SM & AV points for churning – Revised in 2019

To discuss the BK and PBK versions relating to the progressive differential development of BK & PBK ideologies or theologies.
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Golden Heart
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Sakar Murli & Avyakt Vani points for churning

Post by Golden Heart »

"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 10.09.2019 (Original 14.10.1968) "
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
ऐसे नहीं कि बाप को मालूम पड़ता है - हर एक कितना समय याद में रहते हैं! वह तो हर एक अपने चार्ट से समझ सकते हैं - बाप की याद थी या बुद्धि कहाँ और तरफ चली गई। ... कितना समय याद किया, वह चार्ट में सच लिखेंगे। झूठ लिखने से तो और ही सौगुणा पाप चढ़ेगा, और ही नुकसान हो जायेगा, इसलिए सच लिखना है - जितना याद करेंगे उतना विकर्म विनाश होंगे। और यह भी जानते हो हम नज़दीक आते जाते हैं। ... याद का चार्ट रखने से ज्ञान की धारणा भी अच्छी होगी। चार्ट रखने में तो फायदा ही है। बाबा जानते हैं, याद में न रहने कारण लिखने में लज्जा आती है। ... कल्याणकारी बाप तो समझाते हैं, नोट करेंगे तो कल्याण होगा।
“It is NOT that the Father comes to know, how long EACH one of You stays in Remembrance! It is from your OWN chart that each one of You can understand, whether You stayed in Remembrance of the Father, or whether your intellects were wandering in other directions. ... For how long did You Remember Him? You should write this honestly in your chart. By writing lies, You will accumulate one hundred-fold sin, and there will be further loss. Therefore, You have to write the truth. The more You Remember Him, the more your sins will be absolved; and You would also know that You are continuing to come closer (to your ‘karmateet’ stage). ... By keeping a chart of Remembrance, You will be able to IMBIBE Knowledge well. There is definitely benefit in keeping a chart. Baba knows that it is because You do not stay in Remembrance that You feel ashamed to write your chart. ... The benevolent Father explains: If You note down your chart, there will be benefit.”

Although it is said that, ‘Knowledge is a source of income’ – YET, UNTIL and UNLESS the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita), is ACTUALLY INCULCATED, or IMBIBED - through ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Remembrance of ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva, ALONE – Knowledge CANNOT become a PRACTICAL source of income for the NEXT 21 births, during RamRajya; although number-wise, according to Spiritual efforts made during Confluence Age!
The MILK of a LIONESS can ONLY be retained in a GOLDEN VESSEL!’

अभी तुम बच्चे जानते हो कि शिवबाबा हमारा बेहद का बाप है। भल देखा नहीं है, परन्तु बुद्धि से समझ सकते हो। ... आत्मा को भी जाना जाता है, देखा नहीं जाता। सब आत्माओं का एक ही बाप होता है, उनको भी जाना जाता है। तुम बच्चे जानते हो - बाप आकर पढ़ाते भी हैं।
You Children now understand that ShivBaba is your Unlimited Father. Although You have not seen Him, You can understand Him with your intellects. ... Souls can also be understood, they CANNOT be seen (with the corporeal eyes). There is ONLY ONE Father of all souls, and He too has to be understood (He CANNOT be seen). You children know that the Father comes and also TEACHES You.”

Supreme Soul Shiva, and individual souls, CANNOT be seen with the corporeal eyes of a corporeal body – they can ONLY be understood with the intellect – and can be PERCEIVED, ONLY with the Third Eye of a Divine intellect!

देवियों की ही जास्ती पूजा होती है। लक्ष्मी और दुर्गा दोनों की मूर्तियाँ बनाते हैं। बड़ी मम्मा भी यहाँ बैठी है ना, जिसको ब्रह्मपुत्रा भी कहते हैं। समझेंगे ना कि इस जन्म, और भविष्य के रूप की पूजा कर रहे हैं। कितना वन्डरफुल ड्रामा है। ऐसी-ऐसी बातें शास्त्रों में आ न सकें। यह है प्रैक्टिकल एक्टिविटी। तुम बच्चों को अब ज्ञान है।
“ONLY goddesses are worshiped the most. They make idols of both Lakshmi and Durga. The senior Mother (Brahma Baba) is also sitting here, who is also known as Brahmaputra. You would understand that they are worshiping your forms of your present and future births. This is such a wonderful Drama! These aspects cannot be found in the Scriptures. This is (the memorial of) your PRACTICAL activity (during Confluence Age & Golden Age). Now, You Children have Knowledge.”

The worship of goddesses during Ravan Rajya, is in memory of the PRACTICAL activity of the MOST ELEVATED Righteous Children, or TRUE Brahmins, during Confluence Age; and also of their PRACTICAL activity, when they, themselves, become the MOST ELEVATED Deities, during RamRajya!

दीपमाला पर लक्ष्मी का चित्र थाली में रखकर उनकी पूजा करते हैं। फिर रख देते हैं। वह है महालक्ष्मी, युगल हैं ना। मनुष्य इन बातों को जानते नहीं। लक्ष्मी को पैसे कहाँ से मिलेंगे? युगल तो चाहिए ना। तो यह (लक्ष्मी-नारायण) युगल हैं। नाम फिर महालक्ष्मी रख देते हैं।
“On Deepmala, they place an idol of Lakshmi on a tray, worship it, and then keep it by. That is called MahaLakshmi, the dual-form. People do not know about these aspects. Where could Lakshmi get money from? She needs a partner. So these (Lakshmi & Narayan) are a couple; and they have then been given the name MahaLakshmi (or Vishnu).

The COMBINED form of the VERY FIRST pair of HIGHEST PRACTICAL World Sovereigns, Shri Lakshmi & Shri Narayan, of the beginning of Golden Age – being the VERY SAME souls of Saraswati Mama or Om Radhe & Brahma Baba or DLR – are SYMBOLICALLY represented by the dual form, or four-armed form, of Vishnu, or MahaLakshmi, in PARTICULAR – which ALSO represent the COMBINED forms of the SUBSEQUENT pairs of HIGHEST PRACTICAL World Sovereigns, Shri Lakshmi & Shri Narayan of Golden Age, AND, Shri Sita & Shri Rama of Silver Age, of RamRajya, in GENERAL!

इस समय जो कुछ करते हैं, वह ईश्वरीय सर्विस में शिवबाबा को देते हैं। ... ब्रह्मा को नहीं देते हो। तुम शिवबाबा को देते हो। ... ब्राह्मण शिवबाबा के खजाने से ही पलते हैं। ... तुम्हारा जमा ही नहीं होगा, अगर ब्रह्मा को याद किया तो। ब्रह्मा को तो लेना है शिवबाबा के खजाने से। तो शिवबाबा ही याद पड़ेगा। ... बी.के. को देना भी रांग है। बाबा ने समझाया है तुम कोई से भी चीज़ लेकर पहनेंगे, तो उनकी याद आती रहेगी। ... अच्छी चीज़ तो और ही याद दिलायेगी – ‘फलाने ने यह दिया है’। उनका कुछ जमा तो होता नहीं। तो घाटा पड़ा ना। शिवबाबा कहते हैं, मामेकम् याद करो। ... कभी भी यह ख्याल नहीं करना चाहिए - हम मनुष्य से लेवें। बोलो, शिवबाबा के भण्डारे में भेज दो।
“ Whatever You do at this time, You give to ShivBaba for Godly Service. ... You DO NOT give (anything) to Brahma; You give to ShivBaba. ... Brahmins are sustained ONLY from ShivBaba’s treasure-store. ... You will NOT accumulate anything IF You remember Brahma. Brahma (himself) has to take from ShivBaba’s treasure-store, so then, he would only Remember ShivBaba. ... It is WRONG to give to a BK. Baba has explained that if You (those who are fully surrendered to the Yagya) accept something from anyone and wear it, You will continue to remember that person. If it is something very good, then that would remind You of that person even more, that ‘so-and-so gave me this’. They do not accumulate anything, so it becomes a loss. ShivBaba says: Remember Me, ALONE. ... You should never have any thought of wanting to take (anything) from human beings. Tell them: ‘Send it to ShivBaba’s treasure-store’.

The Righteous Children will NOT accumulate anything IF they remember Brahma Baba, INSTEAD of Remembering ONLY ShivBaba – NOR will they accumulate anything IF they give something to ANY surrendered instrumental Brother or Sister of the Yagya, with a LIMITED vision. Whatever is given THROUGH ANY surrendered instrumental Brother or Sister of the Yagya, will give multi-million-times return during RamRajya, ONLY IF same is given with an UNLIMITED vision, AND, with the CLEAR UNDERSTANDING that it is meant EXCLUSIVELY for ShivBaba’s treasure-store - from which ALL the surrendered instrumental Brothers and Sisters of the Yagya are AUTOMATICALLY sustained COLLECTIVELY, during Confluence Age!
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Golden Heart
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Sakar Murli & Avyakt Vani points for churning

Post by Golden Heart »

"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 11.09.2019 (Original 14.09.1968)"
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
भगवान - माना आत्माओं का बाप - हमको पढ़ाते हैं। ऐसे कभी सुना है? ... ऊंच ते ऊंच बाप पढ़ाते हैं, तो जरूर मर्तबा भी ऊंच मिलेगा। ...
यह भी समझाया है - सभी आत्मायें हैं ब्राइड्स (सीतायें), और वह है राम ब्राइडग्रूम, एक। वो लोग फिर सभी को ब्राइडग्रूम कह देते हैं। अब ब्राइडग्रूम सबमें प्रवेश करे, यह तो हो नहीं सकता। यह बुद्धि में उल्टा ज्ञान होने के कारण ही नीचे गिरते आये हैं क्योंकि बहुत ग्लानि करते, पाप करते, डिफेम करते हैं। बाप की बहुत भारी निंदा की है। बच्चे कभी बाप की ग्लानि करेंगे क्या! परन्तु आजकल बिगड़ते हैं तो बाप को भी गाली देने लगते हैं। यह तो है बेहद का बाप। आत्मा ही बेहद के बाप की ग्लानि करती है!
“ ‘Bhagwan’ (God) – the Father of souls - TEACHES us. Have You ever heard this before? ... The Highest-on-High Father is TEACHING You, and so You will also receive a HIGH status. ... It is also explained to You that all souls are Brides (Sitas), and that He is the ONE Bride-Groom, RAMA (Shiva). Those people then say that all are bride-grooms. It is NOT possible for the Bride-Groom (Shiva) to enter everyone. Because of having this WRONG knowledge in their intellects, they have continued to fall, since they insult Him and commit a lot of sins, and they defame Him. They have defamed the Father to a great extent! Would children ever defame their father? However, nowadays, because children are spoiled, they begin to abuse their father also. This One (Shiva) is the Unlimited Father. It is souls who defame the Unlimited Father. ”

It is souls who DEFAME the Unlimited Father of souls – Supreme Soul Shiva – due to which they continue to become DEGRADED (body-conscious), from the beginning of Copper Age to the end of Iron Age, in PARTICULAR!

बाप ही सर्वशक्तिमान् है। ब्रह्मा द्वारा सभी वेदों-शास्त्रों का सार समझाते हैं। चित्रों में ब्रह्मा को शास्त्र दिखाते हैं। परन्तु वास्तव में शास्त्रों आदि की बात है नहीं। न बाबा के पास शास्त्र हैं, न इनके पास, न तुम्हारे पास शास्त्र हैं। यह तो तुमको नित्य नई-नई बातें सुनाते हैं। यह तो जानते हो कि सभी भक्ति मार्ग के शास्त्र हैं। मैं कोई शास्त्र थोड़ेही सुनाता हूँ। मैं तो तुमको मुख से सुनाता हूँ। तुमको राजयोग सिखाता हूँ, जिसका फिर भक्ति मार्ग में नाम ‘गीता’ रख दिया है। मेरे पास वा तुम्हारे पास कोई गीता आदि है क्या? यह तो पढ़ाई है। पढ़ाई में अध्याय, श्लोक आदि थोड़ेही होते हैं।
“The Father, alone, is the Almighty Authority. He explains to You the (‘Satopradhan’) ESSENCE of all the Vedas and Scriptures, THROUGH Brahma (soul of DLR). They have portrayed Brahma with Scriptures, in the pictures; but, in fact, there is no question of Scriptures, etc. NEITHER does (Shiv)Baba have Scriptures with Him, NOR does this one (Brahma Baba - have Scriptures with him); and You do not have any Scriptures either. This One (Shiva) tells You new things, all the time. You know that all the Scriptures belong to the ‘path of Devotion’. I do not relate ANY Scriptures. I speak to You through a Mouth (orally). I TEACH You RajYog, which is then named ‘Gita’, on the ‘path of Devotion’. Do I, or You, have a Gita, etc? This is a Study. There is no question of chapters, verses, etc., in THIS Study.

Incorporeal God Father Shiva relates the ‘Satopradhan’ ESSENCE of the Scriptures & FALSE Gita, of the ‘path of Devotion’ of Ravan Rajya - which is the TRUE Gita - ONLY THROUGH the Lotus Mouth of Brahma Baba – but He DOES NOT hold ANY Scriptures, or the FALSE Gita, of the ‘path of Devotion’, in the hands of Brahma Baba, while doing so!

बाप कहते हैं, मैं तो एक ही बार आता हूँ। ‘शिव रात्रि’ मनाते भी हैं। वास्तव में होना चाहिए ‘शिव जयन्ती’। परन्तु जयन्ती कहने से माता के गर्भ से जन्म हो जाता है, इसलिए ‘शिव रात्रि’ कह देते हैं।
“ The Father says: I ONLY come ONCE. People also celebrate ‘Shiv Ratri’, but it should, in fact, be called ‘Shiv Jayanti’. However, calling it ‘Jayanti’, would imply taking birth through the womb of a mother; which is why they call it ‘Shiv Ratri’.

Since the term, ‘ShivJayanti’, can convey the WRONG impression that He takes birth through the womb of a corporeal mother, like all other embodied souls – therefore, the term, ‘ShivRatri’, is MORE APPROPRIATE; but BOTH the terms, ‘ShivJayanti’ & ‘ShivRatri’, are synonymous, and have the SAME connotation - which convey the idea of the Spiritual FACT of the UNIQUE Divine Birth of Shiva, through His entry within the seat of the forehead of the impure corporeal body of Brahma Baba, or soul of DLR - during the EXTREME Spiritual Darkness of the ‘Night of Brahma’, or the ‘Night of the Cycle’!

बाप ज्ञान सूर्य, ज्ञान सागर आते हैं, तो तुम्हारा भक्ति मार्ग का अज्ञान मिट जाता है। तुम बाप को याद करते-करते पवित्र बन जाते हो, खाद निकल जाती है। यह है योग अग्नि। काम अग्नि काला बना देती है। योग अग्नि, अर्थात् शिवबाबा की याद, गोरा बनाती है।
When the Father, the ‘Sun of Knowledge’, the ‘Ocean of Knowledge’, comes, then your ignorance of the ‘path of Devotion’ ends. You become Pure by continuing to Remember the Father; the alloy is removed. This is the ‘Fire of Yoga’. The ‘fire of lust’ makes you ugly; whereas, the ‘Fire of Yoga’, that is, the Remembrance of ShivBaba, makes You Beautiful.”

The terms, ‘Sun of Knowledge’ & ‘Ocean of Knowledge’, can pertain to ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva, ALONE – and CANNOT pertain to ANY OTHER embodied soul, on this corporeal sphere!

कृष्ण का नाम भी रखा है – ‘श्याम-सुन्दर’। परन्तु अर्थ थोड़ेही समझते हैं। बाप आकर अर्थ समझाते हैं। पहले-पहले सतयुग में कितने सुन्दर हैं। आत्मा पवित्र सुन्दर है, तो शरीर भी पवित्र सुन्दर लेती है। वहाँ कितना धन दौलत सब कुछ नया होता है। नई धरनी फिर पुरानी होती है।
“They have also named Krishna, ‘Shyam-Sundar’ (ugly & Beautiful one) but they do not understand the meaning of that. The Father comes and explains its meaning to You. FIRST of ALL, they are very Beautiful in the Golden Age. Souls are Pure and Beautiful, and so they receive pure and beautiful bodies. There, all the wealth and property, and everything else is new. The New Land then becomes old.”

The term, ‘Shyam-Sundar’ (‘ugly & beautiful one’), pertains MAINLY to REAL PrajaPita Brahma, Brahma Baba or soul of DLR, who is ALSO REAL Adi Dev, in PARTICULAR, who goes right around the Cycle – (who is ‘beautiful’ in the very beginning of Golden Age; and becomes ‘ugly’, at the very end of Iron Age) – and ALSO to ALL the OTHER, MOST ELEVATED Righteous Children, or TRUE Brahmins, in GENERAL, who ALSO go right around the Cycle, along with the soul of Brahma Baba!

यहाँ तक जो आये हैं वह फिर स्वर्ग में जरूर जायेंगे। शिवबाबा का थोड़ा भी ज्ञान सुना, तो स्वर्ग में जायेंगे जरूर। फिर जितना पढ़ेंगे, बाप को याद करेंगे, उतना ऊंच पद पायेंगे। अभी विनाश काल तो सबके लिए है। विनाश काले प्रीत बुद्धि जो हैं, सिवाए बाप के और कोई को याद नहीं करते हैं, वही ऊंच पद पाते हैं। इसको कहा जाता है बेहद की स्कॉलरशिप, इसमें तो रेस करनी चाहिए। यह है ईश्वरीय लॉटरी। एक तो याद, दूसरा दैवीगुण धारण करने हैं, और राजा-रानी बनना है तो प्रजा भी बनानी है। कोई बहुत प्रजा बनाते हैं, कोई कम। प्रजा बनती है सर्विस से। ... बाप कहते हैं, मैं एक कुल, और दो डिनायस्टी बनाता हूँ। सूर्यवंशी महाराजा-महारानी, चन्द्रवंशी राजा-रानी।
Those who come UPTO here, will then definitely go to Heaven. If they hear even a LITTLE of ShivBaba’s Knowledge, they will DEFINITELY go to Heaven. Then, the extent to which they Study and Remember the Father, they will accordingly claim a high status. It is now the time of destruction for everyone. ONLY those who have Loving intellects at the time of destruction, and who DO NOT Remember anyone, except the Father, are the ones who claim a high status. This is called an Unlimited scholarship. You should race in this. This is a Godly Lottery. Firstly, there is Remembrance; and secondly, You also have to imbibe Divine virtues. If You wish to become Kings and Queens, You also have to create subjects. Some create MANY subjects, and others create fewer. Subjects are created by your doing Service. ... The Father says: I create ONE Clan, and TWO Dynasties - the Emperors and Empresses of the Sun Dynasty, and the Kings and Queens of the Moon Dynasty.

The TWO Dynasties - namely, the Sun Dynasty & the Moon Dynasty of RamRajya - are established by Incorporeal God Father Shiva, in Confluence Age ITSELF, by establishing the ONE Brahmin Clan, through the Lotus Mouth/Intellectual Orifice of Brahma Baba, or soul of DLR!

कई बच्चे लिखते हैं – ‘बाबा, हमको खुशी नहीं रहती है, उल्लास नहीं रहता है’। अरे, बाप तुमको विश्व का मालिक बनाते हैं, ऐसे बाप को याद कर तुमको खुशी नहीं रहती है! तुम पूरा याद नहीं करते हो, तब खुशी नहीं ठहरती है। पति को याद करते खुशी होती है, जो पतित बनाते हैं; और बाप जो डबल सिरताज बनाते हैं, उनको याद करके खुशी नहीं होती है! बाप के बच्चे बने हो, फिर भी कहते हो खुशी नहीं! पूरा ज्ञान बुद्धि में नहीं है, याद नहीं करते हो, इसलिए माया धोखा देती है!
“Some Children write: ‘Baba, I do not experience any happiness, or enthusiasm’. Oh, really? The Father is making You into the Masters of the World, and You do not experience happiness on Remembering such a Father! It is because You do not Remember Him fully (ACCURATELY) that You do not experience happiness. You experience happiness while remembering your husband, who makes you impure; whereas, You do not experience happiness, while Remembering the Father, who makes You double crowned! You have become the Father's Children, and yet You say that You do not experience happiness! You do not have full (ACCURATE) Knowledge in your intellects, You do not Remember (Baba - ACCURATELY), and this is why Maya deceives You!

The Righteous Children CANNOT EXPERIENCE REAL Happiness, IF they DO NOT IMBIBE the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita), through ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Remembrance of ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva, ALONE!
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Golden Heart
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Post by Golden Heart »

"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 12.09.2019 (Original 13.10.1968) "
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
कृष्ण को कभी कोई ‘बाबा’ कहे, यह हो नहीं सकता। तो कृष्ण गीता सुनाने वाला ‘बाबा’ तो नहीं ठहरा ना। शिव को सब ‘बाबा’ कहते हैं क्योंकि वह सब आत्माओं का बाप है। सब आत्मायें उनको पुकारती हैं - परमपिता परमात्मा। वह है सुप्रीम, परम है क्योंकि परमधाम में रहने वाला है। तुम भी सब परमधाम में रहते हो, परन्तु उनको परम आत्मा कहते हैं। वह कभी पुनर्जन्म में नहीं आते हैं। खुद कहते हैं, मेरा जन्म दिव्य और अलौकिक है। ऐसे कोई रथ में प्रवेश कर तुमको विश्व का मालिक बनने की युक्ति बताये, यह और कोई हो नहीं सकता। तब बाप कहते हैं - मैं जो हूँ, जैसा हूँ, मुझे कोई भी नहीं जानते। मैं जब अपना परिचय दूँ तब जान सकते हैं।
“It is not possible for anyone to call Krishna, ‘Baba’ (since he is only a child). Therefore, Krishna is not the ‘Baba’ who relates the Gita. Everyone calls Shiva, ‘Baba’, because he is the Father of all souls. All souls call out to Him: ‘Supreme Father, Supreme Soul’. He is the Supreme, the HIGHEST, because He resides in the Supreme Abode. All of You also reside in the Supreme Abode, but He (Shiva) is called the Supreme Soul (‘Paramatma’). He never takes rebirth. He, Himself, says: My Birth is Divine and unique. There cannot be anyone else who can enter a Chariot (body) and show You the technique to become the Masters of the World. This is why the Father says: No one knows Me, as I am, or who I am. It is only when I give My own introduction that You can come to know Me.”

ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva, ALONE - who is the HIGHEST of ALL, since He resides in the Supreme Abode – can be called Supreme Soul (‘Paramatma’) – which CANNOT pertain to ANY embodied soul on this corporeal sphere!

बाप तो बच्चों को बैठ पढ़ाते हैं। वह बाप, टीचर, गुरू भी है। शिवबाबा सबको बैठ समझाते हैं। न समझने कारण त्रिमूर्ति में शिव रखते ही नहीं। ब्रह्मा को रखते हैं, जिसको ‘प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा’ कहते हैं - प्रजा को रचने वाला। परन्तु उनको भगवान नहीं कहेंगे। भगवान प्रजा नहीं रचते हैं; भगवान के तो सब आत्मायें बच्चे हैं। फिर कोई द्वारा प्रजा रचते हैं। तुमको किसने एडाप्ट किया? ब्रह्मा द्वारा, बाप ने एडाप्ट किया। ब्राह्मण जब बनेंगे, तब ही तो देवता बनेंगे। यह बात तो तुमने कभी सुनी नहीं है। प्रजापिता का भी जरूर पार्ट है। एक्ट चाहिए ना। इतनी प्रजा कहाँ से आयेगी? कुख वंशावली भी तो हो न सके। ... प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा तो कहते ही तब हैं, जब शिवबाबा इनमें प्रवेश करें।
“ The Father sits and TEACHES You Children. He is the Father, the Teacher, and also the Guru. ShivBaba sits and explains to everyone. Because of not understanding this, they have not shown Shiva in the Trinity (‘Trimurti’) - they portray Brahma, who is called ‘PrajaPita Brahma’ (soul of DLR), to be the one who creates people. However, he cannot be called ‘Bhagwan’ (God). God (‘Bhagwan’) does not create people (in the Soul World); all souls are the children of God (as bodiless souls). Therefore, He (Shiva) has to create people (on this corporeal sphere) through someone. Who adopted You? The Father (Shiva) adopted (REcreated) You THROUGH Brahma. It is only when You (first) become Brahmins, that You can then become Deities. You have never heard this aspect before. The ‘Father of Humanity’ (‘PrajaPita’) surely has a part; he surely has to act. Otherwise, where would so many people come from? They CANNOT be children born through a womb. ... Only after ShivBaba enters this one (soul of DLR), is he called ‘PrajaPita Brahma’. ”

Incorporeal God Father Shiva Re-Creates the Righteous Children, or TRUE Brahmins, in Confluence Age, by TEACHING them the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita), ONLY THROUGH Brahma Baba – who is called PrajaPita, ONLY AFTER Shiva enters him – after which they become the MOST ELEVATED Deities of REAL Heaven, or Satyug, or Golden Age – who are the forefathers, or ancestors, of all subsequent generations of Humanity – and, in this PARTICULAR SENSE, Incorporeal God Father Shiva becomes the Heavenly God Father, or the Creator of ENTIRE Humanity, ANEW!

मैं जो हूँ, जैसा हूँ - तुम बच्चों में भी विरले कोई एक्यूरेट जानते हैं। ... अभी बाप समझाते हैं, खुदा तुम बच्चों का दोस्त है, इनमें प्रवेश कर तुम्हारे साथ खाते-पीते हैं, खेलते भी हैं। शिवबाबा का और ब्रह्मा बाबा का रथ एक ही है, तो जरूर शिवबाबा भी खेल तो सकते होंगे ना। बाप को याद कर खेलते हैं, तो दोनों इसमें हैं। हैं तो दो ना - बाप और दादा। परन्तु कोई भी समझते नहीं हैं, कहते हैं ‘रथ पर आये’, तो वह फिर घोड़े-गाड़ी का रथ बना दिया है। ऐसे भी नहीं कहेंगे कृष्ण में शिवबाबा बैठ ज्ञान देते हैं। वह फिर कह देते हैं ‘कृष्ण भगवानुवाच’। ऐसे तो नहीं कहते ‘ब्रह्मा भगवानुवाच’। नहीं! यह है रथ - शिव भगवानुवाच।

“Among You Children too, hardly a few know Me ACCURATELY, as I am, and who I am. ... Now, the Father explains that God is the Friend of You Children. He enters this one (soul of DLR) and eats, drinks, and also plays with You. The Chariot of ShivBaba and Brahma Baba is one and the same, so ShivBaba would also definitely be able to play with You. When You Remember the Father whilst playing (with Brahma Baba), it means that BOTH are in THIS one. There are two: Bap(ShivBaba) and Dada(Brahma Baba). However, no one understands this. They say that He ‘came in a Chariot’, and so they have portrayed a horse Chariot. It also cannot be said that ShivBaba sits in (child) Krishna (of Golden Age) and gives Knowledge. They then say: ‘God Krishna speaks’. They do not say: ‘God Brahma speaks’. No! THIS is the Chariot (of Brahma Baba, through whhom) - God Shiva speaks.

The BLIND devotees of the outer World of Ravan Rajya DELUSIVELY believe that Shri Krishna (of the beginning of Golden Age) related the (FALSE) Gita of the ‘path of Devotion’ of Ravan Rajya. They DO NOT know that Incorporeal God Father Shiva relates the TRUE Gita through the Lotus Mouth of Brahma Baba in Confluence Age, through which Brahma Baba, himself, becomes the VERY FIRST Prince, Shri Krishna, of the very beginning of Golden Age!

सतयुग को कहा जाता है ‘गोल्डन एजड’ दुनिया। वहाँ कौन रहते थे? देवतायें। वह कहाँ गये - यह किसको भी पता नहीं है। समझते भी हैं, पुनर्जन्म लेते हैं। बाप ने समझाया है, पुनर्जन्म लेते-लेते, देवता से बदल हिन्दू बन गये हैं। पतित बने हैं ना। और किसका भी धर्म बदली नहीं होता। इन्हों का धर्म क्यों बदली होता है - किसको पता नहीं। बाप कहते हैं धर्म भ्रष्ट, कर्म भ्रष्ट हो गये हैं। देवी-देवता थे, तो पवित्र जोड़े थे। फिर रावण राज्य में तुम अपवित्र बन गये हो। तो देवी-देवता कहला न सके, इसलिए नाम पड़ गया है ‘हिन्दू’। देवी-देवता धर्म कृष्ण भगवान ने नहीं स्थापन किया। जरूर शिवबाबा ने ही आकर किया होगा। ‘शिवजयन्ती’ ‘शिवरात्रि’ भी मनाई जाती है, परन्तु उसने क्या आकर किया, यह किसको भी पता नहीं है।
“ ‘Satyug’ is called the ‘Golden Aged’ World. Who lived there? The Deities. No one knows where they went (after that). They do understand that they took rebirth. The Father has explained that, whilst taking rebirth, they changed from Deities into Hindus; they became impure. No one else’s religion changes in this way. No one knows why their religion changed. The Father says: They became corrupt in their religion and their conduct. When they were Deities, they were pure couples. Then they became impure in the ‘kingdom of Ravan’; and so they could no longer call themselves Deities. That was why the name ‘Hindu’ was given. God Krishna did not establish the Deity religion. Surely, it must have been ShivBaba who came and established it. People also celebrate the ‘Birth of Shiva’ (‘ShivJayanti’), or the ‘Night of Shiva’ (‘ShivRatri’), but no one knows what He did when He came. ”

The Deities, themselves, are called Hindus, when they become corrupt in their religion and conduct, progressively, from the beginning of Copper Age onward – and some of them go into other religions towards the end of Iron Age. But all those who belong to the Hindu religion at the end of Iron Age DO NOT become Deities of RamRajya!
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Sakar Murli & Avyakt Vani points for churning

Post by Golden Heart »

"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 13.09.2019 (Original 12.10.1968) "
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
बाप भी कहते हैं ‘ओम् शान्ति’, यह भी कहते हैं ‘ओम् शान्ति’। बच्चे भी कहते हैं ‘ओम् शन्ति’, अर्थात् हम आत्मा शान्तिधाम की निवासी हैं। यहाँ अलग-अलग होकर बैठना है। अंग से अंग नहीं मिलना चाहिए क्योंकि हर एक की अवस्था में, योग में, रात-दिन का फ़र्क है। कोई बहुत अच्छा याद करते हैं, कोई बिल्कुल याद नहीं करते। तो जो बिल्कुल याद नहीं करते - वह हैं पाप आत्मा, तमोप्रधान; और जो याद करते हैं, वह हो गये पुण्य आत्मा, सतोप्रधान। बहुत फर्क हो गया ना। घर में भल इकट्ठे रहते हैं, परन्तु फर्क तो पड़ता है ना; इसलिए ही तो भागवत में आसुरी नाम गाये हुए हैं। इस समय की ही बात है।
“The Father (Shiva) says, ‘Om Shanti’, and THIS one (Brahma Baba) also says, ‘Om Shanti’. Children also say, ‘Om Shanti’, that is, we are souls, residents of the ‘Land of Peace’. Here, You have to sit apart (no part of the body should be in contact with another). You must not touch another (the person you are sitting next to), because there is a difference of night and day in each one's (Spiritual) stage and Yoga. Some stay in Remembrance very well; whereas, others do not have any Remembrance at all. So, those who do not have any Remembrance at all, are sinful souls, ‘tamopradhan’; whereas, those who have Remembrance, become charitable souls, ‘satopradhan’. There is a lot of difference. Although You may be living together at home, however, there is still a difference. This is why there are devilish names remembered in the Bhagawad; this refers to THIS time (Confluence Age).”

When the Righteous Children sit in COLLECTIVE meditation, they should NOT touch any part of the physical body with one another!

बाप ही पतित-पावन सर्वशक्तिमान् अथॉरिटी हैं, उनको वर्ल्ड आलमाइटी अथॉरिटी कहा जाता है। वह सारे सृष्टि के आदि-मध्य-अन्त को जानते हैं। वेदों-शास्त्रों आदि सबको जानते हैं, तब तो कहते हैं, इनमें कोई सार नहीं है। गीता में भी कोई सार नहीं है। भल वह सर्व शास्त्रमई शिरोमणी है माई बाप, बाकी सब हैं बच्चे। जैसे पहले-पहले प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा है, बाकी सब बच्चे हैं। प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा को ‘आदम’ कहते हैं। ‘आदम’ माना आदमी। मनुष्य है ना, तो इनको देवता नहीं कहेंगे। एडम को ‘आदम’ कहते हैं। भक्त लोग ब्रह्मा एडम को देवता कह देते। बाप बैठ समझाते हैं ‘एडम’ अर्थात् आदमी। न देवता है, न भगवान् है।
“ONLY the Father is the Purifier, the Almighty Authority; He is called the World Almighty Authority. He knows the beginning, middle and end of the whole World. He knows all the Vedas, Scriptures, etc.; which is why He says: There is NO essence in them. There is NO essence in the (FALSE) Gita either; even though it is (REGARDED as) the jewel of all Scriptures, the mother & father (parent); the rest (of the Scriptures) are the children. Similarly, there is FIRST of ALL PrajaPita Brahma (soul of DLR), and the rest are all the Children. PrajaPita Brahma is called ‘Aadam’, (the first man). ‘Aadam’ means a human being (‘aadmi’). He is a human being, and so he cannot be called a Deity. Adam (soul of DLR) is the first human being. Devotees call Brahma, Adam, a Deity. The Father sits here and explains to You that ‘Adam’ means a human being. He is neither a Deity, nor God (‘Bhagwan’).

When REAL PrajaPita Brahma, Brahma Baba or soul of DLR, who is ALSO REAL Adi Dev plays his role during Confluence Age, he can NEITHER be called a living Deity, NOR can he be called ‘Bhagwan’ (God)!

जैसे सर्व शास्त्रमई शिरोमणी गीता है वैसे सर्व तीर्थों में श्रेष्ठ तीर्थ आबू है। ... अब बाप कहते हैं - अपने को आत्मा समझ, मुझे याद करो। पढ़ाई भी बहुत सहज है। कुछ भी खर्चा नहीं लगता है। तुम्हारी मम्मा को एक पाई खर्चा लगा? बिगर कौड़ी खर्चा पढ़कर कितनी होशियार नम्बरवन बन गई। राजयोगिन बन गई ना। मम्मा जैसी कोई भी नहीं निकली है। देखो, आत्माओं को ही बाप बैठ पढ़ाते हैं। आत्माओं को ही राज्य मिलता है, आत्मा ने ही राज्य गँवाया है। इतनी छोटी-सी आत्मा कितना काम करती है।
Just as the (TRUE) Gita is the Jewel of all Scriptures, so too, the greatest of all pilgrimage places is Abu. ... The Father now says: Consider yourselves to be souls, and Remember Me. The Study is very easy; it does not cost You anything. Did it cost your Mama (soul of Om Radhe) even a single penny? She studied, without spending even a penny, and became so clever that she claimed NUMBER ONE (AFTER Brahma Baba). She became a RajYogini. No one like Mama has emerged. Look, the Father sits here and TEACHES only souls. It will be souls who receive a Sovereignty. It was souls who lost their Sovereignty. Such a tiny soul does so much work.”

Saraswati Mama or soul of Om Radhe claims the NUMBER ONE in the Study of the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita) – AFTER REAL PrajaPita Brahma, Brahma Baba or soul of DLR, who is ALSO REAL Adi Dev!

बाप कहते हैं - यह शास्त्र आदि सब भक्ति मार्ग की सामग्री है। तुम बच्चे सम्मुख सुनते हो। गर्म-गर्म हलुआ खाते हो। सबसे जास्ती गर्म हलुआ कौन खाते हैं? (ब्रह्मा)। यह तो बिल्कुल उनके बाजू में बैठे हैं। झट सुनते हैं और धारण करते हैं, फिर यही ऊंच पद पाते हैं। सूक्ष्मवतन में, वैकुण्ठ में इनका ही साक्षात्कार करते हैं। यहाँ भी उनको ही देखते हैं, इन आंखों से। बाप पढ़ाते तो सबको हैं। बाकी है याद की मेहनत। याद में रहना जैसे तुमको डिफीकल्ट लगता है, वैसे इनको भी। इसमें कोई कृपा की बात नहीं। बाप कहते हैं, हमने लोन लिया है, उनका हिसाब-किताब दे देंगे। बाकी याद का पुरूषार्थ तो इनको भी करना है। ‘समझता भी हूँ - बाजू में बैठा है। बाप को हम याद करते फिर भी भूल जाता हूँ’। सबसे जास्ती मेहनत इनको करनी पड़ती है।
“The Father says: All of those Scriptures, etc., are the paraphernalia of the ‘path of Devotion’. You Children listen (to the Father) FACE to FACE. You eat hot ‘halva’. Who eats the hottest ‘halva’? (Brahma). THIS one (Brahma Baba) is sitting right next to Him (Shiva). He hears everything IMMEDIATELY, and imbibes it, and then he, himself, claims a high status. People have visions of ONLY this one (soul of DLR), in the Subtle Region (as PERFECT subtle Deity, Brahma), and in Paradise (as living Deity, Shri Krishna). Here too, people see ONLY him (Brahma Baba) with their corporeal eyes. The Father TEACHES everyone, but effort is needed to have Remembrance. Just as You find it difficult to stay in Remembrance, so this one too finds it (difficult). There is no question of mercy in this (for anyone). The Father says: I have taken (this body) on loan, and I will settle that account (with Brahma Baba). However, this one (Brahma Baba) also has to make effort to have Remembrance. (Brahma Baba says) ‘I do understand that He (Shiva) is sitting next to me. I remember the Father, but then I STILL forget Him’. This one (soul of DLR) has to make the GREATEST effort.

REAL PrajaPita Brahma, Brahma Baba or soul of DLR, who is ALSO REAL Adi Dev - who sits NEXT to Incorporeal God Father Shiva, while He relates the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita), through his OWN Lotus Mouth/Intellectual Orifice – hears EVERYTHING IMMEDIATELY, imbibes same to the GREATEST extent AFTER making the GREATEST effort, and claims the HIGHEST number, among ALL OTHER Righteous Children – to become the NUMBER ONE, among ALL OTHER embodied souls, on this corporeal sphere, within this EWD Play!

प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा की सन्तान तो भाई-बहन ठहरे ना। फिर बाप समझाते हैं, भाई-भाई समझो। यह है पिछाड़ी का सम्बन्ध, फिर ऊपर भी भाइयों से जाकर मिलेंगे। फिर सतयुग में नया सम्बन्ध शुरू होगा। वहाँ पर साला, चाचा, मामा आदि बहुत सम्बन्ध नहीं होते। सम्बन्ध बहुत हल्का होता है। फिर बढ़ता जाता है। अब तो बाप कहते हैं, भाई-बहन भी नहीं, भाई-भाई समझना है। नाम-रूप से भी निकल जाना है। बाप भाइयों (आत्माओं) को ही पढ़ाते हैं। प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा है, तब भाई-बहन हैं ना।
The Children of PrajaPita Brahma are (Spiritual) Brothers and Sisters (as embodied souls). The Father now explains: Consider yourselves to be Brothers (as bodiless souls); this is the final relationship. You will then go up above (to the Soul World), and meet as Brothers (ONLY as bodiless souls). Then, the new relationships will begin in the Golden Age. There, there will not be many relatives, such as brother-in-laws, uncles, etc. The relationships there are very few. Later, they continue to increase. The Father now says: Do not consider yourselves to be even Brothers and Sisters, but just Brothers. You also have to go beyond name and form. The Father ONLY TEACHES You Brothers (souls). It is when PrajaPita Brahma is here that You are Brothers and Sisters.”

The HIGHEST Spiritual destination is to consider all embodied souls as Brothers (bodiless souls), and become COMPLETELY soul-conscious, ONCE AGAIN!
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"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 14.09.2019 (Original 10.10.1968) "
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
बच्चों को सिर्फ एक की याद में नहीं बैठना है। तीन की याद में बैठना है। भल एक ही है, परन्तु तुम जानते हो वह बाप भी है, शिक्षक भी है, सतगुरू भी है। हम सबको वापिस ले जाने आये हैं, यह नई बात तुम ही समझते हो। ... यह ज्ञान बुद्धि में होना चाहिए।
“You Children must not just sit in Remembrance of ONE. You have to sit in Remembrance of all THREE. Although He is just ONE, but You know that He is the Father also, the Teacher also, and the Satguru also (THREE in ONE). He has come to take all of us back (Home). Only You understand this NEW aspect. ... This Knowledge should remain in your intellects.”

Although Trinity God Shiva (‘Trimurti Shiv Bhagwan’) is just ONE - YET the Righteous Children, or TRUE Brahmins, should Remember His THREE MAIN PRACTICAL functions – as the Father also, as the Teacher also & as the Satguru also.
SIMILARLY, although Trinity God Shiva (‘Trimurti Shiv Bhagwan’) is just ONE - YET the Righteous Children, or TRUE Brahmins, should Remember His THREE MAIN SUBTLE functions – as Brahma also, as Shankar also, and as Vishnu also!

जानते हो बाप हमको राजयोग सिखला रहे हैं। कितना भारी टीचर है, ऊंच ते ऊंच, तो पद भी ऊंच ते ऊंच प्राप्त कराते हैं। जब तुम सतोप्रधान बन जायेंगे, नम्बरवार पुरूषार्थ अनुसार, तब फिर लड़ाई होगी। नैचुरल कैलेमिटीज भी होंगी। याद भी जरूर करना है। बुद्धि में सारा ज्ञान भी होना चाहिए।
“You know that the (Incorporeal) Father (Shiva) is TEACHING You RajYog. He is such a GREAT Teacher, the Highest-on-High, and so He also enables You to claim the highest-on-high status. When You become ‘satopradhan’, number-wise, according to the efforts You make, THEN the War will begin. There will also be natural calamities. You definitely have to have Remembrance. There should also be ALL the Knowledge in your intellects.”

The GREATEST MahaBharat War (‘mahabhari, MahaBharat ladayi’), which is MOST BENEVOLENT (‘mahakalyankari’), will begin ONLY WHEN the Righteous Children become ‘satopradhan’, number-wise – when the natural calamities will also INTENSIFY to the MAXIMUM EXTENT!

तुम तो समझदार हो, जानते हो बाप को याद करने से विकर्म विनाश होंगे, और बाप से ऊंच पद पायेंगे। यह भी जानते हो, इन लक्ष्मी-नारायण ने नई दुनिया में जो पद पाया है, वह शिवबाबा से ही पाया है। यह लक्ष्मी-नारायण ही फिर 84 का चक्र लगाकर अभी ब्रह्मा-सरस्वती बने हैं। यही फिर लक्ष्मी-नारायण बनेंगे।
“You are sensible; and You know that, by Remembering the Father, your sins will be absolved, and You will receive a high status from the Father. You also know that the status, which THESE Lakshmi & Narayan (ALL the HIGHEST Sovereigns of Golden Age) received for the New World (of Satyug), were received ONLY from ShivBaba (DURING Confluence Age). THIS Lakshmi & Narayan (FIRST pair), themselves, went around the Cycle of 84 births, and have now become Brahma (soul of DLR) and Saraswati (soul of Om Radhe). They will then become Lakshmi & Narayan again (in the beginning of Golden Age).

The status of the HIGHEST PRACTICAL World Sovereigns of RamRajya, during Golden & Silver Ages, are received from Incorporeal God Father Shiva, in Confluence Age ITSELF – number-wise, through the EXTENSIVE Study & Inculcation of the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita) - spoken ONLY THROUGH the Lotus Mouth/Intellectual Orifice of Brahma Baba!

तुम जब यहाँ बैठते हो, तो बुद्धि में सारा ज्ञान धारण होना चाहिए। यह संस्कार आत्मा ले जायेगी। भक्ति के संस्कार नहीं जाने हैं। भक्ति के संस्कार वाले पुरानी दुनिया में मनुष्यों के पास ही जन्म लेंगे। यह भी जरूर है। तुम्हारी बुद्धि में यह ज्ञान का चक्र चलना चाहिए।
“While You sit here, your intellects should imbibe ALL the Knowledge. You souls will carry these sanskars (for the New World). You will not carry the ‘sanskars of Devotion’ (away, with yourselves, for RamRajya). Those who have the ‘sanskars of Devotion’ will take birth to human beings in the old World. This too is CERTAIN (within Drama). This Cycle of Knowledge should revolve in your intellects.”

The sanskars of Devotion have DEFINITELY to be recorded, or refreshed, in Confluence Age ITSELF, through the EXHAUSTIVE study of the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge - being the EXACT ‘shooting’ of the FALSE Scriptures & FALSE Gita of the outer World of Ravan Rajya - by virtue of which the BLIND Unrighteous children, or FALSE Brahmins, take birth in royal families, to become sovereigns in the old World of Ravan Rajya, ONCE AGAIN!

पीछे जब आधी दुनिया पुरानी होती है, यानी 2500 वर्ष पूरे होते हैं, अथवा त्रेता और द्वापर का संगम होता है, तब रावण आता है। संगम तो जरूर चाहिए। त्रेता और द्वापर के संगम पर रावण आते हैं, जबकि देवी-देवता वाम मार्ग में गिरते हैं। यह सिवाए तुम्हारे कोई नहीं जानते। बाप भी आते हैं, कलियुग अन्त और सतयुग आदि के संगम पर; और रावण आता है, त्रेता और द्वापर के संगम पर। अब उस संगम को कल्याणकारी नहीं कहेंगे। उनको तो अकल्याणकारी ही कहेंगे।
“Later, when the World becomes ‘half old’, that is, when 2500 years have passed, when it is the confluence of the Silver and Copper Ages, then Ravan comes. There DEFINITELY has to be a confluence (between Silver & Copper Ages). Ravan comes at the confluence of the Silver and Copper Ages, when the Deities fall on to the path of sin. No one, apart from You, knows this. The Father too comes at the Confluence of the end of the Iron Age and the beginning of the Golden Age; whereas, Ravan comes at the confluence of the Silver and Copper Ages. That confluence cannot be called benevolent. That confluence can only be called malevolent.”

SIMILARLY - during Confluence Age - Incorporeal God Father Shiva establishes the BENEVOLENT RamRajya, through the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita), delivered ONLY THROUGH His ONE & ONLY ‘mukrar-rath’ of REAL PrajaPita Brahma, Brahma Baba or soul of DLR – to enable the Righteous Children to claim their Unlimited inheritance of Sovereignty of RamRajya, during Golden & Silver Ages.

And, SIMULTANEOUSLY - during Confluence Age ITSELF, the Godly Form or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya, establishes the MALEVOLENT Ravan Rajya, through the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge (‘shooting’ of the FALSE Gita), propagated through the ‘mukrar-rath’ of Ravan - MASQUERADING as ‘ShivBaba’, ‘Paramatma’, ‘Supreme Soul’, ‘Bhagwan’, ‘Prajapita Brahma’, ‘Adi Dev’, ‘Shankar’, etc., and ALSO as the ‘mukrar-rath’ of God - to enable the BLIND Unrighteous children to claim their ‘unlimited’ inheritance of sovereignty of Ravan Rajya, during Copper & Iron Ages!

बाबा के पास जब कोई आते हैं, तो बाबा पूछते हैं - कितने बच्चे हैं? तो कहते, 5 बच्चे अपने हैं, और छठा बच्चा शिवबाबा है तो जरूर सबसे बड़ा बच्चा ठहरा ना। शिवबाबा के बन गये, तो फिर शिवबाबा अपना बच्चा बनाए, विश्व का मालिक बना देते हैं। बच्चे वारिस हो जाते हैं। यह लक्ष्मी-नारायण शिवबाबा के पूरे वारिस हैं। आगे जन्म में शिवबाबा को सब कुछ दे दिया। तो वर्सा जरूर बच्चों को मिलना चाहिए। बाबा ने कहा - मुझे वारिस बनाओ, फिर दूसरा कोई नहीं। कहते - बाबा यह सब कुछ आपका है, आपका फिर हमारा है। आप हमको सारे विश्व की बादशाही का वर्सा देते हो क्योंकि तुमको जो कुछ था, वह दे दिया। ड्रामा में नूँध है ना।
“When anyone comes to Baba, then Baba asks: How many children do you have? They say: I have five children of my own, and the sixth Child is ShivBaba, and so He would definitely be the GREATEST Child of all. Once You belong to ShivBaba, then ShivBaba makes You His Child, and will then make You into a ‘Master of the World’. Children become heirs. THIS Lakshmi & Narayan (first PAIR) are FULL heirs of ShivBaba. In their previous birth, they gave everything to ShivBaba. So, the Children have to surely receive the inheritance. Baba said: Make Me your Heir, and let there not be anyone else. You say: Baba, all of this is Yours, and everything of Yours is then mine. You give me the inheritance of Sovereignty of the whole World, because I gave You EVERYTHING I had. This is fixed in Drama.”

When the Righteous Children make Incorporeal God Father Shiva their Heir, and surrender EVERYTHING they have in His Divine tasks of World Purification & World Transformation; then He too makes SUCH Righteous Children His heirs, and surrenders EVERYTHING He has to the Righteous Children – which is the Unlimited inheritance of Sovereignty of RamRajya!

अर्जुन को विनाश भी दिखाया, तो चतुर्भुज भी दिखाया। अर्जुन कोई और तो नहीं है, इनको साक्षात्कार हुआ। देखा, ‘राजाई मिलती है, तो क्यों न शिवबाबा को वारिस बनाऊं। वह फिर हमको वारिस बनाते हैं। यह सौदा तो बहुत अच्छा है’। कभी कोई से कुछ पूछा नहीं। गुप्त सब कुछ दिया। इसको कहा जाता है ‘गुप्त दान’। ...
इसने भी सब कुछ बाबा के आगे रख दिया, जिससे बहुतों की सर्विस हो। बाबा को देख सबको ख्याल आया, सब घरबार छोड़ भाग आये।
“Arjun was shown a vision of destruction, and also the ‘four-armed’ image. Arjun is not someone else. This one (soul of DLR) had those visions. He realized: ‘I will receive the Sovereignty (of the New World), and so why should I not make ShivBaba my Heir? He (ShivBaba) then makes me His heir. This is a very good deal’. He NEVER asked anyone for anything. He (Brahma Baba) gave away EVERYTHING in an incognito way (and became a FULL beggar). This is called an ‘incognito donation’. ...
THIS one (soul of DLR) also placed (surrendered) everything in front of Baba, through which MANY could be served. When they saw (Brahma) Baba, everyone had the same thought, and so they renounced their homes and came running (to ShivBaba).”

REAL PrajaPita Brahma, Brahma Baba or soul of DLR, who is ALSO REAL Adi Dev, is the REAL Arjun, who made Incorporeal God Father Shiva his Heir, and surrendered EVERYTHING to him in an INCOGNITO way, thus becoming a FULL beggar – by virtue of which he became the NUMBER ONE Prince in the very beginning of Golden Age!
‘FULL beggar to FULL Prince’!

बाप कहते हैं - मीठे बच्चों, तुमको हमारे पास आना है। यह पुराना शरीर छोड़, पवित्र आत्मा बन आना है। फिर जब 5 तत्व सतोप्रधान नये हो जायेंगे, तब तुमको शरीर नये सतोप्रधान मिलेंगे। सारे उथल-पाथल हो, नये बन जायेंगे। जैसे बाबा इनमें आकर बैठते हैं, वैसे आत्मा, बिगर कोई तकल़ीफ, गर्भ महल में जाकर बैठेगी। फिर जब समय होता है, तो बाहर आ जाती है, तो जैसे बिजली चमक जाती है क्योंकि आत्मा पवित्र है। यह सब ड्रामा में नूँध है।
“The Father says: Sweet Children, You have to come to Me (in the Soul World). You have to shed those old bodies, and return Home (to the Supreme Abode), as Pure souls. Then, when the five elements have become new and ‘satopradhan’, You will receive new ‘satopradhan’ bodies. Everything will be turned over and become new. Just as Baba comes and sits in this one (Brahma Baba), so too, this soul will go and sit in the ‘palace of a womb’ (‘garbh mahal’) without any difficulty. Then, when it is time, he will come out (be born), and it will be AS THOUGH there is a flash of lightning, because the soul is Pure. All of this is fixed in Drama.

When Shri Krishna is born, it will be AS THOUGH there is a flash of lightning seen everywhere!
This DOES NOT refer to the lightning of external corporeal elements, but to the SUDDEN FLASH of ENLIGHTENMENT EXPERIENCED within the Divine intellects of the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who remain in an ELEVATED stage of soul-consciousness, WHEREVER they may be within their corporeal, or subtle bodies!
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"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A AV 28.01.1985, Revised 15.09.2019"
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Intellectual Orifice of Brahma Baba, AFTER 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children - 1) who were PHYSICALLY present FACE to FACE with God, through the instrumental corporeal body of Dadi Gulzar; and 2) who were SPIRITUALLY present FACE to FACE with God, through their own Divine Intellects, in their own 'Akari' stage.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
आज सर्व शक्तिवान बाप अपने शक्ति सेना, पाण्डव सेना, रूहानी सेना को देख रहे हैं।
“Today, the Almighty Authority Father (Shiva) is seeing His Shakti Army, His Pandava Army, His Spiritual Army.”

सर्वश्रेष्ठ मन्सा शक्ति द्वारा, चाहे कोई आत्मा सम्मुख हो, समीप हो, वा कितना भी दूर हो - सेकण्ड में उस आत्मा को प्राप्ति की शक्ति की अनुभूति करा सकते हैं। ... मानसिक शक्ति अर्थात् शुभ भावना, श्रेष्ठ कामना ... श्रेष्ठ भाव द्वारा किसी भी आत्मा के स्वभाव को भी बदल सकते हैं। ... श्रेष्ठ भावना द्वारा भगवान के समीप ला सकते हैं। ... इसी श्रेष्ठ भावना की विधि प्रमाण, मन्सा सेवा किसी भी आत्मा की कर सकते हो।
Regardless of whether ANY soul is personally in front of You, close to You, or even very far away from You, You can enable that soul to experience the ‘power of attainment’, in a second, through the most elevated ‘power of your mind’. ... The ‘power of the mind’ means good wishes and elevated feelings. ... With these elevated feelings, You can even change the nature of ANY soul. ... With elevated feelings You can bring a soul closer to God (‘Bhagwan’). ... You can serve ANY soul with your mind, by using this very method of elevated feelings (by just sitting in ONE place).”

मन्सा सेवा वर्तमान समय के प्रमाण अति आवश्यक है। ... पर-उपकार की सदा भावना हो। अपकारी पर भी उपकार की श्रेष्ठ भावना हो। ...
दूर बैठे किसी भी आत्मा को बाप के बनने का उमंग-उत्साह पैदा करने का सन्देश दे सकते हो। जो वह आत्मा अनुभव करेगी कि मुझे कोई महान शक्ति बुला रही है। कुछ अनमोल प्रेरणायें मुझे प्रेर रही हैं। ... दूर होते भी सम्मुख का अनुभव करेगी। विश्व सेवाधारी बनने का सहज साधन ही मन्सा सेवा है।
According to the present time, Service through the mind is ABSOLUTELY essential. ... Let there always be the feeling of benevolence (wanting to uplift others). Let there be the elevated feeling of beneficence even towards those who are malevolent towards You. ... Even while sitting far away, You can give ANY soul a message, and create zeal and enthusiasm in him/her about belonging to the Father, so that, that soul experiences that a great power is calling him/her, or that he/she is being inspired by some invaluable inspirations. ... Although You are at a distance, that soul will have the feeling that You are in front of him/her. The easy method to become a World server is to do Service with the mind.
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Golden Heart
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"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 16.09.2019 (Original 09.10.1968)"
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
अब रामचन्द्र की पूजा करते हैं, उनको यह भी पता नहीं है कि राम कहाँ गया। तुम जानते हो कि श्रीराम की आत्मा तो जरूर पुनर्जन्म लेती रहती होगी। यहाँ इम्तहान में नापास होती है। परन्तु कोई न कोई रूप में होगी तो जरूर ना। यहाँ ही पुरूषार्थ करते रहते हैं। इतना नाम बाला है राम का, तो जरूर आयेंगे, उनको नॉलेज लेनी पड़ेगी। अभी कुछ मालूम नहीं पड़ता है, तो उस बात को छोड़ देना पड़ता है। इन बातों में जाने से भी टाइम वेस्ट होता है, इससे तो क्यों न अपना टाइम सफल करें। अपनी उन्नति के लिए बैटरी चार्ज करें। दूसरी बातों का चिंतन तो परचिंतन हो गया। अभी तो अपना चिंतन करना है। हम बाप को याद करें। वह भी जरूर पढ़ते होंगे। अपनी बैटरी चार्ज करते होंगे। परन्तु तुमको अपनी करनी है। कहा जाता – ‘अपनी घोट तो नशा चढ़े’।
“ People worship Ramachandra (Rama – Sovereign of Silver Age), but they do not even know where Rama went. You know that the soul of Shri Rama would definitely continue to take rebirth. That soul fails the examination here (in Confluence Age). However, he must definitely exist in one form or another. It is here (in Confluence Age) that he continues to make effort. The name of Rama is glorified so much, and so that soul will surely come, and will have to take this Knowledge. Now, because they do not know anything, You have to put that aspect aside. Time is also wasted by going (TOO MUCH) into these aspects. Why not use your time in a worthwhile way instead (rather than spending it in that way)? Each of You should charge your battery (of the soul) for your own progress. Thinking about other aspects is like thinking about others. You now have to think about your OWN self. I should Remember the Father. He (Rama) too must definitely be studying; he would be charging his battery; but You have to charge your own battery. It is said: ‘Grind your own ingredients and you will feel intoxicated’. ”

The soul of the last Sovereign of Silver Age - who fails in the examination of ReCognizing REAL Incorporeal ShivBaba, in Confluence Age - becomes the ‘mukrar-rath’ of the Godly Form or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya, during Confluence Age, and becomes an instrument to propagate the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge (‘shooting’ of the FALSE Gita), by MASQUERADING as ‘ShivBaba’, etc., to enable the BLIND Unrighteous children to claim their ‘unlimited’ inheritance of sovereignty of Ravan Rajya, in Confluence Age ITSELF!

The Righteous Children should NOT go TOO MUCH into these aspects, since precious time gets wasted – which can be better utilised in making efforts to inculcate the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge, by remaining in ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Remembrance of ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva, ALONE – thereby charging the batteries of their souls, resolving their sins of many births, becoming Pure from being impure, and claiming their Unlimited inheritance of Sovereignty of RamRajya!

यहाँ बाप कहते हैं, मैं भी इस ब्रह्मा के तन में आता हूँ टेम्प्ररी, इनकी आत्मा को भी समझाते हैं। मैं इस शरीर से तुमको पढ़ाने आया हूँ। यह मेरा शरीर नहीं है। मैंने इनमें प्रवेश किया है। फिर चले जायेंगे अपने धाम। मैं आया ही हूँ तुम बच्चों को यह मंत्र देने। ऐसे नहीं कि मंत्र देकर चला जाता हूँ। नहीं! बच्चों को देखना भी पड़ता है कि कहाँ तक सुधार हुआ है। फिर सुधारने की शिक्षा देते रहते हैं। सेकण्ड का ज्ञान देकर चले जाएं, तो फिर ज्ञान का सागर भी न कहा जाए। कितना समय हुआ है, तुमको समझाते ही रहते हैं। झाड़ की, भक्ति मार्ग की सब बातें समझने की डिटेल है। डिटेल में समझाते हैं। होलसेल माना ‘मनमनाभव’। परन्तु ऐसा कहकर चले तो नहीं जायेंगे। पालना (देख-रेख) भी करनी पड़े।
“Here, the Father says: I too enter the body of THIS Brahma temporarily. I also explain to the soul of this one (DLR). I have come to TEACH You through this body. This is not My body. I have entered this body. I will then return to My Land (Soul World). I have come to give You Children this mantra (‘Manmanabhav’). It is not that I go back after giving You the mantra. No! I have to see to what extent You Children have reformed. Then, I CONTINUE to give teachings for your reformation. If He were to go away after giving You Knowledge of a second, He would not be called the ‘Ocean of Knowledge’. It has been such a long time, and yet He continues to explain to You. There are the details of the Tree and the ‘path of Devotion’, which have to be understood. He explains to You in detail. Wholesale means ‘Manmanabhav’! However, He does not just say (ONLY) this, and then go away. He also has to give You sustenance.”

Incorporeal God Father Shiva does not go back PERMANENTLY, after just giving the Knowledge of one second – which is ‘Manmanabhav’! He continues to come through the corporeal/subtle body of Brahma Baba to sustain the Children, thereafter, UNTIL they are fully reformed – BUT, He DOES NOT remain within the corporeal/subtle body of Brahma Baba the WHOLE day!

बाप स्मृति दिलाते हैं - मीठे-मीठे बच्चे, मामेकम् याद करो, तो पाप कट जायेंगे। अब कैसे याद करते हो, क्या यह समझते हो कि बाबा परमधाम में है? नहीं! बाबा तो यहाँ रथ में बैठे हैं। इस रथ का सबको मालूम पड़ता जाता है। यह है भाग्यशाली रथ। इनमें आया हुआ है। भक्तिमार्ग में थे, तो उनको परमधाम में याद करते थे, परन्तु यह नहीं जानते थे कि याद से क्या होगा। अभी तुम बच्चों को बाप खुद इस रथ में बैठ श्रीमत देते हैं, इसलिए तुम बच्चे समझते हो बाबा यहाँ इस मृत्युलोक में पुरूषोत्तम संगमयुग पर हैं। तुम जानते हो हमको ब्रह्मा को याद नहीं करना है। बाप कहते हैं, मामेकम् याद करो, मैं इस रथ में रहकर तुमको यह नॉलेज दे रहा हूँ। अपनी भी पहचान देता हूँ, मैं यहाँ हूँ। आगे तो तुम समझते थे परमधाम में रहने वाला है। होकर गया है, परन्तु कब, यह पता नहीं था।
“The Father reminds You: Sweetest Children, CONSTANTLY Remember Me, and your sins will be cut away. How do You Remember Him NOW? Do You think that Baba is in the Supreme Abode (WHEN He is within the corporeal body of Brahma Baba)? No! The Father is sitting here in this Chariot (NOW). You all continue to know about THIS Chariot (body of DLR). THIS is the ‘Lucky Chariot’. He has entered this one. When You were on the ‘path of Devotion’, you used to remember Him in the supreme abode (WITHOUT having His CORRECT introduction), but you did not know what would happen by having that remembrance. NOW, the Father, Himself, sits in this Chariot and gives You Children ‘Shrimat’. This is why You Children understand that Baba is now at the most auspicious Confluence Age, in this land of death. You know that You do not have to Remember Brahma. The Father says: CONSTANTLY Remember Me, alone. I stay in this Chariot and give You this Knowledge (for a short while, and then leave). I give You My own introduction, (and explain that) I am here (NOW). Previously, (on the ‘path of Devotion’) you used to think that He is the Resident of the supreme abode, that He came and departed, but you did not know when.”

On the ‘path of Devotion’, the devotees remember Shiva in the supreme abode - WITHOUT having His CORRECT introduction – so there is NOT much benefit in such remembrance.

WHEN Shiva is within the corporeal/subtle body of Brahma Baba, the Righteous Children should Remember Him within the corporeal/subtle body of Brahma Baba, since He is there AT THAT PARTICULAR TIME - and NOT in the Supreme Abode.

But since Shiva DOES NOT remain within the corporeal/subtle body of Brahma Baba the WHOLE day, therefore, the Righteous Children should Remember Him in the Soul World, or Supreme Abode - WITH His CORRECT introduction & ReCognitionas a POINT source of Spiritual Light Energy – by FIRST considering the Self ALSO as a soul – also as a Point source of Spiritual Light Energy – ONLY through which their sins of many births get incinerated, they become Pure from being impure, and become worthy to claim their Unlimited inheritance of Sovereignty of RamRajya from Him, in Confluence Age ITSELF!

यह भी जानते हो, आत्माओं का सारा स्टॉक निराकारी दुनिया में होता है। यह तो बुद्धि में बैठा है ना। फिर वहाँ से आते हैं, यहाँ शरीर धारण कर जीव आत्मा बन जाते हैं। सबको यहाँ आकर जीव आत्मा बनना है। फिर नम्बरवार वापिस जाना है। सबको तो नहीं ले जायेंगे, नहीं तो प्रलय हो जाए। दिखाते हैं कि प्रलय हो गई, रिज़ल्ट कुछ नहीं दिखाते। तुम तो जानते हो यह दुनिया कभी खाली नहीं हो सकती है।
“You also know that the whole stock of souls exists in the Incorporeal World. This is in your intellects. We then come from there, adopt bodies here, and become human beings. Everyone has to come here and become human beings; and then return, number-wise. He will not take everyone back (Home, to the Soul World, ALL at ONCE), because, in that case, there would be annihilation. They show that annihilation took place, but they do not show any result of that. You know that this World can NEVER become (COMPLETELY) empty (of embodied souls).

कहते हैं ना - दधीचि ऋषि ने हड्डियाँ भी दे दी। बाकी शंकर का गायन तो कहाँ है नहीं। ब्रह्मा-विष्णु का मन्दिर है। शंकर का कुछ है नहीं। तो उनको लगा दिया है विनाश के लिए। बाकी ऐसे कोई आंख खोलने से विनाश करता नहीं है। देवतायें फिर हिंसा का काम कैसे करेंगे। न वह करते हैं, न शिवबाबा ऐसा डायरेक्शन देते हैं। डायरेक्शन देने वाले पर भी आ जाता है ना। कहने वाला ही फँस जाता है। वह तो शिव-शंकर को ही इकट्ठा कह देते हैं। अब बाप भी कहते हैं, मुझे याद करो, मामेकम् याद करो। ऐसा तो नहीं कहते शिव-शंकर को याद करो। पतित-पावन एक को ही कहते हैं।
They say: ‘Dadhichi rishi even gave his bones (in Service)’; but there is no (SUCH) praise of Shankar anywhere. There are temples to Brahma and Vishnu. There are none to Shankar (they are to Shiva), so they have shown him (Shankar) for (the ACT of) destruction. However, it is not that he carries out destruction by opening his eye. How could Deities carry out an act of violence? NEITHER does he (Shankar) do that, NOR does ShivBaba give such a direction (for destruction). Everything would then be upon the one who gave that direction. The one who said anything would be blamed. They say that Shiva and Shankar are one and the same. The Father now says: Remember Me; CONSTANTLY Remember Me, alone. He does not say: Remember Shiva-Shankar. ONLY One (Shiva) is called the Purifier.”

There is NO SUCH praise ANYWHERE, about Shankar giving his bones in Spiritual Service, since Shankar is a Subtle Deity of the Subtle Region ONLY, who DOES NOT come on this corporeal sphere to enact ANY role through ANY corporeal body, like Shiva does. Shankar is only instrumental to represent the (apparently MALEVOLENT, but supremely BENEVOLENT) ACT of destruction - so that same may NOT be apportioned to Incorporeal God Father Shiva, who is ALWAYS BENEVOLENT!
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Golden Heart
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Sakar Murli & Avyakt Vani points for churning

Post by Golden Heart »

"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 17.09.2019 (Original 13.09.1968)"
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
ईश्वर तो बाप, टीचर, गुरू है। एक तो मुख्य बात है यह ... गीता का भगवान कृष्ण नहीं है। भगवान कोई मनुष्य या देवता को नहीं कहा जाता है। भगवान एक है, वह बाप है। उस बाप से ही शान्ति और सुख का वर्सा मिलता है। ... ईश्वर सर्वव्यापी नहीं है। वह तो बाप है, वही गीता का भगवान है। ... पतित-पावनी पानी की गंगा नहीं, परन्तु एक बाप है। ...
तो इन 3 बातों पर ओपीनियन लेना चाहिए।
“God is the Father, Teacher and Guru. This is the first MAIN aspect. ... the ‘God of the (TRUE) Gita’ is not Krishna. NO human being, or Deity, can be called ‘Bhagwan’ (God). God (‘Bhagwan’) is ONE, and He is the Father. ONLY from that Father do we receive the inheritance of Peace and Happiness. ... God is not omnipresent. He is the Father; He alone is the ‘God of the (TRUE) Gita’. ... The Purifier is not the Ganges, the river of water, but ONE Father. ...
You should get people's opinions on these three (main) aspects.”

The Righteous Children should deliver the Knowledge to renowned individuals in such a way that they, themselves, feel motivated to give their opinions on THREE MAIN aspects –
1. ‘God of the (TRUE) Gita’ is not Krishna; and NO human being, or Deity, can be called ‘Bhagwan’ (God).
2. God is not omnipresent. God (‘Bhagwan’) is ONE, who is the Father also, Teacher also, and Guru also; and who, ALONE, is the ‘God of the (TRUE) Gita’, from whom everyone receives the unlimited inheritance of Peace & Happiness, or ‘Mukti & JivanMukti’!
3. The Purifier is ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva; and NOT the Ganges, which is a river of water.

बाप भी गुप्त है, नॉलेज भी गुप्त है, तुम्हारा पुरूषार्थ भी गुप्त है, इसलिए बाबा गीत-कविताएं आदि भी पसन्द नहीं करते हैं। वह है भक्ति मार्ग। यहाँ तो चुप रहना है, शान्ति से चलते-फिरते बाप को याद करना है, और सृष्टि चक्र बुद्धि में फिराना है। अभी हमारा यह अन्तिम जन्म है, पुरानी दुनिया में। फिर हम नई दुनिया में पहला जन्म लेंगे। आत्मा पवित्र जरूर चाहिए। अभी तो सब आत्मायें पतित हैं। तुम आत्मा को पवित्र बनाने के लिए बाप से योग लगाते हो।
“The Father is also incognito, the Knowledge is also incognito, and your efforts are also incognito. This is why Baba does not prefer songs, poetry, etc, which belong to the ‘path of Devotion’. You have to remain silent here. You have to Remember the Father, whilst peacefully walking and moving around; and also rotate the World Cycle within your intellects. This is now our final birth in this old World. We will then take the first birth in the New World. Souls definitely have to become Pure. All souls are now impure. You souls have Yoga with the Father in order to make yourselves Pure.”

Songs, music, poetry, etc., belong to the ‘path of Devotion’; while SILENCE belongs to the ‘Path of Knowledge’!
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Golden Heart
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Sakar Murli & Avyakt Vani points for churning

Post by Golden Heart »

"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 18.09.2019 (Original 08.10.1968)"
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
बाप खुद कहते हैं, हमारा जन्म दिव्य और अलौकिक है, और कोई भी आत्मा मेरे समान शरीर में प्रवेश नहीं कर सकती। भल धर्म स्थापक जो आते हैं, उनकी आत्मा भी प्रवेश करती है, परन्तु वह बात ही अलग है। हम तो आते ही हैं सबको वापिस ले जाने के लिए। वह तो ऊपर से उतरते हैं नीचे अपना पार्ट बजाने। हम तो सबको ले जाते हैं, फिर बतलाते हैं कि तुम कैसे पहले-पहले नई दुनिया में उतरेंगे।
The Father, Himself, says: My Birth is Divine and unique; ANY other soul CANNOT enter a body in the way that I do. Although the souls of the founders of religions who come, also enter a body, but that is a DIFFERENT aspect. I come only to take everyone back. They come down from up above in order to play their parts. I tell You how You will first come down to the New World; and I then take everyone back with Me.”

The pure souls, who are the founders of other religions, also come down from the Soul World, and enter an impure body of ANOTHER soul, in order to establish their respective religion – but after that, they continue to take their own body, one after another, and continue to play their parts on this corporeal sphere. Whereas, although Supreme Soul Shiva ALSO enters the impure body of Brahma Baba in order to establish the Brahmin religion, in Confluence Age, He DOES NOT take ANY body of His own thereafter, and hence He DOES NOT continue to play a part on this corporeal sphere - since He does not come into the cycle of birth and death, like ALL other embodied souls.

क्राइस्ट अथवा बुद्ध को थोड़ेही पतित-पावन कहेंगे। गुरू वह जो सद्गति करे। वह तो आते हैं, उनके पिछाड़ी सबको नीचे उतरना है। यहाँ से वापिस जाने का रास्ता बतलाने वाला, सर्व का सद्गति करने वाला, अकाल मूर्त एक ही बाप है। वास्तव में ‘सतगुरू’ अक्षर ही राइट है। तुम सबसे, राइट अक्षर फिर भी सिक्ख लोग बोलते है। बड़ी-बड़ी आवाज़ से कहते हैं – ‘सतगुरू अकाल’। बड़ी ज़ोर से धुन लगाते हैं, ‘सतगुरू अकाल मूर्त’ कहते हैं।
Neither Christ, nor Buddha, would be called the Purifier. A guru is one who grants salvation. They (founders of religions) come down here, and then everyone (of that particular religion) has to follow them down. There is ONLY ONE Father, the Immortal Image, who shows You the way back Home from here, and who grants everyone Salvation. In fact, only the word, ‘Satguru’, is right. The Sikhs speak words that are more right than all of You. They chant very loudly and say: ‘Satguru, the Immortal One’. ”

The souls of the founders of religions come down from the Soul World, and all other souls of that particular religion also follow them down gradually, thereafter. Whereas, Supreme Soul Shiva comes down to establish the Brahmin religion, and then ALL souls of ALL religions follow Him BACK to the Soul World, at the end of Confluence Age – other than some souls who are instrumental to give birth to Deity souls.

इस समय मनुष्य जो कुछ करते हैं, वह रांग ही करते हैं क्योंकि रावण की मत पर हैं ना। हर एक में 5 विकार हैं। अभी रावण राज्य है, यह बातें डिटेल में बाप बैठ समझाते हैं। नहीं तो सारी दुनिया के चक्र का मालूम कैसे पड़े? यह चक्र कैसे फिरता है, मालूम पड़ना चाहिए ना। यह भी तुम नहीं कहते हो कि बाबा समझाओ। आपेही बाप समझाते रहते हैं। तुमको एक भी प्रश्न पूछने का नहीं रहता। भगवान् तो बाप है। बाप का काम है, सब कुछ आपेही सुनाना, आपेही सब कुछ करना।
“Whatever people do at this time is WRONG, because they follow the dictates of Ravan. There are the five vices in each one. It is now the ‘kingdom of Ravan’. The Father sits here and explains these aspects to You in detail. Otherwise, how would You know about the Cycle of the whole World? You should know how this Cycle turns. You do not ask Baba to explain it to You. The Father continues to explain, by Himself, (without your asking Him). You DO NOT need to even ask a single question. God (‘Bhagwan’) is the Father. The Father's duty is to tell You everything, by Himself, and to do everything, by Himself.”

Incorporeal God Father Shiva CONTINUES to explain EVERYTHING to the Righteous Children, or TRUE Brahmins, THROUGH the Lotus Mouth/Intellectual Orifice of His ONE & ONLY ‘mukrar-rath’ of REAL PrajaPita Brahma, Brahma Baba or soul of DLR - FIRST, in ‘Sakar’, through his ORDINARY, IMPURE CORPOREAL body, UNTIL 1969; and THEN, in ‘Akar’, through his ELEVATED SUBTLE body, AFTER 1969 – using the instrumental corporeal body of Dadi Gulzar, WHENEVER SO REQUIRED – and ALSO through the Third Eye of the Divine intellects of the Righteous Children, who have since ALSO DEVELOPED their OWN ‘akari’ or subtle stage of consciousness, UNTIL the VERY END of Confluence Age!
They DO NOT need to even ask a SINGLE question!

अभी तुम बच्चों को मूलवतन से लेकर सब राज़ समझाया है। मूलवतन का राज़ बाप बिगर कौन समझायेंगे? तुमको भी फिर टीचर बनना है। गृहस्थ व्यवहार में भी भल रहो। कमल फूल समान पवित्र रहो। औरों को भी आप समान बनायेंगे, तो बहुत ऊंच पद पा सकते हैं। यहाँ रहने वालों से भी वह ऊंच पद पा सकते हैं। नम्बरवार तो हैं ही, बाहर में रहते हुए भी विजय माला में पिरो सकते हैं।
“All the secrets from the Incorporeal World, onward, have been explained to You Children. Who else, other than the Father, would explain to You the secrets of the Incorporeal World? You then also have to become teachers. You may live within the house-hold, but You have to remain as pure as a lotus. If you make others similar to yourselves, You can claim a very high status. You can claim a higher status than those who live here (in Madhuban, or at a Center); all are number-wise. Even while living outside (within the house-hold), You can still get threaded in the ‘Rosary of Victory’ (‘Vijaymala’).

One can get threaded in the ‘Rosary of Victory’ (‘Vijaymala’), EVEN while living outside, within the house-hold, PROVIDED one makes efforts to become Pure, and also makes others similar to oneself!
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"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 19.09.2019 (Original 15.10.1968) "
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
अब तुम पुरूषोत्तम संगमयुग पर बैठे हो। बेहद के बाप के पास आये हो विकारी से निर्विकारी बनने के लिए। निर्विकारी बन अगर कोई विकार में गिरते हैं, तो बाबा लिखते हैं, ‘तुमने काला मुँह किया, अब गोरा मुँह होना मुश्किल है। 5 मंजिल से गिरने जैसा है। हड्डियाँ टूट जाती हैं’। गीता में भी है, ‘भगवानुवाच - काम महाशत्रु है’।
“ You are now sitting at the most auspicious Confluence Age. You have come to the Unlimited Father to become viceless from vicious. After becoming viceless, if anyone falls into vice (of sex-lust), then Baba writes: You have darkened your face, and it is now difficult for your face to become fair again. It is like falling from the fifth floor. The bones get broken’. It also says in the Gita, ‘God speaks - Lust is the greatest enemy’. ”

After coming into the Knowledge, and after taking a vow of celibacy, if the same is broken, then it becomes very difficult to imbibe the Knowledge again - in the PURE, UNADULTERATED form!

सतयुग है सुखधाम, कलियुग है दु:खधाम। विकार में जाना गोया एक-दो पर काम कटारी चलाना। मनुष्य कहते हैं, यह (काम) तो भगवान की रचना है ना। परन्तु नहीं, भगवान की रचना नहीं, यह रावण की रचना है। भगवान ने तो स्वर्ग रचा। वहाँ काम कटारी होती नहीं। ऐसे नहीं दु:ख-सुख भगवान देता है। अरे, भगवान बेहद का बाप बच्चों को दु:ख कैसे देगा? वह तो कहते हैं, मैं सुख का वर्सा देता हूँ फिर आधाकल्प के बाद रावण श्रापित करते हैं।
“The Golden Age is the ‘Land of Happiness’, and the Iron Age is the ‘land of sorrow’. To indulge in vice (of sex-lust) means to use the sword of lust on one another. People say: ‘this (sex-lust), is God’s creation’. But NO! That (sex-lust) is NOT God's creation, that is the creation of Ravan. God (‘Bhagwan’) creates Heaven. There is no sword of lust there. It is not that God gives Happiness and sorrow. God is the Unlimited Father, so how could He give sorrow to the Children? He says: I give You the inheritance of Happiness. Then, after half the Cycle, Ravan curses You.”

Although sex-lust is also fixed in Drama, during Ravan Rajya, it cannot be said that sex-lust is a ‘creation’ of Incorporeal God Father Shiva, who ALONE, is the Purifier; and who enables the Righteous Children to achieve conquest over sex-lust, and become Pure from being impure, through His ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Remembrance, during Confluence Age!

तुम सब हो एक प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा के एडाप्टेड चिल्ड्रेन। सभी आत्मायें उनकी (शिव की) सन्तान तो हैं ही। उनको कहा जाता है परमपिता, उनका नाम है शिव। बस! बाप समझाते हैं - मेरा नाम एक ही शिव है। ... तुम सतोप्रधान बनकर स्वर्ग में आयेंगे, बाकी सब सतोप्रधान बन शान्तिधाम में रहेंगे।
“ All of You are the adopted Children of the ONE PrajaPita Brahma (soul of DLR). All souls are His (Shiva’s) children anyway (as bodiless souls). He is called the Supreme Father, and His name is Shiva; that’s all! The Father explains: I have just one Name, Shiva. ... You will become ‘satopradhan’ (through ‘Power of Remembrance’ – ‘Yogbal’), and come to Heaven; and everyone else will become ‘satopradhan’ (through ‘power of retribution’ – ‘bahubal’), and stay in the ‘Land of Peace’. ”

ONLY those Righteous Children, who become ‘satopradhan’ through the ‘Power of Remembrance’ (‘Yogbal’), number-wise, become the Sovereigns of RamRajya, during Golden & Silver Ages, number-wise, in accordance with their efforts made during Confluence Age!

यह वैराइटी मनुष्य सृष्टि रूपी झाड़ है। बीजरूप है भगवान। वही रचना रचते हैं। पहले-पहले रचते हैं देवी-देवताओं को। फिर वृद्धि को पाते-पाते इतने धर्म हो जाते हैं। ... पढ़ाने वाला एक शिवबाबा है। वह है ज्ञान का सागर, सुख का सागर। बाप ही आकर पढ़ाते हैं। यह (ब्रह्मा) नहीं पढ़ाते, इनके द्वारा वह पढ़ाते हैं। इनको गाया जाता है, भगवान का रथ, भाग्यशाली रथ। तुमको कितना पद्मापद्म भाग्यशाली बनाते हैं।
This is the variety human World Tree, and God (‘Bhagwan’) is the Seed Form. He, ALONE, creates creation. First of all, He creates Deities. Then, as expansion takes place, there are so many religions. ... It is ShivBaba, alone, who TEACHES You. He is the Ocean of Knowledge and the Ocean of Happiness. The Father, alone, comes and TEACHES You. This one (Brahma Baba) does not teach You; He (Shiva) TEACHES You through this one. This one (soul of DLR) is remembered as the ‘Chariot of God’, the Lucky Chariot. He (Shiva) is making You multi-million times fortunate.”

ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva TEACHES the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita) – ONLY THROUGH the Lotus Mouth/Intellectual Orifice of Brahma Baba – ONLY AFTER which, can Brahma Baba and all the other Righteous Children also teach same to new aspirants of Knowledge, number-wise!
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"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 20.09.2019 (Original 11.10.1968)"
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
यहाँ बाप ही बच्चों का रिगार्ड रखते हैं। जानते हैं इन बच्चों को पढ़ाना है, यह सृष्टि चक्र कैसे फिरता है। बेहद की हिस्ट्री-जॉग्राफी बच्चों को समझानी है। उन गुरूओं की दिल में बच्चे का लॅव नहीं होगा। बाप के पास तो बच्चों का बहुत लॅव रहता है; और बच्चों का भी बाप पर लॅव रहता है। तुम जानते हो बाबा तो हमको सृष्टि चक्र का ज्ञान सुनाते हैं।
Here, the Father, Himself, has regard for the Children. He knows that He has to TEACH You Children, how the World Cycle turns; He has to explain the unlimited History and Geography to You Children. Those gurus do not have love in their hearts (for their followers), as (though they are) their children. The Father has a great deal of Love for the Children; and the Children too have Love for the Father. You know that Baba is relating the Knowledge of the World Cycle to You.”

The Righteous Children Love Incorporeal God Father Shiva because He liberates them from Ravan Rajya, and enables them to claim their Unlimited inheritance of Sovereignty of RamRajya.

Incorporeal God Father Shiva Loves the Righteous Children because, through their support and co-operation, He can practically express His Pure Love for ALL embodied souls – by granting them Liberation & Salvation – number-wise!

तुम्हारे पास मनुष्य जब आते हैं, तो पूछते हैं, ‘यहाँ क्या सिखाया जाता है’? बोलो, ‘हम राजयोग सिखाते हैं, जिससे तुम मनुष्य से देवता, अर्थात् राजा बन सकते हो; और कोई सतसंग ऐसा नहीं होगा, जो कहे, हम मनुष्य से देवता बनने की शिक्षा देते हैं। देवतायें होते हैं सतयुग में। कलियुग में हैं मनुष्य। अब हम तुमको सारे सृष्टि चक्र का राज़ समझाते हैं, जिससे तुम चक्रवर्ती राजा बन जायेंगे, और फिर तुमको पावन बनने की बहुत अच्छी युक्ति बताते हैं। ऐसी युक्ति कभी कोई समझा न सके। यह है सहज राजयोग। बाप है पतित-पावन। वह सर्वशक्तिमान भी है, तो उनको याद करने से ही पाप भस्म होंगे, क्योंकि योग अग्नि है ना’।
“ When people come to You, they ask You, ‘What do You teach here?’ Tell them, ‘We teach RajYog, through which you can change from human beings into Deities, that is, you can become Kings. There is no other Spiritual gathering, where they say that they give teachings to change from human beings into Deities. The Deities exist in the Golden Age, and human beings exist in the Iron Age. We now explain to you the secrets of the whole World Cycle, through which you will become the rulers of the globe. We also show you a very good technique to become Pure. No one else can teach you such a method. This is easy RajYog. The Father is the Purifier. He is also the Almighty Authority; and so, by Remembering Him ALONE, your sins will be incinerated, because Yoga is a Fire’. ”

Through the Study & inculcation of the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita) & Easy RajYog, ordinary human beings can be transformed into ELEVATED Deities, and can claim their Unlimited inheritance of Sovereignty of RamRajya, during Golden & Silver Ages!

बाप समझाते हैं, श्रीकृष्ण है सम्पूर्ण निर्विकारी, परन्तु उनको सन्यासी नहीं, देवता कहा जाता है। सन्यासी कहना, वा देवता कहना, उनका भी अर्थ है। यह देवता कैसे बना? सन्यासी से देवता बना। बेहद का सन्यास किया, फिर चले गये नई दुनिया में। वह तो हद का सन्यास करते हैं। बेहद में जा न सकें। हद में ही पुनर्जन्म लेना पड़े, विकार से। बेहद का मालिक बन न सकें। राजा-रानी कभी बन न सकें क्योंकि उन्हों का धर्म ही अलग है। सन्यास धर्म देवी-देवता धर्म नहीं है।
“The Father explains: Shri Krishna is completely viceless, but he is not called a ‘sannyasi’, he is called a Deity. Whether he is called a ‘sannyasi’, or a Deity, is also significant. How did he become a Deity? He became a Deity from a (unlimited) ‘sannyasi’; he had unlimited renunciation, and then went to the New World. They (limited sannyasis) have limited renunciation; they cannot go into the unlimited. They have to take rebirth in the limited, through vice. They cannot become masters of the unlimited. They cannot become a king, or queen, because their religion is separate. The religion of renunciation is NOT the Deity religion.

Sannyasis of the outer World of Ravan Rajya CANNOT become ELEVATED Deities of RamRajya, through their religion of limited renunciation!

बाप घड़ी-घड़ी कहते ‘मनमनाभव’। गीता में भी अक्षर हैं, परन्तु उसका अर्थ कोई भी सुना नहीं सकेंगे। जवाब देने आयेगा नहीं। वास्तव में उसका अर्थ लिखा हुआ भी है, अपने को आत्मा समझ, देह के सब धर्म छोड़, मामेकम् याद करो। भगवानुवाच है ना। परन्तु उनकी बुद्धि में है कृष्ण भगवान। वह तो देहधारी पुनर्जन्म में आने वाला है ना। उनको भगवान कैसे कह सकते हैं?
“The Father repeatedly tells You: ‘Constantly Remember Me, ALONE’ (‘Manmanabhav’)! These words are also mentioned in the (FALSE) Gita, but no one would be able to tell their meaning. No one would know how to respond (to You). In fact, its meaning is written: Consider yourself to be a soul, renounce all bodily religions, and ‘constantly Remember Me, ALONE’. These are the versions of God. However, in their intellects, they think Krishna is ‘Bhagwan’ (God). He (Krishna) is a bodily being who takes rebirth. How can he be called ‘Bhagwan’ (God)?

NO embodied soul, or bodily being, who comes into the Cycle of birth and death, can be called ‘Bhagwan’ (God)!

भल गांधीजी को ‘बापूजी’ कहते थे, परन्तु बाप-बच्चे का सम्बन्ध नहीं कहेंगे। वह तो फिर भी साकार हो गया ना। तुमको तो समझाया है, अपने को आत्मा समझो। इसमें जो बाप बैठा है, वह है बेहद का बापूजी। लौकिक और पारलौकिक दोनों बाप से वर्सा मिलता है। बापूजी से तो कुछ भी नहीं मिला। अच्छा, भारत की राजधानी वापस मिली, परन्तु यह वर्सा तो नहीं कहेंगे। सुख मिलना चाहिए ना। वर्से होते ही हैं दो - एक हद के बाप का, दूसरा बेहद के बाप का। ब्रह्मा से भी कोई वर्सा नहीं मिलता है, भल सारी प्रजा का वह पिता है; उनको कहते हैं ‘ग्रेट-ग्रेट ग्रैन्ड फादर’। वह खुद कहते हैं, मेरे से तुमको कुछ भी वर्सा नहीं मिलता; जबकि यह खुद कहते हैं मेरे से वर्सा नहीं मिल सकता, तो उस बापूजी से फिर क्या वर्सा मिल सकेगा। कुछ भी नहीं! अंग्रेज तो चले गये। अभी क्या है? भूख हड़ताल, पिकेटिंग, स्ट्राइक आदि होती रहती, कितनी मारामारी होती रहती है।
Although Gandhiji was called ‘Bapuji’ (father), that would NOT be considered to be a relationship of father and child. He was a corporeal being. It is explained to You that You have to consider yourselves to be souls. The Father (Shiva) who is sitting in this one (soul of DLR) is the Unlimited ‘Bapuji’ (Father). You receive an inheritance from BOTH the corporeal (‘lokik’) father, and the Incorporeal (‘Parlokik’) Father. You did not receive anything from Bapuji (Gandhiji). OK, Bharat received its independence, but that cannot be called an inheritance. You should have received happiness. There are two inheritances. One is from a limited (corporeal) father, and the other is from the Unlimited (Incorporeal) Father. You do not receive ANY inheritance even from Brahma (soul of DLR), although he is the ‘Father of ENTIRE Humanity’ (‘PrajaPita’); he is called the great-great-grandfather. He himself says: ‘You do not receive ANY inheritance from me’. Since this one himself says that ‘an inheritance is NOT received from me’, then what inheritance can be received from that Bapuji (Gandhiji)? Nothing at all! The British departed. What is there now? Hunger strikes, picketing, strikes, etc., continue to take place. There continues to be so much violence.”

No one received REAL happiness after the independence of Bharat, facilitated by limited (corporeal) Bapuji (Gandhiji).

Neither does ANYONE receive any inheritance from Brahma Baba, although he is the ‘Father of ENTIRE Humanity’ (‘PrajaPita’), and although he is the great-great-grandfather of Humanity.

Unlimited inheritance of Sovereignty & REAL Happiness of RamRajya, is ONLY received FROM Unlimited Bapuji, Incorporeal God Father Shiva, and ONLY THROUGH Brahma Baba – NOT FROM Brahma Baba!

एक को याद करना - वह है अव्यभिचारी याद। शरीर को भी भूल जाना है। ... तुम भी समझाते हो, बेहद का बाप हमको समझाते हैं, उनका नाम है शिवबाबा। सिर्फ ‘बेहद का बाबा’ कहने से भी मूँझ जायेंगे क्योंकि बाबायें भी बहुत हो गये हैं। म्युनिसपाल्टी के मेयर को भी कहते हैं ‘बाबा’। बाप कहते हैं, मैं इसमें आता हूँ तो भी मेरा नाम शिव ही है। मैं इस रथ द्वारा तुमको नॉलेज देता हूँ, इनको एडाप्ट किया है। इनका नाम रखा है ‘प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा’। इनको भी मेरे से वर्सा मिलता है।
To Remember (ONLY) One (Incorporeal Shiva), is UNADULTERATED Remembrance. You also have to forget the (corporeal) body. ... You also have to explain that the Unlimited Father (Shiva) explains to You. His Name is ShivBaba. When You just say, ‘Unlimited Baba’, they become confused, because there are many Babas. Even the mayor of a municipality is called ‘Baba’. The Father says: I enter this one but, even then, my Name is still Shiva. I give You Knowledge through this Chariot. I have adopted this one (soul of DLR) and named him PrajaPita Brahma. He too receives his inheritance from Me.”

EVEN REAL PrajaPita Brahma, Brahma Baba or soul of DLR, who is ALSO REAL Adi Dev receives his Unlimited inheritance of Sovereignty of RamRajya, ONLY through ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Remembrance of ONLY ONE Incorporeal God Father Shiva, ALONE – by FIRST FORGETTING his OWN corporeal body, and considering himself as a bodiless soul!

Therefore, the question of having ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Remembrance of Incorporeal God Father Shiva, by remembering Him within the corporeal, or subtle body of ANY embodied soul, DOES NOT ARISE, AT ALL – since one has to ESSENTIALLY, FIRST FORGET one’s OWN corporeal, or subtle body; and ALSO FORGET ALL bodily beings, whether they are within a corporeal, or subtle body!
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"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 21.09.2019 (Original 20.09.1968)"
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
यह स्मृति है कि बरोबर पहले झाड़ में एक ही धर्म होगा। ... इस झाड़ का बीजरूप ऊपर में है। झाड़ का बीज है बाप; फिर जैसा बीज वैसा फल अर्थात् पत्ते निकलते हैं। यह भी वन्डर है ना। ... इस मनुष्य सृष्टि रूपी झाड़ को कोई नहीं जानता, इसको कहा जाता है कल्प वृक्ष, इसका बस गीता में ही वर्णन है। सब जानते हैं गीता ही नम्बरवन धर्म का शास्त्र है। शास्त्र भी नम्बरवार तो होते हैं ना। कैसे नम्बरवार धर्मों की स्थापना होती है, यह भी सिर्फ तुम ही समझते हो, और कोई में भी यह ज्ञान होता नहीं। तुम्हारी बुद्धि में है, पहले-पहले किस धर्म का झाड़ होता है, फिर उनमें और धर्मों की वृद्धि कैसे होती है। ... सिक्ख धर्म का अपना शास्त्र, क्रिश्चियन और बौद्धियों का अपना शास्त्र होगा।
You have the awareness that, at FIRST, there would truly be ONLY ONE religion in the Tree. ... The Seed Form of this Tree is up above. The Father is the Seed of the Tree. As is the seed, so are the fruit and the leaves that emerge (from the seed). This too is a wonder. ... No one knows this human World Tree. This is called the ‘Kalpa Tree’. This is only mentioned in the (FALSE) Gita. Everyone knows that the Gita is the Scripture of the NUMBER ONE religion. Scriptures too are number-wise, just as religions are established number-wise. Only You Children understand this. No one else has this Knowledge. It is in your intellects which religion is FIRST in the Tree, and then how the other religions emerge from it. ... The Sikh religion will have its own scripture, and the Christians and Buddhists will have their own scriptures. ”

The INCOGNITO Brahmin religion is the FIRST in the ‘Kalpa Tree’, during Confluence Age - from which the EVIDENT Sun Dynasty & Moon Dynasty emerge, during RamRajya – AFTER which ALL OTHER religions emerge, during Ravan Rajya!

अभी इस पुरानी दुनिया से वैराग्य करना है। यह बहुत पतित छी-छी दुनिया है। यहाँ शरीर पावन हो न सके। आत्मा को नया शरीर सतयुग में ही मिल सकता है। भल यहाँ आत्मा पवित्र बनती है, परन्तु शरीर फिर भी अपवित्र रहता है, जब तक कर्मातीत अवस्था हो।
“You now have to have disinterest in this old World. This is a very dirty and impure World. Bodies CANNOT become pure here (in the old World). Only in the Golden Age will souls receive new bodies. Although the soul becomes Pure here, but the body still remains impure, UNTIL one reaches the ‘karmateet’ stage.

New, pure bodies can ONLY be received from the beginning of Golden Age - STARTING with the birth of Shri Krishna!

ऐसे नहीं, यहाँ आकर रहना है, वह तो फिर सन्यास हो गया; घरबार छोड़ यहाँ आकर रहें। तुमको तो कहा जाता है, गृहस्थ व्यवहार में रहते पवित्र बनो। यह पहले तो भट्ठी बननी थी, जिससे इतने तैयार हो निकले, उनका भी बहुत अच्छा वृतान्त हैं। जो बाप का बनकर अन्दर (यज्ञ में) रहकर के रूहानी सर्विस नहीं करते, वह जाकर दास-दासियां बनते हैं, फिर पिछाड़ी में नम्बरवार पुरूषार्थ अनुसार ताज मिल जाता है।
“It is not that You have to come and live here; if You leave your house-hold to come and stay here, that would be renunciation (like the limited sannyasis). You are told: Stay within your house-hold and become Pure. This furnace had to be created, at the beginning, through which so many became ready (to go and do Service). There is a very good story about them. Those who belong to the Father and stay inside (the Yagya), but do not do any Spiritual Service, will go and become maids and servants (in Golden Age). They will receive a crown, at the end, number-wise, according to their efforts.

Those who live with their family, within their house-hold, and YET become Pure, can get a HIGHER status than those who surrender, and live in the Yagya, or at the Centers!

ज्ञान है सेकण्ड का, फिर बाप को ज्ञान का सागर क्यों कहा जाता है? समझाते ही रहते हैं, पिछाड़ी तक समझाते ही रहेंगे। जब राजधानी स्थापन हो जायेगी, तुम कर्मातीत अवस्था में आ जायेंगे, फिर ज्ञान पूरा हो जायेगा। है सेकण्ड की बात। परन्तु फिर समझाना पड़ता है। हद के बाप से हद का वर्सा, बेहद का बाप विश्व का मालिक बना देते हैं। तुम सुखधाम में जायेंगे तो बाकी सब शान्तिधाम में चले जायेंगे।
“ Knowledge is of just a second; so, why is the Father called the ‘Ocean of Knowledge’? He CONTINUES to explain to You, and He will CONTINUE to explain to You UNTIL the end (of Confluence Age). WHEN the Kingdom is established, You will reach your ‘karmateet’ stage, THEN the Knowledge will COMPLETE. It is a matter of just a second, but it still has to be explained (THROUGHOUT Confluence Age). You receive a limited inheritance from a limited father; whereas, the Unlimited Father makes You into the Masters of the World. You will go to the ‘Land of Happiness’, and all the rest will go to the ‘Land of Peace’. ”

Incorporeal God Father Shiva CONTINUES, and WILL CONTINUE, to explain the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita), to the Righteous Children, or TRUE Brahmins, UNTIL they reach their ‘karmateet’ stage, UNTIL the VERY END of Confluence Age - THROUGH the Lotus Mouth/Intellectual Orifice of His ONE & ONLY ‘mukrar-rath’ of REAL PrajaPita Brahma, Brahma Baba or soul of DLR - FIRST, in ‘Sakar’, through his ORDINARY, IMPURE CORPOREAL body, UNTIL 1969; and THEN, in ‘Akar’, through his ELEVATED SUBTLE body, AFTER 1969 – using the instrumental corporeal body of Dadi Gulzar, WHENEVER SO REQUIRED – and ALSO through the Third Eye of the Divine intellects of the Righteous Children, who have since ALSO DEVELOPED their OWN ‘akari’ or subtle stage of consciousness, UNTIL the VERY END of Confluence Age!
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"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 23.09.2019 (Original 07.10.1968)"
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
विनाश भी जरूर होना ही है। ड्रामा के प्लैन अनुसार आपेही सब समझ जायेंगे। तुम्हारे समझाने की भी दरकार नहीं रहेगी। ... अभी तो जागते नहीं। पीछे जागते जायेंगे। आंखे बड़ी होती जायेंगी। यह आंखे नहीं, बुद्धि की आंख।
Destruction also has to definitely take place. According to Drama plan, everyone will understand for themselves (that destruction has to take place). There will be no need for You to EVEN explain (that destruction will take place). ... People do not awaken now, but they will continue to awaken later. Their eyes will continue to widen. This does not refer to these corporeal eyes, but to the Eye of the intellect.”

लौकिक बाप को कोई कहना नहीं पड़ता है कि मुझे याद करो। बच्चे आटोमेटिकली ‘बाबा-मम्मा’ कहते रहते हैं। वह है लौकिक मात-पिता, यह है पारलौकिक, जिसका गायन है – ‘तुम्हरी कृपा ते सुख घनेरे ..’। ... अभी तुम समझ गये हो यह मात-पिता है। बाप कहते हैं ना - दिन-प्रतिदिन तुमको गुह्य-गुह्य बातें सुनाता हूँ। आगे मालूम था क्या कि ‘मात-पिता’ किसको कहा जाता है? अभी तुम जानते हो पिता तो उनको ही कहा जाता है। पिता से वर्सा मिलता है, ब्रह्मा द्वारा। माता भी चाहिए ना क्योंकि बच्चों को एडाप्ट करना है।
“A corporeal father does not have to say (to his children), ‘remember me’! Children automatically call out, ‘Baba, Mama’ (to their corporeal parents). Those are corporeal parents; whereas, this One (Shiva) is the ‘Parlokik’ (PARENT), whose praise is sung, ‘We receive a lot of happiness through Your mercy ..’. ... You now understand that this One (Shiva) is the Mother & Father (‘Parlokik’ PARENT). The Father says: Day by day, I tell You very deep aspects. Did You know previously who is called the ‘Mother & Father’? You now know that He, ALONE, is called the (‘Parlokik’) Father. You receive the inheritance from the Father THROUGH Brahma (soul of DLR). The (‘Alokik’) Mother (Brahma Baba) is also needed, because Children have to be adopted (through his Lotus Mouth – ‘mouth-born’ progeny).”

यहाँ 84 का पार्ट बजाया। अभी हम जाते हैं। तुम बच्चे हो आलराउण्डर, शुरू से लेकर पूरे 84 जन्म लेने वाले हो। देरी से आने वाले को आलराउन्डर नहीं कहेंगे। बाप ने समझाया है - मैक्सीमम और मिनीमम कितने जन्म लेते हो? एक जन्म तक भी है। ... ऊपर से हर एक सतोप्रधान, फिर सतो, रजो, तमो में आते हैं। एक जन्म होगा तो उसमें भी इन 4 स्टेजेस को पायेंगे।
“We have played our parts of 84 births here, and we are now going (back Home, to the Soul World). You Children are ‘all-rounders’. You are those who take the FULL 84 births, from the beginning. Those who come later cannot be called ‘all-rounders’. The Father has explained what the maximum number of births is (84), and what the minimum number is (1). It can be as little as just one birth. ... Everyone comes down ‘satopradhan’ from up above, and then goes through the stages of ‘sato’, ‘rajo’ and ‘tamo’. Even if someone takes (only) one birth, he will still go through these four stages (‘satopradhan’, ‘sato’, ‘rajo’ & ‘tamo’, from maximum pure to maximum impure).
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"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 24.09.2019 (Original 06.10.1968) "
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
बाप ने समझाया था, यह पर्चा है बहुत अच्छा – ‘तुम स्वर्गवासी हो, या नर्कवासी हो’? तुम बच्चे ही जानते हो, यह मुक्ति जीवनमुक्ति दोनों गॉड फादरली बर्थ राइट हैं। तुम लिख भी सकते हो – ‘बाप से तुम बच्चों को यह बर्थ राइट मिलता है। बाप का बनने से दोनों चीज़ें प्राप्त होती हैं। वह है रावण का बर्थ राइट, यह है परमपिता परमात्मा का बर्थ राइट। यह है भगवान का बर्थ राइट, वह है शैतान का बर्थ राइट’। ऐसे लिखना चाहिए जो कुछ समझ सकें। ... इनका नाम ही है ‘रावण राज्य’। उसको फिर कहा जाता है ‘ईश्वरीय राज्य’। ‘राम राज्य’ कहना भी रांग हो जाता है। गांधी जी ‘राम राज्य’ चाहते थे।
“ The Father had explained that this leaflet is very good – ‘Are you a resident of hell, or a resident of heaven?’ ONLY You Children know that BOTH Liberation and ‘Liberation-in-Life’ (Fruition/Salvation) are your Godfatherly birthrights. You can also write – ‘You children receive these birthrights from the Father. By belonging to the Father, you attain both things (Liberation & Fruition). That (sovereignty of Ravan Rajya) is the birthright (received) from Ravan; whereas, this (Sovereignty of RamRajya) is the birthright (received) from the Supreme Father Supreme Soul (Shiva). This is the birthright (received) from God (‘Bhagwan’); whereas, that is the birthright (received) from Satan’. You should write in such a way that people are able to understand something. ... This is called the ‘kingdom of Ravan’ (Copper & Iron Ages). That is then called the ‘Kingdom of God’ (Golden & Silver Ages). It is WRONG to EVEN call it the ‘Kingdom of Rama’ (since ‘Rama’ can be CONFUSED with the Sovereign of Silver Age). Gandhiji wanted there to be a ‘Kingdom of Rama’. ”

The Righteous Children receive their birthright of Sovereignty in the ‘Kingdom of God’ (‘IshwariyaRajya’), during Golden & Silver Ages, from Incorporeal Supreme Father Supreme Soul, Shiva – ONLY THROUGH Brahma Baba – in Confluence Age ITSELF.

Whereas, the Unrighteous children receive their birthright of sovereignty in the ‘kingdom of Ravan’ (‘Ravan Rajya’), during Copper & Iron Ages, from the Godly Form or ‘Ishwariya Rup’ of Ravan or Maya – through the ‘mukrar-rath’ of Ravan, MASQUERADING as the ‘mukrar-rath’ of God - in Confluence Age ITSELF!

It is WRONG to EVEN call the ‘Kingdom of God’ (‘IshwariyaRajya’) as the ‘Kingdom of Rama’ (‘RamRajya’), since ‘Rama’ can be CONFUSED with the Sovereign of Silver Age, by those who DO NOT comprehend the Knowledge in the PROPER PERSPECTIVE, and can therefore get CONFOUNDED, or PERPLEXED with same.

बाप में भी पढ़ाने के संस्कार हैं ना। जो आकर समझाते हैं। रचयिता और रचना के आदि-मध्य-अन्त का राज़ समझाते हैं। बीज की भी समझानी देते हैं, तो सारे झाड़ की भी समझानी देते हैं। बीज की समझानी है ज्ञान, और झाड़ की समझानी हो जाती है भक्ति। भक्ति में बहुत डिटेल होती है ना। बीज को याद करना तो सहज है। वहाँ ही चले जाना है। तमोप्रधान से सतोप्रधान बनने में थोड़ा ही समय लगता है। फिर सतोप्रधान से तमोप्रधान बनने में 5 हजार वर्ष लगते हैं, एक्यूरेट।
“The Father too has the sanskars of TEACHING, which is why He comes and explains to You. He explains to You the secrets of the Creator and the beginning, middle and end of creation. He gives You the explanation of the Seed also, and the understanding of the WHOLE Tree also. The explanation of the Seed is Knowledge; and the understanding of the Tree becomes Devotion. There is a great deal of detail in Devotion. It is easy to Remember the Seed. You have to go there (where the Seed resides). It only takes a short time to become ‘satopradhan’(Pure) from ‘tamopradhan’(impure). Then, it takes 5000 years, accurately, to become ‘tamopradhan’ from ‘satopradhan’.”

The explanation of the Seed of the Tree, is Knowledge; and the EXPERIENCE of the Seed of the Tree is achieved by ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Remembrance of the Seed – Supreme Soul Shiva. Whereas, the number-wise understanding of the WHOLE Tree of Knowledge, DURING Confluence Age, becomes the ‘shooting’, or the seeds, of Devotion – which then PRACTICALLY give rise to the emergence of the various Branches of the Tree, on the ‘path of Devotion’, during Ravan Rajya!

राजाई के संस्कार होते हैं, तो ज्ञान की पढ़ाई के संस्कार पूरे हो जाते हैं। यह संस्कार पूरे हुए तो नम्बरवार पुरूषार्थ अनुसार रूद्र माला में पिरो जायेंगे, फिर नम्बरवार आयेंगे पार्ट बजाने। जिसने पूरे 84 जन्म लिये हैं, वह पहले आते हैं। उनका नाम भी बतलाते हैं। कृष्ण तो है फर्स्ट प्रिन्स ऑफ हेविन। तुम जानते हो सिर्फ एक थोड़ेही होगा, सारी राजधानी होगी ना। राजा के साथ तो फिर प्रजा भी चाहिए। हो सकता है - एक से दूसरे पैदा होते जायें। अगर कहें 8 इकट्ठे आते हैं, परन्तु श्रीकृष्ण तो नम्बरवन में आयेगा ना। 8 इकट्ठे आते हैं, तो फिर कृष्ण का इतना गायन क्यों? यह सब बातें आगे चलकर समझायेंगे।
“When You imbibe the sanskars of Sovereignty, then the sanskars of Studying Knowledge end. When these sanskars (of Studying) end, then You will be threaded in the ‘Rosary of Rudra’, number-wise, in accordance with your efforts; and You will then come down, number-wise, to play your parts. Those who have taken the FULL 84 births come down first. Their names are also revealed. Krishna (soul of DLR) is the FIRST Prince of Heaven. You know that there will not be only one, there will be the whole Kingdom. Subjects too are needed along with the King. It is possible that they are born one after another. Even if it is said that EIGHT (souls) come TOGETHER (be born at the SAME time), Shri Krishna would be NUMBER ONE (among them). If EIGHT (souls) come TOGETHER, then why is there so much praise of Shri Krishna? All of these aspects will be explained as You progress further.”

EVEN IF EIGHT, or MORE, souls come down from the Soul World TOGETHER on this corporeal sphere, in the VERY BEGINNING of Golden Age – they would take birth, by ENTRY into the womb of their respective corporeal mother, on the SAME DAY, but the TIME would differ – the ACTUAL birth of Shri Krishna being the VERY FIRST among all of them!

अभी तुम बाप के बने हो तो जरूर चेन्ज होना पड़े। बाप ने बुद्धि का ताला खोला है। ब्रह्मा और विष्णु का भी राज़ समझाया है। यह है पतित, वह है पावन। एडाप्शन इस पुरूषोत्तम संगमयुग पर ही होती है। प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा जब है, तब ही एडाप्शन होती है। सतयुग में तो होती नहीं। यहाँ भी किसको बच्चा नहीं होता है, तो फिर एडाप्ट करते हैं। प्रजापिता को भी जरूर ब्राह्मण बच्चे चाहिए। यह हैं ‘मुख वंशावली’। वह होते हैं ‘कुख वंशावली’। ब्रह्मा तो नामीग्रामी है। इनका सरनेम ही बेहद का है। सब समझते हैं, प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा आदि देव है, उसको अंग्रेजी में कहेंगे ‘ग्रेट ग्रेट ग्रैन्ड फादर’।
“ Now that You belong to the Father, You DEFINITELY have to change. The Father has opened the locks on your intellects. He has also explained to You the secrets of Brahma and Vishnu. This one (Brahma) is impure, and that one (Vishnu) is Pure. It is ONLY at the most auspicious Confluence Age that adoption takes place. Adoption takes place ONLY when PrajaPita Brahma is present (during Confluence Age); it does not take place in the Golden Age. Here too, when anyone does not have a child, then they adopt one. PrajaPita too definitely needs Brahmin Children. You are the ‘mouth-born’ progeny; whereas, they are the ‘womb-born’ progeny. Brahma is very well known. His surname is an unlimited one. Everyone (every Righteous Child) understands that PrajaPita Brahma (soul of DLR) is Adi Dev. In English, he would be called the ‘great-great-grandfather’. ”

REAL PrajaPita Brahma, Brahma Baba or soul of DLR, who is ALSO REAL Adi Dev is present during ENTIRE Confluence Age - FIRST, in ‘Sakar’, through his ORDINARY, IMPURE CORPOREAL body, UNTIL 1969; and THEN, in ‘Akar’, through his ELEVATED SUBTLE body, till the VERY END of Confluence Age!

यह जरूर सबको मालूम होना चाहिए कि भारत बड़े ते बड़ा तीर्थ है, जहाँ बेहद का बाप आते हैं। ऐसे नहीं, सारे भारत में विराजमान हुआ। शास्त्रों में मगध देश लिखा है, परन्तु नॉलेज कहाँ सिखाई? आबू में कैसे आये? देलवाड़ा मन्दिर भी यहाँ पूरा यादगार है। जिन्होंने भी बनाया, उन्हों की बुद्धि में आया, और बैठकर बनवाया। एक्यूरेट मॉडल तो बना न सकें। बाप यहाँ ही आकर सर्व की सद्गति करते हैं, मगध देश में नहीं। वह तो पाकिस्तान हो गया। यह है नापाक स्थान। वास्तव में पाक स्थान तो स्वर्ग को कहा जाता है। पाक और नापाक का ये सारा ड्रामा बना हुआ है।
“Everyone should definitely know that Bharat is the greatest pilgrimage place of all, where the Unlimited Father comes. It is not that He appears in the whole of Bharat. In the Scriptures, they have written about the impure land (of crocodiles of Sindh), but where did He TEACH Knowledge? How did He come in Abu? The Dilwala Temple is an accurate memorial here (at Abu). Those who built it, did so according to what entered their intellects. An accurate model cannot be created. It is ONLY here (at Abu), that the Father comes and grants Salvation to EVERYONE, NOT in the impure land (Sindh). That (Sindh, LATER) became Pakistan. This (Ravan Rajya) is the impure land (‘napak sthan’). In fact, Heaven is called the Pure land (‘Pak Sthan’). The whole drama is created of the Pure (‘Pak’) and the impure (‘napak’).”

Although the whole World, in GENERAL, and Bharat, in PARTICULAR, is the impure land, at the end of Iron Age – the Unlimited Father, Shiva, DOES NOT appear in the whole of Bharat, but he FIRST enters Brahma Baba in Sindh, which has later become part of a separate nation, Pakistan (which means ‘pure land’although it is ACTUALLY also impure).
However, Unlimited Father, Shiva, DOES NOT TEACH the ACTUAL Knowledge in Sindh, but at Mt. Abu – from around 1963 to January 1969, in ‘Sakar’, and thereafter in ‘Akar’ – through which EVERYONE receives Liberation & Salvation, number-wise!

Please be AWARE that on comparing this Revised Murli with the Original Murli dated 06.10.68,
the sentence, ‘यह है नापाक स्थान।’ – ‘This is the impure land’, has been mistakenly written as, ‘यह है पाक स्थान।’ – ‘This is the pure land’!
View Revised Murli dated 24.09.2019 &
View the SAME Original Murli dated 06.10.1968 ... -10-68.pdf
Also view the post of Brother xpbk in viewtopic.php?f=37&t=2720#p54295 with regard to impure land (‘Magadh Desh’).

अब तुम बच्चों को तो गुल-गुल बनना है। तुम बच्चों को पक्का-पक्का हथियाला बाप बांधते हैं। यूँ तो शिव जयन्ती के साथ ही रक्षाबंधन हो जाता है। गीता जयन्ती भी हो जानी चाहिए। कृष्ण की जयन्ती थोड़ा देरी से, नई दुनिया में हुई है। बाकी त्योहार सब इस समय के हैं। राम नवमी कब हुई - यह भी कोई को पता है क्या? तुम कहेंगे नई दुनिया में 1250 वर्ष के बाद में राम नवमी होती है। शिव जयन्ती, कृष्ण जयन्ती, राम जयन्ती कब हुई ..? यह कोई भी बता नहीं सकते। तुम बच्चे भी अभी बाप द्वारा जान गये हो।
“You Children have NOW to become Beautiful. The Father ties a firm Bracelet (of Purity) on You Children. In fact, Raksha Bandhan takes place at the same time as ShivJayanti (Birth of Shiva). The Gita Jayanti should also take place then (at the same time). The (PRACTICAL) birth of Krishna takes place a little later, in the New World. However, all the festivals are of this time (Confluence Age). Does anyone know when it is the birthday of Rama? You would say that after 1250 years of the New World, there is the birthday of Rama. When did ShivJayanti, Krishna Jayanti, or Rama Jayanti take place ..? No one can tell this. You Children too, know this from the Father NOW.”

ShivJayanti takes place when Shiva enters the impure corporeal body of Brahma Baba; Gita Jayanti takes place AS SOON AS Shiva utters the VERY FIRST WORD through the Lotus Mouth of Brahma Baba.
Krishna Jayanti & Rama Jayanti take place - AS SOON AS both these souls Re-Cognize that they are the VERY SAME souls of Shri Krishna & Shri Rama – WITHIN the intellectual ‘womb’ of their respective intellects - in the VERY BEGINNING of Confluence Age!
However, the PRACTICAL birth of Shri Krishna takes place in the VERY BEGINNING of Golden Age; and the PRACTICAL birth Shri Rama takes place in the VERY BEGINNING of Silver Age, 1250 years later.
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Golden Heart
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Post by Golden Heart »

"PBKSGWU-H / PBKRIVV-A SM, Revised 25.09.2019 (Original 05.10.1968)"
Versions spoken by God, through the LOTUS Mouth of Brahma Baba, prior 1969DIRECTLY ADDRESSING the CONCERNED Righteous Children, who were physically present FACE to FACE with God.
The Unlimited Father speaks of Unlimited matters to the Unlimited Children!
बाबा भल जानते हैं - ड्रामा बिल्कुल एक्यूरेट चल रहा है, परन्तु आगे के लिए तो समझाते रहेंगे ना। हरेक अपनी दिल से पूछो - हम कहाँ तक याद करते हैं? याद से ही बल आयेगा, इसलिए कहा जाता है - ज्ञान तलवार में जौहर चाहिए। ज्ञान तो बहुत सहज रीति समझा सकते हैं। जितना-जितना याद में रहेंगे उतना बड़े मीठे बनते जायेंगे।
Although Baba knows that the Drama is unfolding ABSOLUTELY ACCURATELY, He still continues to explain to You for the future (ALSO, in accordance with Drama). Each one of You can ask your heart: ‘To what extent do I stay in Remembrance’? It is only by having Remembrance that You will receive Power. This is why it is said that there has to be Power in the ‘Sword of Knowledge’. Knowledge can be explained very easily. The more You stay in Remembrance, the sweeter You will continue to become.”

इस समय सबकी बैटरी खाली है। अब बैटरी को कैसे भरना है - यह बाप के सिवाए कोई भी बैटरी चार्ज कर न सके। बच्चों को बैटरी चार्ज करने से ही ताकत आती है। उसके लिए मुख्य है याद। उसमें ही माया के विघ्न पड़ते हैं।
“At this time, everyone's Battery (of the soul) is (almost) empty. How can the batteries be now charged? No one, except the Father, can charge the batteries. It is only by charging your batteries that You Children receive Power. For that, the main aspect is Remembrance. It is in this that there are obstacles of Maya.”

कोई तो सर्जन के आगे सच बतलाते हैं, कोई छिपा लेते हैं। अन्दर में जो खामियां हैं, वह तो बाप को बतलानी पड़े। इस जन्म में जो पाप किये हैं, वह अविनाशी सर्जन के आगे वर्णन करना चाहिए, नहीं तो वह दिल अन्दर खाता रहेगा। सुनाने के बाद फिर खायेगा नहीं। अन्दर रख लेना - यह भी नुकसानकारक है। जो सच्चे-सच्चे बच्चे बनते हैं, वह सब बाप को बतला देते हैं - इस जन्म में यह-यह पाप किये हैं।
“ Some tell the truth in front of the Surgeon (Supreme Soul Shiva); whereas, others hide (the truth). You have to tell the Father about the weaknesses within You. You should tell the imperishable Surgeon the sins You have committed in this birth. Otherwise, your conscience will continue to bite You internally. After telling (Baba about them), your conscience will not bite. To keep them inside You is also harmful. Those who become TRUE Children tell the Father everything: ‘These are the sins I have committed in this birth’. ”

AFTER 1969, Righteous Children can write down their weaknesses, while in Remembrance of ShivBaba; or they can relate their weaknesses to ShivBaba with their intellects, while remaining in His ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED Remembrance!

दिन-प्रतिदिन बाप ज़ोर देते रहते हैं, यह तुम्हारा अन्तिम जन्म है। तमोप्रधान से पाप तो जरूर होते होंगे ना। बाप कहते हैं, मैं बहुत जन्मों के अन्त में जो नम्बरवन पतित बना है, उनमें ही प्रवेश करता हूँ क्योंकि उनको ही फिर नम्बरवन में जाना है। बहुत मेहनत करनी पड़ती है।
“Day by day, the Father continues to emphasize that this is your final birth. Those who are impure (‘tamopradhan’) must surely be committing sin. The Father says: I ONLY enter the one (soul of DLR) who has become NUMBER ONE impure, at the end of his many births, because he, himself, is the one who then has to become NUMBER ONE (PURE, again). A lot of effort has to be made.”

The NUMBER ONE Pure embodied soul, in the very beginning of Golden Age, within this EWD Play - who is REAL PrajaPita Brahma, Brahma Baba or soul of DLR, who is ALSO REAL Adi Dev - ALSO becomes the NUMBER ONE impure embodied soul, at the end of Iron Age!

यह सदैव याद रखना है, हम नये विश्व के मालिक बन रहे हैं। बाप हमको पढ़ाते ही हैं नई दुनिया में जाने के लिए। यह है शुद्ध अहंकार। वह है अशुद्ध अहंकार। तुम बच्चों को तो कभी अशुद्ध ख्यालात भी नहीं आने चाहिए। पुरूषार्थ करते-करते आखरीन पिछाड़ी में रिजल्ट निकलेगी। बाप समझाते हैं, इस समय तक सब पुरूषार्थी हैं। इम्तहान जब होता है, तो नम्बरवार पास हो, फिर ट्रॉन्सफर हो जाते हैं। तुम्हारी है बेहद की पढ़ाई, जिसको सिर्फ तुम ही जानते हो।
“Always Remember that You are becoming the Masters of the New World. The Father is TEACHING us so that we can go to the New World. This is pure pride (Spiritual intoxication); whereas, the other is impure pride (arrogance of body-consciousness). You Children should never even have impure thoughts. By continuing to make efforts, the results will be announced at the end. The Father explains that until THIS time, all are effort-makers. When the examination takes place, souls pass, number-wise, and then get transferred. Yours is an unlimited Study, which only You understand.”

Pure Pride is experienced through the Study of the Pure UNADULTERATED Knowledge (TRUE Gita); whereas, impure pride is experienced through the study of the ADULTERATED & CORRUPTED, REVERSED advanced knowledge (‘shooting’ of the FALSE Gita)!
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