Sakar Murli & Avyakt Vani points for churning

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Sakar Murli & Avyakt Vani points for churning

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BKWSU SM, Revised 16.06.2015 wrote: बाप ने हमको अपना बनाया है, हम क्या से क्या बनते हैं। पढ़ाई पर ही मदार है। पढ़ाई से मनुष्य कितना ऊंच बनते हैं। वह तो सब अल्पकाल क्षण भंगुर के मर्तबे हैं। उनमें कुछ भी रखा नहीं हैं। जैसेकि कोई काम के नहीं। लक्षण कुछ भी नहीं थे। अब इस पढ़ाई से कितना ऊंच बनते हैं। सारा अटेन्शन पढ़ाई पर देना है। जिसकी तकदीर में है उनकी दिल पढ़ाई में लगती है। औरों को भी पढ़ाई लिए भिन्न-भिन्न रीति पुरूषार्थ कराते रहते हैं। दिल होती है उनको पढ़ाकर बैकुण्ठ का मालिक बनायें। मनुष्यों को नींद से जगाने के लिए कितना माथा मारते रहते हैं और मारते रहेंगे। यह प्रदर्शनी आदि तो कुछ नहीं, आगे चलकर और प्रबन्ध निकलेंगे समझाने लिए। अभी बाप पावन बना रहे हैं तो बाप की शिक्षा पर अटेन्शन देना चाहिए। हर बात में सहनशील भी होना चाहिए। आपस में मिलकर संगठन कर भाषणों आदि के प्रोग्राम रखने चाहिए। एक अल्फ पर भी हम बहुत अच्छा समझा सकते हैं। ऊंच ते ऊंच भगवान कौन? एक अल्फ पर तुम दो घण्टा भाषण कर सकते हो। यह भी तुम जानते हो अल्फ को याद करने से खुशी रहती है। अगर बच्चों का याद की यात्रा में अटेन्शन कम है, अल्फ को याद नहीं करते हैं तो नुकसान जरूर होता है। सारा मदार याद पर है। याद करने से एकदम हेविन में चले जाते हैं। याद भूलने से ही गिर पड़ते हैं। इन बातों को और कोई समझ न सके। शिवबाबा को तो जानते ही नहीं। भल कितना भी कोई भभके से पूजा करते हो, याद करते हो फिर भी समझते नहीं। तुमको बाप से बहुत बड़ी जागीर मिलती है।

The Father has made us belong to Him, we change completely from what we were before. Everything depends on this study. Human beings can become so elevated through this study. Any status they receive here is transitory and evanescent. There is nothing much in that. It is as though it is useless. There is no proper aim or goal in that. You are now becoming so elevated through this study. Full attention has to be paid to this study. Those who have it in their fortune put their hearts into this study. They also inspire others in different ways to make efforts in this study. They feel that they should teach them and make them into the masters of Paradise. You people rack your heads so much to awaken human beings from their slumber, and will continue to rack your heads. These exhibitions are nothing. As you make further progress, many other facilities will be created to help you explain to others. The Father is now making you pure. Therefore, pay attention to His teachings! You have to also remain tolerant in every situation. Have a meeting at a gathering among yourselves and create programmes for lectures, etc. We can explain very well with just the topic of Alpha. Who is God, the Highest on High? You could give a lecture on Alpha for two hours. You also know that you experience happiness when you remember Alpha. When you children pay less attention to your pilgrimage of remembrance and you don’t remember Alpha, you definitely do experience a loss. Everything depends on remembrance. By remembering Him, you reach heaven. By forgetting Him, you fall. No one else can understand these things. They do not know ShivBaba at all.
No matter with how much splendour they worship Him or remember Him, they understand nothing.
You receive so much property from the Father.
Who is Alpha or 'Alif' whom we should remember in order to experience happiness?

Depending on our understanding and 'belief', so will be our destination!
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Sakar Murli & Avyakt Vani points for churning

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BKWSU SM, Revised 22.06.2015 wrote: सबका ड्रामा में पार्ट है। कितनी विशाल बुद्धि और खुशी रहनी चाहिए। ऊपर से लेकर सारा ज्ञान बुद्धि में है। ब्राह्मण ही ज्ञान उठाते हैं। न शूद्रों में, न देवताओं में यह ज्ञान है। अब समझने वाला समझे। जो न समझे उनका मौत है। पद भी कम हो जायेगा। स्कूल में भी नहीं पढ़ते हैं तो पद कम हो जाता है। अल्फ बाबा, बे बादशाही।

Everyone has a part to play in the Drama. You should have such broad intellects and also have such great happiness. All the Knowledge from the very top is in your intellects. Only you Brahmins take up this Knowledge. Neither 'shudras' nor deities have this Knowledge. Those who want to understand this will do so. It will be 'death' for those who don’t understand. Their status will also be reduced. In a school, if students don’t study, their status is reduced. Baba is Alpha and Beta is the sovereignty.
Who is Alpha or 'Alif' from whom we receive the sovereignty in Heaven?

Depending on our understanding and 'belief', so will be our destination!
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Sakar Murli & Avyakt Vani points for churning

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BKWSU AV 19.12.1979 , Revised 21.06.2015 wrote: बाप पूछते हैं वतन को देखना चाहते हो या रहना चाहते हो। (ट्रायल करेंगे) शक है क्या जो ट्रायल करेंगे? आप सबको बुलाने के लिए ही ब्रह्मा बाप रूके हुए हैं। तो क्यों नहीं सम्पन्न बन जाते हो। बहुत सहज ही सम्पन्न बन सकते हो, लेकिन द्वापर से मिक्स करने के संस्कार बहुत रहे हैं। पहले पूजा में मिक्स किया, देवताओं को बन्दर का मुँह लगा दिया। शास्त्रों में मिक्स किया जो बाप की जीवन-कहानी में बच्चे की जीवन-कहानी मिक्स की। ऐसे ही गृहस्थी में पवित्र प्रवृत्ति के बजाए अपवित्रता मिक्स कर दी। अभी भी श्रीमत में मनमत मिक्स कर देते हो इसलिए मिक्स होने के कारण, जैसे रीयल सोना हल्का होता है और जब उसमें मिक्स करते हैं तो भारी हो जाता है, ऐसे ही श्रीमत अर्थात् श्रेष्ठ मत हल्का बनाती है, मनमत मिक्स होने से भारी हो जाते हो इसलिए चलने में मेहनत लगती है। तो श्रीमत में मिक्स नहीं करो। सदा हल्का रहने से वतन की सभी सीन-सीनरियाँ यहाँ रहते हुए भी देख सकेंगे। ऐसे अनुभव करेंगे जैसे इस दुनिया की कोई भी सीन स्पष्ट दिखाई देती है। सिर्फ संकल्प शक्ति अर्थात् मन और बुद्धि सदा मनमत से खाली रखो।

The Father asks: Do you just want to ‘see’ the Subtle Region or do you want to stay there? (someone said: “We will try it”.) Do you have any doubt about it that you want to try it first? Father Brahma is waiting just to call all of you there, so why don’t you become complete? You could very easily become complete; however, many sanskars of MIXING everything, developed since the Copper Age, still remain. First, you MIXED everything up in your acts of worship: you put the face of a monkey on the deities. You MIXED everything up in the scriptures. In the biography of the Father, you MIXED the Father’s name with that of the 'Child'. Similarly, within your household, instead of maintaining a pure household, you MIXED impurity into it. Even now, you MIX up the dictates of your own mind (‘manmat’) with Shrimat. Because of MIXING, you become 'heavy'. Real gold is very light, but when anything is MIXED into it, it becomes heavy. Similarly, Shrimat, the most elevated directions, makes you light, but when you MIX ‘manmat’ into it, you become 'heavy'. You then find it very laborious to continue to move along. Therefore, don’t MIX up anything of yours ('manmat') with Shrimat. By remaining constantly light, you will be able to ‘watch’ all the scenes and sceneries of the Subtle Region, whilst remaining down here. You will experience them as clearly as though you are watching some scenes of this World. For this, you simply have to keep your thought energy, your mind and intellect, completely free from any of your own dictates (‘manmat’).
Who is the ‘Father’ who is asking? Who is ‘Father Brahma’ who is waiting in ‘Subtle Region’?
Who is the ‘Child’ whose name is MIXED up with the biography of the ‘Father’, and who is this ‘Father’?
How can we know for ourselves whether we are still MIXING 'manmat' with Shrimat, EVEN NOW?

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Sakar Murli & Avyakt Vani points for churning

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BKWSU SM, Revised 22.06.2015 wrote: ऊंच ते ऊंच शिवबाबा और ब्रह्मा, दोनों हाइएस्ट हैं। वो पारलौकिक और यह अलौकिक। बिल्कुल साधारण टीचर है।

The Highest on High are ShivBaba and Brahma; BOTH are the highest. That One is ‘Parlokik’ and this one is ‘Alokik’. He is a very simple Teacher.
Who is ShivBaba, the HIGHEST ‘Parlokik’ Father?
Who is Brahma, the HIGHEST ‘Alokik’ Father?

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BKWSU SM, Revised 22.06.2015 wrote: तुम ट्रांसफर होकर अमरलोक में जाते हो, इस पढ़ाई की ताकत से। पढ़ाई को सोर्स ऑफ इनकम कहा जाता है। शास्त्रों की भी पढ़ाई है, उससे भी इनकम होती है, परन्तु वह पढ़ाई है भक्ति की।

You are to be transferred to the land of immortality on the strength of this Study. Study is called a source of income. There is also the study of Scriptures; there is an income through that too!
Which is the study of Knowledge for Brahmins, in Confluence Age, and through whom?
Which is the study of Scriptures for Brahmins, in Confluence Age, and through whom?

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Sakar Murli & Avyakt Vani points for churning

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BKWSU SM, Revised 25.06.2015 wrote: तुम जानते हो हमको कोई देहधारी मनुष्य नहीं पढ़ाते हैं। अशरीरी बाप शरीर में प्रवेश कर खास तुम बच्चों को पढ़ाने आये हैं, यह किसको भी मालूम नहीं कि भगवान आकर पढ़ाते हैं। तुम जानते हो हम भगवान के बच्चे हैं, वह हमको पढ़ाते हैं, वही ज्ञान के सागर हैं।

You know that it isn’t a physical human being who is TEACHING you. The bodiless Father has especially come and entered a body in order to TEACH you Children. No one else knows that God comes and TEACHES. You know that you are God’s Children, that He is TEACHING you and that He is the Ocean of Knowledge.
Through whose body does the bodiless Father TEACH His Children, in Confluence Age?
Who are those, in Confluence Age, who do not know and who do not ACCEPT that God comes and TEACHES through that particular body?

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BKWSU SM, Revised 22.06.2015 wrote: अभी तुम समझते हो हम सब तुच्छ बुद्धि थे, नम्बरवार तो कहेंगे ना। मुख्य के लिए ही समझानी है कि मैं इनमें आता हूँ, बहुत जन्मों वाले अन्तिम शरीर में। यह है नम्बरवन। बच्चे समझते हैं अभी हम उनके बच्चे ब्राह्मण बन गये। यह सब हैं समझ की बातें।

You now understand that all of us had degraded intellects; although this is said to be number-wise.
The explanation ONLY refers to the MAIN ONE, that I come in him, in the last body of his many births.
THIS ONE IS NUMBER ONE. You Children understand that you have NOW become Brahmins, His Children.
All of these aspects have to be understood.
Who is the MAIN ONE into whose body God enters in order to TEACH?
Who has been CLEARLY declared, by God Himself, to be NUMBER ONE?

Who are those others, who consider SOMEONE ELSE to be NUMBER ONE,
and what are the reasons which delude them to consider SOMEONE ELSE to be NUMBER ONE?

Depending on our 'faith & belief’, understanding & ACTUAL experience, so will be our destination!
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BKWSU SM, Revised 26.06.2015 wrote: भक्ति क्या है, ज्ञान क्या है? यह बाप ही बैठ समझाते हैं। जो बच्चे कहते: “बाबा, धारणा नहीं होती”; उन्हें बाबा कहते: “अरे अल्फ और बे तो सहज है ना”? अल्फ, बाप ही कहते हैं: “मुझ बाप को याद करो, तो वर्सा मिल जायेगा”।

Only the Father sits here and explains what Devotion is and what Knowledge is. The Father would reply to the children who say that they can’t imbibe anything: "Oh! But it is easy to understand Alpha and Beta, is it not?" Alpha, the Father, says: "Remember Me, the Father, and you will receive your inheritance."
Who is Alpha or ‘Alif’, the Father, who says to REMEMBER ONLY Him, in order to receive your inheritance of Sovereignty in Heaven (Beta or 'Bey')?
Which Children are SURE, and CLEARLY understand that Alpha or ‘Alif’ refers ONLY to the bodiless Father, God Himself, the Supreme Soul, and remember ONLY Him; and would this understanding be considered to be Devotion or Knowledge?

Which children are ‘deluded into believing’ and are ‘made to understand’ that Alpha or ‘Alif’ is a bodily person or an embodied soul, whom they ‘consider’ to be NUMBER ONE Supreme Soul, among embodied souls; and would such understanding be considered to be Devotion or Knowledge?

Is this MAJOR MISUNDERSTANDING not the CORE REASON why INCULCATION is not REALLY taking place within souls in the Confluence Age???

Depending on our 'belief & faith’, understanding & ACTUAL experience, so will be our INCULCATION, number-wise!
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Sakar Murli & Avyakt Vani points for churning

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BKWSU SM, Revised 27.06.2015 wrote: तुम कहाँ बैठे हो? इनको स्कूल अथवा युनिवर्सिटी भी कह सकते हो। विश्व विद्यालय है, जिसकी ईश्वरीय ब्रान्चेज हैं। बाप ने बड़े ते बड़ी युनिवर्सिटी खोली है। शास्त्रों में रूद्र यज्ञ नाम लिख दिया है, इस समय तुम बच्चे जानते हो शिवबाबा ने यह पाठशाला अथवा युनिवर्सिटी खोली है। ऊंच ते ऊंच बाप पढ़ाते हैं। यह तो बच्चों की बुद्धि में याद रहना चाहिए - भगवान हमको पढ़ाते हैं।

Where are you sitting? This place can also be called a School or University. This is a World University and it has spiritual branches. The Father has opened the greatest University of all. The name “Sacrificial Fire of Rudra” is mentioned in the scriptures. You know that Shiv Baba has opened this place of study (Pathshala) or University at this time. The highest-on-high Father is teaching you. It should be kept in the intellects of you Children that God is teaching you.
Which Father has opened the GREATEST UNIVERSITY of all, through whom, when, and where is it located at present?
Who is the highest-on-high Father who is TEACHING through this PARTICULAR UNIVERSITY?
Which Children CLEARLY have in their intellects that God Himself TEACHES through this PARTICULAR UNIVERSITY?

Which children are made to believe that God did NOT TEACH through this PARTICULAR UNIVERSITY before, and is NOT TEACHING through this PARTICULAR UNIVERSITY now, and is TEACHING through ANOTHER UNIVERSITY, and what are the reasons for such CONTRADICTORY beliefs?

Depending on our 'belief & faith’, understanding & ACTUAL experience, so will be our INCULCATION, number-wise, to reach our desired destination!
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BKWSU SM, Revised 27.06.2015 wrote: तुम देखते हो इस पतित दुनिया का विनाश सामने खड़ा है। क्यों न बाबा का बन जायें, स्वाहा हो जायें। पूछते हैं स्वाहा कैसे हों? ट्रांसफर कैसे करें? बाबा कहते - बच्चे, तुम इस (साकार) बाबा को देखते हो ना। यह खुद करके सिखा रहे हैं। जैसा कर्म हम करेंगे हमको देख और करेंगे। बाप ने इनसे कर्म कराया ना। सारा यज्ञ में स्वाहा कर दिया। स्वाहा होने में कोई तकलीफ थोड़ेही है। यह न बहुत साहूकार, न गरीब था। साधारण था।

You can see that the destruction of this impure world is just ahead. Therefore, why should you not belong to the Father and sacrifice yourself? You ask: How can I sacrifice myself? How can I transfer everything?
Baba says: Children, you can see this (corporeal) Baba, can you not? This one is doing everything himself and also teaching you. Whatever others see me do, they will do the same. The Father made this one do these things, is it not? He sacrificed everything into the sacrificial fire. There is no difficulty in sacrificing everything. This one was neither too rich nor too poor; he was ordinary.
Which Baba speaks about which Baba, and declares that he did everything himself, and also practically TAUGHT the Children?
Which Baba made which Baba do these things in PRACTICAL, as an example for Children to follow?
Which Baba sacrificed EVERYTHING into the sacrificial fire?
Which Baba was neither TOO RICH nor TOO POOR, and has been declared to be ORDINARY, by God Himself?

Who are the children who consider that particular Baba, to be NOT ORDINARY but EXTRA-ORDINARY, and CLEARLY (perhaps innocently or ignorantly) CONTRADICT the Versions of God, and what are the reasons for them to think or believe in this manner?

Depending on our 'belief & faith’, understanding & ACTUAL experience, so will be our INCULCATION, number-wise, to reach our desired destination!
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BKWSU SM, Revised 20.06.2015 wrote: तुम पहले रूद्र माला, फिर रूण्ड माला बनते हो। पहले नम्बर में है रूद्र माला जिसमें शिव भी है, रूण्ड माला में शिव कहाँ से आये। वह है विष्णु की माला। इन बातों को भी कोई समझते थोड़ेही हैं। अभी तुम कहते हो हम शिवबाबा के गले का हार जाए बनते हैं। ब्राह्मणों की माला नहीं बन सकती है। ब्राह्मणों की माला होती नहीं।

You FIRST become part of the rosary of Rudra, AND THEN the rosary of Runda (Vishnu). The first number rosary is that of Rudra, in which Shiva is also included. How could Shiva exist in the rosary of Runda? That is the rosary of Vishnu. Hardly anyone is able to understand these things. You now say that you are going to become the garland around Shiv Baba’s neck. A rosary of Brahmins cannot be created. There is no rosary of Brahmins.
Who are those who CLEARLY understand that the VERY SAME SOULS who become part of the rosary of Rudra, (number-wise, in accordance with their efforts), in their FINAL STAGE at the VERY END of the Confluence Age, when Shiva is present - THEN qualify to become part of the rosary of Runda, (number-wise, in accordance with their efforts in the Confluence Age), in the VERY BEGINNING of Golden Age, (as the FRUIT of their efforts in the Confluence Age), when Shiva is NO LONGER present, or is absent?

Who are those who have been ‘made to believe’ that the souls of the rosary of Rudra(Shiva) are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from the souls of the rosary of Runda(Vishnu), with respect to the transition period of the Confluence Age and the Goden Age, and what are the reasons for such ‘MISPLACED’ belief?
Do which TRANSITION PERIOD does this ‘MISPLACED’ belief ACTUALLY APPLY, (although ‘MISPLACED’, but still APPROPRIATE), within the Cycle?

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BKWSU SM, Revised 29.06.2015 wrote: भक्ति की माला ही अलग है। ज्ञान मार्ग की माला अलग है। रावण की राजाई अलग, तुम्हारी राजाई अलग। उनको दिन, उनको रात कहा जाता है।

The rosary of Devotion is separate from the rosary of the path of Knowledge. Ravan’s kingdom is separate from your Kingdom. That is called the Night whereas this is called the Day.
Who are those who CLEARLY understand that the rosary of Devotion and the rosary of Knowledge
are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT, with respect to the transition period of the Confluence Age between Silver Age & Copper Age, and also understand that these two rosaries have their origin in the transition period of the Confluence Age between Iron Age & Golden Age?

Who are those who confuse the ‘rosary of Rudra(Shiva) & rosary of Runda(Vishnu)’ with the ‘rosary of Knowledge & rosary of Devotion’; and consequently, who confuse the significance of the ‘Confluence Age between Iron Age & Golden Age’ with the significance of the ‘Confluence Age between Silver Age & Copper Age’; and what are the reasons for such confusion?

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BKWSU SM, Revised 28.02.2015 wrote: तो तुम बाप के ग्लानि की बातें मत सुनो । बाप कहते हैं मेरी कितनी ग्लानि करते हैं । तुमको मालूम है - कृष्ण के भक्त के आगे धूप जगाते हैं तो राम के भक्त नाक बंद कर लेते हैं । एक-दो की खुशबू भी अच्छी नहीं लगती । आपस में जैसे दुश्मन हो जाते हैं । अब तुम हो राम वंशी । दुनिया है सारी रावण-वंशी ।

You mustn’t listen to anything that defames the Father. The Father says: They defame Me so much! You know that when incense sticks are burning in front of Krishna’s devotees, Rama’s devotees hold their nose. They don’t even like the fragrance of one another's incense sticks! It is as though they become enemies. You NOW belong to Rama’s, or God’s family, whereas the rest of the world belong to Ravan’s family.
Which are the ‘incense sticks’ or interpretations of the Versions of Knowledge, which are ‘burning’ or are actively being churned, ‘in front of’ or within the intellects of Krishna’s(Brahma’s) ‘devotees’ or children, in the latter part of the Confluence Age, after 1969?

Which are the ‘incense sticks’ or interpretations of the Versions of Knowledge, which are ‘burning’ or are actively being churned, ‘in front of’ or within the intellects of Rama’s(Shankar’s) ‘devotees’ or children, in the latter part of the Confluence Age, after 1969?

Who are the Rama’s(Shankar’s) ‘devotees’ or children, in the latter part of the Confluence Age, after 1969, who ‘hold their nose’ or are unable to accept, acknowledge or appreciate the ‘fragrance of the incense sticks’ or interpretations of the Versions of Knowledge, ‘burning’ or emerging from the intellects of Krishna’s(Brahma’s) ‘devotees’ or children, in the latter part of the Confluence Age, after 1969, and being presented ‘in front of them’?

Who are the Krishna’s(Brahma’s) ‘devotees’ or children, in the latter part of the Confluence Age, after 1969, who ‘hold their nose’ or are unable to accept, acknowledge or appreciate the ‘fragrance of the incense sticks’ or interpretations of the Versions of Knowledge, ‘burning’ or emerging from the intellects of Rama’s(Shankar’s) ‘devotees’ or children, in the latter part of the Confluence Age, after 1969, and being presented ‘in front of them’?

Who are the Children who belong to TRUE Rama(Shiva) or God’s Family, who are completely detached, and are able to watch such games of above children, in the Confluence Age, as a form of entertainment, owing to their high degree of inculcation and purity of the intellect, achieved through ACCURATE remembrance of God, the Supreme Soul?

Who are the children who belong to APPARENT Rama(Shankar) or Ravan’s family, who allow themselves to be attracted and attached to APPARENT Rama(Shankar) or Ravan, (who claims that Shiva is in him and that he is the ‘Supreme Soul’), owing to their lack of adequate inculcation and purity of the intellect, (due to INACCURATE remembrance of God, the REAL Supreme Soul), and who ‘innocently or ignorantly’ defame TRUE Rama(Shiva) or God so much, COMPLETELY UNAWARE that they are ACTUALLY doing so?

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BKWSU SM, Revised 28.02.2015 wrote: तो बेहद का बाप जो तुमको वर्सा देते हैं,उनकी कितनी ग्लानि करते हैं । ज्ञान तो कोई में है नहीं । वह ज्ञान रत्न नहीं, परन्तु पत्थर हैं । अभी तुम्हें बाप को याद करना पड़े । बाप कहते हैं मैं जो हूँ, जैसा हूँ, यथार्थ रीति मुझे कोई नहीं जानते । बच्चों में भी नम्बरवार हैं । बाप को यथार्थ रीति याद करना है । वह भी इतनी छोटी बिन्दी है, उनमें यह सारा पार्ट भरा हुआ है । बाप को यथार्थ रीति जानकर याद करना है, अपने को आत्मा समझना है । भल हम बच्चे हैं परन्तु ऐसे नहीं कि बाप की आत्मा बड़ी, हमारी छोटी है – नहीं! भल बाप नॉलेजफुल हैं परन्तु आत्मा कोई बड़ी नहीं हो सकती ।

They defame the unlimited Father who gives you your inheritance, so much. None of them has Knowledge. The things they say are not Jewels of Knowledge, but stones. You now have to remember the Father. The Father says: No one knows Me ACCURATELY, as I am, or what I am. In this, you Children are also numberwise. You have to remember the Father ACCURATELY. HE TOO IS A TINY POINT! An entire part is within Him. You have to consider yourself to be a soul, and you have to know the Father ACCURATELY and remember Him. Although we are His children, it is not that the Father is a large soul and that we are small – NO! Although the Father is full of Knowledge, His soul is not any larger than us.
Who are the children, in the Confluence Age, who defame the unlimited Father so much; what drives them to do so, and in what manner do they do so?
Who are the children, in the Confluence Age, who DO NOT HAVE ACCURATE KNOWLEDGE; and who mistakenly believe that what they think/speak/write are the ‘Jewels of Knowledge’, when, IN FACT, they are STONES/bombs/missiles, which they throw/hurl/fire at each other, thus ‘innocently or ignorantly’ causing grave sorrow to each other, and what are the causes & reasons which compel them to do so?

Who are the children who are neither able to acknowledge the FACT, nor are able to remember God, the way He ACTUALLY is – A TINY POINT (source of spiritual light energy) - just as they themselves ACTUALLY are – A TINY POINT (source of spiritual light energy)? And what are the factors which cause such children to mistakenly believe that the ‘accurate form’ or ‘yatharth rup’ of God is a combination of God alongwith the form of an embodied soul, either gross or subtle; and that they have to remember God inside a bodily form of an embodied soul, either gross or subtle - TOTALLY CONTRARY to the ACTUAL TRUTH revealed CLEARLY by God Himself, (about Himself and other human souls), and the ACTUAL DIRECTIVE of God Himself - delusively believing that such ACCURATE revelation or directive of God Himself is a mistaken belief of embodied souls who have not understood the Knowledge correctly, thus compounding the issue further, to their very own detriment?

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BKWSU SM, Revised 03.07.2015 wrote: मनुष्य की जो आत्मा है वह तो जड़ में जा नहीं सकती। शास्त्रों में ऐसी-ऐसी बातें लिख दी हैं। इन्द्रप्रस्थ से धक्का दिया तो पत्थर बन गया। अब बाप बैठ समझाते हैं, बाप बच्चों को कहते हैं देह के सम्बन्ध तोड़ अपने को आत्मा समझो। मामेकम् याद करो।

The human soul cannot transmigrate into non-sentient things. Such things have been written in the scriptures. For instance, someone was pushed out of Indraprasth and turned to stone. The Father now sits here and explains. He says to the children: Break away from all bodily relations and consider yourselves to be souls. Constantly remember Me ALONE!
Who are the children who have been PUSHED OUT of ‘Indraprasth’ or the Godly University established DIRECTLY by God Himself, owing to their own ‘manmat & parmat’ or ‘intentions & actions’, and therefore have divorced themselves from being in the presence of God in the Confluence Age, to their very own detriment?
Who are the children, whose INTELLECTS turn to STONE, having been PUSHED OUT of ‘Indraprasth’, and therefore, thereafter, are left with no recourse but to indulge in using the original PURE ‘Jewels of Knowledge’, (delivered to humanity DIRECTLY by God), (after having MISINTERPRETED & MISAPPROPRIATED them), as STONES/bombs/missiles, which they throw/hurl/fire at each other, thus ‘innocently or ignorantly’ causing grave sorrow to each other, COMPLETELY UNAWARE that they are, IN FACT, doing so?

Who are the Children who CLEARLY understand that they have to break away from the awareness of their own body, and ALL bodily relations, WHETHER GROSS or SUBTLE, in order to have ACCURATE REMEMBRANCE of God ALONE, for their very own benefit?

Who are the children who INEXORABLY get drawn into ‘ADULTERY’, (owing to the ADULTERATION of the interpretations of the original ‘Jewels of Knowledge’), by mistakenly believing that the ‘accurate form’ or ‘yatharth rup’ of God is a combination of God alongwith the form of an embodied soul, either gross or subtle; and therefore are unable to have ACCURATE UNADULTERATED REMEMBRANCE (‘avyabichari Yaad’) of God ALONE - much to their very own detriment?

Who are the Children, who CLEARLY understand that, just as ONE individual soul can take maximum 84 DIFFERENT bodily forms, BUT the soul is the SAME ONE; so also, the Supreme Soul or God may be considered to have or to take MANY DIFFERENT bodily forms, either gross or subtle, but the Surpeme Soul or God is the very SAME ONE; and therefore they should consider themselves to be a SOUL, UNADULTERATED by any bodily form, either gross or subtle – and REMEMBER ONLY the Supreme Soul, UNADULTERATED by any bodily form, either gross or subtle – in order to reach their TRUE, HIGHEST destination – to be instrumental to usher in UNITY from DIVERSITY?

Who are the children who are UNABLE to free themselves from the AWARENESS of the body and bodily relationships, either gross or subtle, and who get INEXORABLY drawn into mistakenly believing that the ‘accurate form’ or ‘yatharth rup’ of God is a combination of God alongwith the form of an embodied soul, either gross or subtle – much to their very own detriment, as a consequence of which they are unable to have ACCURATE remembrance and unable to reach the TRUE, HIGHEST destination – and therefore become instrumental to usher in DIVERSITY from UNITY?

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BKWSU SM, Revised 28.02.2015 wrote: यह ज्ञान की बातें, समझने की हैं। बाबा रूप भी है, तो बसन्त भी है। तेजोमय बिन्दी रूप है। उनमें ज्ञान भी है। नाम-रूप से न्यारा तो है नहीं। उनका रूप क्या है, यह दुनिया नहीं जानती। बाप तुमको समझाते हैं, मुझे भी आत्मा कहते हैं, सिर्फ सुप्रीम आत्मा। परम आत्मा सो मिलकर हो जाता परमात्मा। बाप भी है, टीचर भी है। कहते भी हैं नॉलेजफुल। वह समझते हैं नॉलेजफुल अर्थात् सबके दिलों को जानने वाला है। अगर परमात्मा सर्वव्यापी है तो फिर सब नॉलेजफुल हो गये। फिर उस एक को क्यों कहते? मनुष्यों की कितनी तुच्छ बुद्धि है। ज्ञान की बातों को बिल्कुल नहीं समझते। बाप ज्ञान और भक्ति का कॉन्ट्रास्ट बैठ बताते हैं - पहले है ज्ञान दिन सतयुग-त्रेता, फिर है द्वापर-कलियुग रात। ज्ञान से सद्गति होती है। यह राजयोग का ज्ञान हठयोगी समझा न सकें। न गृहस्थी समझा सकेंगे क्योंकि अपवित्र हैं। अब राजयोग कौन सिखलावे? जो कहते हैं मामेकम याद करो तो विकर्म विनाश हों।

These things of Knowledge have to be understood. Baba is Rup and Basant. He has the form of a very bright dot. He also has Knowledge. He is not beyond name and form. No one in the world knows what His form is. The Father explains to you: I too am called a soul, but it's just that I am the Supreme Soul. The Supreme Soul is God. He is the Father and the Teacher. He is called the Knowledge-full One. People believe that He is Knowledge-full, means that He knows what is going on in each one's heart. If God were omnipresent, everyone else would also be knowledge-full. So, then, why do they only call that one, the Knowledge-full One? People's intellects have become so degraded! They do not understand any aspects of Knowledge at all. The Father sits here and tells you the contrast between Devotion and Knowledge. First of all, there is Knowledge, the Day; that consists of the Golden and Silver Ages. Then, there is the Night of the Copper and Iron Ages. It is through Knowledge that there is salvation. Hatha yogis cannot explain the Knowledge of Raja Yogis. Even householders cannot explain it, because they are impure. So then, who can teach Raja Yoga? The One who says: Constantly remember Me ALONE, so that your sins can be absolved.
Which Children understand Knowledge CORRECTLY and EXPERIENCE the ‘accurate form’ or ‘yatharth rup’ of God to be a VERY BRIGHT DOT or TINY POINT (source of spiritual light energy), just as they themselves are the SAME - a VERY BRIGHT DOT or TINY POINT (source of spiritual light energy), and what benefits do they derive from such ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED REMEMBRANCE (‘avyabichari Yaad’) of God?

Which children DO NOT understand any aspects of Knowledge AT ALL, in the CORRECT PERSPECTIVE, and mistakenly believe that the ‘accurate form’ or ‘yatharth rup’ of God is a combination of God alongwith the form of an embodied soul, either gross or subtle; and that they have to remember God inside a bodily form of an embodied soul, either gross or subtle; and therefore are unable to have ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED REMEMBRANCE (‘avyabichari Yaad’) of God ALONE - much to their very own detriment?

Which Children CORRECTLY understand the contrast between Knowledge & Devotion; and have ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED REMEMBRANCE of God, in order to get their DIRECT inheritance of SOVEREIGNTY in the Day of the Cycle or Golden & Silver Ages?

Which Children are unable to CLEARLY DIFFERENTIATE between Knowledge & Devotion; and endeavour to have INACCURATE & ADULTERATED REMEMBRANCE of God, through which they receive only the INDIRECT inheritance of sovereignty in the Night of the Cycle or Copper & Iron Ages?

Who are the Children who CLEARLY understand that ONLY ‘saput’ or RIGHTEOUS Children of God can have ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED REMEMBRANCE (‘avyabichari Yaad’) of God ALONE;
and who also CLEARLY understand that the ‘kaput’ or UNRIGHTEOUS children of God CANNOT have ACCURATE & UNADULTERATED REMEMBRANCE (‘avyabichari Yaad’) of God ALONE, (owing to their governing tendencies or proclivities), and therefore have NO OPTION but to resort to INACCURATE & ADULTERATED REMEMBRANCE of God, through their respective ‘isht Dev or isht Devi’, in accordance with their respective governing PRINCIPAL 'belief affiliations' in the Night of the Cycle?

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BKWSU AV 26.12.1979, Revised 05.07.2015 wrote: वास्तव में नॉलेजफुल बाप द्वारा विशेष तीन स्मृतियों का तीन बिन्दियों के रूप में तिलक दिया हुआ है। उन तीन स्मृतियों का त्रिशूल के रूप में यादगार बनाया है।
यह तीन स्मृतियाँ हैं - एक स्वयं की स्मृति, दूसरी बाप की स्मृति और तीसरी ड्रामा के नॉलेज की स्मृति। इन विशेष तीन स्मृतियों में सारे ही ज्ञान का विस्तार समाया हुआ है। नॉलेज के वृक्ष की यह तीन स्मृतियाँ हैं।
जैसे वृक्ष का पहले बीज होता है, उस बीज द्वारा पहले दो पत्ते निकलते हैं, फिर वृक्ष का विस्तार होता है, ऐसे मुख्य हैं बीज बाप की स्मृति। फिर दो पत्ते अर्थात् विशेष स्मृतियाँ - आत्मा की सारी नॉलेज और ड्रामा की स्पष्ट नॉलेज। इन तीन स्मृतियों को धारण करने वाले ‘स्मृति भव’ के वरदानी बन जाते हैं। इन तीन स्मृतियों के आधार पर मायाजीत जगतजीत बन जाते हैं। तीनों स्मृतियों की संगमयुग पर विशेषता है, इसलिए राजयोगी-तिलक तीन स्मृतियों का अर्थात् तीन बिन्दी के रूप में हरेक के मस्तक पर चमकता है। जैसे त्रिशूल से अगर एक भाग खत्म हो जाए तो यथार्थ शस्त्र नहीं कहा जायेगा। सम्पूर्ण विजयी की निशानी है - तीन बिन्दी अर्थात् त्रि-स्मृति स्वरूप।

In fact, the Knowledge-full Father has given all of you the triple ‘anointment’ or ‘tilak’ of three dots – the ‘anointment’ or ‘tilak’ of the awareness of three different things. Your awareness of these three things has been portrayed in your memorial in the form of a Trident (Trishul).
The three different types of awareness are: the awareness of the Self, the awareness of the Father and the awareness of the Knowledge of Drama. The expansion of the whole Knowledge is merged in the awareness of these three. The awareness of these three is the Tree of Knowledge.
First, there is the seed of the tree. Then, two leaves emerge from that seed and then the tree continues to grow. In the same way, the first and main thing is the awareness of the Father, the Seed. Then, there are the two Leaves; they are the special awareness of the full Knowledge of the Soul and also the clear Knowledge of Drama. Those who remain constantly aware of these three receive the blessing of being a constant embodiment of remembrance. On the basis of your awareness of these three, you can defeat Maya and thereby conquer the World. The Confluence Age is the special time for having the awareness of these three things. Hence the Raja Yogi ‘tilak’ is sparkling on the forehead of each of you in the form of three dots, to represent your awareness of these three things. If one prong of a Trident (Trishul) is broken, that weapon cannot be considered to be accurate. A completely victorious soul is seen to be an embodiment of the awareness of three things, that is, the three dots.
View English AV 26.12.1979

View Hindi AV 26.12.1979

Which Children understand the ACCURATE significance of the memorial of the Trident or Trishul - as a NON-VIOLENT weapon with which to COMPLETELY TRANSFORM & achieve COMPLETE VICTORY over the TEN HEADS of Ravan, representing the FIVE MAJOR vices, EACH, in the masculine & feminine personalities of a singular embodied human soul?

Which Children ACCURATELY understand the more subtle significance of the Trident or Trishul to be the COMPLETE TRANSCENDENCE or COMPLETE VICTORY of the soul over the TEN HEADS of Ravan, representing the TWO MAJOR ideologies in the central trunk of the Tree, and the FOUR Major ideologies on EITHER side of the Tree, correspondingly incorporating the ideological concepts of both the ‘Pravritti’ as well as ‘Nivritti’ Paths, in the Night of the Cycle, which emerge in the intellects of instrumental souls exposed to the relevant Versions of the Pure Godly Knowledge itself, more specifically in the latter part of the Confluence Age, when same are MISINTERPRETED, or are ACCURATELY interpreted in PERFECT conjunction & accordance with those specific, corresponding ideologies?

Which Children also CLEARLY understand that the 'DOT', placed in the CENTRE of the CENTRAL horizontal line, of the THREE LINES, placed on top of the 'Shiv Ling', together, ACTUALLY represent the ACCURATE MEMORIAL of the 'three different types of constant awareness' of the 'saput' or RIGHTEOUS Children, in constant remembrance of God, at the very end of the Confluence Age, EXPERIENCING God or Shiva as a TINY POINT or BRIGHT DOT, which is the 'avyabichari' or UNADULTERATED, 'yatharth rup' or 'accurate form' of God?
= Interpretation of the memorial of ‘Trishul’, from a link of a post on this forum = wrote: 'TRISHUL' or the Trident, (with Shankar or Durga), REPRESENTS:
1. Destruction of Evil in the outer world through three phases – nuclear war, natural calamities and
civil war. The central spike represents nuclear war, which triggers the other two aspects of
This is the consequence of the destruction of Evil(suffering) in the mind, intellect and
sanskars of all souls of the outer world, initiated by the destruction of Evil in the mind, intellect and
sanskars of 9,00,000 souls of the outer sphere of Brahmin souls on a subtle level.
2. Destruction of Evil(suffering) in the mind, intellect and sanskars of 16,000 souls of the central
sphere of Brahmin souls on a subtler level.
3. Destruction of Evil(suffering) in the mind, intellect and sanskars of 108 souls of the inner sphere
of Brahmin souls on the subtlest level.
The central spike represents destruction of Evil(suffering) in the sanskars, which entails
destruction of evil in the mind and intellect.
Which Children CORRECTLY understand, and are INVOLVED with the process of CONSTRUCTIVE TRANSFORMATION through a NON-VIOLENT PROCESS, initiated by God or Shiva, and who is the MAIN instrumental soul through whom this is initiated and accomplished?

Which children ACCURATELY believe, and are INVOLVED with the process of DESTRUCTIVE TRANSFORMATION through a VIOLENT PROCESS, initiated by Ravan through Shankar, and who is the MAIN instrumental soul through whom this is initiated and accomplished?

Which Children CORRECTLY understand that both PROCESSES are essential and necessary for FINAL LIBERATION & FRUITION, (recent example being the involvement of both NON-VIOLENT activity of MK Gandhi and VIOLENT activity of SC Bose, in the liberation of India from the British yoke), and therefore are able to watch the unfolding events as detached observers, TOTALLY unaffected by the apparent adverse behaviour & conduct of the concerned instrumental individuals, and apparent adverse circumstances & situations?

Depending on our 'belief & faith’, understanding & ACTUAL experience, so will be our INCULCATION, number-wise, to reach our desired destination!
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