Life stories

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Re: Life stories

Post by fluffy bunny »

As long as Larena has not committed a crime as bad as letting someone die from a curable disease, and lying to their parents ... then I do not think it is necessary to guess her identity.

You confirm the event happened, is the rest true or not?

Are there good reasons for the women to be semi-locked up in this manner?

Larena, you saw other PBK sisters feel trapped or even suicidal too?
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Re: Life stories

Post by arjun »

fluffy-bunny wrote:As long as Larena has not committed a crime as bad as letting someone die from a curable disease, and lying to their parents ... then I do not think it is necessary to guess her identity.
I personally feel that if someone is making accusations against someone or some organization, he/she should reveal his/her own identity as well. Otherwise, a proper investigation cannot be possible.

Larena is trying to mislead the world by hiding her identity. I have confirmed the incident and I have also confirmed that there was only one double foreigner PBK mother from East European country. And now I have also come to know that while she is criticising AIVV for having administered naturopathy treatment to the TB patient, she herself was under ayurvedic and naturopathy treatment for a long period herself by her own choice. Even when she was herself suffering from TB (and also a disorder of the digestive tract) she refused to take Allopathic treatment and continued to try home-remedies. When her condition worsened she was persuaded by one of the PBK allopathic doctor to visit a government hospital. He did not prescribe any medicine himself as she is alleging. She was taken to the Ambedkar Government Hospital where her chest was X-rayed for infection. Although the medicines for TB prescribed by government doctors are made available free of cost by the government hospitals, in this case sister larena was provided medicines for TB (prescribed by govt. doctor) purchased from private medical shops to ensure better quality. (It is generally believed that government hospitals do not provide quality medicines in India). So, her allegation that she suffered because of TB due to the PBK doctor is not at all true. Had she accepted allopathic treatment from the beginning she could have been cured earlier.

It is because of such U-turns by ex-PBKs that AIVV is constrained to obtain letters of faith and maintain other records.

As long as sister larena was in AIVV she had open access to all the centers. She personally toured and met with with Baba Virendra Dev Dixit many times. And if her identity is the same that I am guessing, then I have met her personally many times and she was always very happy being in the AIVV. She never complained to me although she exchanged numerous mails with me whether she was in AIVV or in her native place. She was too intoxicated to do Godly service. She had left her husband to serve in AIVV for five years but when she was asked by ShivBaba after two years to take care of her husband as well and give him knowledge she suddenly turned against and started making accusations. Well, all this can be confirmed only if her identity is revealed. Otherwise, whatever accusations she makes will appear justified and the facts being revealed by us will be called personal attacks.

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Re: Life stories

Post by Larena »

Larena, you saw other PBK Sisters feel trapped or even suicidal too?
The direct reason of my leaving AIVV was not suffering from difficult situation in my family and work after I left them. I was ready to pay this prise.

The direct reason of my leaving was the fact that after coming from India every day I woke up and went sleep with image of that M. Sister dying from hand of those who looked after her. They called Baba to take directions what to do with her, Baba also visited the center once or twice when she was ill and saw her. After her death he gave directions what to do - witnessed it. The awarness of what and how happened poisoned my mind to the extent that I thought about it everyday. Even after years - still I cannot get out of it. I feel bad that I did not call police at that time.

I saw PBK Sisters being locked because they were somehow dangerous. One Sister before my eyes tried to jump from high stairs and kill herself. They tied her hands and legs for long weeks instead of going with her to a special doctor. Few girls - obviously mentally unbalanced - came to me and bagged me to unlocked the main gate and let them out.

Baba did not want to talk with me about these problems. He only repeated "Baba does everything right". Years passed and I cannot experience peace - all those people stand in front of my eyes. I feel terrible. Now I feel more terrible because of what Arjun says and assumes.

Revealing these problems here is a sort of compensation for years of silence.
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Re: Life stories

Post by fluffy bunny »

I think the wish to remain partly anonymous on the internet is understandable, especially if someone is trying to rebuild their life and career ... I am happy to call someone whatever they want ... but it is also important that any criticism be highly accurate and well measured.

It is certainly a good idea for centers to keep very good records to check, and I wish the BKs did that too.

So where do we stand on the actually incident referred to, the death of the young sister? What are the facts of that case?

I am sorry to read that, yet again, the BK world interferes with a married couple or family's life. They really should stop doing so and not encourage anyone who is in a relationship to give up on it. They should make this a rule for their own sake as it has caused trouble for them from the very beginning.

It is not enough to say, "remain pure in the family" because that only causes problems. They should just say, "if you are not free, this path is not for you", and allow people to fulfil their responsibilities and sort their own karma out.

We know the BK position on all this has changed over the years. The BKs made too many compromises just to expand quickly. It is about time they came to accept the world is not going to end and there is no rush .. tp stop their empire building by any means, ethical or unethical.
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Re: Life stories

Post by Larena »

It's not true what Arjuna wrote.

I was suffering from extreme fever and loosing weight and headaches for over three weeks. After three weeks together with 6-7 girls I was taken to AIIMS for X Ray checking. Untill then I relied on regular nathuropatic methods of cleansing the body and nathuropatic diet. This was the style of my life long before. But at the same time I regularly took allopatic medicines for fever and headaches. I had to wait so long for X Ray checking, because of some internal regulations of the center which I did not know at that time.

After the diagnosis I wanted to go back to my country immediately. I was shocked with the diagnosis. Baba told me to stay and take medicines to the end. The next day I received medicines - antibiotics. I did not treat TB with naturopathy. A month earlier M Sister died after naturopatic treatment. After three days they took me to Ambedkar Hospital - I was registered, they took my X ray pictures and diagnosed once again that I am seriously ill. They registered me in the national system for tb treatment and they prescribed me dose of antibiotics. I had to go three times a week to special little 'clinic' to take antibiotics. Although I took antibiotics as told in Ambedkar, the doctor in the center doubled the dose and told me to take antibiotics also between the dose I take in the clinic. I learnt after years that his decision could seriously destroy my health... and destroyed. After 6 months my digestive system was destroyed by overdosed antibiotics. The doctor told me take another type of antibiotics for digestion. No wonder that I refused. I refused to take antibiotics for reparing digestion after it was destroyed by antibiotics against TB overdosed by that doctor. I suffered from this long after finishing TB treatment.

Managers in the center told me to hide the fact that I got TB from all, particularly from people coming from abroad. Even my husband shouldn't know about it. Those who visited the center from outside and stayed indoors were never warned that app 10 people in the center had TB. This fact was carefully hiden.

My treatment lasted for 6 months and all the time I had to take the double dose of antibiotics. During those 6 months I never regain weight and physical strength. I only stopped losing weight. At that time I experienced the most difficult time in my life. After I finished treatment Baba told me to go back to my husband and teach him. Arjun forgot to write that exactly one year earlier Baba told me take a permision from my husband stating that my husband would let me stay in India for ever. He did, he wrote that permision and I went to India with aim to stay there for good. Dozens times I received such contradictory directions from Baba.

I do not criticise nauropathy. Arjun twisted my words. I only revealed few facts which I cannot bear in me, becasue I feel like a silent part of an unintentional murder and intentional carelessness.
- one surrendered girl in PBK center died after her TB was treated with naturopaty;
- the condition of the girl was known to Baba and he gave directions about her;
- Baba saw that girl in the center when she was in a very serious condition;
- Baba gave directions what to tell and when to her parents;
- lies were told to the girls parents
- I saw two girls in the center trying to kill themselves;
- one of them was kept with tied hands and legs after she tried to jump from stairs;
- one was kept with tied hands at nights after she became psychicaly unbalanced;
- I met altogether app 7 girls and 2 mother showing serious symptom of some sort of mental disorder after some time of staying in centers; all of them were sound and healthy when earlier.
- two other girls with serious symptoms of mental unbalance tried to convince me to let them out, to unlock the main gate; they begged me to tell people outside that they were forced to stay locked in the center against their will.
- I saw that managers of the center sometimes locked girls in a small room. This was ment as a kind of punishment.
- there was TB in centers - not only in one. Quite a lot girls and mothers were ill and this was hiden from people coming to the center.
So, her allegation that she suffered because of TB due to the PBK doctor is not at all true. Had she accepted allopathic treatment from the beginning she could have been cured earlier.
This is not true - I took medicines right from beginning. I suffered from overdosed atibiotics. The dose prescribed by a doctor in a hospital was enough. The doctor in the center made it 2,5 times bigger. I should take medicine thrice a week and the center doctor made me take it seven times a week. When I came back to my country for almost a year my digestive system did't work. I found a doctor whom I could trust that he would not reveal the history of my desease in official papers. I showed him details of TB treatment done India - he was shocked. Such dose as center doctor gave me was not only a serious overdose, but could even destroy my health for ever.
in this case Sister larena was provided medicines for TB (prescribed by govt. doctor) purchased from private medical shops to ensure better quality
The doctor from the center told me that he bought in the medical market in Delhi. The quality of medicines sold there are widely discussed in magazines and tv abroad as contaminated medicines of low quality.

She had left her husband to serve in AIVV for five years but when she was asked by ShivBaba after two years to take care of her husband as well and give him knowledge she suddenly turned against and started making accusations.
I don't make accusations. I wrote Baba that I am not able to follow conflicting commands - once he told me to come and stay in India after taking permission; after a year he told me to go back to my husband. I received such commands quite a few.

I spent years on fighting with BKs directly and in media after they defamed me, always showing them Virendra Baba's image as an example to follow.

It is very easy to show PBK system as an example when you know the reality about PBKs superficially. No one knows what's going on in PBK centers from people in those centers because people there remain locked. OK. This is not my business to interfere and try to change something. But PBK classes are public - and in these classes Baba so bitterly attacks BKs. Some time ago I listened to few classes in which Baba accused BKs that they keep Nirmalshanta Dadi and some other Dadis under strong influence of injections to make them uncounscious. He accused BKs in public that BK Seniors hide everything from others. Honestly, I couldn't listen to it without remorse and reflection that he himself did things of a similar sort. After few months I decided to speak out.
It is because of such U-turns by ex-PBKs that AIVV is constrained to obtain letters of faith and maintain other records.
What is the real aim of the letter? The protection of PBK system? If so I feel deeply dissapointed. Till today I thought that the aim of the letter was an individual expression of faith based on incomplete knolwedge which a student receives at the beginning and condition allowing a student to study indeed. The conditions in which I was asked to sign the letter make it a kind of psychical abuse.
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Re: Life stories

Post by arjun »

Sister larena,
So far I have written the response that I got about the role of the Allopathic doctor. Now I have information about the role of the naturopathy doctor as well. I was told that the TB patient in question was on naturopathy treatment since about 10-15 days before her death. During the treatment she was not starved (as you have alleged) but given different kinds of fruit juices and after some days of treatment she showed signs of improvement. But 3-4 days before her death she suddenly started refusing any food or juice and started shouting at everyone including the naturopath just as people under the influence of evil spirits behave. It was during this period that her health deteriorated. I am not trying to defend her death, it was a sad incident indeed, which shouldn't have happened. But it was not a deliberate negligence as is being made out by you again and again.

This is proved by the fact that you opted for naturopathy treatment for many days when you too suffered TB. You used to regularly consult the naturopath before you were infected with TB and even after that. It was only after the persuasion of the allopathic doctor that you were ready to undergo allopathic treatment. Had the death of the above mentioned sister been caused really due to the negligence of the naturopath doctor or the sisters at AIVV you would not have opted for naturopathy treatment for many days after you suffered from TB. Had it been due to the negligence of the naturopath doctor or the sisters of AIVV, then his role would have ended there in AIVV after that incident. But it is a fact that even to this day, the naturopath brother gives treatment to many PBK sisters and brothers (both surrendered and non-surrendered) as well as non-PBKs in the lokik world all over India.

As regards the other sisters who were mentally imbalanced, I have come to know that they were under the influence of evil spirits and would behave strangely suddenly. You might be aware that many of the surrendered PBK sisters are from very poor families and rural backgrounds. They would not be able to afford the kind of quality treatment that they can receive in the national capital and that too in the most prestigious multi-specialty hospital of India, i.e. All India Institute of Medical Sciences. So, even if any sister develops health problems they prefer to stay in AIVV as they would be able to access quality treatment rather than go back to their villages where even basic medical care is unavailable.

If the treatment meted out to the PBK sisters is really that bad then why doesn't any of them go back to their homes whenever police teams come to make inquiry from time to time. Last year's incident at Farrukhabad was highlighted in print as well as electronic media for a long time. Each and every PBK sister living in Farrukhabad mini-Madhubans was called to the Court of the District Magistrate to depose before him and give their statements in full public view. I was present at that time. And none of the sisters, including minors was dissatisfied with their stay in mini-Madhubans and wanted to continue to live there.

I agree that there is constraint of space. And when the incident of death of the above mentioned TB patient took place, there was much more space constraint. The Delhi mini-Madhubans which also acts as the Headquarters was under construction and the Kampil mini-Madhubans had been demolished to construct a new building so there was lack of space in Farrukhabad as well as Delhi mini-Madhubans which host housholder PBKs/newcomers from all over India apart from the regular inmates. Such conditions do lead to health problems, but with constantly opening new mini-Madhubans all over India I am sure that the living conditions for the surrendered sisters will improve over time.

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Re: Life stories

Post by arjun »

larena wrote:What is the real aim of the letter? The protection of PBK system? If so I feel deeply dissapointed. Till today I thought that the aim of the letter was an individual expression of faith based on incomplete knolwedge which a student receives at the beginning and condition allowing a student to study indeed. The conditions in which I was asked to sign the letter make it a kind of psychical abuse.
The aim of the letter of faith is only to express faith and nothing else. In the beginning PBKs used to give it just on plain papers. I gave it on a plain paper only along with many others and it remains valid to this day. The letter of faith has not been used to blackmail anyone so far. It is only a valid record to show to the court that such and such person had been a student of AIVV. Nothing more. Throughout your association with AIVV I always found you in high spirits and spiritually intoxicated. None of your mails sent to me indicated any kind of pain or sorrow. Rather you would exhort me to do more and more Godly Service in AIVV. Now that you have left AIVV you are making all kinds of accusations which is both strange and sad. But everything in the drama is beneficial.
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Re: Life stories

Post by Larena »

This is proved by the fact that you opted for naturopathy treatment for many days when you too suffered TB. You used to regularly consult the naturopath before you were infected with TB and even after that. It was only after the persuasion of the allopathic doctor that you were ready to undergo allopathic treatment. Had the death of the above mentioned Sister been caused really due to the negligence of the naturopath doctor or the Sisters at AIVV you would not have opted for naturopathy treatment for many days after you suffered from TB. Had it been due to the negligence of the naturopath doctor or the Sisters of AIVV, then his role would have ended there in AIVV after that incident. But it is a fact that even to this day, the naturopath Brother gives treatment to many PBK Sisters and Brothers (both surrendered and non-surrendered) as well as non-PBKs in the lokik world all over India.
No, this is not true. You and your friends twist facts so easily to protect yourselves - this is really sad.

After being diagnosed TB, the next day I took antibiotics given me by the allopatic doctor. I did not even think that naturopathy could help me in TB. I was seeking for information how to mitigate the bad effects of antibiotics by a proper naturopathic diet - I repeatedly asked that local naturopathic doctor to explain to me the influence of various juices, oils, fruits, herbs. Since the first day after the diagnosis along with regular antibiotics I had special juices, salads and fruit and herb mixtures prepared to cleanse the body from possible side products of atibiotics. At the same time I repeatedly asked allopatic doctor to meet me and give me proper information about possible effects of antibiotics. When he decided to double the dose I asked him even more to explain to me reasons and effects. This is the true version, not your versions of facts.

The first unfair deed of the center managers was that nobody told me when I came to the center that there were TB patients there and that there was a risk of infection. Nobody told anything to that new student I brought with me either. I learnt about TB only when that sister was dying. Obviously I was infected at the time. Nobody gave me a chance before it was too late to chose if I want to take a risk and stay or leave that place.

The second unfair deed was that the allopatic doctor did not give me full information about the possible results of overdose of antibiotics. Maybe he did not know due to his low qualifications. I trusted him and agreed to take double dose of antibiotics and it was my great mistake. Due to that overdose of antibiotics a serious form of mycosis developed in my body and attacked all organs. I suffered from this for many months after the TB treatment without even knowing of it. Terrible digestion disorder was the first tangible symptom of it. But unfortunately that allopatic doctor who made the checking of my digestion system and whole abdomen at that time did not recognise anything. For months after leaving India I suffered from permanent tiredness, difficulties in breathing, pains in bones and stomach and little weight. Only the whole body checking which I finally did showed that my body was poisoned by fungi. Intestinal flora and epithelium were destroyed for ever. It turned out that due to that overdose of antibiotics intestines were destroyed for good and they would never be able to work properly again. It means that they are unable to stop toxins and protect the body - this is one of their functions. The result of it is that I have to spend lots of money every 6 months to detoxicate the body. Mycosis also affected the cardiovascular system.

So far I have written the response that I got about the role of the Allopathic doctor. Now I have information about the role of the naturopathy doctor as well. I was told that the TB patient in question was on naturopathy treatment since about 10-15 days before her death. During the treatment she was not starved (as you have alleged) but given different kinds of fruit juices and after some days of treatment she showed signs of improvement. But 3-4 days before her death she suddenly started refusing any food or juice and started shouting at everyone including the naturopath just as people under the influence of evil spirits behave. It was during this period that her health deteriorated. I am not trying to defend her death, it was a sad incident indeed, which shouldn't have happened. But it was not a deliberate negligence as is being made out by you again and again.
Go back to your friends and ask them to recollect the story and be honest. Then tell them at least not to lie after years. It's enough what they lied to the Father of the girl. I saw M. sister two months before her death and spoke to those who looked after her directly. Her condition was very bad already at that time to the extent sometimes she couldn't walk. Three weeks before death she couldn't walk alone at all. Then ask your friend - the allopatic doctor - to become corageous enough to recollect what he said at the day of her death. It can be translated like this 'My God, My God, My God did you all go crazy? TB is never to be treated with naturopathy. Why did not you call me earlier? Something could be done.... She must have been ill for months to get like this! What will you tell her parents? How will you explain it in the hospital and to her parents?'. Tell him that I kept hearing his words at many sleepless nights! It's a shame that you can lie like this so easily. But I am not surprised - I heard many lies out of PBKs mouths when I stayed with them. They even lied to each other about where Baba was or when he would come to visit the center or where he went. I was asked by the center managers to misinform girls and other people about some facts connected with what I did or where I went. No open and unambiguous information was welcome. Information had to be secret, umbiguous and unclear even within family for the sake of the family and world benefit.

Once again I ask you not to twist facts and not to cover them. This tendency in AIVV to show things in favourable for them light after removing or twisting whatever could show them in unfavourable light has been terrifying me since the very beginning. I don't find much difference in this between PBKs and BKs. PBKs cannot exist without created an enemy and comparisons. Just like BKs. They immediately undermine credibility of anyone who shows facts unfavorable for PBKs. Just like you tried to do with me. But you are wrong, Arjun, saying that I started to accuse Baba after leaving AIVV. I kept accusing BKs sharp and fighting with them awfuly until I realised and experienced myself that there is no difference between BKs and PBKs. After I realised it I left both far behind. You created the story of some double or triple personality, because you need an enemy. Like any ideologist needs one. But I assure you - this is my first intentional and conscious act in connection with PBKs. And probably the last one, because I don't see you can be a real partner in an neutral discussion focused on facts. You display bias in whatever you say or do. You keep believing in ghosts and evil souls. The whole world is evil for you and you teach this ideology of evil. I think this idea works like poison. Since I left AIVV I developed much more positive and full of love and compassion view of people and nature around me. I value sense of humor, healthy distance to events around, healthy discussion, being light, thinking good thoughts, beauty, originality and aesthetics full of simplicity. I regained respect for the normal work which Baba successfully killed by teaching derogatory things about working and by comparing people who work for their lives with slaves. I regained respect for diversity which Baba also successfuly killed by his teaching about evil rooted in whatever is different. I prefer to be such a slave who works for his or her life rather than live sustained from the money collected from other people and claming being surendered to God - very sannyasi like lifestyle. I regained the faith in myself as an independent self-sufficient woman - the sense and faith which Baba also killed teaching me that I should remain sustained by a man, not to work and stay at home in four walls. When I signed the oath I did not know that he was teaching all these and many other similar things. I also wasn't aware of that his entire ideology was based on fighting and comparing himself with BKs and creating enemies again and again.

So think once again and appologise for unfair accusing me of something what I did not do and spreading this information.

Once again I share my concerns with those with neutral eyes and I encourage them to display much more prudence than me before believing in what and how PBKs teach and before signing the commitment. Beacuse there is no way back in life. I did believe in God. The adventure with BKs and PBKs deprived me of that faith completely. It also deprived me of the faith in guides.

People who want to know more facts may use my book - it contains facts from my ordinary life as a PBK described in detailes with data, names and procedures, my name and contacts. My desease, M sister death, doctors decisions, words, actions were described in details as they took place. I was easy, because for all the time as a PBK I kept writing a diary - everyday (it was the only direction received from Baba which turned to be beneficial for me indeed). It also contains a part in which I analysed almost 2000 CDs and showed how the ideology taught in PBKs changed over years in their classes and in their publications, how their predictions changed and how they contradict themselves. In another part I analysed the language of those classes - often full of derogatory expressions, ambiguous statements and explanations which may be interpretated depending on what the author wants to prove, words expressing anger, extreme criticism of the entire world. It was written and published in my native language. That book along with the story published here can be taken as my only conscious steps connected with PBKs and AIVV. My steps against BKs done for many years are available till today in the Internet with my personal data and contacts. They are mostly in English. The only thing I am trully ashamed of is that I undertook actions against BKs while taking a part in more or less the same in PBKs.

I deny all other allegations Arjun presented. I placed my story in Ex-PBK section. If you want to fight, dispute and argue, Arjun, I am asking you to go to your section and fight there spreading your twisted facts. This section is for Ex-PBKs. Let's stick to this division. I don't want a discussion with PBKs. I am tired of those futile pseudo-discussions in my opinion. In all discusions (particularly those recorded ) I could only experience how PBKs twist infromation and even contradict what they said earlier. I don't discuss with them anymore - that part is over. I only display facts right from my diary. I take advantage of the division of sections. I would like to protect myself from PBKs at least in this way. So let Mr Arjun stay far from the sections for Ex-PBK. Thanks in advance.
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Re: Life stories

Post by Larena »

Sister larena,
I asked you not to call me 'sister'. I am not a sister, I am not your sister, and you have no right to call me like this. I don't let anybody to call me like this since I left PBKs. If you like to speak directly to me you may use my knickname or the more official form 'Mrs' .

I hope you will respect this already second request of mine.
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Re: Life stories

Post by Larena »

Such conditions do lead to health problems, but with constantly opening new mini-Madhubans all over India I am sure that the living conditions for the surrendered Sisters will improve over time.
And at the same time Baba is shouting in classes that palaces are being built in PBKs with all comforts where Ravan raja is being established.

Where is the logic?
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Re: Life stories

Post by Larena »

Sister larena,
I asked you not to call me 'Sister'. I am not a Sister, I am not your Sister, and you have no right to call me like this. I don't let anybody to call me like this since I left PBKs. If you like to speak directly to me you may use my knickname or the more official form 'Mrs' and do it in your section for PBKs.

I hope you will respect this already second request of mine.
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Re: Life stories

Post by arjun »

larena wrote:I asked you not to call me 'Sister'. I am not a Sister, I am not your Sister, and you have no right to call me like this. I don't let anybody to call me like this since I left PBKs. If you like to speak directly to me you may use my knickname or the more official form 'Mrs' and do it in your section for PBKs.

I hope you will respect this already second request of mine.
Sister larena,
I respect your decision to write against the PBKs and against me, but I cannot accept your request not to address you as Sister.

In India we have a tradition that once we accept someone in a particular relation (especially that of a brother and sister) we maintain it till our last breath. The festival of Rakshabandhan (which is very close, may be 2nd August) is a testimony to this.

As long as you are writing against the PBKs without revealing your identity, then I think I, as an independent observer have every right to cross verify whatever statements you make.

Sister, you should appreciate the fact that although you hate us, we have tried to cross check all the facts and responded to your statements almost immediately whereas BKWSU doesn't even bother to respond to any allegation made by ex-BKs or PBKs either on this forum or on In fact they tried to shut down that site containing discussions on BKWSU. This year an attempt was made to rape a lady at a BK center in Aurangabad. This was reported by only one media house and only one website. BKWSU managed to convince all others to block the news. And the news spread on the internet through this lone website, nobody from BKWSU responded and individual BKs tried to accuse PBKs of spreading misinformation whereas the fact is that a case was registered in Aurangabad Police Station and the center was forced to be shut. Had any BK tried to cross verify facts and report it on internet he would have been expelled by BKWSU. But here I am writing so many things without even consulting Baba Virendra Dev Dixit and the nimit sisters, yet I continue to be a PBK. This is the difference between BKWSU and AIVV. But still you prefer to treat us at par with BKs.

Here, I am not at all related to the death of the TB patient. My only connection with the incident is that I am a student of AIVV. Despite having no connection with the incident I am trying to cross check the facts and report the same using my time, money and energy, while you are trying to accuse me wrongly. This is the best thing I can do when you have chosen to be anonymous. The reality can come out only when you sit face to face with the concerned persons and cross examination of facts takes place.

Sister larena, based on the information that I have received regarding the allegations that you have made here, I am more than 100 % confident that I know you personally. I have all the emails that I exchanged with you. In all those emails you have addressed me as a brother and I have addressed you as a sister. If addressing someone as a sister is a crime, then I am ready to go to jail for the same. If you wish to send me jail or even hang me for addressing you as a sister then I am ready for it. If harming me can bring any joy to you then I am ready to reveal my identity to you through personal message. You can come to India and initiate any action against me for calling you a sister.

Your mind may be full of hatred for the PBKs due to the one incident of the death of the PBK sister due to TB because of which you have forgotten all the positive aspects of AIVV and advance knowledge. When you become spiritual in a real sense after some time then you will realize that hatred is not the solution to the problems of the world. Mutual trust and compassion is required to find ways to resolve problems.

Sister, I hope you will understand my feelings and accept me as your brother in a real sense.

I will respond to your other statements in a separate post later on.

On Godly Service,
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Re: Life stories

Post by arjun »

larena wrote:And at the same time Baba is shouting in classes that palaces are being built in PBKs with all comforts where Ravan raja is being established.

Where is the logic?
There is a major difference between the mini-Madhubans of AIVV and the BK centers. mini-Madhubans (centers) of AIVV are not owned by AIVV. They have just been given by the owner (generally a PBK family) to AIVV for Godly service for a particular period of time. The ownership continues to be with the concerned PBK. Even if any construction has taken place anywhere it is with the collective labour of all the PBKs. If anyone sees any of the video recordings of classes held in any of the mini-Madhubans you can observe that in most of the centers the classrooms have been made two-tiered due to lack of space. In the two tiered structure people can manage to just sit comfortably. Yet, large number of PBKs keep coming to attend the classes. In none of the BK centers in India or abroad can you find such two tiered sitting arrangement. If there is lack of space in any BK center they purchase or hire a new building whereas PBKs try to adjust in the same building.

mini-Madhubans of AIVV are not palaces. They are ordinary buildings with ordinary facilities. The inmates to not have separate cots. Many persons have to share the same room. They sleep on floor, sit on floor in class. PBKs have a simple meal consisting of khichri or rice-curry or roti-curry. BKs are given different kinds of sweets whereas PBKs do not get any kind of sweets as toli. BKs exchange costly gifts and wear white dress throughout the day whereas PBKs are expected to wear white dress only during class (even that is not compulsory). BKs get hot water to bathe if they wish, but PBKs generally bathe with cold water except during peak of winter season.

There are many more differences which I can go on an on and which you already know, but now that you have started hating the PBKs you have closed your eyes towards all the positive things in AIVV. Any BK or newcomer can gauge the simplicity and uniqueness of AIVV mini-Madhubans on the very first day. Any reader who has any doubt can visit any of the AIVV center himself.

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Re: Life stories

Post by Larena »

Please respect my tradiction in which calling a woman sister or mother is derogatory and offensive.

I place my posts in Ex-PBK ONLY section which means that I don't wish make discussions with PBKs. I had them enough - most of them futile. cannot you unerstand this simple thing? I am far from hatred. I don't wrire against PBKs. I write my life story. You, PBKs, seem to me as people suffering from obsession that all people here or there write against you. Everywhere you expect double triple agents and spies. You need enemy to exist. Your classes are full of them - you called the entire world as your enemy. You like it, OK.

I prefer a different view and climate. Once again I assure you, I write my story. Be kind and don't think of me as sister and don't call me sister. Many Indian PBKs who I met were desperately lacking empathy- they seemed unable to understand the other people's painful life events and the fact that they might experience dilemnas caused by what for them seemed to perfectly fine. In my tradition, which was so many times presented in Baba's Murlis as inferior and bad, events like those which I described would finish in prison - 5-8 years of jail. Keeping somebody locked against hes/her will would end in jail. Giving the parents false information about their child, like it took place, would end in jail - 2-3 years. I understand that India has its own superior tradition that why all this is fine and it is called God's Shrimat. I don't want to interfere in the Indian tradition - live your life. That's why I published my story in my native language, for those who are in the same tradition as me. I placed my posts in English in this section. Couldn't you understand that in this world there are people of a different sensitivity from yours and certain events may inluence them in a different way from that typical for you?

Don't feed me please with stories of evil souls entering poor village girls. Fairy tales. If someone who was used to open space, fields and greenery in rural areas and suddenly has only four walls to look at and remains lock, his mind will suffer. No evil soul is needed. And additionally if he was sent to ashram against his will his mind would suffer even more. By the way, I am a poor girl from a rural area. I know more about rural life and reality than you.
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Re: Life stories

Post by arjun »

Sister larena,

I have not heard of any tradition from any part of the world where calling someone as sister is derogatory. Throughout the world nurses in hospitals are called sisters. If that was derogatory, why would they be called sisters? Moreover, you have accepted me as your brother in emails. So, if you wish to break that relationship it is your sweet will. You can address me in any manner, but please respect my right to address you as a sister. Just as it is derogatory to address someone as sister in your country, it is considered highly respectful in our country to address someone as a sister.

I respect your right to narrate your story and whatever you observed in AIVV. But, I think that as a member of AIVV I have a right to respond to any allegation made against AIVV. I am not its office bearer, but as a general member I have a right to respond to allegations, especially when they are being made by an anonymous person on a forum like this.

If you wish to just narrate your story without giving a chance to AIVV/PBKs to respond, then you can choose any other forum where PBKs are not members.

If you still wish to write on this forum without my responses then I would request the Admin of this Forum to ban PBKs like me from writing in this Section. That will maintain the respect of your tradition as well as my tradition.

I hope you will respect my right to respond on this forum.

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