You have not understood what I wrote.
I did not say there is no difference. There is always difference. But there is no need to compare. Difference does not cause conflict. Comparisons do. This is why I said that for God Shiva, there is NO difference, but for human souls everyone has differences. But it is the only way we understood human life (as shivsena Bhai put it - "a working society"). But everything for God Shiva works, so how would there be a difference for God Shiva. There is not. The differences exist for human world, and thus there is conflict because we compare.
We sleep at night and we work in the day. We work at night and sleep in the day. Is there a difference. Of course. Is it easier to remember God Shiva durin the day or God Shiva during the night. Should you compare which. Is there any difference in the remembrance.
We cannot judge other souls because the moment you judge another soul to oneself, you have that superiority complex, because you compare. You have created conflict. It is a defect of all human souls, we have been conditioned to give way to conflict. There are differences in everything, but to compare it means you do not realise the conflict that exists.
The sun shines on the wall and on the floor and on the mountain and on the sea. Is there a difference, of course. But is there any need to compare, no there is not.
Going back to the original thread, this is why no-one can come up with the answer - who is superior farishta or devta. Because the answer is there is not any difference when you do not compare. But it is up to every soul to continue trying to search for the answer to this thread.
If yes, can we say male and female are same?
You see, this is making a comparison. is not the answer obvious ? Of course they are different. But does one need to compare ? Is it not an unbalanced society in many parts of the world because we compare men to women ?
The duty of a BK is to learn and to teach. Not just to learn. He is instrument of God.
The duty of a BK is to learn. We are students of Godly knowledge. When did it ever say we are teachers of Godly knowledge ? What does Murlis means to "teach" others ? If you teach, then it means that you have the knowledge contained within yourself, then it means you are making yourself equal to your Teacher. Are you ready ? Is anyone ready for that, when it is said that no-one is pure. But giving knowledge to others is not the same as teaching.
Do not confuse comparison with difference. Even if differences exist, which they do for where there is left there is right and where there is male there is female, to make comparisons is simply to highlight the difference and create conflict. When you do not compare (mind you, this not so easy), you see fewer or no difference, and you have fewer or no conflict. A BK practicing soul and a PBK practicing soul are the same. For it is not for me to decide the differences, it is for God Shiva.