Crown Virus
- destroy old world
- Vishnu Party
- Posts: 186
- Joined: 09 Jul 2007
- Affinity to the BKWSU: ex-BK
Crown Virus
The posts which would follow are reflective of the intellectual interaction between the Trimurti, and instrumental embodied souls who have been extensively associated with this knowledge.
The Trimurti being the combined form of three highest souls, in terms of their spiritual status, within this eternal world drama play - incorporeal God Father Shiva, subtle Brahma Baba, and corporeal Saraswati Mama in her ‘Avyakt’ stage – who, together, represent the Trimurti of the Cycle, currently actively involved with the processes of world purification and ‘world transformation’ (considered to be ‘world destruction’ by the embodied souls who are not familiar with this knowledge).
Each one is advised to exercise due discretion in their assimilation of the information within these posts, since the instrumental embodied souls would still be number-wise in their capacity - both, in their individual ability to perceive, as well as, to disseminate the information presented herein, in the most accurate perspective, as originally intended by the Trimurti – Shiva, Brahma & Saraswati – in their current combined role as ‘Shankar’!
Any interested member may present their personal views with regard to the information provided in these posts, without being offensive or sarcastic, to the best of their ability.
The Trimurti being the combined form of three highest souls, in terms of their spiritual status, within this eternal world drama play - incorporeal God Father Shiva, subtle Brahma Baba, and corporeal Saraswati Mama in her ‘Avyakt’ stage – who, together, represent the Trimurti of the Cycle, currently actively involved with the processes of world purification and ‘world transformation’ (considered to be ‘world destruction’ by the embodied souls who are not familiar with this knowledge).
Each one is advised to exercise due discretion in their assimilation of the information within these posts, since the instrumental embodied souls would still be number-wise in their capacity - both, in their individual ability to perceive, as well as, to disseminate the information presented herein, in the most accurate perspective, as originally intended by the Trimurti – Shiva, Brahma & Saraswati – in their current combined role as ‘Shankar’!
Any interested member may present their personal views with regard to the information provided in these posts, without being offensive or sarcastic, to the best of their ability.
- destroy old world
- Vishnu Party
- Posts: 186
- Joined: 09 Jul 2007
- Affinity to the BKWSU: ex-BK
Crown Virus
This information relates to the conditions within India, in particular, and the rest of the world, in general.
Mostly everyone is aware, by now, how the virus spreads, although opinions still differ.
Masks should definitely be used by all individuals who are coughing or sneezing (who should never spit in public places), since the absence of usage of suitable masks by such individuals, would increase the intensity, (of an asymptomatic individual who may be infected with the virus, or an individual who is symptomatic), of releasing the virus in the atmosphere, (although not completely preventing same), which may still remain active in the atmosphere for a few hours (depending on atmospheric conditions), and on certain surfaces up to 2/3 days – and any uninfected individual, who may later pass through the area, may inhale the virus and get infected – which is the reason why everyone is advised to also wear masks, as far as possible, to minimize the possibility of such inhalation of the virus, under such circumstances (although complete protection is still not guaranteed by the usage of suitable masks). The usage of masks is necessitated, since 'social distancing' alone would not ensure prevention of infection, although 'social distancing' would mitigate infection to a fair extent.
Masks used by symptomatic individuals, who are coughing or sneezing, should be incinerated after use.
Masks used by uninfected individuals should be discarded after prolonged usage; or sterilized by boiling same, if same are intended to be reused frequently. The best option for uninfected individuals, for Indian conditions, is to use a large white handkerchief as a suitable, readily available, and affordable mask, which is easily sterilized, whenever required, by boiling same for a short period, whenever considered necessary.
CAUTION: For individuals who are still uninfected, the use of standard masks, available in the market, may even increase the probability of getting infected by the virus, if same are not used appropriately, with extreme care – and majority of Indians who live in congested spaces can be quite clumsy and negligent in the usage of masks, owing to their inherent habits! Also, not all uninfected individuals can afford standard masks, since same have to be discarded after prolonged usage; masks used by symptomatic individuals would have to be discarded after each use, or frequently, as deemed necessary.
Extreme discretion should be exercised by uninfected individuals in their choice of using standard masks as a preventive measure - and their usage should be supplemented with 'social distancing', as best as possible!
To be continued ...
Mostly everyone is aware, by now, how the virus spreads, although opinions still differ.
Masks should definitely be used by all individuals who are coughing or sneezing (who should never spit in public places), since the absence of usage of suitable masks by such individuals, would increase the intensity, (of an asymptomatic individual who may be infected with the virus, or an individual who is symptomatic), of releasing the virus in the atmosphere, (although not completely preventing same), which may still remain active in the atmosphere for a few hours (depending on atmospheric conditions), and on certain surfaces up to 2/3 days – and any uninfected individual, who may later pass through the area, may inhale the virus and get infected – which is the reason why everyone is advised to also wear masks, as far as possible, to minimize the possibility of such inhalation of the virus, under such circumstances (although complete protection is still not guaranteed by the usage of suitable masks). The usage of masks is necessitated, since 'social distancing' alone would not ensure prevention of infection, although 'social distancing' would mitigate infection to a fair extent.
Masks used by symptomatic individuals, who are coughing or sneezing, should be incinerated after use.
Masks used by uninfected individuals should be discarded after prolonged usage; or sterilized by boiling same, if same are intended to be reused frequently. The best option for uninfected individuals, for Indian conditions, is to use a large white handkerchief as a suitable, readily available, and affordable mask, which is easily sterilized, whenever required, by boiling same for a short period, whenever considered necessary.
CAUTION: For individuals who are still uninfected, the use of standard masks, available in the market, may even increase the probability of getting infected by the virus, if same are not used appropriately, with extreme care – and majority of Indians who live in congested spaces can be quite clumsy and negligent in the usage of masks, owing to their inherent habits! Also, not all uninfected individuals can afford standard masks, since same have to be discarded after prolonged usage; masks used by symptomatic individuals would have to be discarded after each use, or frequently, as deemed necessary.
Extreme discretion should be exercised by uninfected individuals in their choice of using standard masks as a preventive measure - and their usage should be supplemented with 'social distancing', as best as possible!
To be continued ...
- destroy old world
- Vishnu Party
- Posts: 186
- Joined: 09 Jul 2007
- Affinity to the BKWSU: ex-BK
Crown Virus
A symptomatic, or even an asymptomatic, infected individual could release the virus in the atmosphere, by coughing or sneezing (or even by laborious breathing or speaking), which may still remain active in the atmosphere for a few hours (depending on atmospheric conditions), and on certain surfaces up to 2/3 days – and any uninfected individual, who may later pass through the area, may inhale the virus and get infected.
When the sun is shining brightly, the virus in the atmosphere will be eliminated quickly, by the direct rays of the sun; also, when the surface of the earth is heated up by the sun’s rays, the air in immediate contact with the earth will also get heated up, and this warm air will be continuously rising upwards along with the lighter virus layers, taking same out of reach of any uninfected individual, who may later pass through the area; the heavier virus layers would settle down on certain surfaces, where they may remain active for up to 2/3 days.
For the above reasons, the safest time to venture out for groceries, and any other urgent requirements, would be from about one/two hours after sunrise to about one/two hours before sunset.
When the virus is released in the atmosphere by a symptomatic, or even an asymptomatic, infected individual, the heavier virus layers would settle down on surfaces of public utility, including grocery packages - either directly, through coughing or sneezing (including laborious breathing or talking); or indirectly, by first touching the hands to own face, by the infected individual, and then onto such surfaces - where it remains active for a short period of time, which may be from a few hours, up to 2/3 days, depending on the nature of the surfaces and atmospheric conditions. Any uninfected individual, who may later touch such surfaces with own hands, and later on to own face (eyes, nose and mouth), could also get infected.
To prevent infection through this process, one should avoid touching surfaces of public utility, including grocery packages, as much as possible, and refrain from touching own face (particularly the eyes, nose and mouth) with own hands, until own hands are properly washed with a suitable disinfectant - and this latter practice should be repeated as frequently as required.
CAUTION - ONCE AGAIN: For individuals who are still uninfected, the use of standard masks, available in the market, (which may also give a false sense of security), may even increase the probability of getting infected by the virus, if same are not used appropriately, with extreme care – and majority of Indians who live in congested spaces can be quite clumsy, casual, and negligent in the usage of masks, owing to their inherent habits, and living conditions! Also, not all uninfected individuals can afford standard masks, since same have to be discarded after prolonged usage; masks used by symptomatic individuals would have to be discarded after each use, or frequently, as deemed necessary.
Extreme discretion should be exercised by uninfected individuals in their choice of using standard masks as a preventive measure - and their careful usage should also be supplemented by 'social distancing', as far as possible - avoiding touching hands to the face, after same have touched any surfaces of public utility, including grocery packages; and washing hands with a suitable disinfectant, every time, after having touched any surfaces of public utility, including grocery packages!
However, while closely interacting with a proven, known or suspected infected individual, who may be symptomatic, or even asymptomatic, the wearing of a suitable mask by an uninfected individual is very essential, and necessary, to afford self-protection against infection - and these masks should be worn with due care, and disposed off after each usage, or more frequently, depending on the degree of exposure to such infected individuals.
Also, any uninfected individual with a medical condition, (regardless of age), and any uninfected senior citizen, should also wear a suitable mask, as far as possible, to reduce the risk of infection.
To be continued ...
When the sun is shining brightly, the virus in the atmosphere will be eliminated quickly, by the direct rays of the sun; also, when the surface of the earth is heated up by the sun’s rays, the air in immediate contact with the earth will also get heated up, and this warm air will be continuously rising upwards along with the lighter virus layers, taking same out of reach of any uninfected individual, who may later pass through the area; the heavier virus layers would settle down on certain surfaces, where they may remain active for up to 2/3 days.
For the above reasons, the safest time to venture out for groceries, and any other urgent requirements, would be from about one/two hours after sunrise to about one/two hours before sunset.
When the virus is released in the atmosphere by a symptomatic, or even an asymptomatic, infected individual, the heavier virus layers would settle down on surfaces of public utility, including grocery packages - either directly, through coughing or sneezing (including laborious breathing or talking); or indirectly, by first touching the hands to own face, by the infected individual, and then onto such surfaces - where it remains active for a short period of time, which may be from a few hours, up to 2/3 days, depending on the nature of the surfaces and atmospheric conditions. Any uninfected individual, who may later touch such surfaces with own hands, and later on to own face (eyes, nose and mouth), could also get infected.
To prevent infection through this process, one should avoid touching surfaces of public utility, including grocery packages, as much as possible, and refrain from touching own face (particularly the eyes, nose and mouth) with own hands, until own hands are properly washed with a suitable disinfectant - and this latter practice should be repeated as frequently as required.
CAUTION - ONCE AGAIN: For individuals who are still uninfected, the use of standard masks, available in the market, (which may also give a false sense of security), may even increase the probability of getting infected by the virus, if same are not used appropriately, with extreme care – and majority of Indians who live in congested spaces can be quite clumsy, casual, and negligent in the usage of masks, owing to their inherent habits, and living conditions! Also, not all uninfected individuals can afford standard masks, since same have to be discarded after prolonged usage; masks used by symptomatic individuals would have to be discarded after each use, or frequently, as deemed necessary.
Extreme discretion should be exercised by uninfected individuals in their choice of using standard masks as a preventive measure - and their careful usage should also be supplemented by 'social distancing', as far as possible - avoiding touching hands to the face, after same have touched any surfaces of public utility, including grocery packages; and washing hands with a suitable disinfectant, every time, after having touched any surfaces of public utility, including grocery packages!
However, while closely interacting with a proven, known or suspected infected individual, who may be symptomatic, or even asymptomatic, the wearing of a suitable mask by an uninfected individual is very essential, and necessary, to afford self-protection against infection - and these masks should be worn with due care, and disposed off after each usage, or more frequently, depending on the degree of exposure to such infected individuals.
Also, any uninfected individual with a medical condition, (regardless of age), and any uninfected senior citizen, should also wear a suitable mask, as far as possible, to reduce the risk of infection.
To be continued ...
- Zorba the Greek
- Posts: 133
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Re: Crown Virus
We have observed that the contents of your previous two posts have been altered subsequently, which, we presume, would have been done, in order to make same more comprehensive, and improve the clarity.
Could you kindly provide further clarifications on the use of the words – uninfected and infected individuals, as against asymptomatic and symptomatic individuals? Thank you.
Could you kindly provide further clarifications on the use of the words – uninfected and infected individuals, as against asymptomatic and symptomatic individuals? Thank you.
- destroy old world
- Vishnu Party
- Posts: 186
- Joined: 09 Jul 2007
- Affinity to the BKWSU: ex-BK
Crown Virus
An uninfected individual, would be one, who may not have come in contact with, or close proximity of, a confirmed, or proven infected individual; or one, who, beyond reasonable doubt, would not likely have been exposed to the immediate surroundings of another individual, or individuals, who may have been infected.
A suspected infected individual, would be one, who is considered to have the strong possibility of probably having been infected, even though still not confirmed or proven to be so, and who is still asymptomatic, or who does not show any known and evident symptoms of the virus.
An asymptomatic, or pre-symptomatic individual, is one who, in all probability, may be infected with the virus, but who is still not showing any known and evident symptoms of the virus. This stage is the most dangerous, from the standpoint of spreading the contagion, unknowingly – both to the victim, himself/herself, as well as to others. It is dangerous to the victim, since the victim will not be in a position to seek a confirmatory test and treatment, until the symptoms appear, and the incubation period may be up to 14 days from the day of first getting infected, most commonly being around 5/6 days (which may not be known at all). An asymptomatic, or pre-symptomatic individual can still spread the virus to others, without himself/herself, or others, having any suspicion of having the virus. Since this is the most uncertain period of the infection, everyone needs to exercise due care and extreme caution – by usage of suitable masks, supplemented by adequate ‘social distancing’.
A symptomatic individual is one who clearly shows known and evident symptoms of the virus – which could be – loss of the sense of smell, or taste; headache; fever; shivering sensations; sore throat; coughing or sneezing; pneumonia; breathlessness, etc.
Currently, there is no approved, or certified medicine, or vaccine available in the world, which can cure this disease effectively.
A suspected infected individual, would be one, who is considered to have the strong possibility of probably having been infected, even though still not confirmed or proven to be so, and who is still asymptomatic, or who does not show any known and evident symptoms of the virus.
An asymptomatic, or pre-symptomatic individual, is one who, in all probability, may be infected with the virus, but who is still not showing any known and evident symptoms of the virus. This stage is the most dangerous, from the standpoint of spreading the contagion, unknowingly – both to the victim, himself/herself, as well as to others. It is dangerous to the victim, since the victim will not be in a position to seek a confirmatory test and treatment, until the symptoms appear, and the incubation period may be up to 14 days from the day of first getting infected, most commonly being around 5/6 days (which may not be known at all). An asymptomatic, or pre-symptomatic individual can still spread the virus to others, without himself/herself, or others, having any suspicion of having the virus. Since this is the most uncertain period of the infection, everyone needs to exercise due care and extreme caution – by usage of suitable masks, supplemented by adequate ‘social distancing’.
A symptomatic individual is one who clearly shows known and evident symptoms of the virus – which could be – loss of the sense of smell, or taste; headache; fever; shivering sensations; sore throat; coughing or sneezing; pneumonia; breathlessness, etc.
Currently, there is no approved, or certified medicine, or vaccine available in the world, which can cure this disease effectively.
- Zero Zero
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Re: Crown Virus
I would consider 'physical separation', or 'social distancing' of more than 2 meters, is neither practical, nor very effective by itself, in public spaces, particularly when people are moving about.
For example, if an infected individual expels the virus into the atmosphere, while walking more than 2 meters away from another individual who is walking towards the same direction, it would only take a few seconds more for the uninfected individual to pass through the same location, and breathe in the virus and get infected - assuming that the virus may persist in the atmosphere even for only a few minutes, before it gets dispersed enough to become non-viable; or before it settles down on to surfaces below, where it could be viable for a longer duration.
Even in enclosed spaces, like banks, offices and grocery shops, although individuals may strictly maintain a distance of more than 2 meters from each other, while working, or while being stationary - they would have to move in common spaces often, particularly in grocery shops - where the probability of an infected individual passing on the virus to an uninfected individual would still exist. This can be further minimized by the use of suitable masks, but even this practice may not afford complete protection against getting infected!
One can only hope for the best for oneself and others - of course, while continuing to remember the Supreme Soul.
For example, if an infected individual expels the virus into the atmosphere, while walking more than 2 meters away from another individual who is walking towards the same direction, it would only take a few seconds more for the uninfected individual to pass through the same location, and breathe in the virus and get infected - assuming that the virus may persist in the atmosphere even for only a few minutes, before it gets dispersed enough to become non-viable; or before it settles down on to surfaces below, where it could be viable for a longer duration.
Even in enclosed spaces, like banks, offices and grocery shops, although individuals may strictly maintain a distance of more than 2 meters from each other, while working, or while being stationary - they would have to move in common spaces often, particularly in grocery shops - where the probability of an infected individual passing on the virus to an uninfected individual would still exist. This can be further minimized by the use of suitable masks, but even this practice may not afford complete protection against getting infected!
One can only hope for the best for oneself and others - of course, while continuing to remember the Supreme Soul.
- Zorba the Greek
- Posts: 133
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- Please give a short description of your interest in joining this forum.: To engage in fruitful discussions
Re: Crown Virus
Thus far, whatever has been revealed about the corona virus disease, covid-19, in this topic, is available to anyone on the internet. This information is continuously being upgraded, with the simultaneous progress in research in the field of medical science. There exists some difference of opinion about the information currently made available, among the scientists also.destroy old world wrote: ↑29 Mar 2020 The posts which would follow are reflective of the intellectual interaction between the Trimurti, and instrumental embodied souls who have been extensively associated with this knowledge.
Can we throw some light on the actual purpose of covid-19, as per design of this drama, as obtained from "the intellectual interaction between the Trimurti, and instrumental embodied souls who have been extensively associated with this knowledge"?
Thank you.
- destroy old world
- Vishnu Party
- Posts: 186
- Joined: 09 Jul 2007
- Affinity to the BKWSU: ex-BK
Crown Virus
We do agree that ‘social distancing’ is not an effective measure to prevent infection of the virus.
Outdoor ‘social distancing’ becomes ineffective, since individuals will be in constant motion, and an uninfected person may pass through the same location through which a potentially infected person may have passed earlier, within seconds – and become infected; and even when they remain stationary - viz., when they maintain ‘social distancing’ while remaining in a line outside any grocery store - if there is a wind blowing, then the virus could be carried to an uninfected person from a potentially infected person. Likewise, in enclosed spaces, like banks, offices and grocery shops, although individuals may strictly maintain ‘social distancing’, the virus can still spread from a potentially infected person to an uninfected person, even when they remain stationary, owing to circulation of the air, (even in an air-conditioned atmosphere), within such an enclosed space; besides the possibility of an uninfected person getting infected from a potentially infected person, when moving occasionally through common spaces!
The wearing of masks is primarily to protect uninfected individuals from infected ones, so that any coughing or sneezing by an infected individual may not be freely released into the atmosphere, to an appreciable distance from the infected individual towards uninfected individuals – although the escape of the virus from an infected individual cannot be completely prevented by even the use of suitable standard masks; likewise, the inhalation of the virus by an uninfected individual from an infected one, cannot be completely prevented by the use of such masks.
Therefore, it has been determined, that the best way to mitigate the spread of the virus is by social ISOLATION – by staying INDOORS to the maximum possible extent; and it is this practice which has yielded positive results in preventing the rapid spread of the virus to uninfected individuals – particularly in developed nations. The virus is still spreading very gradually, since a COMPLETE ISOLATION is not practical, and is also very uncomfortable, and it can lead to deterioration of mental well being, and may even lead to psychological trauma!
In Indian society, social ISOLATION may even increase the probability of spreading the virus, since MAJORITY of Indians live in EXTREMELY congested spaces – sometimes up to 12 persons being restricted within a very small room – and, in such cases, one would have to consider permitting such individuals outdoor areas as a means of better social ISOLATION, which is extremely difficult to organize and enforce by any administrative body.
We will next consider “the actual purpose of covid-19, as per design of this drama”, and how this is ultimately destined to play out – in our next post.
Outdoor ‘social distancing’ becomes ineffective, since individuals will be in constant motion, and an uninfected person may pass through the same location through which a potentially infected person may have passed earlier, within seconds – and become infected; and even when they remain stationary - viz., when they maintain ‘social distancing’ while remaining in a line outside any grocery store - if there is a wind blowing, then the virus could be carried to an uninfected person from a potentially infected person. Likewise, in enclosed spaces, like banks, offices and grocery shops, although individuals may strictly maintain ‘social distancing’, the virus can still spread from a potentially infected person to an uninfected person, even when they remain stationary, owing to circulation of the air, (even in an air-conditioned atmosphere), within such an enclosed space; besides the possibility of an uninfected person getting infected from a potentially infected person, when moving occasionally through common spaces!
The wearing of masks is primarily to protect uninfected individuals from infected ones, so that any coughing or sneezing by an infected individual may not be freely released into the atmosphere, to an appreciable distance from the infected individual towards uninfected individuals – although the escape of the virus from an infected individual cannot be completely prevented by even the use of suitable standard masks; likewise, the inhalation of the virus by an uninfected individual from an infected one, cannot be completely prevented by the use of such masks.
Therefore, it has been determined, that the best way to mitigate the spread of the virus is by social ISOLATION – by staying INDOORS to the maximum possible extent; and it is this practice which has yielded positive results in preventing the rapid spread of the virus to uninfected individuals – particularly in developed nations. The virus is still spreading very gradually, since a COMPLETE ISOLATION is not practical, and is also very uncomfortable, and it can lead to deterioration of mental well being, and may even lead to psychological trauma!
In Indian society, social ISOLATION may even increase the probability of spreading the virus, since MAJORITY of Indians live in EXTREMELY congested spaces – sometimes up to 12 persons being restricted within a very small room – and, in such cases, one would have to consider permitting such individuals outdoor areas as a means of better social ISOLATION, which is extremely difficult to organize and enforce by any administrative body.
We will next consider “the actual purpose of covid-19, as per design of this drama”, and how this is ultimately destined to play out – in our next post.
- destroy old world
- Vishnu Party
- Posts: 186
- Joined: 09 Jul 2007
- Affinity to the BKWSU: ex-BK
Crown Virus
Purpose of covid-19, as preordained within this eternal world drama –
In general:
1. It is a cautionary global precursor to the forthcoming processes of ‘world destruction’ (transformation from the old state of the world, to the new state of the world – from Iron Age to Golden Age) - which is supremely benevolent.
2. It is designed to condition all embodied human souls to engage in self-introspection, to become aware of the deeper and subtler purpose of life, and also develop awareness of the real self within.
3. It is meant to bring about the realization that there are more subtler powers at play, which are more powerful than the corporeal ‘power of science’, requiring the development of the spiritual ‘power of silence’ to be able to mitigate or subdue same.
4. It is designed to motivate embodied souls to develop virtues, viz., tolerance, patience, restraint, resilience, discipline, courage, determination, fearlessness, hope, trust, self-confidence, etc. – and, in particular, humility!
5. It is designed to further enhance the resolve of embodied souls to develop a greater spiritual connection, and a more meaningful and fulfilling relationship, with God – while simultaneously developing the awareness of the self as a spiritual entity, separate from the corporeal being.
6. It is designed to compel Brahmin souls to engage in volcanic remembrance of the Supreme Soul, and involve themselves in greater spiritual service of humanity and the elements, on a subtler level, at a more rapid pace, with greater application and commitment - to bring about the final world purification and world transformation, as quickly as possible.
In particular:
1. It is specifically designed to sublimate the arrogance of prominent world political and religious leaders, who are potential Brahmin souls – particularly of powerful nations, and renowned religious orders – who would be infected with same, and would even succumb to same, if they do not tone down their arrogant conduct and behaviour appreciably, and develop due humility.
2. Likewise, it is also specifically designed to transform the residual arrogance of prominent functionaries of the Yagya – who may also be infected with same, and may also even succumb to same, if they are not determined to transform their display of residual arrogant conduct and behaviour, into a display of complete humility – as required by Shrimat of Incorporeal God Father Shiva!
Since the primary function of the new corona virus is to condition the religio-political leaders, as well as the prominent functionaries of the Yagya - to make them instrumental for ushering in the new era of the new world order – the name ‘novel corona virus’, or ‘novel Crown Virus’, best describes its preordained function and purpose!
It has also to be appreciated that the appearance of the new corona virus is the direct consequence of Yoga, or Remembrance of Brahmin souls - to enable same to perform and accomplish its preordained task - which is supremely benevolent. Therefore, one should not be deceived into believing that Yoga, or Remembrance has to be performed by Brahmin souls to make the new corona virus disappear, as soon as possible, before its predestined assigned task has been accomplished – since same has to complete its preordained assigned task, before finally withdrawing from the sphere of human activity.
Similarly, the final processes of world purification and world transformation – which are described, or referred to, as world destruction by the embodied souls of the outer world – are the direct consequence of Yoga, or Remembrance of Brahmin souls – all of which are supremely BENEVOLENT – ‘Mahabhari, MahaBharat ladayi MahaKalyankari hai’!
In general:
1. It is a cautionary global precursor to the forthcoming processes of ‘world destruction’ (transformation from the old state of the world, to the new state of the world – from Iron Age to Golden Age) - which is supremely benevolent.
2. It is designed to condition all embodied human souls to engage in self-introspection, to become aware of the deeper and subtler purpose of life, and also develop awareness of the real self within.
3. It is meant to bring about the realization that there are more subtler powers at play, which are more powerful than the corporeal ‘power of science’, requiring the development of the spiritual ‘power of silence’ to be able to mitigate or subdue same.
4. It is designed to motivate embodied souls to develop virtues, viz., tolerance, patience, restraint, resilience, discipline, courage, determination, fearlessness, hope, trust, self-confidence, etc. – and, in particular, humility!
5. It is designed to further enhance the resolve of embodied souls to develop a greater spiritual connection, and a more meaningful and fulfilling relationship, with God – while simultaneously developing the awareness of the self as a spiritual entity, separate from the corporeal being.
6. It is designed to compel Brahmin souls to engage in volcanic remembrance of the Supreme Soul, and involve themselves in greater spiritual service of humanity and the elements, on a subtler level, at a more rapid pace, with greater application and commitment - to bring about the final world purification and world transformation, as quickly as possible.
In particular:
1. It is specifically designed to sublimate the arrogance of prominent world political and religious leaders, who are potential Brahmin souls – particularly of powerful nations, and renowned religious orders – who would be infected with same, and would even succumb to same, if they do not tone down their arrogant conduct and behaviour appreciably, and develop due humility.
2. Likewise, it is also specifically designed to transform the residual arrogance of prominent functionaries of the Yagya – who may also be infected with same, and may also even succumb to same, if they are not determined to transform their display of residual arrogant conduct and behaviour, into a display of complete humility – as required by Shrimat of Incorporeal God Father Shiva!
Since the primary function of the new corona virus is to condition the religio-political leaders, as well as the prominent functionaries of the Yagya - to make them instrumental for ushering in the new era of the new world order – the name ‘novel corona virus’, or ‘novel Crown Virus’, best describes its preordained function and purpose!
It has also to be appreciated that the appearance of the new corona virus is the direct consequence of Yoga, or Remembrance of Brahmin souls - to enable same to perform and accomplish its preordained task - which is supremely benevolent. Therefore, one should not be deceived into believing that Yoga, or Remembrance has to be performed by Brahmin souls to make the new corona virus disappear, as soon as possible, before its predestined assigned task has been accomplished – since same has to complete its preordained assigned task, before finally withdrawing from the sphere of human activity.
Similarly, the final processes of world purification and world transformation – which are described, or referred to, as world destruction by the embodied souls of the outer world – are the direct consequence of Yoga, or Remembrance of Brahmin souls – all of which are supremely BENEVOLENT – ‘Mahabhari, MahaBharat ladayi MahaKalyankari hai’!
- Zorba the Greek
- Posts: 133
- Joined: 03 May 2019
- Affinity to the BKWSU: BK supporter
- Please give a short description of your interest in joining this forum.: To engage in fruitful discussions
Re: Crown Virus
So, it can be appreciated that, generally speaking, the main purpose of Novel Corona Virus, or Covid-19, as preordained within Drama, is to commence the process of gradually leading embodied souls, throughout the world, away from their current state of intense body-consciousness, towards their original and natural state of spontaneous soul-consciousness! This would be one of the major processes which is specifically designed to facilitate such a transformation from body-consciousness to soul-consciousness!Golden Heart wrote: ↑24 Apr 2020 Fortunately, there are VARIOUS processes, which are incorporated within this EWD Play, which facilitate the eventual spiritual awakening of such spiritual ZOMBIES, by ‘force majeure’ – Novel Corona Virus, or Covid-19 being one of them, on a global level – which is SPECIFICALLY designed to SOFTEN the stranglehold of body-consciousness, with which SUCH unfortunate souls are VICIOUSLY GRIPPED!
Can we now throw some light on “how this is ultimately destined to play out”, as per design of this drama, as obtained from "the intellectual interaction between the Trimurti, and instrumental embodied souls who have been extensively associated with this knowledge"?destroy old world wrote: ↑11 Apr 2020 We will next consider “the actual purpose of covid-19, as per design of this drama”, and how this is ultimately destined to play out – in our next post.
Thank you.
- destroy old world
- Vishnu Party
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Crown Virus
How this phenomenon/marvel, i.e. novel corona virus disease, is ultimately destined to play out -
Although it is considered that the viability of the novel corona virus would appreciably reduce with higher temperatures and higher humidity - according to latest information from WHO – “from the evidence SO FAR, the COVID-19 virus can be transmitted in ALL AREAS, including areas with hot and humid weather”.
Whatever may be the current comprehension of medical science, as far as India is concerned, the viability of the novel corona virus would drastically reduce with the advent of the monsoon season.
The adverse consequences of same, and the resultant severe repercussions, would however continue until October/November, 2021!
Although it is considered that the viability of the novel corona virus would appreciably reduce with higher temperatures and higher humidity - according to latest information from WHO – “from the evidence SO FAR, the COVID-19 virus can be transmitted in ALL AREAS, including areas with hot and humid weather”.
Whatever may be the current comprehension of medical science, as far as India is concerned, the viability of the novel corona virus would drastically reduce with the advent of the monsoon season.
The adverse consequences of same, and the resultant severe repercussions, would however continue until October/November, 2021!
- Zero Zero
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Re: Crown Virus
destroy old world wrote: ↑26 Apr 2020 How this phenomenon/marvel, i.e. novel corona virus disease, is ultimately destined to play out -
Although it is considered that the viability of the novel corona virus would appreciably reduce with higher temperatures and higher humidity - according to latest information from WHO – “from the evidence SO FAR, the COVID-19 virus can be transmitted in ALL AREAS, including areas with hot and humid weather”.
Whatever may be the current comprehension of medical science, as far as India is concerned, the viability of the novel corona virus would drastically reduce with the advent of the monsoon season.
The adverse consequences of same, and the resultant severe repercussions, would however continue until October/November, 2021!
Earlier, the adverse consequences of COVID-19 virus, and the resultant severe repercussions, were estimated to continue until October/November, 2020!
It has been observed that this has subsequently been upgraded - and the adverse consequences of COVID-19 virus, and the resultant severe repercussions, are currently estimated to continue until October/November, 2021!
Is this estimate likely to be upgraded further, in the future also?
- destroy old world
- Vishnu Party
- Posts: 186
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Re: Crown Virus
Zero Zero wrote: ↑06 Aug 2021 Earlier, the adverse consequences of COVID-19 virus, and the resultant severe repercussions, were estimated to continue until October/November, 2020!
It has been observed that this has subsequently been upgraded - and the adverse consequences of COVID-19 virus, and the resultant severe repercussions, are currently estimated to continue until October/November, 2021!
Is this estimate likely to be upgraded further, in the future also?
In India, the viability - i.e. transmission through contact with infected surfaces (fomite transmission), and transmission through the atmosphere (airborne transmission) - of the novel corona virus, reduced appreciably with the advent of the monsoon season by October/November, 2020.
In India, the viability – i.e. transmission through the atmosphere (airborne transmission), and transmission through intimate interaction with infected individuals (community transmission) – of the novel corona virus, would reduce appreciably with the advent of the monsoon season by October/November, 2021.
In India, the viability of the proliferating VARIANTS of the novel corona virus, would reduce appreciably with the advent of the monsoon season by October 2022.
In future, this infectious disease will continue to infect individuals in cyclic patterns, SIMILAR to other existing contagious/infectious diseases, when it will no longer receive the aggressive attention which it currently attracts!
- Zero Zero
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Re: Crown Virus
destroy old world wrote: ↑17 Aug 2021 In future, this infectious disease will continue to infect individuals in cyclic patterns, SIMILAR to other existing contagious/infectious diseases, when it will no longer receive the aggressive attention which it currently attracts!
So, what was, or what is, the subtle, or sublime purpose of the 'Crown Virus' - within the nobler scheme of this Eternal World Drama ???
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