COMMENTS on "Bap-Dada's LATEST & FINAL part"

DEDICATED to Om Mandli ‘Godly Mission’ to present posts regarding the LATEST & FINAL part of BapDada of World Purification & World TRANSFORMATION – through Divine Mother Devaki - SAME soul of 'Mateshwari', Saraswati Mama.
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COMMENTS on "Bap-Dada's LATEST & FINAL part"

Post by jaycdp »

Zorba the Greek wrote: 06 Jun 2021 Versions of PrajaPita Brahma Baba 16.03.2020
(through Divine Sister Devki)

Question: It has been said in the Murli, ‘It is NOT the Law (for ShivBaba) to come into the body of a Pure Kumari’ – so how did (Shiv) Baba take the body of Dadi Gulzar, and this third Chariot (Sister Devki) of a Kumari?

Answer: It was said CORRECTLY. When our Loving (Shiv) Baba FIRST comes from the Supreme Abode and incarnates into this world in the very beginning (of Confluence Age), He CANNOT take the body of a Kumari – this is NOT the Law! Since (Shiv) Baba comes to establish a house-hold ashram - that is, a Pure house-hold Religion – therefore, (Shiv) Baba FIRST of ALL takes the (very) FIRST body of an elderly, experienced, impure house-holder (impure body of Dada Lekhraj – who is the SAME soul of Shri Krishna of the very beginning of Golden Age). He CANNOT take the body of a Kumari (the VERY FIRST time, when He FIRST incarnates)! This is why it was said in the Murli that ONLY the body of Brahma (soul of Dada Lekhraj) is FIXED (as the APPOINTED Chariot of ShivBaba) – the body of ANY Kumari is NOT fixed (for SUCH incarnation - for the VERY FIRST time). There is the praise of this, that ‘the world was created through Brahma’ – it CANNOT be said that ‘the world was created through a Kumari’. This is why (Shiv) Baba, FIRST of ALL, takes an elderly, experienced body of a house-holder – there is NO praise of ANY youth (young person – with regard to this aspect).

Then they ask how He (Shiv Baba) took the body of the child Shobha, that is Dadi Gulzar (her ‘lokik’ name was ‘Shobha’), since she too was a Kumari!
It is ALSO necessary to take the body of a Kumari (female), because the Father (Shiv Baba) gives EQUAL status to a male and a female (since the soul is neither EXCLUSIVELY male or female – and has BOTH sanskars within)! Otherwise, they would then say that EVEN God kept ONLY a man (male) in front (and NOT a woman, or female)! What about a woman (female)? This is why it is ALSO necessary to take the body of a Kumari (female). But He keeps an impure house-holder as His FIXED (APPOINTED) Chariot. The second body of Dadi Gulzar was NOT the FIRST body – it was the NEXT body. It was the SECOND body, and NOT the FIRST body. If He did not take the body of a Kumari (AFTER Brahma Baba became Avyakt, and left his corporeal body) then how could such a GREAT Heaven be established? If at THAT time – in the beginning (of Confluence Age) – He would have taken the body of a Kumari, then ONLY all the Kumaris would have come – and then they would say that ‘this Kumari, who is sitting and giving Knowledge, does not have to sustain children’! This is why there is the praise of ONLY an ELDERLY body (as Brahma) – there is NO praise of a young body (as Brahma)!

"(Dada Lekhraj – who is the SAME soul of Shri Krishna of the very beginning of Golden Age)."

Point number one - Krishna is NOT the God of Gita (this is the major difference between Bhakti Marg vs path of knowledge).
Dada Lekhraj is NOT the God of Gita for sure, and he is not the mukarar rath!
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Re: COMMENTS on "Bap-Dada's LATEST & FINAL part"

Post by John2 »

Piyu Vani spoke through pushpa who was a kumari.....Did Shiva baba enter a kumar before that?
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Zorba the Greek
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Re: COMMENTS on "Bap-Dada's LATEST & FINAL part"

Post by Zorba the Greek »

John2 wrote: 15 Jan 2023 Piyu Vani spoke through pushpa who was a kumari.....Did Shiva baba enter a kumar before that?
What date do you have for Baba speaking through Pushpa Mata?

In your question "Did Shiva Bba enter a kumar before that?" - did you mean 'kumar' or 'kumari'?
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Re: COMMENTS on "Bap-Dada's LATEST & FINAL part"

Post by John2 »


I meant kumar.

So I am asking was Shiva baba first entrance in a kumari or kumar?
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Re: COMMENTS on "Bap-Dada's LATEST & FINAL part"

Post by John2 »

In the revised history Shiva did not enter into brahma until 1948.
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Re: COMMENTS on "Bap-Dada's LATEST & FINAL part"

Post by Zorba the Greek »

John2 wrote: 16 Jan 2023 1942.

I meant kumar.

So I am asking was Shiva baba first entrance in a kumari or kumar?

ShivBaba first entered into the impure corporeal body of Dada Lekhraj, as early as 1934. This has now been clarified by Brahma Baba, who, himself, was NOT AWARE of these entries through him, for several years. It took several years for ShivBaba to prepare the impure corporeal body of Dada Lekhraj to be able to speak sensibly through the mouth of Dada Lekhraj. All through this period Dada Lekhraj COULD NOT COMPREHEND what was taking place through him!

ShivBaba's VERY FIRST and PRIMARY PROMINENT Chariot, for delivering His Versions, is the impure corporeal body of Dada Lekhraj, who was later named as Brahma, who became the ORIGINAL Prajapita Brahma, whose memorial is in the Scriptures.
Brahma Baba became Avyakt in 1969, after which he has not taken any corporeal body thereafter. Therefore, he is fully AWARE of everything that has occurred during the entire period from the beginning of the Yagya, until now, since his awareness has not been merged!

ShivBaba's SECOND PROMINENT Chariot is Sister Shobha or Dadi Gulzar - after Brahma Baba left his corporeal body in 1969.

ShivBaba's THIRD and FINAL PROMINENT Chariot is Sister Babita or Divine Mother Devaki - who is the VERY SAME soul of Saraswati Mama - after ShivBaba could not use the Chariot of Dadi Gulzar any longer in 2017.
Saraswati Mama did take her next birth in a royal family in Nepal with beautiful features, and after completing her karmic accounts through that body, she left that body at a young age of 20 to 21 years, as clarified by Brahma Baba now. After she left that body, she took the current body in a poor family, with dark and ordinary features, to settle her earlier karmic accounts of previous births, before she came into the Knowledge as Saraswati Mama. This role of hers also justifies the praise of ShivBaba as the 'up-lifter of the poor'!

ShivBaba did enter other Sisters, like Pushpa Mata and Santri Dadi, for short periods, with limited Power, to facilitate His functions.
They are not regarded as Chariots of ShivBaba.

ShivBaba can enter ANY soul, at ANY time, whether a kumar or kumari, for brief periods, WHENEVER REQUIRED, in order to uplift certain souls, as may be required. These entries are with minimal Power, and the concerned souls are not aware that ShivBaba spoke through them for such brief periods. Such souls cannot be regarded as Chariots of ShivBaba!
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Re: COMMENTS on "Bap-Dada's LATEST & FINAL part"

Post by John2 »

Thank you for the explanation
ShivBaba first entered into the impure corporeal body of Dada Lekhraj, as early as 1934. This has now been clarified by Brahma Baba
How was this clarified?
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Zorba the Greek
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Re: COMMENTS on "Bap-Dada's LATEST & FINAL part"

Post by Zorba the Greek »

John2 wrote: 21 Jan 2023 Thank you for the explanation.

How was this clarified?

The above has been clarified by Brahma Baba through the corporeal body of Mother Devaki.

Currently, although ShivBaba comes along with Brahma Baba in the corporeal body of Mother Devaki, Brahma Baba DOES NOT speak when ShivBaba is speaking - ShivBaba speaks EXCLUSIVELY by Himself, in a whisper. When ShivBaba leaves her body, Brahma Baba continues to remain in her body, and speaks with a mixed male-female sound - during which period ShivBaba is NO LONGER present in her body.

Brahma Baba also comes, by himself, at ANY time, without any notice, spontaneously, to speak to the children, whenever he feels it is necessary to meet them and give them directions for Service. When Brahma Baba comes, he speaks like a normal person, and gives clarifications of any questions which the children may ask him. He also reveals very deep secrets of the operations taking place in the Subtle Region, which were not revealed to the Brahmin Family before.
You may go through some of the questions answered by Brahma Baba, which have been translated in English by a Sister to the best of her ability - in link below -

Zero Zero wrote: 27 Jul 2021
Q n A - Brahma Baba - English Vol. 1.pdf
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Re: COMMENTS on "Bap-Dada's LATEST & FINAL part"

Post by John2 »

In a bk Divine Decree is said
Prajapati God Brahma.
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Re: COMMENTS on "Bap-Dada's LATEST & FINAL part"

Post by Zorba the Greek »

John2 wrote: 24 Jan 2023 In a bk Divine Decree is said 'Prajapati God Brahma'.

That is very much correct.

Most of the Yagya recorded history has been based on earlier mistaken beliefs, erroneous comprehensions - and resultant conjectures while subsequently relating same to others, on which the recorded history is actually based!

In the initial years, and several years thereafter, Brahma Baba was regarded as 'Prajapati God Brahma', with the mistaken belief that God, Himself, goes round the Cycle in human form, and His part simply emerges and merges during the Confluence Age through the human personality of Prajapita Brahma. This was actually the 'shooting' or refreshing of sanskars of the belief systems existing during the Night of the Cycle, or the Night of Brahma, which took place through this process.
Similar occurrences also repeated in the Shankar Party, where many of the followers believed, and still believe, that Baba Dikshit, himself, is the Supreme Soul, or ShivBaba, whose part of 'Bhagwan' (God), emerges and merges during the Confluence Age. This too represents the 'shooting' or refreshing of sanskars of the belief systems existing during the Night of the Cycle, or the Night of Brahma!

Zorba the Greek wrote: 21 Jan 2023 ... All through this period Dada Lekhraj COULD NOT COMPREHEND what was taking place through him! ...
john wrote: 30 Sep 2007 ... I have some questions, but firstly, there is documented evidence available on this site that shows that God Father Shiva did not make an appearance in Brahma baba until around 1950, before that BKs considered Brahma Baba to be God himself. So you say 1937 to 1951 is the Golden Age of Yagya, therefore do you consider Brahma baba as God and this to be the true or Golden Aged understanding? There is a thread in the history section. ...
Golden Heart wrote: 01 Oct 2007 ... 1. In today's Sakar Murli, there is a point:
  • " Sri Krishna is 16 celestial degrees complete. Now there is NO celestial degree. Now all are impure. "
Obviously, if all were impure in the beginning, with hardly any celestial degree of purity, it stands to reason that Brahma Baba could not comprehend the exact intent of Shiv at that time. Neither could the aspirants. Most of them were drawn to him through visions of either Golden Age, Vishnu or Sri Krishna. They could not discern Shiv to be separate from Brahma Baba. The subtle consciousness in CoA can be easily visualized by visualizing the consciousness in the outer Broad Drama.

In Golden Age, we are not conscious of Shiv. We are aware of Lakshmi and Narayan. Thus, in the beginning of Yagya also, Brahma/Vishnu/Krishna was considered to be God, and this sense was communicated to the outer World. This awareness was merged by 1950-51, when it became clear that Shiv was completely separate from Brahma Baba. ...
In fact, most of the earliest and senior most BKs who were accustomed to firmly believing that Brahma Baba was, himself, God Brahma, for a prolonged period of time, found it very difficult to believe and accept that Shiva was entirely a separate Spiritual entity. This began to become more and more evident only - beginning from the early to mid sixties!

What Brahma Baba, himself, believed in the early years was based on his own limited comprehension of the unfolding of these spiritual events. He could not comprehend many aspects even up to the time of leaving his corporeal body in 1969. It is only after he became 'Avyakt' and was exposed to the systems of the Subtle Region that he began to comprehend what had actually been taking place all along. Therefore, what he is now clarifying is based on his higher perceptions of the occurrences that actually took place from the very beginning. He has now clarified that he began to receive visions as early as 1933!

Trust the matter is now a little more clearer to everyone.
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Re: COMMENTS on "Bap-Dada's LATEST & FINAL part"

Post by John2 »

Thank you.
I have read piu announced lekraj to be prajapati God Brahma which he believed.
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