I get in or pull him out

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Post by proy »

jannisder wrote:Proy. I do not have any religious background but have been exploring. Knowing now that there is a God helping me.
If you feel that there is a God helping you then you have the best friend in the world. Go to Google.com and put in "12 steps". Or go to Amazon.com and put in "12 steps and 12 Traditions". This will get you into all the information for the 12 step group. There will be groups in your area, you can meet with them. In the program just put your own problem into the first step, and go from there. It is not just for alcoholics, as it started out to be, it now covers everything. We all are addicts. It is our own emotions that we are addicted to.
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Post by proy »

jannisder wrote:He must consider me as a BK because he eats the food I prepare.
Yes, unless he is breaking the rules, but even many senior BKs break this rule.
jannisder wrote:When he got in he was a lost person, with a lot of pain. He told me all about it.
This is not at all unusual. Most of the long term BKs I know went in when their life was in crisis. This also applies to high profile BKs such as Brian Bacon and Mike George. They will often say in their talks that they went in when their life had "Hit a brick wall".
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Post by jannisder »

We all are addicts. It is our own emotions that we are addicted to ?

Do you mean it is MY problem now? I am not addicted to anything beside a good healthy life, clear mind down to earth. i do not consider that as an addiction.
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Post by bansy »


Whatever you choose, just don't regret it. Let us know how it turns out in 1-2 years later, so that others can learn from your experience too.

Let me add finally that many BKs want people to live near them or to a centre, can you understand why, think about this yourself carefully.

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Post by abrahma kumar »

Jannisder and to everyone thanks a million for sharing. This thread makes me want to cry. Thanks to you all. Om Shanti.
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Post by jannisder »

This thread makes me want to cry.

This shocks me. please explain.
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Post by bansy »

Maybe you realised the truth for yourself, and now need the power to face.

Children cry when they don't understand.
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Post by abrahma kumar »

Why are you shocked Jannisder?
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Post by jannisder »

Sorry, but is was my response to Abrahma Kumar
Abrahma Kumar wrote:What shock's you jannisder?
That all this wants to make you cry.
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Post by abrahma kumar »

As bansy said: Children cry when they don't understand. Maybe I will come back to this thread another time. Am sure that it will be kept going.

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Abrahma Kumar wrote:Maybe I will come back to this thread another time. Am sure that it will be kept going. Om Shanti
I don't learn if you don't explain
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Post by fluffy bunny »

Jannisder, one important question please;
  • do you practise eye to eye meditation together ... does he give you "dhristi"?
Abrahma Kumar wrote:I wonder if GOD's BKWSU has in it's service plans the creation of a place/atmosphere within it's structure in which practical stiuations such as this can be discussed without recourse to dogma or stigmatisation.
Or, to put it another way, wonder if the BKWSU's God has in its service plans ... or do even higher spiritual beings have in their service plans the creation of a place/atmosphere in which practical situations such as this can be discussed without recourse to dogma or stigmatisation? The BKWSU, in its small mind, seems to consider this site as the work of the devil!
bansy wrote:If not, then try not to see him for 3 months or longer. Stay with some friends or family, talk to someone else if you can, just avoid him. If he persists, then he is insecure and needs you and hence is a fake BK.
I am sorry not to have the time to reply to you question at present but I think that you have received a good spectrum of responses from ex-BKs and pukka BKs. Interestingly enough, Bansy has just given you exactly the same sort of advice, or even insistance, that the BK sisters would. And to add to Proy's experience, I have seen Dadi Janki take a poster of Brahma Baba and "stab" it into the ground like a sword between a couple that came into Gyan together. It was done as a "joke" and the audience of BKs all laughed but the message was clear.

Hello J and welcome very heartily to the forum. It is a very brave thing to do to step forward and openly discuss matters not just of your heart but such a deep, tense and complicated nature of those relating to the BKWSU where we are subject not just by our own and immediate feelings but group, collective and other unseen and ill understood psychic influences.

Bansy is absolutely correct on a number of accounts. Firstly, sadly, you are not alone and it is quite a common dynamic. Not just between newcomers to BK Raja Yoga but even some of the oldest followers, at least in the West. You are not the first to come here to discuss this matter and will not be the last. Yes, if you are not already married and living with him, then that too is taboo for BKs.

Bansy is also absolutely correct to say that your friend has been programmed to say things such as "special soul". He is aping what he has heard said by the spirit they consider to be the Supreme Soul and the Seniors Sisters [SS] the BKs follower. The SS use it to encourage their followers along. What he is saying is that he considers you to be a BK in the making and his programmed desire will be to turn you into a proper BK. I would soften what bansy has said as far as his being a " fake BK" a little. He probably does also love you in a human way but cannot admit it and is fooling himself under the excuse of "doing service".

Its sounds like he likes you and enjoys your company, which is what you want. He may well be in a confused place about his affiliation with the BKWSU. Depending on what the BKWSU is, you might be doing him a favour pulling him out or offering him a safety net. Your relationship might actually be the incentive he needs to jump. I am sure that he also has natural human love and affection but it equally caught between the BKWSU and you. BK fool themselves a lot. BK experience could well be one big hypnotic self-delusion.

EVERYTHING is the power of the BKWSU and BK programming is against you and the development of a natural relationship. As someone that has been a BK, in a similar situation and witnessed others, I will say that in essence the BK is using your love and affection to draw you into the BKWSU, something that is actually wrong by their principles. If this is true, then in my opinion, fated for a disaster. On the other hand, a very slim chance, he may be preparing an exit strategy. He would not be the first BK to meet someone via "service" and then chose to go off with them later. However, life with a BK in that state is not easy, it may takes years and years for him to cut the ties and remove the programming. Others state that would not be a good experience to want.

There can not be any relationship within the context of the BK realm, (there are of course, the BKWSU is as full of hypocrisies as anywhere). Unless he leaves or you join and give him up, the future will only bring further and further mental and emotional separation. Experience suggests that if you do join, quite soon some very specific "encouragement" will start to be invoked by the Seniors or center-in-charges to separate you both for your own spiritual good. Day in, day out, their God teaches that what you are doing is impure, destructive and this jealous God of theirs wants you to be in love with it only. For your own good ...

Personally, I do not have faith in the BKWSU or its God. I know that the BKWSU God is not what most human conceive God to be. I question whether it is and encourage others to do so as well. I also remind others to question whether the instructions of the BKWSU are ven the instructions of its God and suggest to others to find their own way and their own relationship with God. Ultimately, I have not I have no specific position. I only hope to be able to report to you objectively what the BKWSU experience is.
  • One brave BK sister once questioned how BK sisters use their sexuality for serivce. It may be that brothers do to. There is danger in the way that any "talents" and graces are used in service.
For me this issue also raises other issues we might document and discuss that have raised before. When the BKWSU and its lore was conceived, they came mostly from rich families and were all living off Lekhraj Kirpalani's money, expecting the End of the World any moment. They did not care about the world. Since coming out into the world, they have still been teaching and expecting the End of the World ... whilst splitting up couples and families taking other people's money off them to live on. They never really conceived a time when their membership would age and plan on how to look after them. What happens when folks get old? Who looks after them? Local governments or do they get passed back to their lokik families? Why should not two mature individuals decide for themselves how they want to live?
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No way

Post by proy »

jannisder wrote:Do you mean it is MY problem now?
No, I do not mean that, not in the way I think you feel. I apologise that it seemed that way to you. What I am saying is that you are in a one sided situation, and you need to help youself. I am not attacking you.

I have seen exactly the same situation before. A person comes here with a similar difficulty to the one you want help with. Then we all try to help. Then we have to ask the obvious questions. Why are you not discussing this all openly with this man? Why do you see it as a problem and he does not? Maybe he does see it as a problem. Would he like to join you on this forum and post here? If not, then does he really love you in the way you love him? So, we ask these questions and then the person, like you, gets offended and thinks we are saying it is all their own fault. NOT SO. It is complicated. It is the field of human relationships. A brainwashing doomsday cult is involved. There is no blaming coming from me I assure you. I wish you all the best, and I am trying my level best to help any way I can think of. I am only human, I may have made a mistake. Now I have made my apology for that.

Lets move on. Do not get offended and go away or give up on us. You will get help here. My intention was to direct you to a group that will be face to face real live people who have helped me in the past. I do not imagine you will get much understanding if you ask the Seniors at your centre about your dilemma. You could try, I would be interested in what they say. I know you only want a normal life and a happy one, and I am sure you deserve it, but are you looking in the right place for it in your involvement with this man.

He has to choose - you or the BKs, and you have to choose - follow him or follow your own heart.
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Post by jannisder »

Abrahma Kumar,

thank you for your words.

I have read them a few more times. Right now he is waiting for me and i have to go. I shall ask him some difficult questions and will not see him for a while after today. I'll be back later today to report.

Sincerely ...
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Post by fluffy bunny »

John wrote: Bansy, I don't quite understand why you are saying this? Is this the given advice ... I think you are at the point where honesty all round with you and your friend/partner is needed. Remember just because he is a BK doesn't mean he is perfect or pure and he will make mistakes just like every single other soul in the world ... Though if he is leading you on, just to get you to join the BKs then that is quite wrong. He must know that not all souls will become BKs ... etc

I think John is right on all counts and that the time will come very soon for you to discuss matters with him. Take as much as you can from this forum by way of honest opinions both BK, ex-BK and PBK about what it all means.
  • Tears can come from true, altuistic love when we see someone else suffering, as well as from personal sadness.
Following on from John, just as "not all souls will become BKs"; not all BKs will become a Senior Sister [SS], one of the 108, Golden Ages Emperor or whatever "jam tomorrow" they offer. There is plenty of room on life, and even BK life, for you and him to re-invent your own vision or lifestyle. You may even end up closer to God. This forum show that.

Look at the PBKs, for an example. Most BKs are kept from knowing anything about their existence and lifestyle and the depth of their study. Ditto the abuse and corrpution the instutition breeds.

The SS of the BKWSU want to replicate themselves ... may only be able to replicate themselves. That is how they see it, copying them is rewarded by them as good behaviour. But truth be known MANY folks go off and create their own worlds, even within the wider BKWSU world and they may not actualy be that high souls. They may actually be perverters of the truth.

Personally, I would not empower them and the BKWSU in its present incarnation ...
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