIRE human World Tree, in ESSENCE-FULL form!

तुम जानते हो वह बेहद का बाप भी है, टीचर-सतगुरू भी है। ऐसा कोई मनुष्य हो न सके। इनको (ब्रह्मा को) तुम ‘बाबा’ कहते हो; प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा कहते हो। यह भी कहते हैं, मेरे से तुमको वर्सा नहीं मिलेगा। बापू गांधी जी भी प्रजापिता नहीं था ना। बाप कहते हैं, इन बातों में तुम मूँझो मत। बोलो, हम ब्रह्मा को भगवान वा देवता आदि कहते ही नहीं हैं। बाप ने बताया है बहुत जन्मों के अन्त में, वानप्रस्थ अवस्था में, मैं इनमें प्रवेश करता हूँ सारे विश्व को पावन बनाने के लिए। झाड़ में भी दिखाओ, देखो एकदम पिछाड़ी में खड़ा है। अब तो सब तमोप्रधान जड़जड़ीभूत अवस्था में हैं ना। यह भी तमोप्रधान में खड़े हैं, वही फीचर्स हैं। इसमें बाप प्रवेश कर, इनका नाम ब्रह्मा रखते हैं।
“You know that He (Shiva) is the Unlimited Father also; and the Teacher and Satguru also. There cannot be ANY human being like that. You call this one (Brahma) ‘Baba’; You call him (soul of DLR) PrajaPita Brahma. This one (Brahma Baba) also says: You will NOT receive the inheritance from me. Bapu Gandhiji was also NOT the ‘Father of the People’ (‘PrajaPita’). The Father says: Do not become confused about these aspects. Tell them: We DO NOT call Brahma (soul of DLR), ‘Bhagwan’ (God), or a Deity. The Father has told us that He enters this one (soul of DLR) at the end of his many births, in his stage of retirement, in order to purify the WHOLE World. Show them how, in the picture of the Tree, he is standing at the VERY END (TOP). Everyone is now in their ‘tamopradhan’ state of total decay. This one is also standing in the ‘tamopradhan’ stage, and has those same features (as BEFORE coming into Knowledge). The Father enters him and names him Brahma.”

REAL PrajaPita Brahma, Brahma Baba or soul of DLR, CANNOT be called ‘Bhagwan’ (God) at ANY time; he CANNOT even be called a Deity, WHEN he is playing his role as ‘PrajaPita’ through his impure corporeal body, UNTIL 1969AFTER which he achieves his ‘sampurna karmateet avastha’ or COMPLETE ANGELIC stage!

नहीं तो तुम बताओ ब्रह्मा नाम कहाँ से आया! यह (ब्रह्मा) है पतित, वह है पावन। वह पावन देवता ही फिर 84 जन्म ले पतित मनुष्य बनते हैं। यह (ब्रह्मा) मनुष्य से देवता बनने वाला है। मनुष्य को देवता बनाना - यह बाप का ही काम है। यह सब बड़ी वन्डरफुल समझने की बातें हैं। यह (ब्रह्मा), वह बनते हैं सेकेण्ड में, फिर वह 84 जन्म ले यह बनते हैं। इनमें बाप प्रवेश कर बैठ पढ़ाते हैं, तुम भी पढ़ते हो। इनका भी घराना है ना। लक्ष्मी-नारायण, राधे-कृष्ण के मन्दिर भी हैं। परन्तु यह किसको भी पता नहीं है, राधे-कृष्ण पहले प्रिन्स-प्रिन्सेज हैं, जो फिर लक्ष्मी-नारायण बनते हैं। यह ‘बेगर टू प्रिन्स’ बनेंगे। प्रिन्स सो बेगर बनते हैं। कितनी सहज बात है। 84 जन्मों की कहानी इन दोनों चित्रों में है। यह (राधे-कृष्ण) वह (लक्ष्मी-नारायण) बनते हैं। युगल है, इसलिए 4 भुजा देते हैं। प्रवृत्ति मार्ग है ना।
“Otherwise, tell us where the name Brahma comes from! This one (soul of DLR, as PrajaPita Brahma) is impure; and that one (soul of DLR, as Shri Krishna, or Shri Narayan) is Pure. Those pure Deities, themselves, then take 84 births and become impure human beings (at the end of Iron Age). THIS one (Brahma Baba) is going to change from a human being into a Deity. It is ONLY the duty of the Father (Shiva) to change human beings into Deities. All of these are very wonderful aspects which have to be understood. THIS one (Brahma Baba) becomes that one (Vishnu) in a second, and then he takes 84 births and becomes this one (Brahma, again). The Father enters this one and TEACHES him; You also Study; there is also his dynasty (as Lakshmi & Narayan). There are temples to Lakshmi & Narayan and also to Radhe & Krishna; but no one knows that Radhe & Krishna are, at first, a Princess and Prince, who then become Lakshmi & Narayan. From a beggar, this one (soul of DLR) will become a Prince. The Prince then becomes a beggar. These are such easy aspects! The Story of 84 births is in both these pictures (Tree & Ladder). This one (Brahma Baba) becomes that (Vishnu). Because they (Brahma & Saraswati, or Lakshmi & Narayan) are a couple, they show four arms (as Vishnu); this is the Family path.”

REAL PrajaPita Brahma, Brahma Baba or soul of DLR, who is ALSO REAL Adi Dev, who is the VERY FIRST Prince of the VERY BEGINNING of Golden Age, goes right around the Cycle of 84 births, and becomes a (Spiritual) beggar at the end of Iron Age. WHEN he surrenders EVERYTHING (‘tan’, ‘man’, ‘dhan’ & ‘jan’; body, mind, wealth & relationships) to Incorporeal God Father Shiva, in the VERY BEGINNING of Confluence Age, he becomes a COMPLETE BEGGAR, by virtue of which he THEN becomes the NUMBER ONE Prince of the VERY BEGINNING of Golden Age, to become the HIGHEST PRACTICAL World Sovereign, Shri Narayan – ALONG with his Spiritual soul-mate or ‘yugal-dana’, Saraswati Mama or soul of Om Radhe, who becomes the NUMBER ONE Princess of the VERY BEGINNING of Golden Age, to become the HIGHEST PRACTICAL World Sovereign, Shri Lakshmi – and BOTH of them PRACTICALLY sustain the New World of RamRajya in their COMBINED form as Vishnu!
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Post by Golden Heart »

"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 16.10.2019 (Original 15.11.1968)"
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
बाप बैठ बच्चों को समझाते हैं। हैं तो यह दोनों बाप। एक को रूहानी, दूसरे को जिस्मानी बाप कहेंगे। शरीर तो दोनों का एक ही है, तो जैसेकि दोनों बाप समझाते हैं। भल एक समझाते हैं, दूसरा समझते हैं, फिर भी कहेंगे दोनों समझाते हैं। ... तुम जानते हो हम आत्मा जब पवित्र बनेंगी, तब इन लक्ष्मी-नारायण जैसा पवित्र शरीर मिलेगा।
“The Father sits and explains to You Children. BOTH are fathers. One is called the Spiritual (‘Parlokik’) Father (Shiva), and the other is called a corporeal (‘Alokik’) Father (Brahma Baba). The body, of BOTH, is ONE; and so it is AS THOUGH, BOTH Fathers are explaining. Although (only) ONE (Shiva) explains, and the other (Brahma Baba) understands, it would still be said that BOTH are explaining. ... You know that when we souls become Pure, we will receive bodies that are as pure as these of Lakshmi & Narayan.”

The Unlimited, Incorporeal ‘Parlokik’ Supreme Father Supreme Soul - REAL ShivBaba, Shiva or God is the ‘Parlokik’ Father, who explains the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita), to the Righteous Children, or TRUE Brahmins, ONLY THROUGH the ‘Alokik’ Father - REAL PrajaPita Brahma, Brahma Baba or soul of DLR, who is ALSO REAL Adi DevFIRST, in ‘Sakar’, and THEN in ‘Akar’!

तुमको तो सब खामियां निकाल बिल्कुल पवित्र बनना है ना। यह लक्ष्मी-नारायण कितने पवित्र हैं। वास्तव में उन्हों को हाथ लगाने का भी हुक्म नहीं है। पतित जाकर इतने ऊंच पवित्र देवताओं को हाथ लगा न सकें। हाथ लगाने लायक ही नहीं। शिव को तो हाथ लगा नहीं सकते। वह है ही निराकार, उनको हाथ लग ही नहीं सकता। वह तो मोस्ट पवित्र है। भल उनकी प्रतिमा बड़ी रख दी है क्योंकि इतनी छोटी बिन्दी उनको तो कोई हाथ लगा न सके।
“You have to remove all your weaknesses and become COMPLETELY Pure. This Lakshmi & Narayan are so Pure. In fact, no one has a right to touch them. Impure ones (of Iron Age) cannot go and touch such elevated, pure Deities (of Golden Age). They are not worthy of touching (such Pure Deities). No one can touch Shiva (with a corporeal body). He is Incorporeal, and so He cannot be touched. He is the MOST Pure. People keep a large image of Him (in the form of a Shiva Lingam), because no one can touch such a tiny POINT.”

Incorporeal God Father Shiva can only be ‘touched’, with a Pure intellect and a Pure mind, ONLY by those who are COMPLETELY soul-conscious, since He is Incorporeal, and the Purest of ALL!

अभी तुम बच्चे जानते हो हमारी आत्मा में कैसे किचड़ा भरता गया है। 2 कला कम हुई, फिर 4 कला कम हुई, किचड़ा भरता गया, इसलिए कहा ही जाता है ‘तमोप्रधान’। ... राम ने कम पुरूषार्थ किया तो चन्द्रवंशी बनें।
“You Children now understand how souls have continued to accumulate ‘rubbish’ (body-consciousness). There was a reduction of TWO degrees (by the end of Golden Age); and then FOUR (more) degrees (by the end of Silver Age); and ‘rubbish’ (of body-consciousness) continued to accumulate, which is why they are called ‘tamopradhan’ (by the end of Iron Age). ... Rama (Sovereign of Silver Age) made less effort and so he became part of the Moon Dynasty.”

The Purity of embodied souls reduce from the maximum of 16 celestial degrees, in the very beginning of Golden Age, to 10 celestial degrees, by the end of Silver Age, or the very beginning of Copper Age (NOT 8 celestial degrees - as most BKs STILL believe)!

View point 5, in Revised SM dated 29.10.2018, in link -

यहाँ तो ऐसे हैं जो ढेर दवाइयाँ लेते रहते, डॉक्टरों की दवाई करते रहते। भल बाबा कहते हैं शरीर को तन्दुरुस्त रखना है, परन्तु अपनी अवस्था को भी देखना है ना। तुम बाबा की याद में रहकर खाओ, तो कभी कोई चीज़ नुकसान नहीं करेगी। याद से ताकत भर जायेगी। भोजन बड़ा शुद्ध हो जायेगा। परन्तु वह अवस्था है नहीं। बाबा तो कहते हैं, ब्राह्मणों का बनाया हुआ भोजन उत्तम ते उत्तम है, परन्तु वह तब जबकि याद में रहकर बनावें। याद में रह बनाने से उनको भी फायदा, खाने वाले को भी फायदा होगा।
“There are some here who take a lot of medicines, and continue to take medication from doctors. Baba says: Although You have to keep your body healthy, You also have to take care of your (Spiritual) stage. If You eat in Remembrance of Baba, nothing will cause You any harm. By having Remembrance, You will be filled with (Spiritual) Power. Your food will become very pure. However, You do not have that stage as yet. Baba says: The food prepared by Brahmins is the highest (purest) of all, but that is only when You prepare it whilst staying in Remembrance. By preparing it in Remembrance, those who prepare it will also benefit, and those who eat it will also benefit.

When food is prepared and eaten in Remembrance of ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva, ALONE, it will NOT cause ANY harm, and will be very beneficial – so that there will eventually be no need to take ANY medicines, since there will NOT be ANY ailments of the corporeal body, or disEASE of the mind!

जितने-जितने विनाश काले प्रीत बुद्धि हैं, उतना पद होता है। सिवाए एक के, और कोई भी याद न पड़े। कल्प पहले भी ऐसे निकले हैं, जो विजय माला के दाने बने हैं। तुम जो ब्राह्मण कुल के हो, ब्राह्मणों की रुण्ड माला बनती है, जिन्होंने बहुत गुप्त मेहनत की है। ज्ञान भी गुप्त है ना।
The more loving the intellect, one has at the time of destruction, the higher the status one claims. You must not remember anyone EXCEPT ONE (Shiva). In the previous Cycle too, such ones emerged, and became the beads of the ‘Rosary of Victory’ (‘Rosary of Rudra’). The ‘Rosary of Runda’ is of Brahmins, who belong to the Brahmin clan and who make a lot of INCOGNITO effort (during Confluence Age). Knowledge is also INCOGNITO.”

The MOST ELEVATED Brahmins, who make INCOGNITO Spiritual efforts during Confluence Age, THEN get threaded into the MOST ELEVATED 108 Pure BODILESS souls of the ‘Rosary of Rudra’, or ‘Rosary of Shiva’, or the ‘Rosary of Victory of Shiva’ (‘Vijaymala’), at the VERY END of Confluence Age; and then get threaded into the MOST ELEVATED 108 Pure souls within Pure corporeal bodies of the ‘Rosary of Runda’, or ‘Rosary of Vishnu’, or the ‘Rosary of Victory of Vishnu’ (‘Vaijayanti Mala’), in the VERY BEGINNING of Golden Age!

View point 2 of Revised SM dated 23.04.2019
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"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 17.10.2019 (Original 20.11.1968)"
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
बाप का काम ही है पावन बनाकर पावन दुनिया में ले जाना। बच्चों को ले जाते हैं। आत्मा को ही यात्रा करनी है। हम आत्माओं को बाप को याद कर, घर जाना है। घर पहुँचेंगे फिर बाप का काम पूरा हुआ। बाप आते ही हैं पतित से पावन बनाकर घर ले जाने। पढ़ाई तो यहाँ ही पढ़ते हैं।
The Father’s task is to Purify You and take You to the Pure World (Soul World). He takes You Children there. It is souls who have to stay on the pilgrimage (of Remembrance). We souls have to Remember the Father and return Home (Supreme Abode). When You reach your Home, the Father’s task will be accomplished. The Father ONLY comes to make You Pure from impure and take You Home. It is ONLY here (in Confluence Age) that You Study.”

The function of Incorporeal God Father Shiva is to take ALL embodied souls back to the Soul World, AFTER they become Pure, once again, from being impure – the Righteous Children through the Study of the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita), and through the ‘Power of Remembrance’ (‘Yogbal’), number-wise; AND, all others through the ‘Power of Retribution’ (‘bahubal’), number-wise!

आत्मा जानती है, हम आत्माओं का वह स्वीट घर है। बाप हमको शिक्षा दे रहे हैं, जिससे हम पावन बनेंगे। याद करते-करते तमोप्रधान से सतोप्रधान बनना है। यह है यात्रा। हम बाप की याद में बैठते हैं क्योंकि बाबा के पास ही घर जाना है। बाप आते ही हैं पावन बनाने। सो तो पावन दुनिया में जाना ही है। बाप पावन बनाते हैं, फिर नम्बरवार पुरूषार्थ अनुसार तुम पावन दुनिया में जायेंगे।
“You souls know that, that (Soul World) is the sweet (Silence) Home of us souls. The Father is giving You an education through which You will become Pure. You have to become ‘satopradhan’ (Pure) from being ‘tamopradhan’ (impure), by having Remembrance. This is a pilgrimage. We are sitting in Remembrance of the Father, because we have to go Home to Baba. The Father comes to Purify You, because You definitely have to go to the Pure World (Soul World). The Father makes You Pure; and then You go to the Pure World, number-wise, according to the efforts You make.”

Impure souls can go back to the Pure Soul World ONLY when they become Pure, once again – and then come back to this corporeal sphere to play their parts, number-wise, in accordance with their efforts, at the appropriate Age, and the appropriate time, of the Cycle.

बाबा का काम है हमको घर तक पहुँचाना। बाबा रास्ता बता देते हैं; अभी तुम तो मृत्युलोक में हो, फिर अमरलोक नई दुनिया में होंगे। बाप लायक बनाकर ही छोड़ते हैं। सुखधाम में बाप नहीं ले जायेंगे। इनकी लिमिट हो जाती है, घर तक पहुँचाना। यह सारा ज्ञान बुद्धि में रहना चाहिए। सिर्फ बाप को याद नहीं करना चाहिए, साथ में ज्ञान भी चाहिए। ज्ञान से तुम धन कमाते हो ना। इस सृष्टि चक्र की नॉलेज से तुम चक्रवर्ती राजा बनते हो।
It is Baba’s task to take us back Home (Soul World). Baba shows You the path. You are now in the ‘land of Death’. Then You will be in the New World, the ‘Land of Immortality’. The Father leaves ONLY AFTER He makes You worthy. The Father WILL NOT take You to the ‘Land of Happiness’ (RamRajya). He has the limit of only enabling You to reach your Home (Soul World – ‘Land of Peace’). All of this Knowledge should remain in your intellects. You should not only Remember the Father, because You also need to have Knowledge. It is by having Knowledge that You earn an income. By having the Knowledge of the World Cycle, You become the Sovereigns of the Globe.”

The Father’s task is ONLY to enable impure embodied souls to reach their Sweet Silence Home (Soul World), after becoming Pure, once again – EITHER through the ‘Power of Remembrance’ (‘Yogbal’), or through the ‘Power of Retribution’ (‘bahubal’). The Father DOES NOT take the Righteous Children to the ‘Land of Happiness’ – they come down, themselves, from the Soul World, at the appropriate time, and achieve an appropriate status, in accordance with their respective Spiritual efforts made by them during Confluence Age!

तुम्हारे लिए नई दुनिया बन जायेगी फिर तो नई दुनिया में ही आने वाले हो, जिसको अमरलोक कहा जाता है। वहाँ काल होता नहीं, जो किसको ले जाये। काल को हुक्म ही नहीं है नई दुनिया में आने का। रावण की तो यह पुरानी दुनिया है ना। तुम बुलाते भी यहाँ हो। बाप कहते हैं, मैं पुरानी दुनिया में पुराने शरीर में आता हूँ। मुझे भी नई दुनिया में आने का हुक्म नहीं। मैं तो पतितों को ही पावन बनाने आता हूँ।
“When the New World has been created for You, You will definitely go to the New World, which is called the ‘Land of Immortality’. There, there is no death to come and take anyone away. Death does not have the right to enter the New World. This is the old World of Ravan. It is here that You invite Me. The Father says: I come into this old World, and this old body. I too, do not have the right to enter the New World. I only come to Purify the impure.”

Neither is there ANY CONCEPT of ‘death’ in the New World of RamRajya, NOR does Incorporeal God Father Shiva come there to play any part through a corporeal body, like other embodied souls. He retires in the Soul World and remains in a state of REST, during RamRajya!

यह भी जानते हो सूर्यवंशी, चन्द्रवंशी राजधानी यहाँ स्थापन हो रही है। सतयुग-त्रेता में कोई भी धर्म स्थापन होते नहीं। राम कोई धर्म स्थापन नहीं करते। यह तो स्थापना करने वाले बाप द्वारा यह बनते हैं। और धर्म स्थापक, और बाप के धर्म स्थापना में, रात-दिन का फर्क है। बाप आते ही हैं संगम पर, जबकि दुनिया को बदलना है।
“You also know that the Sun and the Moon dynasty Kingdoms are now being established here (in Confluence Age). There are no religions established in the Golden Age, or Silver Age. Rama (of Silver Age) does not establish ANY religion. He becomes that (achieves that status) through the establishment that the Father carries out (in Confluence Age). There is the difference of Day and Night between how the Father establishes a religion, and other religious founders (how they establish their religions). The Father comes only at the Confluence Age, when the World has to be transformed.”

When Incorporeal God Father Shiva establishes the Sun & Moon dynasty Kingdoms, in Confluence Age, ALL souls go back to the Soul World – and only the respective Sun & Moon dynasty souls descend to play their respective parts, at the appropriate time during RamRajya, number-wise.

Whereas, when the respective religious founder souls establish their respective religions during corresponding periods of Ravan Rajya, NO embodied souls go back to the Soul World, at THAT TIME – and the respective souls of respective religions descend from the Soul World, to play their respective parts, at the appropriate time, in appropriate religions, during Ravan Rajya, number-wise!
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"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 18.10.2019 (Original 19.11.1968)"
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
तुम समझते हो बेहद का बाप हमको समझा रहे हैं। यह दादा भी समझाते हैं, बाप इन द्वारा बच्चों को पढ़ा रहे हैं। कोई तो इतना भी समझते नहीं। यहाँ से बाहर निकले खलास। यहाँ पर बैठे भी जैसे कुछ समझते नहीं! बुद्धि बाहर भटकती, धक्का खाती रहती है। एक भी भूत निकलता नहीं है। पढ़ाने वाला कौन, और बनते क्या हैं! साहूकारों के भी दास-दासियां बनेंगे ना?
“You understand that the Unlimited Father is explaining to You. This Dada (soul of DLR) also explains. The Father (Shiva) TEACHES You Children through this one (Brahma Baba). Some DO NOT EVEN understand this much. As soon as they depart from here, everything is finished. EVEN whilst sitting here, it is as though they DO NOT understand ANYTHING! Their intellects wander outside, and continue to fluctuate. Not a single evil spirit is removed. Who is TEACHING You, and what do You become? Some will become maids and servants of the wealthy subjects too, is it not?”

The BLIND Unrighteous children CANNOT understand how Incorporeal God Father Shiva TEACHES the Righteous Children, or TRUE Brahmins, ONLY THROUGH His ONE & ONLY ‘mukrar-rath’ of REAL PrajaPita Brahma, Brahma Baba or soul of DLR - FIRST, in ‘Sakar’, through his ORDINARY, IMPURE CORPOREAL body, UNTIL 1969; and THEN, in ‘Akar’, through his ELEVATED SUBTLE body, AFTER 1969 – using the instrumental corporeal body of Dadi Gulzar, WHENEVER SO REQUIRED – and ALSO through the Third Eye of the Divine intellects of the Righteous Children, who have since ALSO DEVELOPED their OWN ‘akari’ or subtle stage of consciousness, UNTIL the VERY END of Confluence Age!
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Sakar Murli & Avyakt Vani points for churning

Post by Golden Heart »

"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 19.10.2019 (Original 22.11.1968)"
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
बाप ने बच्चों को समझाया है, पहले-पहले यह प्रैक्टिस करो कि हम आत्मा हैं, न कि शरीर। जब अपने को आत्मा समझेंगे, तब ही परमपिता को याद करेंगे। अपने को आत्मा नहीं समझेंगे तो फिर जरूर लौकिक सम्बन्धी, धन्धा आदि ही याद आता रहेगा, इसलिए पहले-पहले तो यह प्रैक्टिस होनी चाहिए कि मैं आत्मा हूँ तो फिर रूहानी बाप की याद ठहरेगी। ... अपने को आत्मा समझेंगे, तो बाप भी याद आयेगा।
“The Father has explained to You Children: FIRST of ALL, practise being souls, not bodies. ONLY when You consider yourselves to be souls will You Remember the Supreme Father (Shiva). If You DO NOT consider yourselves to be souls, then surely only Worldly relatives, and business, etc., would be remembered. This is why You have to, FIRST of ALL, have the practice: ‘I am a soul’. There will then be Remembrance of the Spiritual Father (Shiva). ... If You consider yourselves to be souls, You will also Remember the Father.”

UNLESS & UNTIL one is ABLE to, FIRST of ALL, consider oneself to be a soul - one will NOT be able to remain in ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Remembrance of ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva, ALONE!

जैसे तुम आत्मा हो, मैं भी आत्मा ही हूँ। परन्तु सुप्रीम हूँ। मैं हूँ ही आत्मा, तो मेरे को कोई देह याद पड़ती ही नहीं। यह दादा तो शरीरधारी है ना। वह बाप है निराकार। यह प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा तो साकारी हो गया। शिवबाबा का असली नाम है ही शिव। वह है ही आत्मा, सिर्फ वह ऊंच ते ऊंच अर्थात् सुप्रीम आत्मा है। ... तुम जब अपने को आत्मा पक्का-पक्का समझेंगे, तब बाप भी पक्का याद रहेगा। देह-अभिमान होगा तो बाप को याद कर नहीं सकेंगे।
“Just as You are souls, I too am a Soul. However, I am Supreme. I am just a Soul, and so I do not remember any bodily beings. This Dada (Brahma Baba) is a bodily being; whereas, that Father (Shiva) is Incorporeal. This PrajaPita Brahma (soul of DLR) is a corporeal being. ShivBaba's real Name is Shiva. He is just a Soul; it is just that He is the Highest-on-High, that is, He is the Supreme Soul. ... When You firmly consider yourselves to be souls, You will also have firm Remembrance of the Father. If You are body-conscious, You WILL NOT be able to Remember the Father.

The LESSER the percentage of body-consciousness, the GREATER is the percentage of Remembrance of Incorporeal God Father Shiva!

अपने को आत्मा समझ बाप को याद करने से ही वर्सा मिलता है। ... मैं आत्मा हूँ - यह पक्का न होने से ही तुम बाप को भूलते हो। पहले-पहले मूल बात ही यह है। आत्म-अभिमानी बनने से बाप याद आयेगा, तो वर्सा भी याद आयेगा। वर्सा याद आयेगा तो पवित्र भी रहेंगे। दैवीगुण भी रहेंगे। एम ऑबजेक्ट तो सामने है ना। यह है गॉडली युनिवर्सिटी। भगवान् पढ़ाते हैं। देही-अभिमानी भी वही बना सकते हैं, और कोई भी यह हुनर जानता ही नहीं है।
“ONLY by considering yourselves to be souls, and Remembering the Father do You receive the inheritance. ... When You do not make it firm that You are souls, You forget the Father. This is the FIRST and foremost aspect. By becoming soul-conscious, You will Remember the Father, and also your inheritance. When You Remember your inheritance, You will also remain Pure, and also have Divine virtues. You have your aim and objective in front of You. This is the Godly University, where God is TEACHING You. He alone can make You soul-conscious. No one else has this EXPERTISE.”

The GREATER the percentage of soul-consciousness, the GREATER is the percentage of Remembrance of Incorporeal God Father Shiva!

त्रिमूर्ति का राज़ भी कोई समझते नहीं। परमपिता अर्थात् ‘परम आत्मा’। वो जो है, सो अपना परिचय तो देंगे ना। अहंकार की बात नहीं। न समझने के कारण कहते हैं, इनमें अहंकार है। यह ब्रह्मा तो कहते नहीं कि मैं परमात्मा हूँ। यह तो समझ की बात है, यह तो बाप के महावाक्य हैं - सभी आत्माओं का बाप एक है। इनको दादा कहा जाता है। यह भाग्यशाली रथ है ना। नाम भी ब्रह्मा रखा है क्योंकि ब्राह्मण चाहिए ना। आदि देव प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा है। प्रजा का पिता है, अब प्रजा कौनसी? प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा शरीरधारी है, तो एडाप्ट किया ना? बच्चों को शिवबाबा समझाते हैं, मैं एडाप्ट नहीं करता हूँ। तुम सब आत्मायें तो सदैव मेरे बच्चे हो ही। मैं तुमको बनाता नहीं हूँ। मैं तो तुम आत्माओं का अनादि बाप हूँ।
“No one even understands the significance of the Trimurti. The Supreme Father means the ‘Supreme Soul’ (‘Paramatma’). He gives His own introduction, as to who He is. There is no question of arrogance in this. Because of not understanding this, they say that He has arrogance. This Brahma (soul of DLR) DOES NOT say that he is the Supreme Soul (‘Paramatma’). It is a matter of understanding that these are the elevated Versions of the Father. The (Incorporeal) Father of all souls is ONE. This one (soul of DLR) is called Dada. THIS one (Brahma Baba) is the ‘Lucky Chariot’ (‘Bhagyashali Rath’). He is named Brahma, because Brahmins are needed. PrajaPita Brahma is Adi Dev; he is the (‘Alokik’) Father of the people. Which people are they? PrajaPita Brahma is a bodily being, and so he must have adopted, is it not? ShivBaba explains to You Children: I do not adopt anyone. All of You souls are ALWAYS My Children anyway. I do not CREATE You (in the ABSOLUTE sense). I am the eternal Father of You souls.

ALL souls are ALWAYS the children of Incorporeal God Father Shiva, as bodiless souls, ANYWAY – hence the question of Him adopting anyone, as His Child, DOES NOT arise - in the STRICTEST SENSE.

Therefore, when Incorporeal God Father Shiva adopts the Righteous Children, or TRUE Brahmins, ONLY THROUGH the Lotus Mouth/Intellectual Orifice of Brahma Baba, by entering him – SUCH Righteous Children are deemed to be adopted ONLY by REAL PrajaPita Brahma, Brahma Baba or soul of DLR, who is ALSO REAL Adi Dev, in the STRICTEST SENSE - ONLY AFTER Incorporeal God Father Shiva enters his impure corporeal body, and names him ‘Brahma’ – after which they are called ‘Brahma Kumars & Brahma Kumaris’ (BKs), and NOT ‘Shiv Kumars & Shiv Kumaris’!

देही-अभिमानी होने से पारलौकिक बाप ही याद आयेगा। बाप को तो बहुत प्यार से याद करना चाहिए। अपने को आत्मा समझना - इसमें मेहनत है। ... तुम जानते हो लौकिक बाप है हद का क्रियेटर, यह है बेहद का। प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा तो बेहद का ठहरा ना। बच्चों को एडाप्ट करते हैं। शिवबाबा एडाप्ट नहीं करते हैं। उनके तो बच्चे सदैव हैं ही। तुम कहेंगे शिवबाबा के हम बच्चे आत्मायें अनादि हैं ही। ब्रह्मा ने तुमको एडाप्ट किया है। हर एक बात अच्छी रीति समझने की है।
“When You become soul-conscious, You will Remember ONLY the ‘Parlokik’ Father. You should Remember the Father with a great deal of Love. It requires effort to consider oneself to be a soul. ... You know that a corporeal father is a limited ‘creator’; whereas, this One (Shiva) is the Unlimited One (Creator). PrajaPita Brahma is also unlimited (‘creator’). He adopts You Children. ShivBaba does not adopt anyone. You are always His Children. You souls say that You are the eternal Children of ShivBaba (as souls). Brahma has adopted You. Each aspect has to be understood very well.

Although Incorporeal God Father Shiva adopts the Righteous Children, or TRUE Brahmins, ONLY THROUGH the Lotus Mouth/Intellectual Orifice of Brahma Baba, by entering him – YET, the Righteous Children would be said to be adopted by ONLY Brahma Baba, in the STRICTEST SENSE – since Incorporeal God Father Shiva DOES NOT really have to adopt anyone, since ALL souls are ALREADY his ETERNAL children, as bodiless souls, ANYWAY!
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"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A AV 24.02.1985, Revised 20.10.2019"
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Intellectual Orifice of Brahma Baba, AFTER 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children - 1) who were PHYSICALLY present FACE to FACE with God, through the instrumental corporeal body of Dadi Gulzar; and 2) who were SPIRITUALLY present FACE to FACE with God, through their own Divine Intellects, in their own 'Akari' stage.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
शास्त्रवादी देखो, शास्त्रार्थ के चक्कर में विस्तार में खो गये हैं। शास्त्रार्थ का लक्ष्य रख, अर्थ से वंचित हो गये हैं।
“Look how the scholars of the Scriptures have become LOST in the whirlpool of determining the meaning of the Scriptures. They have kept the aim of determining the meaning of the Scriptures, and have become DEPRIVED of the (TRUE) meaning.

LIKEWISE - more specifically, in the latter part of Confluence Age - the Godly Form or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya, CLANDESTINELY INFLUENCES the BLIND Unrighteous children to be COMPLETELY LOST in the WHIRLPOOL of determining the meaning of the CRAFTILY SELECTED points of the SMs & AVs (TRUE Gita) – by MISINTERPRETING, MISREPRESENTING & MISAPPROPRIATING them, to be in ACCURATE CONSONANCE with the DISTORTED & PERVERTED CONCEPTS of ‘Rajopradhan & Tamopradhan Bhakti’ of the ‘path of Deoviton’ of Ravan Rajya (FALSE Gita) – and by STEALTHILY taking them COMPLETELY OUT OF CONTEXT, and then presenting them, as the so-called ‘unlimited clarifications’ of same (‘shooting’ of the FALSE Gita) – through the ‘mukrar-rath’ of Ravan, MASQUERADING as ‘ShivBaba’, ‘Paramatma’, ‘Supreme Soul’, ‘Bhagwan’, ‘Ishvar’, ‘Allah’, ‘Alif’, ‘Prajapita Brahma’, ‘Adi Dev’, ‘Vishnu’, ‘Shankar’, ‘Shiv-Shankar-Bholenath’, Confluence Age ‘Krishna’, Confluence Age ‘Narayan’, etc., and ALSO as the ‘mukrar-rath’ of God – thus COMPLETELY DEPRIVING them from comprehending their TRUE meaning, as per ORIGINAL Pure INTENT of Incorporeal God Father Shiva!

और आपने क्या किया? वह खोये हुए हैं, और आपने पा लिया। भ्रान्ति को मिटा लिया। तो प्राप्ति स्वरूप हो गये, इसलिए सदा प्राप्ति स्वरूप श्रेष्ठ आत्मायें हो।
“And, what did You do? They have become LOST (in all of that), and You have attained (everything). You have transcended FALLACY. So, You have become the embodiment of attainment; and therefore, You are the elevated souls who are CONSTANT embodiment of attainment.”

Whereas, the Righteous Children, or TRUE Brahmins, are enabled to transcend the above Spiritual FALLACY (‘shooting’ of the FALSE Gita) – to become the MOST ELEVATED souls, and the embodiment of ALL Spiritual attainments – by IMBIBING ONLY ONE SINGLE Word of the TRUE Gita, ‘Manmanabhav’, or ‘Remember Me ALONE’ (in which the Word, ‘Madhyajibhav’ is ALSO merged) – by remaining in ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Remembrance of ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva, ALONEas a POINT source of Spiritual Light Energy – by FIRST considering the Self ALSO as a soul – also as a Point source of Spiritual Light Energy – which enables them to PRACTICALLY imbibe the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita), and become Pure from being impure, after having resolved their sins of many births, thereby qualifying them to claim their Unlimited inheritance of Sovereignty of RamRajya, number-wise, from Incorporeal God Father Shiva, in Confluence Age ITSELF – ONLY THROUGH Brahma Baba!
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"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 21.10.2019 (Original 23.11.1968)"
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
सीढ़ी का चित्र समझाने के लिए बहुत अच्छा है। बाप कहते हैं, गृहस्थ व्यवहार में रहो। शरीर निर्वाह के लिए धन्धा आदि तो करना ही है। जिस्मानी विद्या भी पढ़नी है। बाकी जो टाइम मिले तो सर्विस के लिए ख्याल करना चाहिए - हम औरों का कल्याण कैसे करें? यहाँ तो तुम बहुतों का कल्याण नहीं कर सकते हो। यहाँ तो आते ही हो बाप की मुरली सुनने। इसमें ही जादू है। बाप को जादूगर कहते हैं ना? गाते भी हैं, ‘मुरली तेरी में है जादू ..’ - तुम्हारे मुख से जो मुरली बजती है उसमें जादू है। मनुष्य से देवता बन जाते हैं। ऐसा कोई जादूगर होता नहीं, सिवाए बाप के। गायन भी है, ‘मनुष्य से देवता किये करत न लागी वार’। पुरानी दुनिया से नई दुनिया होनी जरूर है। पुरानी का विनाश भी जरूर होना है। इस समय तुम राजयोग सीखते हो, तो जरूर राजा भी बनना है।
“The ‘picture of the Ladder’ is very good to explain (to others). The Father says: You may live within the house-hold. You do have to earn an income for the livelihood of your body. You also have to study a worldly education. However, whatever time You have after that, You have to think about Service, and how to benefit others. Here (in Madhuban), You cannot benefit many. You come here just to listen to the Father's Murli. It is only in this, that there is Magic. The Father is called the Magician, is He not? You sing: ‘There is Magic in your Murli ..’. The Murli which is spoken through Your ‘Mouth’ has Magic. We become Deities from human beings. There is no Magician like this, other than the Father. It is also remembered that ‘it did not take God long to change human beings into Deities’. The old World has definitely to become new again. The old World has definitely to be destroyed. At this time You are studying RajYog, and so You DEFINITELY have to become Sovereigns.

ALL those who Study the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita) & Easy RajYog, during Confluence Age, have to DEFINITELY become Sovereigns, number-wise, during RamRajya – during Golden & Silver Ages!

CONVERSELY, ALL those who become Sovereigns, number-wise, during RamRajya, EVERY Cycle, and Cycle after Cycle – have to DEFINITELY Study the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita) & Easy RajYog, during Confluence Age, of EVERY Cycle, number-wise!

तो सर्विस तुम कहाँ भी कर सकते हो। कितना भी धन्धा आदि हो, गृहस्थ व्यवहार में रहते भी कमाई करते रहना है। इसमें मुख्य बात है पवित्रता की। प्योरिटी है, तो पीस-प्रासपर्टी है। कम्पलीट प्योर बन गये तो फिर यहाँ नहीं रह सकते क्योंकि हमको शान्तिधाम जरूर जाना है। आत्मा प्योर बन गई तो फिर आत्मा को इस पुराने शरीर के साथ नहीं रहना है। यह तो इमप्योर है ना।
“So, You can do Service anywhere. No matter how much business, etc., You have to do, You can still continue to earn this income while living within the house-hold. The MAIN aspect for this is Purity. When there is Purity, there is also Peace and prosperity. When You become COMPLETELY Pure, You cannot stay here (in this impure World, in an impure body) because You definitely have to go to the ‘Land of Peace’ (Soul World). When souls have become Pure, they CANNOT remain in these old bodies, because they are impure.”

When impure embodied souls become COMPLETELY Pure, ONCE AGAIN – EITHER through the ‘Power of Remembrance’ (‘Yogbal’); OR, through the ‘Power of Retribution’ (‘bahubal’) – they CAN NO LONGER remain within impure corporeal bodies – they have to go back to the Soul World, and THEN come back to play their parts in pure corporeal bodies on this corporeal sphere, once again.

बाप, सतगुरू ही सद्गति देते हैं। बाप समझाते तो बहुत रहते हैं; यह भी सुनते हैं ना। गुरू लोग भी बाजू में शिष्य को बिठाते हैं, सिखलाने के लिए। यह भी उनके बाजू में बैठता है। बाप समझाते हैं, तो यह भी समझाते होंगे ना, इसलिए ‘गुरू ब्रह्मा’ नम्बरवन में जाता है। शंकर के लिए तो कहते हैं, ‘आंख खोलने से भस्म कर देते हैं’, फिर उनको तो गुरू नहीं कहा जाए। फिर भी बाप कहते हैं, बच्चों, मामेकम् याद करो।
“ The Father, the Satguru, ALONE, grants Salvation. The Father continues to explain a great deal; THIS one (Brahma Baba) also listens. Gurus also make their disciples sit next to them, in order to teach them. THIS one (Brahma Baba) also sits NEXT to that One (Shiva). The Father (Shiva) is explaining, and so THIS one (Brahma Baba) must also be explaining. This is why ‘Guru Brahma’ becomes NUMBER ONE (AFTER Shiva). For Shankar, they say that ‘when he opened his Third Eye he destroyed everyone’; in that case, he cannot be called a guru. Nevertheless, the Father says: Children, ‘CONSTANTLY Remember Me ALONE’. ”

REAL PrajaPita Brahma, Brahma Baba or soul of DLR, who is ALSO REAL Adi Dev is NUMBER ONE among ALL embodied souls on this corporeal sphere – and he is NEXT to the Unlimited, Incorporeal ‘Parlokik’ Supreme Father Supreme Soul - REAL ShivBaba, Shiva or God - in Spiritual status, within this EWD Play!
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"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 22.10.2019 (Original 25.11.1968)"
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
पार्ट बजाने के लिए तो सब यहाँ आते हैं। यह भी समझाया है, विष्णु के दो रूप हैं। शंकर का तो कोई पार्ट है नहीं। यह सब बाप बैठ समझाते हैं। बाप कब आते हैं? जबकि नई सृष्टि की स्थापना और पुरानी का विनाश होना है। बच्चे जानते हैं, नई दुनिया में एक आदि सनातन देवी-देवता धर्म की स्थापना होती है। वह तो सिवाए परमपिता परमात्मा के और कोई कर ही नहीं सकते। वही एक परम आत्मा है, जिसको परमात्मा कहा जाता है। उनका नाम है शिव। उनके शरीर का नाम नहीं पड़ता है। और जो भी हैं सबके शरीर का नाम पड़ता है।
“Everyone comes here (on this corporeal sphere) to play their parts. It has also been explained that there are two forms (Laskshmi & Narayan) in Vishnu. Shankar DOES NOT have ANY part (on this corporeal sphere). The Father sits and explains all of these aspects. When does the Father come? When the New World has to be established, and the old World has to be destroyed (transformed). You Children know that (during Confluence Age) there has to be establishment of the one original eternal Deity religion of the New World. No one can do that, OTHER than Supreme Father Supreme Soul (Shiva). He alone is the Supreme Soul, who is called God. His Name is Shiva. He does not have a bodily name. Everyone else has a bodily name.”

Shankar, who is the Subtle Deity of the Subtle Region, DOES NOT come down to this corporeal sphere to play ANY part through ANY PARTICULAR corporeal body – like Shiva does!

ONLY Incorporeal God Father Shiva can be called as the Supreme Soul (Paramatma)!
NO embodied soul can be called as the ‘Supreme Soul’ (‘Paramatma’)!

बच्चे समझते हैं, पढ़कर हमको होशियार होना है, और दैवीगुण भी धारण करने है। आसुरी गुण पलटने हैं। दैवी गुणों और आसुरी गुणों का वर्णन चार्ट में दिखाना होता है। अपने को देखना है, हम किसको तंग तो नहीं करते हैं? झूठ तो नहीं बोलते हैं? श्रीमत के खिलाफ तो नहीं चलते हैं? झूठ बोलना, किसको दु:ख देना, तंग करना - यह है रावण के कायदे; और वह है राम के कायदे। श्रीमत और आसुरी मत का गायन भी है। आधाकल्प चलती है आसुरी मत, जिससे मनुष्य असुर, दु:खी, रोगी बन जाते हैं।
“You Children understand that You have to Study and become clever, and also imbibe Divine virtues. Devilish traits have to be transformed. You have to show an account of the Divine virtues and devilish traits in your chart. Check yourself: ‘Do I trouble anyone? Do I tell lies? Am I doing anything against Shrimat?’ To tell lies, to cause anyone sorrow, to trouble someone, are all the regulations of Ravan; while those (Shrimat) are the regulations of RAMA (Shiva). Godly directives (Shrimat), and devilish directions, have been remembered. For half the cycle, there are devilish directions through which people have become devilish, unhappy and diseased.

Godly directives, or Shrimat, is given by Incorporeal God Father Shiva, during Confluence Age, in the form of Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita) – ONLY THROUGH Brahma Baba – the EFFECT of which lasts for half the Cycle, during RamRajya, or during Golden & Silver Ages!

Whereas, the devilish directives, or Ravanmat, or Mayavimat, is given by the Godly Form or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya, ALSO during Confluence Age, in the form of the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge (‘shooting’ of the FALSE Gita) – through the ‘mukrar-rath’ of Ravan, MASQUERADING as ‘ShivBaba’, ‘Paramatma’, ‘Supreme Soul’, ‘Bhagwan’, ‘Prajapita Brahma’, ‘Adi Dev’, ‘Shankar’, etc., and ALSO as the ‘mukrar-rath’ of God – the EFFECT of which ALSO lasts for half the Cycle, during Ravan Rajya, or during Copper & Iron Ages!

तो सभी सीतायें ठहरी ब्राइड्स, और ब्राइडग्रुम एक राम, जो सभी को सद्गति देने वाला है। यह सब बातें बाप ही बैठ समझाते हैं। ...
ऊंच ते ऊंच शिवबाबा है, उनका भी चित्र है, परन्तु जानते कोई नहीं। अच्छा, फिर सूक्ष्मवतन है, उनको छोड़ दो, उनकी दरकार ही नहीं। हिस्ट्री-जॉग्राफी यहाँ की समझनी होती है, वह तो है साक्षात्कार की बात। जैसे यहाँ इसमें बाप बैठ समझाते हैं, वैसे सूक्ष्मवतन में कर्मातीत शरीर में बैठकर इनसे मिलते हैं अथवा बोलते हैं। बाकी वहाँ तो वर्ल्ड की हिस्ट्री-जॉग्राफी है नहीं। हिस्ट्री-जॉग्राफी यहाँ की है।
“Therefore, all the Sitas (Righteous Children, in PARTICULAR; and ALL embodied souls, in GENERAL) are (Spiritual) Brides, and the Bride-Groom is ONE RAMA (Shiva), who grants Salvation to EVERYONE. The Father, Himself, explains all of these aspects. ...
ShivBaba is the Highest-on-High; there is also His image; but no one knows Him. OK, then there is the Subtle Region, which You may leave aside (for the time being); there is no need for that (on this corporeal sphere). The History and Geography of this place (of the corporeal sphere) has to be understood. That (Subtle Region) is a matter of (receiving) visions. Just as the Father sits in THIS one (IMPERFECT and impure corporeal body of the soul of DLR) here; so too, He sits in the ‘karmateet’ body (of the PERFECT Angelic form of Brahma Baba), in the Subtle Region, and meets these ones (trance messengers), or speaks to them. However, there is no History, or Geography, of this (corporeal) World there (in the Subtle Region). History and Geography are of this place (this corporeal World).”

DURING the PERIOD - WHEN Incorporeal God Father Shiva plays a role, through the impure corporeal body of REAL PrajaPita Brahma, Brahma Baba or soul of DLR, in ‘Sakar’, UNTIL 1969 – Incorporeal God Father Shiva ALSO plays a SPECIAL part of giving visions, of meeting, or of speaking, to the CONCERNED trance messengers - through the FUTURE, SYMBOLIC, PERFECT Angelic Form of Brahma Baba - seen as Subtle Brahma of the Subtle Region by the trance messengers, ONLY UNTIL 1969 – and WHEN Brahma Baba achieves his COMPLETE Angelic stage, or ‘sampurna karmateet avastha’, in 1969, that SYMBOLIC Subtle Form of Brahma is NO LONGER seen as SEPARATE from Avyakt Brahma Baba!

A very DEEP & SUBTLE Divine intellect is ESSENTIAL in order to CORRECTLY COMPREHEND these SUBTLEST aspects of Spirituality in the PROPER PERSPECTIVE!

अब भक्तों को भगवान द्वारा फल मिलता है। यह नहीं जानते भगवान कब किस रूप में आयेगा! कभी कहते हैं, शास्त्र पढ़ने से भगवान मिलेगा! कभी कहते, यहाँ आयेंगे! शास्त्रों से ही अगर काम हो जाता, तो फिर बाप को क्यों आना पड़े? शास्त्र पढ़ने से ही भगवान मिल जाए, तो बाकी भगवान आकर क्या करेंगे? आधाकल्प तुम यह शास्त्र पढ़ते-पढ़ते तमोप्रधान ही बनते आये हो।
“ Devotees are now to receive their fruit (of Devotion) from God. They do not know when, or in which form, God will come. Sometimes they say that they will find God by reading the Scriptures; and sometimes they say that He will come here. If everything were to be accomplished by (studying) the Scriptures, why would the Father need to come? If people were to find God by just studying the Scriptures, what would God come and do? You have been studying those Scriptures for half the Cycle, and have continued to become ‘tamopradhan’.

The EXACT ‘shooting’ of the actions of the Devotees of Ravan Rajya, who study the FALSE Scriptures & the FALSE Gita of the ‘path of Devotion’, while DELUSIVELY believing that they will find God through such study – takes place, more specifically, in the latter part of Confluence Age, when the BLIND Unrighteous children study the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge (being the EXACT ‘shooting’ of the FALSE Scriptures & the FALSE Gita of the ‘path of Devotion’ of Ravan Rajya) – DELUSIVELY believing that same originate from Incorporeal God Father Shiva – WHEN, in ACTUAL FACT, it originates from the Godly Form or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya, and is propagated through the ‘mukrar-rath’ of Ravan, MASQUERADING as ‘ShivBaba’, ‘Paramatma’, ‘Supreme Soul’, ‘Bhagwan’, ‘Prajapita Brahma’, ‘Adi Dev’, ‘Shankar’, etc., and ALSO as the ‘mukrar-rath’ of God!

दैवी चलन भी चाहिए। एक तो किसको दु:ख नहीं देना है। ऐसे नहीं, कोई को विष चाहिए, वह नहीं देते हो, तो यह कोई दु:ख देना है। ऐसे तो बाप कहते नहीं हैं। कई ऐसे भी बुद्धू निकलते हैं जो कहते हैं, ‘बाबा कहते हैं ना - किसको दु:ख नहीं देना है। अब यह विष मांगते हैं तो उनको देना चाहिए, नहीं तो यह भी किसको दु:ख देना हुआ ना?’ ऐसे समझने वाले मूढ़मती भी हैं। बाप तो कहते हैं, ‘पवित्र जरूर बनना है’।
“Your activity has also to be Divine. Firstly, do not cause sorrow to ANYONE. It is NOT that, if someone wants the ‘poison’ (of sex-lust), and You do not give that, then that would be causing someone sorrow. The Father DOES NOT mean it in that way. There are some foolish ones (buddhus), who say: ‘Baba says that we must not cause anyone sorrow, so if someone is asking for poison (of sex-lust), then he should be given same; otherwise, that too would be causing someone sorrow, would it not?’ There are also such foolish ones, who understand in that (CORRUPTED) way. The Father says: You definitely do have to become Pure.”

It is VERY ESSENTIAL to COMPREHEND the directives (‘Shrimat’) of Incorporeal God Father Shiva in the PROPER PERSPECTIVE. Same should NOT be TWISTED & CORRUPTED – as in the case of the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge!
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Golden Heart
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"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 23.10.2019 (Original 26.11.1968)"
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
पतित से पावन बनाने के लिए भगवान भी ड्रामा अनुसार बंधायमान हैं। ... सतयुग में पवित्र होने कारण अव्यभिचारी हैं। बल भी जास्ती रहता है। बल बिगर राजाई कैसे प्राप्त की? जरूर बाप से उन्होंने आशीर्वाद ली होगी। बाप है सर्वशक्तिमान्। आशीर्वाद कैसे ली होगी? बाप कहते हैं, मुझे याद करो। तो जिन्होंने जास्ती याद किया होगा, उन्होंने ही आशीर्वाद ली होगी। आशीर्वाद कोई मांगने की चीज़ नहीं है। यह तो मेहनत करने की चीज़ है। जितना जास्ती याद करेंगे, उतना जास्ती आशीर्वाद मिलेगी अर्थात् ऊंच पद मिलेगा। याद ही नहीं करेंगे, तो आर्शीवाद भी नहीं मिलेगी।
EVEN God (‘Bhagwan’) is bound by Drama to make impure ones Pure. ... In the Golden Age, because they are Pure, they are unadulterated, and they have greater power. How would they attain their Sovereignty without power (in Golden Age)? They must definitely have taken Blessings from the Father (during Confluence Age). The Father is the Almighty Authority. How would they have claimed their Blessings? The Father says: Remember Me! Those who had more Remembrance would have claimed (more) Blessings. A Blessing is not something to be asked for; it is something for which You make effort. The more Remembrance You have, the more Blessings You will receive, that is, You will receive a higher status. If You do not have Remembrance, You will not receive Blessings either.

ONLY AFTER making APPROPRIATE number-wise Spiritual efforts of Studying the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita), AND, having ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Remembrance of ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva, ALONE – during Confluence Age – can one receive Blessings & Spiritual Power from Him, number-wise – to THEN claim the Unlimited inheritance of Sovereignty of RamRajya, during Golden & Silver Ages, also number-wise!

गति कहा जाता है मुक्तिधाम को। सद्गति कहा जाता है, फिर से सुखधाम में आने को। कोई भी पहले आयेगा तो जरूर सुख ही पायेगा। बाप सुख के लिए ही आते हैं। ... यहाँ तो बाप कहते हैं, जितना ऊंच पढ़ेंगे उतना ऊंच पद पायेंगे। ऐसे भी नहीं सब कोई राजायें वा साहूकार बनेंगे। सारा मदार पढ़ाई पर है। भक्ति को पढ़ाई नहीं कहा जाता। यह तो है रूहानी ज्ञान, जो रूहानी बाप पढ़ाते हैं। कितनी ऊंच पढ़ाई है। बच्चों को डिफीकल्ट लगता है क्योंकि बाप को याद नहीं करते, तो कैरेक्टर्स भी सुधरते नहीं हैं। जो अच्छा याद करते हैं, उनके कैरेक्टर्स भी अच्छे होते जाते हैं।
“Liberation refers to the ‘Land of Liberation’. Salvation means to go, once again, to the ‘Land of Happiness’. Anyone who comes (from the Soul World) will FIRST definitely receive happiness. The Father comes just to give Happiness. ... Here, the Father says: The more You Study, the higher the status You will claim. It is not that everyone will become Sovereigns, or wealthy people. Everything depends on how You Study. Devotion is NOT called a study. This is Spiritual Knowledge, which the Spiritual Father TEACHES. This Study is so elevated! Children find this difficult because they do not Remember the Father, and so their characters are also not reformed. The characters of those who have good Remembrance continue to become good.

The Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita), can ONLY be imbibed by having ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Remembrance of ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva, ALONE – although STILL number-wise – ONLY AFTER which can impure embodied souls become Pure from being impure, by resolving their sins of many births; and, ONLY AFTER which can they reform their characters, and claim their Unlimited inheritance of Sovereignty of RamRajya, during Golden & Silver Ages, also number-wise!

बाप तो है ही विदेही, विचित्र। तो बच्चे भी विचित्र हैं। यह समझ की बात है। हम आत्मा विचित्र हैं, फिर यहाँ चित्र (शरीर) में आते हैं। अभी बाप फिर कहते हैं, विचित्र बनो। अपने स्वधर्म में टिको। चित्र के धर्म में नहीं टिको। विचित्रता के धर्म में टिको। देह-अभिमान में न आओ।
“The Father is bodiless, without an image (of a body). Therefore, Children too are without images (as souls). This is an aspect to be understood. We souls are without images, and then we enter images (bodies) here. The Father says, once again: Become without an image (soul-conscious). Stabilise yourself in your original religion (of soul-consciousness). Do not stabilise yourself in the religion of your image (bodily religions). Stabilise yourself in the religion of being without an image. Do not come into body-consciousness.

ONLY WHEN impure embodied souls, who are body-conscious, can stabilise themselves in their original religion of soul-consciousness, ONCE AGAIN, by having ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Remembrance of ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva, ALONE – who is WITHOUT an image (of a corporeal, or subtle body of His own) - can they THEN claim their Unlimited inheritance of Sovereignty of RamRajya, during Golden & Silver Ages, also number-wise!

आगे चल तुम बच्चे भी समझ जायेंगे कि यह फलाना बाप का कैसा मददगार है। कल्प-कल्प जिन्होंने जो कुछ किया है वही करेंगे। इसमें फ़र्क नहीं पड़ सकता। ...
कल्प-कल्प जो वर्सा तुम लेते हो, पुरूषार्थ अनुसार वही मिलने का है।
“As You Children progress further, You will also understand what type of helper of the Father a particular Child is. Whatever any of them did in the previous Cycles, they will do the same again. There cannot be ANY difference in this. ... Whatever inheritance You receive every Cycle, according to your efforts, You will receive that SAME inheritance (again, in this Cycle).

An embodied soul will receive the VERY SAME Unlimited inheritance of Sovereignty of RamRajya, which was received a Cycle ago, in ACCORDANCE with the Spiritual efforts, made in Confluence Age of the previous Cycle!

CONVERSELY, an embodied soul will make the VERY SAME Spiritual efforts, made during Confluence Age of the previous Cycle, in ACCORDANCE with the Unlimited inheritance of Sovereignty of RamRajya received a Cycle ago!


भक्ति मार्ग में तुम ईश्वर अर्थ करते हो। परन्तु ईश्वर को जानते नहीं हो। इतना समझते हो, ऊंच ते ऊंच भगवान है। ऐसे नहीं कि ऊंच ते ऊंच नाम रूप वाला है। वह है ही निराकार। फिर ऊंच ते ऊंच साकार यहाँ होते हैं। ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, शंकर को देवता कहा जाता है। ब्रह्मा देवताए नम:, विष्णु देवताए नम:, फिर कहते हैं शिव परमा-त्माए नम:। तो परमात्मा बड़ा ठहरा ना। ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, शंकर को परमात्मा नहीं कहेंगे। मुख से कहते भी हैं, ‘शिव परमात्माए नम:’, तो जरूर परमात्मा एक हुआ ना।
“On the ‘path of Devotion’, You do everything in the Name of God, but you do not know God. You only understand that God is the Highest-on-High. It is not that He is one with the greatest name and form; He is Incorporeal. Then, the highest-on-high corporeal beings exist here. Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar are called (Subtle) Deities (of the Subtle Region). It is said: ‘Salutations to Deity Brahma, salutations to Deity Vishnu’; and then they say: ‘Salutations to Supreme Soul Shiva’. So, the Supreme Soul is the greatest. Brahma, Vishnu, or Shankar, CANNOT be called ‘Supreme Soul’. People say through their mouths: ‘Salutations to Supreme Soul Shiva’, and so the Supreme Soul must surely be ONE.”

No embodied soul, on this corporeal sphere, can be called as the ‘Supreme Soul’ (‘Paramatma’)!
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Golden Heart
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"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 24.10.2019 (Original 17.11.1968)"
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
बाप को याद करते-करते तुमको शान्तिधाम में जाना है जरूर। नहीं याद करेंगे तो भी जायेंगे जरूर। याद इसलिए करते हो कि पापों का बोझा जो सिर पर है वह खत्म हो जाए। शान्ति और सुख मिलता है एक बाप से, क्योंकि वह सुख और शान्ति का सागर है। वह चीज़ ही मुख्य है। शान्ति को मुक्ति भी कहा जाता है; और फिर जीवनमुक्ति और जीवन बन्ध भी है। ... अब दोनों का अर्थ तुम बच्चों ने समझा है। गति कहा जाता है शान्तिधाम को, सद्गति कहा जाता है सुखधाम को। सुखधाम, शान्तिधाम फिर यह है दु:खधाम।
By continuing to Remember the Father, You definitely have to go to the ‘Land of Peace’ (through ‘Yogbal’, or the ‘Power of Remembrance’). Even if you do not Remember Him, you will definitely go there (through ‘bahubal’, or ‘Power of Retribution’). You Remember Him so that the burden of sins can be removed from your head. You receive Happiness and Peace from ONE Father, because He is the Ocean of Peace and Happiness. That (Peace) is the main aspect. Peace is also called Liberation; then, there is also ‘Liberation-in-Life’, and ‘bondage-in-life’. ... You children have understood the meaning of both. Liberation is said for the ‘Land of Peace’; and Salvation is said for the ‘Land of Happiness’. There is the ‘Land of Happiness’, the ‘Land of Peace’, and this then is the ‘Land of Sorrow’. ”

Liberation is said for the ‘Land of Peace’; and Salvation, or FRUITION, is said for the ‘Land of Happiness’.

तो अब बच्चों को क्या करना है? पहले-पहले शान्तिधाम जाना है, इसलिए बाप को याद करना है, तब ही तमोप्रधान से सतोप्रधान बन जायेंगे। इसमें टाइम उतना ही लगता है, जितना टाइम बाप यहाँ रहते हैं। वह गोल्डन एज में पार्ट लेते ही नहीं!
“So, what do You Children have to do now? FIRST of ALL, You have to go to the ‘Land of Peace, and this is why You have to Remember the Father, because only then will You become Pure (‘satopradhan’) from impure (‘tamopradhan’). This takes AS MUCH time as the Father stays here. He DOES NOT take part in the Golden Age, at all!

Incorporeal God Father Shiva has NO part through ANY PARTICULAR corporeal body, in Golden Age!

अब बाप समझाते हैं, अपने को आत्मा समझो, देही-अभिमानी बनो। आत्मा की भी पहचान चाहिए। मनुष्य तो सिर्फ कहते हैं, आत्मा भ्रकुटी के बीच चमकती है। अभी तुम समझते हो, वह है अकाल मूर्त, उस अकाल मूर्त आत्मा का तख्त यह शरीर है। आत्मा बैठती भी भ्रकुटी में है। अकाल मूर्त का यह तख्त है, सब चैतन्य अकाल तख्त हैं। वह अकालतख्त नहीं, जो अमृतसर में लकड़ी का बना दिया है। बाप ने समझाया है, जो भी मनुष्य मात्र हैं, सबका अपना-अपना अकालतख्त है। आत्मा आकर यहाँ विराजमान होती है। सतयुग हो या कलियुग हो, आत्मा का तख्त है ही यह मनुष्य शरीर। तो कितने अकालतख्त हैं। जो भी मनुष्य मात्र हैं अकाल आत्माओं के तख्त हैं। आत्मा एक तख्त छोड़ झट दूसरा लेती है। ... यह किसको भी पता नहीं है कि सब मनुष्य मात्र का अकाल तख्त यह भ्रकुटी है। आत्मा अकाल है, कब विनाश नहीं होती।
“The Father now explains: Consider yourselves to be souls, and become soul-conscious. There is a need for the Re-Cognition of the soul. People simply say: ‘A soul sparkles in the center of the forehead’. You now understand that the soul is an ‘immortal image’. This body is the ‘throne’ of the soul, who is an ‘immortal image’. The soul sits within the forehead. This is the ‘throne’ of the ‘immortal image’. All are living, immortal ‘thrones’; not the wooden, ‘immortal throne’ which they have made in Amritsar (Punjab, India). The Father has explained: All human beings have their own immortal ‘thrones’ (bodies). A soul comes and resides here. Whether it is the Golden Age, or the Iron Age, this human body is the ‘throne’ of the soul. So, there are so many immortal ‘thrones’ (bodies). All human beings are the ‘thrones’ of the immortal souls. A soul leaves one ‘throne’ (body) and INSTANTLY takes another. ... No one knows that the foreheads are the immortal ‘thrones’ of all human beings. Souls are immortal and are never destroyed.”

The perishable corporeal body of an embodied soul is called an ‘immortal throne’, because the soul, who is an ‘immortal image’, or who is imperishable, resides within the forehead of the perishable corporeal body. This DOES NOT imply that the corporeal body is ‘immortal’, or imperishable, but it implies that the soul, who is immortal, or imperishable, resides within the forehead of the corporeal body, which is perishable!

मुख्य बात बाप ने इशारा दिया है - गृहस्थ व्यवहार में रहते, मामेकम् याद करो। 8 घण्टा याद में रहने का अभ्यास करो। याद करते-करते आखरीन पवित्र बन, बाप के पास चले जायेंगे, तो स्कॉलरशिप भी मिलेगी। पाप अगर रह जायेंगे, तो फिर जन्म लेना पड़े। सजायें खाते हैं, फिर पद भी कम हो पड़ता है। हिसाब-किताब चुक्तू तो सबको करना है।
“The main aspect, for which the Father has given a signal, is: Whilst living within the house-hold, constantly Remember Me, alone. Practise staying in Remembrance for (at least) 8 hours. By continuing to Remember, You will eventually become Pure, and go (back) along with the Father (to the Soul World), and also receive a scholarship. If any sins still remain (unresolved), then another birth will have to be taken here (in Iron Age/Confluence Age). When retribution is experienced, the status is also reduced. Everyone has to settle their karmic accounts.

If ANY sins still remain unresolved by the time a Brahmin soul leaves the current impure corporeal body during Confluence Age, then such soul will have to take ANOTHER impure corporeal body, during Confluence Age, to enable that soul to resolve ALL the residual sins – to THEN be able to take a pure new body in the beginning of Golden Age, or to remain within a subtle body until the very end of Confluence Age, and then take a pure new body in the beginning of Golden Age!
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Golden Heart
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Sakar Murli & Avyakt Vani points for churning

Post by Golden Heart »

"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 25.10.2019 (Original 19.10.1968)"
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
भक्ति मार्ग जब शुरू होता है तो पहले एक की भक्ति की जाती है, उसको कहा जाता है अव्यभिचारी भक्ति। सतोप्रधान थे, अभी तो इस समय हैं तमोप्रधान। भक्ति भी व्यभिचारी (हो जाती है), अनेकों को याद करते रहते हैं। तमोप्रधान 5 तत्वों का बना हुआ शरीर, उनको भी पूजते हैं। तो गोया तमोप्रधान भूतों की पूजा करते हैं, परन्तु इन बातों को कोई समझते थोड़ेही हैं। भल यहाँ बैठे हैं, परन्तु बुद्धियोग कहाँ भटकता रहता है। यहाँ तो तुम बच्चों को आंखे बन्द कर शिवबाबा को याद नहीं करना है। जानते हो बाप बहुत-बहुत दूरदेश का रहने वाला है। वह आकर बच्चों को श्रीमत देते हैं। श्रीमत पर चलने से ही श्रेष्ठ देवता बनेंगे।
When the ‘path of Devotion’ commences, at first, there is worship of ONE, and that is called UNADULTERATED (‘avyabhichari’) Devotion (in the beginning of Copper Age). You were Pure (‘satopradhan’ – in the beginning of Golden Age), but at this time, You are impure (‘tamopradhan’ – at the end of Iron Age). Devotion also becomes ADULTERATED, when they continue to remember many (by the end of Iron Age). They even worship impure (‘tamopradhan’) bodies made of the five elements. Therefore, they are worshiping the ‘tamopradhan’ evil spirits. However, none of them understands these aspects. Although they may be sitting here, the Yoga of their intellects continues to wander elsewhere. You children must not sit here and Remember ShivBaba with your eyes closed. You understand that the Father is the Resident of a Land which is very far away. He comes and gives You Children Shrimat. It is ONLY by following Shrimat that You will become elevated Deities.”

SIMILARLY, in Confluence Age – owing to their ADULTERATED, CORRUPTED, PERVERTED, INVERTED & DEGRADED STONE intellects - AFTER EXPOSURE of their intellects to the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge - the BLIND Unrighteous children, or FALSE Brahmins, CANNOT COMPREHEND, that the process of endeavouring to Remember Incorporeal God Father Shiva within the impure corporeal body of ANY embodied soul – is like remembering, (or worshiping), ‘tamopradhan’ evil spirits!

अब बाप तुमको लक्ष्मी-नारायण जैसा बनाते हैं, फिर तुम आधाकल्प राज्य करेंगे - स्मृति में लाओ। अभी टाइम बहुत थोड़ा है। मौत शुरू हो जायेगा तो मनुष्य वायरे हो जायेंगे (मूंझ जायेंगे)। थोड़े समय में क्या हो जायेगा। कई तो ठका सुनकर भी हार्टफेल हो जायेंगे। मरेंगे ऐसे जो बात मत पूछो! देखो, ढेर बूढ़ी मातायें आई हैं। बिचारी कुछ भी समझ न सकें। जैसे तीर्थों पर जाते हैं ना, तो एक-दो को देख तैयार हो पड़ते हैं, ‘हम भी चलते हैं’।
The Father is now making You become LIKE Lakshmi & Narayan; and You will then rule for half a Cycle; bring this into your awareness. Very little time now remains. When death begins to occur (en masse), people will become confused. So much will occur in just a short time. Some will have heart failure as soon as they even hear a bang. Do not even ask, how some will die! Just look, many elderly mothers have come. Poor ones (innocent mothers) cannot understand anything. When they see others going on a pilgrimage, they too get ready to go – (saying) ‘we too will come along’. ”

Although the innocent elderly mothers do not understand the Knowledge very much, but just TAG ALONG with others, who come to meet Incorporeal God Father Shiva through the corporeal body of Brahma Baba – YET, such innocent elderly mothers also come to Heaven, based on their TRUE, INNOCENT Love for ShivBaba!

अभी तुम जानते हो भक्ति मार्ग के तीर्थ यात्रा का अर्थ ही है नीचे उतरना, तमोप्रधान बनना। बड़े ते बड़ी यात्रा तुम्हारी यह है। जो तुम पतित दुनिया से पावन दुनिया में जाते हो। तो इन बच्चियों (बूढ़ी मातायें) को कुछ तो शिवबाबा की याद दिलाते रहो। शिवबाबा का नाम याद है? थोड़ा बहुत सुनती हैं तो स्वर्ग में आयेंगी। यह फल जरूर मिलना है। बाकी पद तो है पढ़ाई से। उसमें बहुत फर्क पड़ जाता है। ऊंच ते ऊंच, फिर कम से कम, रात-दिन का फर्क पड़ जाता है।
You now understand that the (actual) consequence of a pilgrimage, on the ‘path of Devotion’, is to become degraded, and become impure (‘tamopradhan’). This pilgrimage of yours is the GREATEST pilgrimage of all, through which You go from the impure World to the Pure World. So, You should at least keep on reminding these Children (innocent elderly mothers) of Shiva Baba. Ask them: ‘Do You Remember ShivBaba?’ Even if they hear a little, they will come to Heaven. They definitely receive this fruit. However, it is through the Study that You receive a status, in which there is a lot of difference (between one another). There is the difference of Day and Night between the ‘highest of all’ and the ‘lowest of all’.

SIMILARLY, in Confluence Age – the ACTUAL consequence of endeavouring to Remember Incorporeal God Father Shiva within the impure corporeal body of ANY embodied soul, is to become more body-conscious, while DELUSIVELY believing that they are following a process of developing soul-consciousness!
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Golden Heart
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Post by Golden Heart »

"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 26.10.2019"
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
तुम भी बेहद की बेसमझी में थे। अभी थोड़ा-थोड़ा समझ रहे हो। कोई तो अभी भी कुछ समझते नहीं हैं! बहुत कुछ समझने का है। ...
सतगुरू तो एक ही बेहद का बाप है। सबकी सद्गति करने वाला है। परन्तु इन बातों को बहुत हैं जो बिल्कुल समझते नहीं! बाप ने समझाया है यह राजधानी स्थापन हो रही है, तो नम्बरवार होंगे ना। कोई तो रिंचक भी समझ नहीं सकते। ड्रामा में पार्ट ऐसा है।
“You too were senseless in an unlimited way. You now understand a little. Some of You DO NOT understand ANYTHING, EVEN NOW! A lot has to be understood. ...
ONLY ONE Unlimited Father is the Satguru. He is the One who grants Salvation to EVERYONE. However, there are MANY who DO NOT understand these aspects AT ALL! The Father has explained that the Kingdom is being established, and so they would be number-wise. Some DO NOT understand EVEN the least bit. Such are their parts in Drama!

Those who DO NOT understand anything in the CORRECT PERSPECTIVE, EVEN AFTER being in the Knowledge for many, many years – would be said to have such a part, in accordance with Drama!

वेस्ट ऑफ टाइम, वेस्ट ऑफ मनी, वेस्ट ऑफ एनर्जी। कोई मरता है तो कितना टाइम गँवाते हैं। हम कुछ भी नहीं करते। आत्मा तो चली गई, बाकी खाल क्या काम की। सर्प खाल छोड़ देता है, उनकी कोई वैल्यु है क्या। कुछ भी नहीं। भक्ति मार्ग में खाल की वैल्यु है।
“It is a waste of time, a waste of money, and a waste of energy. When any person dies, they WASTE so much time. We do not do anything. The soul departed, so of what use is the skin (body)? When a snake sheds its skin, does it have any value? None at all. On the ‘path of Devotion’, they value the skin (the body).”

A corpse has NO VALUE, after the soul has left – therefore to carry out any rituals and ceremonies, after a soul has left the body, is a waste of time, a waste of money, and a waste of energy!

अभी बाबा आबू की कितनी महिमा करते हैं। सर्व तीर्थों में यह महान् तीर्थ है। बाबा समझाते तो बहुत हैं, परन्तु जबकि अनन्य बच्चों की बुद्धि में बैठे, अभी तो देह-अभिमान बहुत है। ज्ञान तो बहुत ढेर चाहिए। रिफाइननेस बहुत आनी है। अभी तो योग बड़ा मुश्किल कोई का लगता है। योग के साथ फिर नॉलेज भी चाहिए। ऐसे नहीं सिर्फ योग में रहना है। योग में नॉलेज जरूर चाहिए।
“Baba is now praising Abu so much. Of all the pilgrimage places, this is the GREATEST pilgrimage place. Baba explains a great deal, but it should also sit in the intellects of the ‘especially beloved’ (‘ananya’) Children. At present, there is a great deal of body-consciousness. A lot of Knowledge is needed. There has to be a lot of refinement. At present, hardly anyone is able to have Yoga. Together with Yoga, Knowledge is also needed. It is not that You just have to stay in Yoga. Knowledge is definitely needed in Yoga.

Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge is DEFINITELY required, in order to be able to remain in ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Remembrance of ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva, ALONEas a POINT source of Spiritual Light Energy – by FIRST considering the Self ALSO as a soul – also as a Point source of Spiritual Light Energy!

इस ज्ञान मार्ग में भी चलते-चलते अगर विकार में गिर पड़े, तो ज्ञान बह जायेगा। बहुत अच्छे-अच्छे जाकर विकारी बने तो पत्थरबुद्धि हो गये। इसमें बड़ी समझ चाहिए।
If someone falls into vice (of sex-lust) whilst continuing on this ‘Path of Knowledge’, the Knowledge flows away. Very good ones who went away and indulged in vice, then became those with stone intellects. Very good understanding is required in this.”

The MILK (Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge) of a LIONESS (Incorporeal God Father Shiva) can ONLY be contained in a GOLDEN VESSEL (Pure, Refined, Divine intellect)!

कृष्ण थोड़ेही गऊयें चराता था। उन्हों के पास तो दूध हेलीकाप्टर में आता होगा। यह किचड़पट्टी दूर रहती होगी। सामने घर में थोड़ेही किचड़ा रहेगा। वहाँ तो अपरमअपार सुख हैं, जिसके लिए पूरा पुरूषार्थ करना है।
“Krishna did not graze cows (in Golden Age). He would probably receive milk via a helicopter. All of that rubbish (from tending to cows) would be far away from him. He would not have had any rubbish in front of his home. There is limitless Happiness there, for which You now have to make FULL effort.”

In Golden Age, the waste generated in a cowshed is FAR REMOVED from the palaces of Sovereigns, who receive the milk within minutes from any remote region, by airplanes (vimanas)!
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