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Re: BKWSU leadership accessibility and reverence

Post by tom »

John Morgan wrote
I in my own way am also asking "What are we/I doing and why are we/I doing it?! We are not here to conclude we are here to learn.
This is the typical obedient BK's thought pattern according to the Seniors' conditioning. In a nutshell ."Don't think. Don't look at others.Don't see the weaknesses of others. Become introvert. See your own weaknesses.Don't ask. Don't make negative observations.Don't judge others.Just repeat what the Seniors are telling you.We tell you what to think."

I know very well what we are doing here.Or, are you still not sure what we/you are doing here? We are discussing here all issues related to BKWSU,sharing our own experiences and observations, learning from other forum members experiences and coming to conclusions. Conclusion is the end process of an informal learning process as long as the brain is functioning well.
We are rigorous in our examination of the BK and their actions and try to do it it fairly and accurately in order to reveal the truth of what they are doing. We can only do this well if our own house is in order.
The reason that I decided to become an active member of this forum is, that I observed as a silent reader long enough very well, that the administrators of this forum are strictly bound to the principles of ethics and core values like fairness, honesty, truthfulness, accuracy, openness and nobleness. Forum guidelines are well designed to protect this forum from ill intentioned ones. Of course our own house is in order. We all are taking care that this forum functions well. Who is asking?

john morgan
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Re: BKWSU leadership accessibility and reverence

Post by john morgan »

tom wrote: This is the typical obedient BK's thought pattern according to the Seniors' conditioning. In a nutshell ."Don't think. Don't look at others.Don't see the weaknesses of others. Become introvert. See your own weaknesses.Don't ask. Don't make negative observations.Don't judge others.Just repeat what the Seniors are telling you.We tell you what to think."
Dear Tom,

Just to take the first point you made in your post.

If the question "what am I doing and why am I doing it" is an obedient BK's thought pattern your argument makes no sense whatsover. You go on to say "don't think, don't look at others, become introvert etc. and think this is the same thing as asking that question.

It seems to me that the "brainwash" you accuse the BK of is exactly what you are trying to do to me. You are asking me not to make awkward observations and you are telling me what I should be thinking and doing and are telling me in effect what to say. Please think about this, its really tough but BK or no BK we have to learn.
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Re: BKWSU leadership accessibility and reverence

Post by tom »

John Morgan wrote:That people are able to vote more than once in a poll is a politicians dream but once you are found out the game is up.
admin wrote:Prior to Tom's comment above there had been evidence of users joining simply to vote in or rig polls. When contacted with the typical welcome emails, there have been no responses and no forum posts either. These votes have been noted. In one case, it seems one user voted 12 times or more.

Since Tom's original comment we changed the settings to disallow multiple votes and are in contact with the developers of the softwares to enable a fix in the software that only allows voting in polls after a specific number of posts have been. We hope this ensures voters are genuinely interested members. Presently this modification does not work.

The modification has been attempted on a number of occasions over the last few days and a few of you might have noticed an error message similar to the following.
They are found out John, the game is up. My posts were only about some BKs game who were spoiling the poll. Funny, but it occurs to me that you don't read the posts carefully and don't answer to the points. It is as if by every irrelevant issue you are not talking to us or listening to us but talking to the BK leadership as if trying to prove them how loyal you are to the BKWSU. Although they rejected you, banned you - sorry but you told us repetitively - you are here in this forum to defend them as their voluntary lawyer - as if they need one. But, believe me, it does not matter how much you prove your loyalty, they will never repent and ask for an apology for what they did to you, and they will never miss you. They erased you, as they erased all their other mistakes for eternity.

Funny but, in reality, this Forum is under attack from BK leadership. The legal dispute, the Ramsay's et al accusations, and now we are learning that the modification has been attempted. I will not continue to write on this issue any more.

john morgan
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Re: BKWSU leadership accessibility and reverence

Post by john morgan »

Well Tom,

I'll take on board everything you have said and examine it closely, perhaps you will do the same for me.

Kindest regards,

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admin is now admin

Post by admin »

To clarify matters, and as part of our constant development of this forum, the administration account admin is now 'admin'. The admin account not a single person's user account but used for 'official' or technical purposes.

'admin' meant 'Bulletin Board Systems Operator', a formal term for the initial admin account setting up an internet discussion forum.
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Re: But Brahma Kumaris is not without its detractors

Post by jannisder »

oops sorry
john morgan
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Post by john morgan »

Hello Chai Bhai, Thanks for recognising the significance of the seemingly insignificant smiley campaign. The topic has been locked. I am looking for a second re my proposal for a smiley vote. The correct place for a response is "Smilies Revisited" in the all and everything forum.
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daibetic diet

Post by jaycdp »

I think diabetic diet is the best diet for all human being

except the diabetic diet is not vegitarian diet

Om Shanti

there are four food group

one is starch
in science we call it carbohydrate
modern classification of carbohydrate is

monosacharide disacharide and polysaharide

Monosaharide is simple sugar like glucose

poly sacharide is complex sugar with more than two glucose or furctose

furctose is another simple sugar found in corn ( thought to be good for daibet but now found out to be a casue for obesity)

mainly our body need energy we have three majour source

one is carbohydrate

second is fat

third is protien

fat and protien have slow on set of action. In otherwords they take time to act but they can provide energy for longer duration say (5 -12 hours)

simple sugar like glucose have sudden on set of action . And it has short duration of action

starch has longer duration of action compare to glucose

For example we eat rice / potetoe /or wheat

eventually these rice has to convert into glucose and finally insuline help our body to utilise glucose to provide energy to our body.

our body has a gland called pancreas and pancreas has mainly two types of cells
one is alpha cells and other is beta cells

alpha cells produce glucagon

and beta cells produce insuline

insulin helps our muscle cells to utilize glucose and other functions

there are two types of diabetis

one is type one or insulin depended
the other is type two or insulin non depended

type two diabtes are more seen in Indian families ( there was a double blind study for diabetic patients in american journal of pharmacology. The interseting part is they studied it own twins. And they found identical twins who has a potential for being diabetic. And they found the twins who eat and live healthy aquired diabtics in later age compare to the one who did not eat and live healthy) Om Shanti

type one diabetes can be auto immune disease. which means our body distroy our insuline producing beta cells

this kind of type 1 disease is seen in children Om Shanti

we have very good long acting and fast acting insulin in the market to assit people with type 1 daibetis

for type two

there is excersise and diet and long with medication

there are two to three majour medicines avalilable in the maket

one type help with secreting more insulines
the other typer help with helping insuline work properly in the body

insuline secretogens and insuline sensitisers

metformin is found to be the first choice becase it has good adverse effect

ace inhibitors are given for people who has blood pressure along with diabetis( which is a kidney protector).

diet and excercise is good ( almost equal to pills)

contorl blood pressure

check the eyes every ear with an eye doctor

foot care in the last stage must be done proffessionally

it seems diabetes can reduse your immune sistem ( take flax seed oil one of my friend is taking flax seed oil and it helps her immune sistem) may not work for all . give a try if you are diabetic patient

do not ever starve .

eat 4- to 5 serving of vegitables and fruits

buttermilk /yogurt /milk is found to be helpfull ( low fat )

talk to your doctor for further info

Om Shanti

the i forgot to mention protien

meat / and or meat alternatives

fish is a meat alternative

but dal and legumes and beans are the best source of protien( flax seed can be eaten for protien and fibre source)

dal and beans need milk or milk milk product to provide the complete protein

people who do not drink milk and you are vegitarian then soy drinks are good

please contact a dietician and make a chart. In India dieticains have very low fees. In the western countries they must be free.

Fat and oils

Try virgin oils ( for example virgine olive oil or virgin coconut oil)

people who think they are obese need to bring down their weights

some medications can increase blood sugar level
for example alcohol

please talk to your doctor every thing

Om Shanti
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Test long title here

Post by bkspiritual »

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Verbal versus nonverbal

Post by jaycdp »

We all know there many types of communication; mainly verbal and nonverbal.

Verbal means, "ah ... you you look so beautiful". Non-verbal tells the truth ... do you really mean what you said. Non-verbal never lies. Some time people even get angry at you and you never opened your mouth. Some people get into confrontation like, "want you looking at".

Emotion also speaks. The modern academics classify the person into few class such as; aggressive, passive, submissive etc. Truth is it is his karma or it is his sanskar.

Om Shanti

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Re: Verbal versus nonverbal

Post by john morgan »

This reply is nonverbal...................... ;)
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jesus is monkey god hanuman

Post by jaycdp »

if and muhamme is elephent god ganesh

then who is abraham?

and who is budha?

and who is shankaracharya?

and who is nanak?
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Re: jesus is monkey god hanuman

Post by tom »

Hi jay,

Where do you get these ideas?

Your affirmations above have nothing to do with Gyan.

Tell us please, what do you mean?
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Re: jesus is monkey god hanuman

Post by jaycdp »

jesus many be monkey god hanuman . I am guessing. If it is not jeus it is muhammed.
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haunted houses

Post by jaycdp »

As i have described earlier . A visual halucination is that you see people who are not their or may be dead long time ago. auditory halucination is you hear people who are not present. A delusion is a false belief.

Some of the houses in cold countries had used furnase and they had been some incindent of carbon monoxide poisoning in these houes. As we all know most of the time huanted house is old house or abandened motels etc.

Om Shanti.

those gost are not a threat to human being as long as you live healthy. Those so called gost is only be seen when you are halucinated.And they have no use in modern world

Om Shanti

As i discussed earlier about depression I would say a good diet , good friends and good family along with active life can help depressed people. But again anti psychotics and anti depressents are use full drugs. Meditation and staying in scielence is the only cure for mental disease. That does not mean antispychotics are not usefull

Om Shanti
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