NEITHER does Brahma create anyone or anything physically!
23a) True.
ShivBaba says-
"Follow Brahma Baba". So, Brahma is(should be) copied by others for a POSITIVE creation. Both ShivBaba and Brahma baba (plus braahmins) have their own roles in creating positive. [also see point no. 26].
So, when all the braahmins are directed to follow Father Brahma, definitely Brahma also becomes creator (but of lower/next level than ShivBaba)
Baba also says- "Samay ki ghadi/suyi Brahma baap hai = The needle of time is Father Brahma ".
Corporeal events are calculated/fixed with reference to Brahma Father or first prince Krishna.
---The 5000 yrs time is calculated on Krishna's birth,
---The 1-1-1 date is calculated on first LN sitting on throne.
---The LATE BOARD in Conf. Age too is fixed as per date of completion of Brahma Father, etc, etc.
When we say srushti (creation) it is about corporeal events. [No doubt Shiva is first/topmost, but calculation of time is based on soul of Brahma].
23b) Moreover, for the new era/Kalpa to begin, soul of Brahma/Krishna has to first descend from Paramdham. Else, next Kalpa cannot begin. Hence Krishna is the first/new man. So, he is the creator of humanity.
23c) So, in other words- The real/spiritual
POWER is of ShivBaba, but the
FLOW/USAGE of POWER is determined by braahmins, and Brahma is the LEADER of brahmins.
You should be able to discriminate between "power" and "flow of power". Instead of discriminating and understanding the different roles, you just equated both!
For example, nature gives rain, sunlight power, etc., and farmer uses them to get output. Just nature does not give full output. Farmer is also needed. The best farmer is Brahma here, then even brahmins are numberwise master Brahmas.
But ‘the Brahmin clan has been created THROUGH the lotus mouth of Brahma’ - BY whom? Of course, BY ShivBaba – therefore, ShivBaba has ALSO to ESSENTIALLY be the ‘Creator of the human world’, or the ‘Creator of humanity’, or the ‘Seed of the human world Tree’ – (in this particular context) - all of which have the SAME* significance!
24a) If you like to call ShivBaba as creator of human world, it is left to your choice. But, I think, it will defame ShivBaba. You bring level of ShivBaba to human! Guess.
24b)Baba says- when you children rise, others also rise, when you fall, others also fall.
It is deity souls who first fall, and first rise too.
So, title "creator of humanity" title will fit better to Brahma/braahmins than Shiva, and title "creator of heaven" will fit better to Shiva than Brahma.
24c)Human can be pure as well as impure. On the other hand, deities/heaven are pure. ShivBaba is called as "heavenly God Father", NOT "humanly God Father".
Baba says- "
I create only three religions- braahmin, deities, and warriors". (Not other religions
*! )
25) Title GGGF is given to Brahma, not ShivBaba.
Or do you say it applies to even ShivBaba (as you have claimed the title "creator of Human world" to ShivBaba as well above*?
Baba has said- GGGF means Father to all, Father to even to all the religious fathers too.
See- ShivBaba is called as "Father of all human souls", but not GGGF. So, ShivBaba is
spiritual Father.
Brahma is called as GGGF, Father of all humans/humanity.
26) Even though Brahma Father does not create anyone physically,
there is physical/bodily relation.
Every human being is a child of the deities only. The same 9 lakh deity souls of Golden Age are physically responsible for the other generations.
So, the first deity is considered as creator of humanity, hence ShivBaba gives the name ALOWKIK Father to Brahma baba. ShivBaba even gives title BK (Brahmakumar and Brahmakumari) to all the human beings in the world.
27) But, there is no name Shivkumari. Only Shivkumar exists, since all the souls are brothers/souls.
Baba says- when you children are in body, you are like brothers and sisters, when you are just souls, you are like brothers. The brother- sister relation is through Brahma. And, just brother relation is through Shiva.
Baba even gives title Brahma to lowkik Father as "hadh ki Brahma = Limited Brahma". But, ShivBaba has never called himself as any type of "Brahma".
So, to call ShivBaba as creator of humanity, I believe is defaming him. But, if you like to give that title to ShivBaba, it is left to you.
Baba says- baath ko math pakado, bhaavna ko pakdo = Do not stick to words, catch the meaning/feeling.
So, whether you or myself argue in anyway, it does not matter much. Good.
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*28) - Or do you think ShivBaba is responsible for the creation of other religions too?
[I believe Brahma and braahmins are also responsible for the creation of other religions when they become impure.]
29) Adding few more contrast. Two words are famous in Conf. Age. "BHANDARA of Shiva (Shiv Bhola Bhandar)" and "Brahma Bhojan".
As per your argument, one will have to say- both have SAME SIGNIFICANCE, and call/invent names Shiv Bhojan as well as Brahma Bhandar too. And also equate both as
--Shiv Bhandar = Brahma Bhandar, and
--Brahma Bhojan as Shiv Bhojan.
It is left to the individual.
But, a sensible one will always prefer to say- Shiv Bhandar and Brahma Bhojan NOT otherwise.
Because Bhandar/power/root is of Shiv. It is utilized best by Brahma/braahmins, the next level. Shiv does not prepare Bhojan. Shiva cannot be called as creator of Bhojan. Brahma/braahmins can be called as creator of Bhojan.
Similarly the BHANDARA is of Shiva.
[Brahma might have donated lakhs of wealth in Godly service, but, it does not get title Brahma Bhandar. The name is Shiv Bhandar only.
Because what all one gives or takes is from this world only, All belongs to ShivBaba.]
But, when it comes to effort/action, the human beings are the creators there. Because effort comes through body only.
[So, even though Brahma Bhojan is prepared from the wealth of Shiv Bhandar, it does not get title Shiv Bhojan. It gets title Brahma Bhojan only. ]
So- from the effort/action point of view, humans are the creators. From the basic/root point of view, God is the creator.