Questions for BKs

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Re: Questions for BKs

Post by shivsena »

Murli 11-9-85 says: "संगमयुग पर जो प्रैक्टिकल होता है उसकी यादगार भक्तिमार्ग में त्यौहार के रूप में मनाते है।"

In Sangamyug Parampita shiv is considered as bindi-point of light...but there is no mention of this in any religious scripture.
In Sangamyug, Shiv is supposed to incarnate in Prajapita Brahma...but there is no mention of this in any Hindu scripture.

Why beliefs of Sangamyug are not remembered in Bhakti-marg as per Murli point ???
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Re: Questions for BKs

Post by shivsena »

Today's Murli 8-3-17 says: "यह सब शिवबाबा ही समझाते हैं। शिवबाबा कहें या शिव बालक कहें? शिवबाबा भी है तो माँ भी है। अगर शिव भगवान माँ न होती तो तुम ऐसे क्यों पुकारते– तुम मात-पिता हम बालक तेरे। बुद्धि काम करती है। शिव भगवान बाप भी है तो माँ भी है। अब बताओ शिव को माँ है? शिव तुम्हारा बच्चा है? जो कहते हैं शिव हमारा बाप भी है, बच्चा भी है वह हाथ उठायें! यह बहुत रमणीक और गुह्य बात है। बाप सो फिर बच्चा कैसे हो सकता है?"
"अब बाप कहते हैं तुम मुझे वारिस बनायेंगे तो मैं तुमको 21 जन्मों के लिए वारिस बनाऊंगा।"

How is ShivBaba Father and mother and child ??
How to make ShivBaba HEIR to receive inheritance from him for 21 births. ??
... Please share your views.
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Re: Questions for BKs

Post by shivsena »

Murli 17-2-17 says: "माया सामने खड़ी है"

Every bk-pbk knows that Maya is 5 vices within us....I would like to know who is this Maya who is standing in front of us. ????
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Re: Questions for BKs

Post by mbbhat »

shivsena wrote:Today's Murli 8-3-17 says: "यह सब शिवबाबा ही समझाते हैं। शिवबाबा कहें या शिव बालक कहें? शिवबाबा भी है तो माँ भी है। अगर शिव भगवान माँ न होती तो तुम ऐसे क्यों पुकारते– तुम मात-पिता हम बालक तेरे। बुद्धि काम करती है। शिव भगवान बाप भी है तो माँ भी है। अब बताओ शिव को माँ है? शिव तुम्हारा बच्चा है? जो कहते हैं शिव हमारा बाप भी है, बच्चा भी है वह हाथ उठायें! यह बहुत रमणीक और गुह्य बात है। बाप सो फिर बच्चा कैसे हो सकता है?"
"अब बाप कहते हैं तुम मुझे वारिस बनायेंगे तो मैं तुमको 21 जन्मों के लिए वारिस बनाऊंगा।"

How is ShivBaba Father and mother and child ??
How to make ShivBaba HEIR to receive inheritance from him for 21 births. ??
They Yagya is of ShivBaba's . But, children do the service of Yagya. Children donate tann, mann, and dhan (body, wealth and mind) in the service of Yagya without any selfishness. In this way ShivBaba is our child. So- baba says- "Make me your child/heir (do Godly service), then I will give you inheritance for 21 births".

ShivBaba is maatpitaa, so Father as well as mother.

ShivBaba's relation is not limited to the above. Baba also says- I am your teacher and Guru, and bridegroom as well. ShivBaba is sarva sambandhi.
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Re: Questions for BKs

Post by shivsena »

Today's Murli 18-5-17 says: "कॉम्पीटीशन है राम और रावण की।... राम और रावण दोनों सर्वशक्तिवान् हैं।"

Can any bk-pbk please explain who is this Sarva-shaktivaan Ram and sarva-shaktivaan Ravan and what is the competition between them in Sangamyug ???

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Re: Questions for BKs

Post by shivsena »

Murli 5-7-17 says: “सब चले जायेंगे। उसमें थोड़े बीज बच जाते हैं जिससे धीरे-धीरे बढ़कर त्रेता के अन्त तक 33 करोड़ देवी-देवतायें होते हैं।”
“Everyone will return. From among them a few Seeds will remain and they will gradually increase, then there will be 330 million deities (gods & goddesses) by the end of the Silver Age.”

“Satyug mei honge 9 laakh, fir karod honge, fir vriddhi ko paatey paanch karod, das karod ho jaayenge.”
(Brahmakumariyon dwara prakaashit revised Sakar Murli, dinaank 13.10.78, pg.1).
“There will be 900,000 in the Golden Age, then 10 million, then as the expansion takes place, there will be 50 million, and then 100 million.”
(BKWSU Revised SM dated 13.10.78)

Murli 15-10-81 says: “Phir Treta ke bhi pichadi may aayenge. Yah bhi samjhaayaa hai 9 lakh hote hai. Multiplication ho Treta ke anth tak karke ek do karod ho jaayenge.”
“Then they will continue to come even after the Silver Age. It has also been explained that there are 900,000. As multiplication continues there will be 10 to 20 million by the end of Silver Age.”

Which Murli is right ??
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Re: Questions for BKs

Post by sita »

In the Murli it is said that we receive our inheritance through Jagadamba. What does it mean?
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Re: Questions for BKs

Post by Golden Heart »


सब चले जायेंगे। उसमें थोड़े बीज बच जाते हैं, जिससे धीरे-धीरे बढ़कर त्रेता के अन्त तक 33 करोड़ देवी-देवतायें होते हैं।
Everyone will return. From among them, a few Seeds will remain and they will gradually increase, then there will be 330 million deities (gods & goddesses) by the end of the Silver Age.
(Rev SM dated 05.07.2017)

The Revised SM dated 05.07.2017 consists of TWO SEPARATE Murlis. The FIRST ONE is the ACTUAL Murli spoken by ShivBaba, through Brahma Baba. The SECOND ONE is JUST A CLASS of Brhama Baba, ALONE.
During a certain period of the Yagya, it was ERRONEOUSLY understood, that the 330 million deities referred to, on the Path of Devotion, PROBABLY pertained to the total population, by the end of Silver Age, which is why Brahma Baba has said so in his personal Murli CLASS, which ShivBaba LATER clarified in ANOTHER, LATER Murli - BELOW:

View link viewtopic.php?f=40&t=2602&p=52971&hilit=million#p52971

33 करोड़ देवता गाये जाते हैं, वह इतने कोई सतयुग त्रेता में नहीं रहते हैं। यह तो सारे भारत के देवी-देवता धर्म की आदमशुमारी है। बाहर की तरफ देखो तो कितने ‘फ्राक्शन’ पड़ गये हैं। चीन-जापान है तो बौद्धी, नाम फिर भी बौद्ध का लेंगे, लेकिन ‘फ्राक्शन’ (मतभेद) कितनी है। यहाँ भारत में तो शिवबाबा को उड़ा दिया है, उनको बिल्कुल जानते ही नहीं। चित्र हैं, गाते भी हैं, नंदीगण भी है, परन्तु जानते नहीं। अभी तुम बच्चे जानते हो।
It is remembered that there were 330 million Deities, but there ARE NOT THAT MANY in the Golden and Silver Ages. This is the entire population of the Deity religion of Bharat. Just look outside and see how much friction there is! Chinese and Japanese are Buddhists, they would still take the name of Buddha, but there is so much friction. Here, in Bharat, they have made ShivBaba DISAPPEAR. They DO NOT know Him AT ALL. They have His images, they also sing His praise, they also show ‘Nandigan’ (a Bull, commemorating God’s Chariot - Brahma Baba), and yet they DO NOT know Him. NOW, You Children know.”
(Rev SM dated 27.05.2017)

The 330 million deities, is the entire population of the Deity religion of Bharat, by the END of IRON AGE, who are VERY STRONGLY AFFILIATED to the Deity religion, ALTHOUGH there is FRICTION between the VARIOUS GROUPS or SECTS, EVEN among them.
However, the correction has NOT been incorporated in the CONCERNED CLASS of Brahma Baba, owing to complexities in the subsequent bodies of the publication department of BKWSU or PBKIVV.

Another CLASSIC error is that, “by the END OF IRON AGE, the soul has 9 (‘NAU’) CELESTIAL degrees purity.” But the word, ACTUALLY spoken by ShivBaba, in English, as ‘NO’, was MISREPRESENTED, and REPLACED by the word, ‘NAU’ (9), in Hindi. Hence such Versions should be CORRECTLY read as, “by the END OF IRON AGE, the soul has NO CELESTIAL degrees purity.” (which means ALMOST NEGLIGIBLE degree of purity, for souls who have taken FULL 84 births - since it is NOT POSSIBLE for a soul NOT TO HAVE ANY celestial degree of purity left, as otherwise the soul would not be able to perform any action through the corporeal body - or, in other words, the BATTERY of the soul would be DEAD).

Therefore, the ABOVE Versions refer ONLY to couples of the RULING CLAN, in EACH BIRTH, during Golden Age, and NOT to the GENERAL POPULACE.


Satyug mei honge 9 laakh, fir karod honge, fir vriddhi ko paatey paanch karod, das karod ho jaayenge.
There will be 900,000 in the Golden Age, then 10 million, then as the expansion takes place, there will be 50 million, and then 100 million.
(Rev SM dated 13.10.1978)

This is just a general declaration, which only says that the population would be ABOUT 9,00,000 in the beginning of the Golden ERA - which would be EXACTLY 9,16,108 on the DAY of CORONATION of the VERY FIRST L & N - who are the VERY SAME souls of Brahma Baba & Saraswati Mama. The other figures DO NOT pertain to ANY definite TIME PERIOD, but are expressed to demonstrate how the population would gradually increase, in general terms.

Phir Treta ke bhi pichadi may aayenge. Yah bhi samjhaayaa hai 9 lakh hote hai. Multiplication ho Treta ke anth tak karke ek do karod ho jaayenge.
Then they will continue to come even after the Silver Age. It has also been explained that there are 900,000. As multiplication continues there will be 10 to 20 million by the end of Silver Age.
(Rev SM dated 15.10.1981)

This Version has the CORRECT, UPGRADED, ESTIMATION of the ACTUAL population during the RELEVANT PERIODS.
ABOUT 900,000 in the beginning of the Golden ERA (EXACTLY 9,16,108 on the DAY of CORONATION); and ABOUT (BETWEEN) 10 to 20 million, by the end of the Silver Age.

During a certain period of the Yagya, it was ERRONEOUSLY understood, that the 330 million deities referred to, on the Path of Devotion, PROBABLY pertained to the total population, by the end of Silver Age. Owing to this ERRONEOUS INFERENCE, they ONCE AGAIN, ERRONEOUSLY CONCLUDED that above Version PROBABLY pertained to the estimated population, by the end of Golden Age (instead of the end of Silver Age). Even currently, MANY BKs are STILL holding the ERRONEOUS INFERENCE within their intellects, that the population by the end of Golden Age is ABOUT 20 million, and the population by the end of Silver Age is ABOUT 330 million.
This is how BKs become number-wise - on the basis of the PROPER COMPREHENSION, APPLICATION & INCULCATION of Knowledge.

As regards receiving the inheritance from REAL ShivBaba THROUGH JagadAmba is concerned - this ACTUALLY refers to the REAL, ORIGINAL, ETERNAL INCOGNITO JagadAmba of the Cycle, who is Brahma Baba - being ALSO the REAL, ORIGINAL, ETERNAL EVIDENT JagadPita or PrajaPita of the ENTIRE Human Race, within this EWD Play.
The function of INCOGNITO JagadAmba is THEN delegated to the soul-mate or ‘yugal-dana’ of Brahma Baba, who is Saraswati Mama or the soul of Om Radhe, who becomes the REAL, ORIGINAL, ETERNAL EVIDENT JagadAmba of the ENTIRE Human Race, within this EWD Play - while, BOTH, REAL ShivBaba & Brahma Baba CONTINUE to be her SPIRITUAL BACK-BONE, during the Confluence Age.
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Revised Murlis

Post by new knowledge »

I have a question. Why Sakar Murlis before the demise of Om Radhe are not being made available for reading?
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Re: Revised Murlis

Post by Golden Heart »

new knowledge wrote: 20 Oct 2017 I have a question. Why Sakar Murlis before the demise of Om Radhe are not being made available for reading?
The answer is simple.

They are obsolete, and would only confuse the new aspirants of Knowledge. EVERYTHING which is ACTUALLY ESSENTIAL for ANY embodied soul to develop soul-consciousness from body-consciousness, is AMPLY available in the SMs & AVs being ACTUALLY made available to the concerned embodied souls, with the passage of time, as per Drama Plan - many of which were spoken EVEN BEFORE Om Radhe, or Saraswati Mama, left her corporeal body in 1965.
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Re: Questions for BKs

Post by shivsena »

To all humjins.
Today's Murli 27-6-22
"यह जो शिव का चित्र है उनका भी ध्यान नहीं करना है, क्योंकि शिव तो ऐसा है नहीं।"

Agar nirakar shiv ka chitra bindi nahi hai...toh shiv ki accurate Yaad kaise karen. ???

Anyone please explain.
Om Shanti.
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Re: Questions for BKs

Post by mbbhat »

shivsena wrote: 27 Jun 2022 Today's Murli 27-6-22
"यह जो शिव का चित्र है उनका भी ध्यान नहीं करना है, क्योंकि शिव तो ऐसा है नहीं।"
Shiv is neither big, nor oval shaped, as shown in the pictures.
Shiv is even smaller than an atom.
So, the Murli point says that - do not get caught/attached to the geometrical/physical form shown in the pictures, literally, but understand the real significance.
[Just like Baba says - do not remember(get attached) even to the Chariot, but understand and follow the Chariot].
shivsena wrote: 27 Jun 2022 Agar nirakar shiv ka chitra bindi nahi hai...toh shiv ki accurate Yaad kaise karen. ???
Improper argument.
Neither any Murli point, nor the above says - Shiv is not bindi/point.
Most of the Murli points clearly say - "ShivBaba is a point, soul is a point. Consider yourself as a point and remember ShivBaba as a point. "
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Re: Questions for BKs

Post by shivsena »

To all humjins.
Aaj ki Murli 7-10-22:

"ब्रह्मा से विष्णु बनना सेकण्ड का काम। विष्णु सो ब्रह्मा बनने में 5,000 वर्ष लगते हैं। भल त्रिमूर्ति बनाते हैं - ब्रह्मा-विष्णु-शंकर। परन्तु यह कोई नहीं समझते होंगे।"

Brahma 1 second mei Vishnu (2 souls LN) kab banenge. ???
Aur 1937 mei kaun Vishnu (2 souls) se EK soul Brahma bane.??

(Yeh point ka explanation kissi bk pbk maharathi yaa guru Virendra Dev Dixit ne aaj tak nahi diya.?)

Can anyone please explain.
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Re: Questions for BKs

Post by shivsena »

To all humjins.
Murli 12-11-88:
"Samjaane wala bhi behad buddhi wala chahiyea...bacchon ki buddhi Hadh mei fass padti hai."

Sangamyug mei Hadh ki buddhi wale bacche kaun-kitne hai. ??
Aur Behad ki buddhi wale bacche kaun-kitne hai.??

Murli 29-9-14:
"बच्चों को अभी हद और बेहद से भी पार जाना है । "

Yeh hadh ki duniya aur behad ki duniya kaun si hai.....aur uske paar kaise jaana hai ??

Please share ur views.
Om Shanti.
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Re: Questions for BKs

Post by shivsena »

To all humjins.
Murli 23-3-2020:
"हंस और बगुला इकट्ठा तो रह नहीं सकते। "

Hans hote paras-buddhi aur sirf Gyan-moti chugte hai.
....and bagula hote pattar-buddhi aur unme parakh shakti nahi hoti.

So Sangamyugi brahmins mei Hans kaun aur Bagula kaun.???

Anyone Please explain.
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